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You deserve what?

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:12 AM
I am so sick of hearing how everyone deserves basic food/shelter, etc. No you don't! You are an animal, no different than a cat or ground hog. The only thing you deserve is the ability to fend for yourself. No one is responsible to give you anything. Your ability to survive is on you, and no one else. It's time we stopped blaming others for our lack of success and start fending for ourselves.

We have been indoctrinated into this belief that society owes us something. It does not. No one forces you to work a job, no one forces you to buy a house, a car or TV. That is your choice. You have the ability to go into the wilderness and make your own way. There are plenty of people who do it. We are under this illusion that people are put into place by us to look out for us. They do not.

Money is something someone agreed to thousands of years ago and it stuck. Someone figured out that they could scam others for their work and be lazy. Soon more people were doing it. Eventually it became a lopsided civilization because no one wanted to work. They all wanted the lazy life. Anyone who could do it was envied by the ones who couldn't. Soon these people started looking for places where they could do the same things.

New countries are formed, and the cycle repeats itself. Now here we are at the same crossroads, but there is one problem...there is no where else to go to start it again. People are envious of the ones who don't work, and want a piece of the pie. We have grown into that envious society without even realizing it. We depend on these non-workers for our sustenance and get mad when they don't pony up. Stop feeding the beast if you don't like it!

You have the power to stop all of this, you just have to want it bad enough. Pair your lifestyle down to basic needs and stop feeding the corporate machine. It wouldn't take long for them to get the message. If you are not buying their goods, they can't make money, quite simple. These "fat cats" as most people call them got where they are by your consumerist and instant gratification lifestyle. Quit participating.

You have the power, you have the knowledge, you just have to want it. We don't need OWS or any other movement to return this country to it's people. We need our citizens to make a stand and stop feeding the machine. We all have the power to affect change, question is, are you willing? Our are you just content to do lip service and whine about someone else getting something for nothing? When are you going to make a stand? When will you make a statement with your wallet? Choice is yours. You either accept things as they are, or you make the change.

It's up to you.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by haarvik

So effectively, you do not believe in Human Rights?

Or the Charter Of Freedoms?

Or any form of basic societal function that provides food, shelter and the basic necessities of life?

I would very much disagree. As member of the race of MAN, you have natural given rights that nobody can take away from you. They are not God given, they are simple and common sense things that every human being should be afforded for the sake of the species.


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

No, they are not. If it were, you would be born with it. It would be written down for you to have. You are only guaranteed the opportunity to obtain them. Big difference. Being human does not give us any more special rights than any animal. just because we can reason does not automatically guarantee us anything.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by haarvik

OK, what are we to do with those who cant help themselves? Handicapped, mentally retarded, elderly, children?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:23 AM
did one of the occupy (everything should be handed to me) follower tik you off? ya know sometimes i get that way. its gonna be okay like every important thing in life it annoys the liv ving daylights out of you before it dies off. i.e. 9/ was played out SO HARD that now it comes around once a year for bout a week or two then its gone. kinda like a bad stomach virus. I believe in human rights but I DO NOT BELIEVE IN HUMAN ENTITLEMENT. if you understand that.
edit on 20-10-2011 by MissCoyote because: typo

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by PosterNutbag

That's what families are for. Remember back before welfare? Probably not, but back then families took care of their own. A home or farm was given to the eldest and they in return cared for their parents when they got old. Why should I have to contribute to the care of someone who isn't related to me? We have been brainwashed into thinking society has a debt to pay for people who can't or won't fend for themselves.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by haarvik

As animals, we are all human and belong to the same pack. In a pack of animals, once the alpha has had what they need the rest is shared between everyone else. When the alpha refuses to let the rest of the pack eat what is left then they turn on the alpha and run him out of town or worse.

So by wanting the extreme rich to share part of their bounty we are truly acting like the animals you say we are. For that very reason the day is near where those who feel like you do will no longer dare to openly express their opinions or they will be exiled by society and lose all that they have. After all it is only animal instinct

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:29 AM
So the only choices we have are

a) work a job and submit

b) move to the woods and give up on improving society leaving all our friends and family behind

c)become homeless, jobless and live out of garbage cans and sleep on a folded up box.

Seems to me like the only real choice is choice A, making it a false choice. There IS NO CHOICE. Either you are a slave to corporations or you are homeless, poor and on the fringes of society. There is no choice other than working some crappy job for to pay for food and shelter. You advocate giving up on society altogehter, screw improving the world for our kids and the generations beyond. Screw helping out the people that cannot help themselves. Well, thats just selfish and many don't want to live that way.

Society progresses because people think they DESERVE more rights. From the Magna Carta to the Founding Fathers to OWS nowadays. We deserve more because we all contribute yet have less than people who contribute nothing but financial acrobatics and mathematical deceptions. Tell me, what do THEY do to deserve the profits WE MAKE FOR THEM?

We deserve free food and shelter because we are animals. You're right. We're animals. And any animals primary, first and foremost needs are food and shelter. Therefore, free food and shelter should be our first and foremost human right. We deserve these rights because we CAN provide these rights. What good is free speech if we're starving to death? We have a right NOT TO QUARTER FOREIGN SOLDIERS but no right to the most basic elements of life, food and shelter. How does that make sense?
edit on 20-10-2011 by doctornamtab because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by MissCoyote

Yes, I fully understand.

My point to all of this was to illustrate that we are entitled to nothing...NOTHING! All of this OWS and bleeding heart liberal mentality screams of "take care of me"! Give me something! I'm jealous of that rich guy, he should give me some of his money so I can have more stuff!

For the record, I am neither liberal nor conservative. I am American. I believe we are the sole providers of our destiny. Yes, this world we live in can make it appear that a lot of us are getting shafted. But by who's standards? Are you forced to work? Are you forced to serve in the military? NO! So by all accounts you are free to do as you wish.

I have been homeless, twice. Each time I found ways to bring myself out of it and move on. I have made $0 and I have made upper six figures. I have lived in my car, and I have lived in grand houses. these were things I worked for, no one gave them to me. And at no point on either end of that spectrum did I think someone owed me something. It was my decisions that got me to where I was, and it was my decisions that would change it. Quit worrying about what that guy over there has, and worry about yourself!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by PosterNutbag

Why should I have to contribute to the care of someone who isn't related to me?

Because thats the law
I deal with this every payday. If you care to think about this in a more openminded kinda way I believe that somewhere along the road somehow we are all related in some form or fashion whether it was by the religious ADAM and EVE or by LUCY the monkey. But all i can say is that entitlement will happen its the 21st century welcome take your shoes off at the door (don't wanna dirty the carpet)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by MissCoyote

It may be the law, but doesn't mean I have to like it. It's all about getting what I can for as little work as I can. Give me more, more, more. Why? Because I am entitled to it. I am just as good as the guy in the corner office. Really? Then prove it! Stop whining and do what he has done. Otherwise, you are just looking for something for nothing.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:39 AM
I DESERVE the following as a basic guaranteed human right provided by the elites: food (something vegan and grilled please), housing (it better be near a park and have at least 1500 square feet), water (it better be non fluorinated), clothing (nothing but lululemon), access to the internet (via my complementary macbook), medical care (acupuncture and chiropractic), a job (nothing that gets my hands dirty though, that’s what we have Mexicans for) …………… oh yeah, and don’t forget my free pony.

On top of this and in spite of my infantile like dependency upon the largesse of society I DEMAND that no one tells me how to live, how to dress, where to work, how to behave or what social norms to follow. I AM AN ADULT, fully capable of making MY OWN DECISIONS and living my life the way I SEE FIT.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by SirMike

What?! We are supposed to get a pony? No one told me about the pony

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by haarvik

We are all granted equal oppourtunity NOT equal outcome.

A very brave thread, sir!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by MissCoyote

It may be the law, but doesn't mean I have to like it. It's all about getting what I can for as little work as I can. Give me more, more, more. Why? Because I am entitled to it. I am just as good as the guy in the corner office. Really? Then prove it! Stop whining and do what he has done. Otherwise, you are just looking for something for nothing.

But what if you don't want to play that game? Not everyone wants to climb the corporate ladder. What of us then? Be content to slave away at low paying jobs and let the rich take more and more and more. The rich think they deserve more and its ok. But when the poor want more people say "Work harder".

If working harder is how the rich get richer then your definition of working harder must be "manipulating the system for your own selfish ends". The rich don't work harder. They game the economy and force their pro capitalist message down our throats with their media outlets.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by SirMike

lmfao see, entitlement i love it,
, what u want what? vegan
, 1500sq ft
i love that entire post it was the best thing i have read allllll morning.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

If you are content to not play the game, then that is your choice. Not everyone wants to play, and that is ok. If you are not content with what you make then it is also your choice to enter into an agreement for employment with someone else. No one is forcing you to accept anything. No jobs to move to in your area? Move to an area that does. That's what I did. I don't have to leave my future in the hands of someone else. I make the choices, I decide where and for whom I will work and for what wage. When I feel I am being taken advantage of, I ask for a raise. If it is justified, and not granted I leave for a better position. Quite simple.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by haarvik

So effectively, you do not believe in Human Rights?

Or the Charter Of Freedoms?

Or any form of basic societal function that provides food, shelter and the basic necessities of life?

I would very much disagree. As member of the race of MAN, you have natural given rights that nobody can take away from you. They are not God given, they are simple and common sense things that every human being should be afforded for the sake of the species.


I agree with you o.p. ! Quit playing into their hands anexpectingyourneighborsto bailyou out.
"My student debt is TOO High...

WTF is "the charter of freedoms"??????????????Some kind of U..n. b.s.?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by PosterNutbag
reply to post by haarvik

OK, what are we to do with those who cant help themselves? Handicapped, mentally retarded, elderly, children?

by OP standards if they do not have family or the family does not have the money to care for there own, we should let them fend for themselves. Yes we are animals, but some of us actually care what happens to our fellow human beings. I am not saying you do not care, but look at the big picture of being a human being. It is hard to see threw all the lies that have been forced onto us by governments/corps. We should take care of our own and I have and will do this again because I am able to provide basic necessities form them, but barely. Have a great day!

Btw... Adopt a child, take care of our own. volunteer at a homeless shelter, donate some food to a church, help your elderly neighbor, take care of our own.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by haarvik

So effectively, you do not believe in Human Rights?

Or the Charter Of Freedoms?

Or any form of basic societal function that provides food, shelter and the basic necessities of life?

I would very much disagree. As member of the race of MAN, you have natural given rights that nobody can take away from you. They are not God given, they are simple and common sense things that every human being should be afforded for the sake of the species.


deleted sorry for the double post...slow computer today...

edit on 20-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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