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Fukushima Tsunami Debris Found 5,200 km From San Francisco - ETA America When?

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:58 PM


Have you seen this debris?

16 October 2011
Tsunami Debris Found 3,000 km Out To Sea

PHOTO: Houses, cars and boats were swept out to sea in the tsunami that engulfed Japan in March (Yomiuri: Reuters)

Coming soon to a beach near you?

Probably not, unless you live on the West Coast of North America.

Evidently, TPTB seem to have misplaced/lost/forgot about/intentionally buried this information.

A crew onboard a Russian ship has spotted debris from Japan's tsunami floating 3,000 kilometres out into the Pacific.

It is believed to be the first confirmed sighting of tsunami debris so far out into the ocean.

Yeah, right.

Too many qualifiers in that statement for starters... first - confirmed - so far out...

Accepting the term "first," leaves confirmed - have there been unconfirmed reports of this ecological disaster?

And so far out - meaning that there may have been/were sightings/reports closer in?

They would like to have one believe that NOAA, EPA, Navy Space Command, Dept. of Fisheries, etc. have no clue of where this/these thing/s is/are.

Let's help our country!

We propose a "treasure hunt" - find the debris island/s - and perhaps name them yourself - just like comets.

Just think: Debris Island #2 - (your name here) or something like that.

We propose this naming contest of this and future debris islands to commence now.

We propose this for this first one:

American Resource Island One

Wouldn't want them Commies sneaking in and stealing OUR island - after all, Japan sent it to US.

Perhaps we can track it/them like satellites and the military will grant us access to float paths and ETA America - and where.

Since this debris might be radioactive to some degree, (Gee, Wally, will the EPA/USGOV release this information before Christmas?), it might not be prudent to launch the The Raging Queen to sail out and claim such island for recycling just at this moment.

Claim it & Name it!

Besides, if you wait, the island will continue to come closer so as to make the return trip with ships laden with those valuable recyclables less costly. You just pull up along side an island with your sea-worthy MRF on barges, claim it, name it and go to work.

Just think of the possibilities!

FREE resources... just look at what you may find:

Among the wreckage was a television set, a refrigerator and a small boat registered in Fukushima.

The crew of the Russian ship recovered the boat and is now trying to trace its Japanese owner.

Members of the US Navy's 7th fleet, near the coast of Japan, say they've never seen anything like it. Houses, cars, even tractor trailers bobbing in the ocean have become a threat to shipping traffic.

"It's very challenging to move through these to consider these boats run on propellers and that these fishing nets or other debris can be dangerous to the vessels that are actually trying to do the work," Ensign Vernon Dennis said. "So getting through some of these obstacles doesn't make much sense if you are going to actually cause more debris by having your own vessel become stuck in one of these waterways."

Wonder what a salt-encrusted Peterbilt is worth “offshore?”

Is this another elephant in the room that has been merely overlooked or simply swept under the rug?

With the collective intellect and investigative talent of the members here on ATS, it shouldn't be too hard to track this/these looming disasters?

Wonder if a satellite-based thermal imaging system would be of any help here?

zorgon, what about those milsats you hacked and/or were granted access to? Any thermal imaging technology out there available? Care to provide any of those pics you're hoarding, just waiting to be asked for?

What about access to those satellites that got those great hi-res photos of Fukushima Dai-ichi?

Although, one might postulate that there already have been tracking devices implanted on these floating islands of death - after all, wouldn't that have been the prudent thing to do once they knew these blobs existed?

But then, if one began back-tracking and connecting the dots on this wriggling tentacle and were able to prove that [color=limegreen]these tracking devices are, in fact, in place, and/or information - (other that released here by ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) News - exists that proves this story just another spin within a spin) that would indicate another conspiracy (within a conspiracy - how many layers does this particularly odiferous onion have ?), designed to disenfranchise the world populace of potentially significant information that might mean the difference in life as we experience it now or a poisoned landscape and a slow, agonizing death by continual radiation poisoning from the multiple melt-throughs at Fukushima Dai-ichi 24/7/365.

The Russian ship was sailing near Midway Atoll, 3,000 kilometers east of Japan, when crew sighted the collection of floating debris.

Midway Atoll is approximately 5,100 kilometers (3,200 miles) from San Francisco.

That indicates that, at the present rate, this particular island will reach San Francisco in about 8.3 months - about June, 2012.

The International Pacific Research Centre in Hawaii says it understands that this is the first confirmed sighting of debris created by the Japan tsunami in March.

More than 200,000 buildings were washed out to sea by the tsunami and now a powerful current called the North Pacific Gyre is carrying everything towards the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California before looping back towards Hawaii and Asia.

"Across the wide Pacific the drift rate is about 5 to 10 miles per day, so it's not a terribly strong current, but it's deliberate," said oceanographer Curt Ebbesmeyer, who has tracked the path of ocean debris from around the world. "It never sleeps."

He says a year from now, things that easily float like boats, wood from houses and plastic children's toys will appear.

Ebbesmeyer posting monthly updates as to where the debris actually is on his website.

Two years out, fishing supplies and nets will come ashore and after three years, shoes, plastic furniture and even entire dining sets.

"[color=limegreen]So you have to imagine a city say the size of about Seattle, put it through a grinder and what happens?

You wind up with all kinds of debris - bodies, boats, everything from a person's life including the living themselves and half that's probably going to float," said Ebbesmeyer.

In Peace, Love & Light

edit on 18/10/2011 by thorfourwinds because: color

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:02 PM
bodies? bodies that have been at sea for quite a few months, are now what??

i'll go with 200,000 houses debris (stuff that floats),

and yea why is Japanese disaster related news buried under decadent, appealiing 'occupy' news?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:09 PM
I'm fairly certain a lot of it will add up amongt the Great Pacific Garbage Patch,

I'm in Vancouver, things washing up is not new. We used to see feet wash up, so I won't be surprised when all that stuff makes it's way over here.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:16 PM
The ATS community has not forgotten Fukishima, but too many others have. The debris is out there, radiation continues to be released, and we don't know how this will affect everyone. The true damage caused by this disaster will not be known for years.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Considering that debris may be highly radio active i dont suppose someone should take a ride out there for readings?And maybe try to stop it before some kids start picking it up off the beaches.Pleas...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:22 PM

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:45 PM
First, earhquake,

second, tsunami,

3rd, radiation from fukushima..

How would this stuff be radiated, if it went into the ocean right at the time fukushima happens? If you say the ocean, then its doesnt matter, we're screwed anyway.. The water itself may already circling the planet.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Maybe this debris will solve America's economic problems?


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

ok, dude, I'm in a questionable mood this afternoon, but I also live in SF, so I'll take the bate and give you my two cents.

Great post. At first, I thought it would be a little dull and very questionable. But . . .if that picture is "confirmed" that IS a lot of (insert term of choice here). I mean, that is a LOT of debris. Radioactive? My bet is not. Potentially a huge mass of debris hitting our shores? Could be. That is the 64,000 dollar question. The last thing we need is a major shipping harbor (port of Oakland is fed through the Golden Gate Bridge) hampered by a floating mine field.

Thanks for the heads up. We'll keep our eyes out.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:30 PM
This shows the true source of much of the pacific garbage patch that has been blamed on the US for years.

I always wonder how much propane is in the ruble from japan as propane tanks will float for 10+ years and larger tanks can act like mines if hit by a ship as the gas cloud envelopes the ship and ignites from the ships engines.

I have seen a 20lb propane tank wrapped with 200 gr primer cord and set off and it could easily level a house.

A 200 to 500 gal propane tank could easily envelope a ship with a gas cloud looking for a source of ignition

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by SFWatcher
reply to post by thorfourwinds

ok, dude, I'm in a questionable mood this afternoon, but I also live in SF, so I'll take the bate and give you my two cents.

Great post. At first, I thought it would be a little dull and very questionable. But . . .if that picture is "confirmed" that IS a lot of (insert term of choice here). I mean, that is a LOT of debris. Radioactive? My bet is not. Potentially a huge mass of debris hitting our shores? Could be. That is the 64,000 dollar question. The last thing we need is a major shipping harbor (port of Oakland is fed through the Golden Gate Bridge) hampered by a floating mine field.

Thanks for the heads up. We'll keep our eyes out.


Thank you for your time, consideration and participation - and especially the kind words.

We used to live in Mill Valley next to John Hills (Photo Editor of our magazine), before he moved to Hawaii and we to Topanga Canyon.

The pictures are of various debris fields and some of them are the actual debris fields on their way out of Japan that may have since coalesced and formed the island in question.

How the fields/islands look now is up to debate.

It seems rather odd that there are no recent recon photos of this/these thing/s.

Smells like fish from our vantage point high in the North Georgia mountains.

Digging further, we found this item from mid-April of this year.

12 April 2011
Debris likely to reach British Columbia
Debris generated by the catastrophic Japanese earthquake and tsunami is likely to end up on Canada's west coast.

Prevailing currents that lead from Japan to the BC Coast will almost certainly churn up Japanese tsunami fragments.

However, according to Bill Crawford, a research scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, BC the question isn't if, but when.

There are scientists at our lab who put radio trackers in the water and they indicate a time of about three years for arrival.”

In the water.

Attached to, or within close proximity of the debris island?

Why are the most important details always omitted?

There is a chance that debris could show up sooner. “Things that float high on the water could make it here within a year or so, because the wind will push it over the water quite a bit.”
According to Howard Freeland, another research scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, the debris would have to travel about 7,360 kilometres to reach Vancouver Island from Tokyo at an average rate of 10 kilometres per day.

Since the island has been confirmed at Midway Atoll - 3,000 km from Japan in mid-October, how does this prognostication hold up?

Marine debris poses serious problems for ocean ecosystems, fisheries and shipping.

According to the International Pacific Research Centre (IPRC) in Hawaii, much of the trash finds its way into 'garbage patches' in the ocean.

The North Pacific Garbage Patch (southwest of Canada) has become famous and Crawford believes a lot of the Japanese tsunami debris will end up there.

In t­he broad expanse of the northern Pacific Ocean, there exists the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, a slowly moving, clockwise spiral of currents created by a high-pressure system of air currents.

The area is an oceanic desert, filled with tiny phytoplankton but few big fish or mammals. Due to its lack of large fish and gentle breezes, fishermen and­ s­ailors rarely travel through the gyre.

But the area is filled with something besides plankton: trash, millions of pounds of it, most of it plastic.

[color=limegreen]It's the largest landfill in the world, and it floats in the middle of the ocean.

The gyre has actually given birth to two large masses of ever-accumulating trash, known as the Western and Eastern Pacific Garbage Patches, sometimes collectively called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Eastern Garbage Patch floats between Hawaii and California; scientists estimate its size as two times bigger than Texas [source: LA Times]. The Western Garbage Patch forms east of Japan and west of Hawaii.

Each swirling mass of refuse is massive and collects trash from all over the world. The patches are connected by a thin 6,000-mile long current called the Subtropical Convergence Zone.

Research flights showed that significant amounts of trash also accumulate in the Convergence Zone.

Research flights?

We thought that the whereabouts of such things was unknown - or is that some Japanese Stealth Cloak Technology on the Fuku Debris Island - GLOWLAND !

To be continued...

Peace Love Light

edit on 18/10/2011 by thorfourwinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:47 PM

(continued from previous)

Experts like Crawford believe it's possible for sturdier items (boats) to wash up on BC beaches in tact, however, they would have endure major obstacles. “They'll have to survive the north Pacific winters and that's rough; things get beat up a lot. But a very seaworthy boat could come across, while waves could swamp a small boat quite easily.”

He makes it clear that we can't be certain how much debris will actually arrive from Japan, but he anticipates it won't be considerable.

“Only a small fraction will likely make it all the way here....people have been launching things for some time and we're quite surprised at how much is reported as found -- only a few percent.”

One thing is for sure. Crawford knows the variety of things washing up will be quite intriguing. “I'm sure there'll be some interesting surprises.”

What’s a few percent of 200,000 buildings, etc?

Peace Love Light


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:37 PM
So what, we're hearing nothing of this? Grinded up towns and such floating off the waters?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:49 PM
In planning their defense against a killer tsunami, the people running Japan's now-hobbled nuclear power plant dismissed important scientific evidence and all but disregarded 3,000 years of geological history, an Associated Press investigation shows.
The misplaced confidence displayed by Tokyo Electric Power Co. was prompted by a series of overly optimistic assumptions that concluded the Earth couldn't possibly release the level of fury it did two weeks ago, pushing the six-reactor Fukushima Dai-ichi complex to the brink of multiple meltdowns.
Instead of the reactors staying dry, as contemplated under the power company's worst-case scenario, the plant was overrun by a torrent of water much higher and stronger than the utility argued could occur, according to an AP analysis of records, documents and statements from researchers, the utility and the Japan's national nuclear safety agency.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:09 AM
Congratulations for displaying the courage to keep Fukishima in the spotlight - somewhere.

The garbage in the pacific has been there for many years and will no doubt only increase. My concerns lie in the radiation. The tidal forces show how the garbage has travelled and all we have to do is use our imagination to picture how far the radiation has travelled in the air. I imagine there is radiation from Fukishima in the ground and all that grows from it - in many locations around the globe.

The people of Fukishima bore the worst of this disaster - but it would seem the rest of us are connected by virtue of the radiation fallout. It is 2011 why have we not yet learned to take care of our planet and the people who live with her? This is a tragedy for everyone.

Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by murkraz

Right? First I'd heard as well..

I say we crate and ship it all back to them,creating a brisk west coast export business. We could really use it to pick up our economy up here.

And how 'bout the 15,000 or so unrecovered bodies? Bound to be some of that all tangled up in that mess. Groovy.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are

Originally posted by thorfourwinds
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

What do you think the best way would be to inform more people of the Fukushima Dai-ichi warheads/MOX/weapons productions facility that remains, to this day, continually spewing life-altering radiation 24/7/365... [color=limegreen]with no end in sight?

The first thing that popped into my mind when I read this was:
"I don't know... I wish I had an answer."

The second thing that popped into my mind was:
"Occupy Wall Street".

I envisioned the protesters with Fukushima signs. How would one steer the protesters towards rallying behind this cause along with their primary concerns. This would require someone to disseminate the information contained in your exhaustive and informative threads within the OWS movement. In my world, I see signs and banners proclaiming the ongoing (and under/un-reported) disaster flying high at every protest. But that's just me.


Great idea!

"Out of the mouths of babes..." or something to that effect.

S & F!

We would be willing to bet that there are ATS members & lurkers who have those direct contacts into the movement in many cities worldwide.

The real question is:

What will it take to empower and motivate people to literally


Please look at this, people!

Japanese Journalist: “It’s like killing our own children, I cannot allow it to happen” — [color=limegreen]Teachers forcing students to eat food that parents fear is contaminated with radiation (VIDEO)

It is now time to come out of the (comparatively safe) woodwork and nether reaches of the world and unite, in this, arguably, the single biggest threat to all life on the planet we have ever faced.

It is now time to make this issue the much-needed (and missing) focal point of that pent-up anger of the OWS movement.

It is now time to voice our dissatisfaction with the inept and still-without-a-viable-solution response to the largest industrial accident in the history of mankind.

This is not a drill.

The balloon has dropped, and those supposedly bestowed with the responsibility of keeping we, the people, safe from life-altering nuclear radiation from the multiple melt-throughs at the disasterous Fukushima Dai-ichi fiasco have obviously dropped the ball - or, more to the point - just don’t give a damn about life on this planet.

We, the people, must pick up the ball and run with it, or suffer watching our loved ones slowly wilting away from the degrading effects of radiation poisoning - much like the food in the fields and the trees in the forest - or die trying.

Remember first, we, the people, are individuals.

This is what the radiated rain did to our trees here in the North Georgia mountains. This rain has blanketed all of North America at times since 15 March 2011, fueled by the 24/7/365 release of the deadly radiation.

If the "gentle" rain burns holes in the leaves of the trees, what else is happening to the rest of the ecosystem?

High concentrations of radioactive cesium have been found in plankton

We look forward to the collective mind of these individuals to formulate a plan to address the many aspects of this plan, the sooner, the better.

We look forward to further communication with like-minded individuals as to the implementation of "the Plan."

BTW, we are not alone.

Sadly this site exists due to a nuclear cover up that has been ongoing since the nuclear crisis in Japan starting March 11th 2011.

(...)The way to beat the nuclear industry and their spin is to always stay united.

I know people will have some disagreements but ultimately [color=orane]if we want to save some lives its a team effort.

It might sound dramatic to talk about saving lives but make no mistake thats what all the people who make the Youtube videos, websites and selected journalists are trying to do.

[color=orane]One sick kid is one sick kid too many.

Peace Love Light

Liberty & Equality



posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:32 PM
So what can be done? I agree there's a lot to be concerned about, but I haven't seen any practical or logistically sound solutions for addressing this.

You can't put up the Dome from the Simpsons Movie, so what can you or I do?

I'm not being sarcastic or adverserial in any way whatsover, just genuinely curious as to what the OP thinks.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by ColAngus
So what can be done? I agree there's a lot to be concerned about, but I haven't seen any practical or logistically sound solutions for addressing this.

You can't put up the Dome from the Simpsons Movie, so what can you or I do?

I'm not being sarcastic or adverserial in any way whatsover, just genuinely curious as to what the OP thinks.


Thank you for your time, interest and consideration.

And thank you for agreeing that there is a lot to be concerned about.

And, yes, there apparently are not "any practical or logistically sound solutions for addressing this."

Exactly the point.

It is now time to come out of the (comparatively safe) woodwork and nether reaches of the world and unite, in this, arguably, the single biggest threat to all life on the planet we have ever faced.

It is now time to make this issue the much-needed (and missing) focal point of that pent-up anger of the OWS movement.

It is now time to voice our dissatisfaction with the inept and still-without-a-viable-solution response to the largest industrial accident in the history of mankind.

We, the people, must pick up the ball and run with it, or suffer watching our loved ones slowly wilting away from the degrading effects of radiation poisoning - much like the food in the fields and the trees in the forest - or die trying.

We look forward to the collective mind of these individuals to formulate a plan to address the many aspects of this plan, the sooner, the better.

We look forward to further communication with like-minded individuals as to the implementation of "the Plan."

What part of this did you not understand?

We are seeking ideas from interested individuals that possible would channel some of the energy of the OWS movement to illuminate the here-to-fore swept-under-the-rug nuclear nightmare that is upon us.

We would hope that a few signs would lead to more awareness... a start ...

... leading to TV time, leading to critical mass - the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome - leading to a viable solution instead of obfuscating the true dangers of this 24/7/365 disaster?

Let's hear from you on your plan to save your loved ones from this radiation hell.

Peace Love Light

Liberty & Equality



posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:30 PM
What are your ideas? What is [your] plan?

I read what you posted, and no need to get snippy with the "what part of this did you not understand" comment.

YOU are making a big stink about this, and rightfully so I concede, but are you just keeping the Batsignal lit for someone to swoop in and figure it all out for you, or do you have any concrete ideas to offer?

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