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What keeps YOU interested in the alien phenomena?

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:52 AM
It really is all down to what we know for certain. Science is backed up by factual documents. The whole ET topic has little if any certain facts in the public domain.

However, what keeps me interested and totally hooked, is our sun is one of hundreds of billions in our galaxy which in turn is one among hundreds of billions of galaxies, therefore it is a simple matter of statistics that saying we are alone in the cosmos is in my opinion total bunkum. Other sentient life HAS to exist, it is a statistical certainty that this is so.

Maybe earth has been visited, or is currently being visited covertly by an off world intelligence, I can't provide any proof, nor can anyone else.

We also rely on religious doctrines for details of our origin, but I have a feeling that our origins and the alleged et visitations are somehow connected.
Again I have no proof, and this feeling is NOT based on sci-fi tv.

If I'm asked to speculate about the past, I consider the total wipeout of the dinosaurs as totally suspicious. To selectively remove a species as established as the dinosaurs were, while others that lived in similar environments survived, I think is very strange. If this were the result of natural catastrophe, nothing would have survived and the entire biological clock would have been totally reset.

I can accept hibernating or subterranean mammals surviving, but not reptiles similar to dinosaurs. And then we have the birds with their shared dinosaur lineage.

Again, and this is totally speculative, it is as if the earth was sanitised to allow mammals to gain an evolutionary lead.

Maybe there IS a Mammal/Reptile long standing disagreement as I'm certain sentient life in the cosmos has it's origins in both camps.

I can also tell you this, I carry a small HD camera with me constantly, and if I ever see anthing ET related, I will be in a position to record it, properly and vividly. I urge others to do similar.
edit on 18/10/11 by Donegal_TDI because: Addition

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

That is this ability to wonder, imagine and dream that give human their humanity. The firm belief that the world surrounding human beings is not enough and is not limited to what can be seen is one of the characteristic that make humans human. The belief in God and other out of this world creatures and phenomenon is part of becoming an evolved, intelligent and thinking being.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

The aliens are MAKING me do it.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

My father was an alien and he said he was coming back for me.

You think I am kidding and so no star but I am correct. You just don't know it yet.

We know one side of our human past and that is our connectedness with the planet and life on it.
We share 99% of our genetic makeup with the chimpanzee. We need to accept her and call this primate something akin to "mom" since she is the maternal side of our genetic make up.

However what we know of as "dad" is a whole other story.
What makes up the other 1% is the missing link to our past.
I think "dad" was an alien or a member of an alien race whose leader is now our leader (God, by proxy). And then dad left. Typical.

"Dad" or the missing and mysterious part of our genetic makeup - is a kind of a super star and only a 1% injection of "dad" was enough to impact the resulting creation. We are a hybrid formed from a union, joining, blending (HOW remains a mystery because people did not know how to DESCRIBE gene splicing) of dads genes and those of the intelligent ape that was already here. The subsequent creature was the "human." Hu and man. The question should be, Who is HU? HU is the alien essence, or essential element, or genetic bit (aka in Biblical terms - ROD).

We human beings are creatures that were manipulated, gene spliced, or created - what ever you want to call it from a base of a primate and something else. We all may differ on how it was accomplished and who is responsible - (these differences are called RELIGIONS) - But it is VERY CLEAR we had some HELP WITH OUR EVOLUTION.

We do not exactly know who "Our Father" is but we can sort of KNOW HIM by looking inside ourselves and finding that difference. Looking for remnants of greatness far surpassing, enhancing the primitive but capable ape.
Divide what makes us human from what makes us ape and there is God or Father, the alien component. This is not to say that addition is BETTER than what constitutes our MOTHER. This may not be true at all but it enables us (in a very real way) to KNOW that other relative, our father, this makes us invent or devise all religions to TRY and know HIM better.

In other words Dad (or God) is what separates us from the apes and natural history of the ape, whether you choose to call HIM an alien or not HE ends up being much like us because he is IN us.

Search for "alien" is a search for the mysteries of my own past and a search for my true father.
edit on 18-10-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:39 AM
Same here:
I'm extremely fascinated with the universe and the life it holds.
Plus seeing a UFO myself keeps me hooked.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

As you already stated; the very fact that we are on one planet, in one solar system in a galaxy filled with billions and billions of other solar systems all in an expanding universe with billions upon billions of other galaxies, is hard for my mind to fathom. The stars we see at night are only in this galaxy alone. Even though there is no proof for any intelligent life out there, I strongly believe there is. Plus, we're a relatively young species in relation to our planet.

I like how you tied in the mammalian/reptilian theme into this. It does seem weird that the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago, then lo and behold mammals rose to dominance. What if there was an intelligent counterpart that existed during the time of the dinosaurs. People may then ask, "Well where are the fossilized remains?"

EDIT: Honestly, if this whole entire universe is just for US, then we got a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg way to go. Not just in light years, but in our development as a species.
edit on 10/18/2011 by IEtherianSoul9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:45 AM
The fact that I don't know if my "experience" was a dream or reality. I felt so real, but the logical side of me says "but how could this be?"

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM
Lol nothing, I rarely even post over here

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:57 AM
What keeps me interested is the hope that there will be undeniable proof.
The Sumerian Tablets hold the answers I believe and there are thousands of them to be deciphered yet. I do not believe the Sitchin translations nor Lloyd Pye but others such as Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien give more credible translations. Others too have confirmed the "Genesis" story from these tablets some two and half thousand years or so before the Biblical version.
Our DNA appears to have been 'modified' according to some scientists, which is intriguing considering that when this is first thought to have happened we changed from hominid to homo-sapien, which changed our looks, but we developed very little by becoming hunter/gatherer's for another 240,000 years before the 'great leap forward' some 8-10,000 years ago. Some have suggested that this was owing to further modification.
The subject will remain very speculative without concrete evidence.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

I have never known anyone who has more camera/video trouble than me. I took a full roll of film from just a few hundred yards of a alien craft with occupant, it disappeared along with all the electronics in my vehicle. Shortly after taking the footage everyone in my camp fell asleep, deep sleep for an hour or more.

After walking up on a live alien being and talking with him/her, I still have no recall.

These are just two instances among many and never did I walk away with anything considered evidence.

What keeps me coming back it is not certain but I will know when it happens.

Love your thoughts on dinosaurs.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by spw184
Lol nothing, I rarely even post over here

What's the point in that reply?

Anytime I come across one of your posts it annoys me.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI


@What keeps YOU interested in the alien phenomena?

I believe in GOD and seek data on the. With that I amdriven towards science to verify some religious text and data. Further the religious books speak of non humans either Angels or Demons, Watchers or Nephilim and the 1/3 angels who fell from HEAVEN and the 2/3 Angels who remained. So with so much pre existing information on non humans it pulls me into wanting to understand ET good or Alien bad presence around humans. I know there is massive amounts of energy within this lil universe that can take on any form intelligent or non aware so this also keeps me interested. The CREATOR OF ALL ENERGY is the TOP of the command of LIFE and DEATH PHASES within EXISTENCE, so 1 wonders how he / it / she feels about energy interactions from different SPECIES from various parts of this energy containment device.

Plus I LOVE THE ANNUNAKI and THE PLEIADIANS DATA/INFLUENCES AS WELL, how they are said to interact with humans of Earth. Well their positive said interactions



posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

just to answer you thread title
all the strange stuff i have seen on my own and with witnesses

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:10 AM
What keeps me hooked is a sighting I (including several witnesses) encountered some years ago. If it was ET? I can't say for sure.

But... all in all the big question keeps me hooked:

Are we alone?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


because actual Proof or Contact would render the ~4000 years of organized religion as just a daydreamers Faith/belief system

and Organized.Religion. rendered as a wasteful pastime & fantasy delusion practiced by billions of deluded persons...

take a lot of the positive social & moral codes found in religion but drop the supreme deity stuff
edit on 18-10-2011 by St Udio because: trying to gild the text

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Donegal_TDI

I have never known anyone who has more camera/video trouble than me. I took a full roll of film from just a few hundred yards of a alien craft with occupant, it disappeared along with all the electronics in my vehicle. Shortly after taking the footage everyone in my camp fell asleep, deep sleep for an hour or more.

After walking up on a live alien being and talking with him/her, I still have no recall.

These are just two instances among many and never did I walk away with anything considered evidence.

What keeps me coming back it is not certain but I will know when it happens.

Love your thoughts on dinosaurs.

See the problem with personal stories, is that the human part of me wants to trust you, but the skeptic part of me screams "BS" and than procedes to pummel human part of me into the ground untill he is half dead.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by St Udio

To answer your question...My abduction case...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:23 AM
Sure - seeing more UFOs is what keeps me going. That and wondering what interesting tale or account will pop up. I don't carry a camera with me though. I'm not in this to get proof on other people's behalf. It's up to them to go and look. Not that I wouldn't video something if I had a chance, but people have to accept it can take time - a long time - to see a UFO for yourself. I have no intent of giving people a shortcut after my 20 year wait or so. Nor do I really care about proving it to the masses, I think it's quite an important thing for individuals. If aliens want to show them selves en mass then they will, otherwise I feel there is obviously a reason why only a handful of people see them during a week, probably because it's more to do with individual interpretation at this stage than it is mass media/public understanding of it.

Also, the prospect of a threesome with 2 beautiful blonde alien women as described by another member not so long ago keeps my hopes up.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:27 AM
What keeps me interested is for the hope of something better for our planet ! I'm new to this site and appreciate intelligent and outside of the box thinking ! Thanks !

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:43 AM
May I state that the reason I carry a hd video camera is not for any personal gain or glorification whatsoever, but if an oppurtunity occured, rare as it is, to capture good footage I want to be in a position to do so, not just for myself but for those here and elsewhere of a similar mind that yearn to see such a thing.

If I had my way, every hoaxter of a UFO video should be circumcised with a chainsaw by someone with very bad eyesight.

Something is going on,
I believe the professional airline pilots and the few astronauts that have come forward, particularly Gordon Cooper(RIP).
edit on 18/10/11 by Donegal_TDI because: Addition

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