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New rule

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posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:24 PM
I would like a rule where members have to ask permisson before adding people to msn,etc. I now have a troll who believes to be apart of an agency and believes to have info on Area 51,etc
dont worry, block delete is now in action on MSN
. I have U2U the trolls e-mail address to a mod and hopefully this member will be banned.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by infinite
I would like a rule where members have to ask permisson before adding people to msn,etc. I now have a troll who believes to be apart of an agency and believes to have info on Area 51,etc
dont worry, block delete is now in action on MSN
. I have U2U the trolls e-mail address to a mod and hopefully this member will be banned.

what do you mean by: "members have to ask permisson before adding people to msn,etc"

dont you have to sign up for msn or AOL???

please explain some more...


posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:27 PM
My understanding was that to join ATS, you had to have a non free email address. This is a way to cut down on the kooks and spamers out there!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:29 PM
excuse my stupidity...'troll'?

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:29 PM
If you don't want people you don't want to know you contact details for IM programs, then why do you put it in the Control Panel form so people can get it.

Why not write something like, u2u me if you want my msn, yahoo...?

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:30 PM
Ive had numerous people add me on MSN or AIM claiming to have news that will change the world
I think its only far to have someones permisson before taking there contact details.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Klepto
excuse my stupidity...'troll'?

troll = anoying a$$ person

P.S. sry for the language...

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Hyperen
If you don't want people you don't want to know you contact details for IM programs, then why do you put it in the Control Panel form so people can get it.

Cause my details are public, still doesnt give people the right to add me out the blue with insane theory or claims that are insane.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Cause my details are public, still doesnt give people the right to add me out the blue with insane theory or claims that are insane.

Whats the point of having your stuff public if you don't want people do add you out of the blue.

I'd rather have people u2u me asking for my stuff and then deciding whether or not to give them the details.

Bombarding you with insane stuff though. That's just wrong.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:47 PM
sry infinite you should NOT have your info publicaly posted if you did NOT want "spammers", "trolls" and just plain BS in your e-mail box...

hate to say this BUT: THINK man THINK!!!

dont wory i made that same mistake MANY times when i had AOL but then i got optimun on line

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:53 PM
true, but having my details public isnt saying "hey feel free to add me".

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:54 PM
I think if you open options in your MSN go to privacy tab you will see a box �only people on my Allow list can see my status and send me messages� check the box

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by infinite
true, but having my details public isnt saying "hey feel free to add me".

Then what is having your details public for then?

It's just an invitation for people to add you. It's like writing 'ADD ME' in giant letters in your signature

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
I think if you open options in your MSN go to privacy tab you will see a box �only people on my Allow list can see my status and send me messages� check the box

Thats what i might have to end up doing, but i dont want anyone else to go for the annoying troll experience

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Hyperen
Then what is having your details public for then?

It's just an invitation for people to add you. It's like writing 'ADD ME' in giant letters in your signature

Well hopefully my signature will scare the trolls away.
They are public cause when members ask for my details, i tell them its on my profile and then they add me. Members who ask = Nice members

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:04 PM
Your signature scares me Infinite!!!

I cant even look at it without my eyes burning...

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
Your signature scares me Infinite!!!

I cant even look at it without my eyes burning...

You got a problem with Jigglypuff? Yeah I know, I've been through this with my son, it's coming to an end but I've got a 10 and 8 year old. I figure I've got to put up with this for another 4 years of Pokemon..

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
Your signature scares me Infinite!!!

I cant even look at it without my eyes burning...

they are waving to you!
hopefuly, i dont have to encounter anymore trolls

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:12 PM
I blocked It...i dont see it anymore!!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Klepto
excuse my stupidity...'troll'?

What is a troll?

There are four basic types of Troll.


Subject: 3.1 The old definition

The old definition of a Troll is one who posts to generate
the maximum number of follow ups. These are a very minor
irritation, and can be considered to be advantageous to


Subject: 3.2 The Irritating Troll

Some merely post drivel, or tirades against netnannies and
netcops, often at a BI of over 20. In general they cause
little real damage to newsgroups.


Subject: 3.3 The destructive Troll

In about the year 1999 a new breed of Troll appeared who
have the declared intention of destroying a specific Target
newsgroup. This is done by a variety of posts, (see
Section 4) intended to drive normal posters away from the
specific newsgroup.


Subject: 3.4 The nasty Troll

If anyone does anything which will interfere with the
troll's ability to cause mayhem, they can become very
nasty, posting from obviously incorrect variations of the
name etc. insults, call them netcops, netnannies,

Various off usenet methods are also used to force the
victim to stop posting: Subscribing the victim to hundreds
of unwanted pornographic email newsletters, and sites.
Complaining to employers about non existent misdemeanours.
Sending garbage emails without indication of sender.
Telephone calls at dead of night. Harassing the close
relatives of victims.


Subject: 3.5 The evil and illegal Troll

If anyone does anything which will interfere with the
troll's ability to cause mayhem, they also forge posts in
that persons name and internet address and libel them on
usenet. Both these are illegal.

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