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9 heads of the Hydra = 9 methods being used today to depopulate the world

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posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Highlander64

I must admit i see a serious flaw in your argument. If these NWO, Illuminati types wanted to limit population and they have been here for some time with the plan then why did they allow such things as antibiotics, modern surgery techniques, better sanitation, i.v.f, well the list is endless of the things that increase our chances of living to old age.

I do agree that there's some terribly shady practices going on but i believe the simple reason for all of these is money, greed and putting profit before one's humanity. That's the conspiracy we should focus on

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
Just my personal opinion. But I don't believe their 7 billion population figures. I believe it's much lower. Can I prove it? No. And neither can the 7 billion be proved. Unless one wants to take their word for it. Which most do.

S&F Highlander

I think you are right there

we can't prove what the population is - all we know is that these different methods are taking their respective tolls

I cant see an expanding population in countries where the people are dying at such rapid rate - unless the survivors have 6 or more children each to make up for and exceed the existing population

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone
reply to post by Highlander64

I must admit i see a serious flaw in your argument. If these NWO, Illuminati types wanted to limit population and they have been here for some time with the plan then why did they allow such things as antibiotics, modern surgery techniques, better sanitation, i.v.f, well the list is endless of the things that increase our chances of living to old age.

I do agree that there's some terribly shady practices going on but i believe the simple reason for all of these is money, greed and putting profit before one's humanity. That's the conspiracy we should focus on

Perhaps both....

A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of people most profitably--pharmaceutically--according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal.

more here

The Illuminati's current plan to reduce the world's population was set into motion at a 1957 symposium on future world development. The astonishing 'conclusion' of this seemingly benign symposium was that over-population and excessive exploitation of the environment would result in the self- destruction of the earth by the year 2,000 or shortly thereafter (Note:Illuminti front organizations for New World Order propaganda, like Cornell University, continue to "illuminate" us, to this very day, with this over-population point of view).

President Eisenhower secretly commissioned a group of scholars, known as The JASON Society to review the conclusions of the '57 symposium. The members of the JASON Society are in fact part of a secretive Illuminati group known as the Order of the Quest. The same individuals who formed the JASON Society were also key members on the Council on Foreign Relations known as the Wise Men.

Not surprisingly, the Jason Society agreed with the symposium's conclusions and drafted three proposals for Eisenhower's consideration. The three proposals were labeled Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3. Eisenhower rejected Atlernative 1 because it involved the use of nuclear weapons. However, Eisenhower did approve the implementation of Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 (as did the Soviet Union).

All three Alternatives included recommendations for population "control". They included:
1. Birth control
2. Sterilization, and
3. The introduction of deadly microbes to reduce of otherwise slow the growth of the earth's population.

this stuff is easy to find, I have been at it for about 60 hours so far, and as I said, I am not even scratching the surface..

edit on 19-10-2011 by Highlander64 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2011 by Highlander64 because: added to post

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:59 AM
Hard to condone or condemn this. Screwed if they do and screwed if they don't. If a large majority of deaths on this planet are by design it would be saving the planet. 7 billion people is a lot of mouths to feed.

What would be the alternative?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by mondo83xx
Hard to condone or condemn this. Screwed if they do and screwed if they don't. If a large majority of deaths on this planet are by design it would be saving the planet. 7 billion people is a lot of mouths to feed.

What would be the alternative?

I am sure we could solve world hunger if we spent merely a fraction of the money being spent on eradicating our children and our chances of normal reproduction

didn't YHWH say, "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it"?
look at where the largest populations are and see how little of the earth they actually occupy

lucky for me and for you my friend, we are not yet counted as one of the countless millions who have suffered and died, or worse, been murdered before we could draw breath

lucky for me, I was adopted in th eearly 60's before abortion became the best way to deal with unwanted pregnancies like myself

as such, every day I live, is one I may not have ever had, and one in which I must somehow ensure that i do not simply exist, but live - and of course if I could make a difference, this would be invaluable

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Highlander64

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
– Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund

About the only decent thing Prince Phillip has ever said

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Highlander64

Originally posted by mondo83xx
Hard to condone or condemn this. Screwed if they do and screwed if they don't. If a large majority of deaths on this planet are by design it would be saving the planet. 7 billion people is a lot of mouths to feed.

What would be the alternative?

I am sure we could solve world hunger if we spent merely a fraction of the money being spent on eradicating our children and our chances of normal reproduction

didn't YHWH say, "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it"?
look at where the largest populations are and see how little of the earth they actually occupy

lucky for me and for you my friend, we are not yet counted as one of the countless millions who have suffered and died, or worse, been murdered before we could draw breath

lucky for me, I was adopted in th eearly 60's before abortion became the best way to deal with unwanted pregnancies like myself

as such, every day I live, is one I may not have ever had, and one in which I must somehow ensure that i do not simply exist, but live - and of course if I could make a difference, this would be invaluable

Except you're ignoring the fact there's far too many people on the Earth. Doesn't matter how you cut it.

This thread is complete hogwash. People die, sometimes people die before they're born, that's evidence of nothing other than the statement itself. There is no proof "they" have any role to play.

As has been pointed out to you, several times, if "they" were serious about population control there wouldn't be so many of us walking the earth as there are now.

What you also forget is that "they" would lose their power and hold with less people in the world. They thrive as they do because they have 7 billion sheep lining their pockets. Why would they want to get rid of the people making them as super wealthy as "they" are.

There is no evidence for your claims and it doesn't even make any sort of logical sense, even in theory.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:54 AM
The masters of the Utopia will not be an Aryan one as the agenda at hand at the moment is to ethnically cleanse the entire white race and yes,its an openly admitted agenda.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Highlander64

You forgot obesity and natural disasters.

Sorry but to me this is a lot of paranoid nonsense. Are each of these issues something that should be addressed? YEP. But are they part of some directed effort by some shadowy elite conspiracy? I highly doubt it. You claim that these are methods being used, this implies that there's a user, someone guiding them. Quite frankly I don't see how anyone could accomplish such a feat, let alone managing to wield all 9 of these.

To me this looks like desperately seeking a pattern in a sometimes chaotic world. Like an ancient civilization threatened by a powerful volcanic eruption it's hard for you to believe that it's a simple act of nature and that someone isn't controlling or guiding that eruption. Sorry but I just don't see it, especially since in the last hundred years the population has sky-rocketed as has the life expectancy of the average human being.

The average poor person in the first world today lives better than the richest men could have dreamed of living just a few centuries ago. By all statistics I'm below the poverty line, yet here I am on the internet connected to an entire world of people able to access whatever information I want in just a few clicks. Seems to me that the world is getting better not worse. Are there still a lot of issues and problems that need addressing? OF COURSE there are, but all this doom and gloom paranoia is not preferable to being realistic about dealing with those issues.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:11 AM
its easy to say this is hogwash when you are not sick from your water (yet), lost a child, cant have a child, had one abducted, been brainwashed into fighting their wars, contracted aids

let's see how loud we scream for justice when it enters our circle....are we really so conditioned to just off-handedly dismiss the wholesale death of hundreds of millions of people each year?

it is quite clear there is a plan - I havent posted all my research having taken up enough space in this thread, which incidentally is about possibly joining the dots in regards to these 9 methods that may 'seem' to be independant but 'may' actually be inter-dependant

thanks for your comments


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Must be slow at ATS these days if a thread like this with hardly any participation gets on the "Newest Picks" list. I bet traffic here has slumped since Elenin failed to provide doom.

Oh yea, on topic. What is this depopulation that you speak of? Adding one billion people per generation? Yea, it's working great.


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:24 AM
Is that true about aborted baby's in pills and flavourings? Iv tried looking for a source but i onl;y get other conspiracy sites comeing up in my search.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:36 AM
Are the NWO still going? I thought they'd merged with the Flat Earth Society and sailed off through the hole at the North Pole.

(seriously if such an organisation did exist, it would win every award going for incompetence and failure. They couldn't even light a cigarette in a forest fire

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:28 AM
Interesting read, although your statistics on missing children in the U.S. are skewed somewhat. If you go and search missing children statistics in the U.S. you'll notice that even those who come up with the data admit that the figures are skewed. Often times many of the reported cases of missing children in the states are in fact the same child over and over (not daily, but weekly and monthly reporting). Often times when a child "runs away" it's only for a short period, but the case is reported since the parent(s) filed a police report. Although, it's not uncommon for the return of the child to not be officially reported. So while missing children in the states is a fairly significant issue, the reported numbers are admittedly skewed.

Just look at the report for 2010 from the FBI on missing persons cases FBI NCIC 2010. Look at the amount of canceled and removed cases.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Highlander64

Great work Highlander - I can tell you put a lot of time into it!
I had no idea that abortion accounted for so much of the death in the world. Wow. Some staggering statistics there. What is this world coming to? Seriously?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:41 AM
First - i am all for stopping the growth of population. Second - stopping growth is not depopulating.
Third - it is really so easy to drop world population. Ever heard of black death? In Europe it killed half of population, and Asia/Africa also took a serious hit.
You think now after half of century of cold war there is no nasty bio-weapon that is at least just as capable?
Not to mention what kind of person one should be to decide to kill billions... I know that there are people who are capable of lots of things, but of this?
And again, i do think that there are things done to stop the growth of population, surely by UN and most governments worldwide. And maybe by some secret organisations, i do not know.
But there is no depopulation. How many countries have less population then decade ago? You can count on 2 hands,tops.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Highlander64

Dear Highlander64,
I am going to give you a S&F for the post, however I don't actually feel it is a bad thing to depopulate the world, by a massive %.

I don't agree with it being done on behalf of, or by the elite though. However one must admit that the planet is close to, if not already, unable to sustain the demands we put on it. We are, as a race, somewhat akin to a virus. Would it be such a bad thing to reduce our numbers to a more ecologically friendly size?

Would earthly paradise be possible and sustainable with, say, 2 billion on the planet? Is not our innate greed and avarice part of the problem?

I'm going to offend loads with this next statement but this is my opinion. Would the world not be a better place without the vast numbers of third world country populations growing at a far more rapid pace than others? Bringing children into a society which produces very little, requires consistent aid and in the grand scheme of things is a leech on those who are already suffering themselves? The UK donates vast amounts of money overseas to countries which really should, by now, be able to sort themselves out. Of course there are intrinsic issues in many of those countries whereby aid is detoured and financial support does not go to those for whom it is intended.

I don't know the solution, but my partner and I decided not to bring children into this world because of many of the issues there are on this planet. I certainly do not want a son or daughter fighting for survival for the rest of their lives. Maybe if more couples made the same choice/sacrifice, rather than the poorly educated "chavs" breeding like rabbits and putting an even bigger strain on a society already paying through the nose for those who bring nothing, we would be better of as a whole?

Somewhat right-winged of an opinion I know, but it is what it is.


edit on 20-10-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Highlander64
its easy to say this is hogwash when you are not sick from your water (yet), lost a child, cant have a child, had one abducted, been brainwashed into fighting their wars, contracted aids

let's see how loud we scream for justice when it enters our circle....are we really so conditioned to just off-handedly dismiss the wholesale death of hundreds of millions of people each year?

it is quite clear there is a plan - I havent posted all my research having taken up enough space in this thread, which incidentally is about possibly joining the dots in regards to these 9 methods that may 'seem' to be independant but 'may' actually be inter-dependant

thanks for your comments


Humans dying doesn't equate to there being some grand plan.

Your problem is that you already believe that "They are depopulating the world". And you search aimlessly, clinging to any large scale phenomena that brings death, linking with your original belief - Despite there being no evidence of connection.

What you're doing is fundamentally idiotic. Even if it is true(that 'they' are trying to depopulate the world) there is no reason or logic behind what you're doing, no evidence.

Everything is interconnected. I can find a link between you and a neo nazi skin head, it doesn't make you one.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:01 AM
I'm truly digusted by all these numbers. At this moment i find it really hard not to feel awfull of being human. We rage war, kill out own race whatever reason and through whatever means, we humans abduct our own children, polute our home planet, steal, rob, make animals extenct.. Man we failed, just hard and simple. But i still believe in the good of people. I still believe in the power that this world can change.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:04 AM
I've always wondered whats with the slow kill method, like, they think we don't know? lol much...maybe they do it like that so you can never convince enough people at once to do something about it.

this is probably going to sound absolutely absurd but I wish they would just nuke the earth ala MAD scenario style and get it over with. human dignity died long ago and no one is 'waking up' despite some glimmers in the window recently. wake up.

ed: its time to stop complaining and do something about it, google 'eugenics' for a timeline and to see from my perspective why I think we're already dead.
edit on 20/10/2011 by whatsinaname because: (no reason given)

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