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OWS: We Are Here To Stay!!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Firstly, let me say that I am not American, but I have sound principles and I believe in what is just and what is true! I have no allegiance to any man or any country, including my own. I only have an allegiance to the truth and I greatly admire and respect anyone who stands up for the truth. Whether your stance is in America, or Iraq, I will stand with you and show my support in what ever way I can.

This may seem like I am digressing from my point by bringing up Hip Hop, but I am not. Why is it relevant? Because Hip Hop culture is often misunderstood, thanks to the current stream of rap music being released on the air waves today. Make no mistake, that corporate controlled music is in no way a reflection of what Hip Hop is, what it stands for or where it came from. That music is ignorance masked in glamour, pushed by men with deep pockets to further brain wash an entire generation. Hip Hop was built on rebellion of injustice and the upliftment of poor black people. Today, it has spread beyond race. I want to remove some of the misconceptions about Hip Hop by showing you a conscious and very educated man who spreads truth and wisdom using Hip Hop.

Immortal Technique takes his country and its people seriously. He was found in the OWS Movement and shares his thoughts about this political/economic game tptb clearly want to win. This is something everyone has to see, and I am certain what he is about to say will resonate deeply with all of you! This is what Hip Hop is! This is the truth!!!!

I searched and found this thread here, about the same topic, but it has gotten so little views. I think this is something worth sharing more, because the message is most important!

Mods, I believe I've posted this to the correct forum, but if not, feel free to move it.
edit on 17-10-2011 by sdrawkcabII because: To correct typos.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Immortal Technique will always and forever be an MC and harbringer of justice and truth to the world.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:47 PM
I disagree, OWS is just a fad.
Most of the protestors live for the day and don't have the tenacity to take it all the way because it's just too much work.

Most of them are just waiting patiently, day after day, like the folks that camp out overnight at Best Buy, waiting for the next generation X-Box, only these folks are waiting for the riots to break out just so they can be the first to grab the good stuff.

Question, where are the flags at these protests?
This clown is wearing his upside down so Democracy is just an excuse to him.

You can diss the government and the leaders all you want but don't diss the flag A-HOLE!

I'll check back in a couple of months.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Thank you very much for sharing, I have posted the video on my facebook and emailed it to friends. I have never listened to Immortal Technique, but after watching that video and hearing what he had to say about what is going on, I am captivated by him. I am now downloading everything I can get by him. This is my first post and I know it isn't much to say, but I just wanted to say thank you. His words, and OWS has made me feel more alive than I have in a long, long time.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro

I disagree, OWS is just a fad.
Most of the protestors live for the day and don't have the tenacity to take it all the way because it's just too much work.

"Most"? You say it as if you know this for a fact. I'm sure a lot of them are there for the reasons you stated, but I don't know if I'd say "most" though. And I'm also sure a lot of them are there for no other reason than to make a statement and hope the masses can hear them and spark some sort of change. But, it's funny to me that you don't mention the people there for legitimate reasons, even when you indirectly (you said most, not all) admit that at least some are there for that. You neglect the positive, and opt to focus and highlight the negative. Typical!

Most of them are just waiting patiently, day after day, like the folks that camp out overnight at Best Buy, waiting for the next generation X-Box, only these folks are waiting for the riots to break out just so they can be the first to grab the good stuff.

Again with the most? How do you know most of them are there for that? Don't say you know, because you know nothing. Instead, say you think that's what most of them are there for.

Question, where are the flags at these protests?

I'm sure if you actually left your house and headed down there, or look at enough vids on the tube you may see quite a few. If you're not satisfied with the amount you've seen, by all means, feel free to go there and set the trends; sport your own flag. Hell, walk with a few dozen to distribute for the cause. Of course, make sure you only give the flags to the folks you know are there for legitimate if you'd know...

This clown is wearing his upside down so Democracy is just an excuse to him.

He's probably more of a patriot than you'll ever be. Historically, reversed symbolism was used for signs of distress, but I doubt you'd know that. Stepping away from that now, many people reverse symbols for different reasons. Some out of love, others out of hate. Which one it is, won't be known until you ask the person carrying the symbol, or have history with their cause. Being familiar with Immortal Technique and his music, I know why he wears the symbols the way he does. He doesn't hate the US, he hates the current state of the US. There's a big difference there. When, or if, the US is restored to the ideals it was built upon, that symbolism will no longer be needed, the flag can be flown high and proud, in the orientation it was designed for. You're a brainwashed monkey, pledging allegiance to a flag. Nothing is wrong with that really, but understand something...and understand it well, People make a country, not flags, not money, not buildings, not luxury cars, not oil, not the economy, not the politics, but the people. America is and never was about the flag, it is and always was about the people and their freedoms. The flag is a representation, but without it, the people still exist!

You can diss the government and the leaders all you want but don't diss the flag A-HOLE!

I'm sorry that some people can see beyond the symbolism and focus on what created the symbol in the first place. Whether you take it as a "diss" or not is not important to me. Immortal Technique is standing, one voice, with the people. Where are you? He has dedicated his entire musical career and personal life to fighting for justice, freedom and being an outlet for the voice of the people, so nitpick all you want, it doesn't take away from his achievements and the people he has helped.

I'll check back in a couple of months.

Thank you, I think we'd all appreciate it if you did that.

@InThisTwilight, your welcome. Yeah, definitely check out his stuff. There are many other rappers that touch on the same things that he touches on. Canibus, Dead Prez, Mos Def, Vinnie Paz, Killah Priest, Talib Kweli, The GZA, Saigon, K-Rino, etc. Some of these guys are more political than others, so you won't always here politics, or society as the topic. Some even go into metaphysics and spirituality. But they all don't have the same dimensions or are always "deep", so don't be surprised if you hear some stuff that has nothing to do with those things mentioned.
edit on 18-10-2011 by sdrawkcabII because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:04 AM
I can't say i agree with the OWS but their determination so far is stead fast. However the real proof of their tenacity will be delivered when there is 3 feet of snow on the streets of New York City and its 10 degrees F outside. I expect one of two things, lots of exposure injuries or the total lack of OWS protestors.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by OathKeeper
I can't say i agree with the OWS but their determination so far is stead fast. However the real proof of their tenacity will be delivered when there is 3 feet of snow on the streets of New York City and its 10 degrees F outside. I expect one of two things, lots of exposure injuries or the total lack of OWS protestors.

Not IF the sponsers of OWS erect a dome over the park

then the protestors would have shelter year round

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Immortal Technique takes his country and its people seriously. He was found in the OWS Movement and shares his thoughts about this political/economic game tptb clearly want to win. This is something everyone has to see, and I am certain what he is about to say will resonate deeply with all of you! This is what Hip Hop is! This is the truth!!!!


in my view...
you sound like a professional Publicist for Immortal Technique....

or perhaps an independent writer trying to get paid for the publicity you generate for the music entity/person
doing business as "IT"

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Police will start enforcing laws on no tents, shelters, laying on benches or paths, sleeping bag laws ect very soon.

Once the property owners have had enough bloomberg will spring into scion with the police. And it will all be legal.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
Not IF the sponsers of OWS erect a dome over the park
then the protestors would have shelter year round

What sponsors? I thought that OWS was supposed to be a "grass roots" organization with no sponsors. At least that is what I keep getting told every time I post about where their money is coming from.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:31 AM
If only the OWS dupes understood that they are actually working for international corporations bent on bringing down America for the control of the world. How sad. George Soros and others of his kind are creating this sham for their own goals.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:37 AM
OWS: We Are Here To Stay!!!!!!

Well, at least until it gets really cold, the free pizzas and $20 bills are gone, and the movement is owned fully by the left.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Upside down flag! omg what !
any upside down flag is a distress signal . an inter national distress signal kinda like if you put bolth hands over your neck evrybody knows you need help
and now when you see the flag being flown or portrayed up side down you will know that thay need help

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade


This group wants absolutely nothing to do with the corrupt 2 party oligarchy as both have been bought and paid by the banks, The Federal Reserve and Wall Street and does not need nor require money from 1%'rs and to say anything otherwise is a major dis service to this group and movement as a whole as we see people like Soros as being apart of the problem and does not endorse millionaires or billionaires. No corporate dollars are welcomed and if one were to attempt to finance this movement it would be rejected and returned with a note saying "No sale!"!

To believe anything else means you are being seriously deceived and tricked and said source should not be trusted or taken seriously and if it does not come from the aforementioned it is not to be taken as the official stance. No General Assembly in any group throughout the planet will amend this ever!

All are welcomed from all faiths, ethnic groups, political persuasions, LBGTI, animal and kid friendly as we will not discriminate, we will be friendly to all. Illicit narcotics (marijuana to meth while all scrips prescribed to a fellow protester are obviously allowed) and liquor (all forms) use are banned and will get someone expelled and turned over to law enforcement. Come as you are! Remember, there is no member of the 1% that is on this website which means we are all The 99%!

We want nothing to do with the left or the right as both are the problem and to suggest anything otherwise is a major disservice to the group or movement as a whole.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

You do not represent me. When your group spews hatred towards America you become my sworn enemy. Your right to do so is undeniable and I will fight and die to protect it, but you are still my enemy. I see these protests here in the US and I see the hate they hold for the American way of life. Until you expel them from your gatherings you support their message.

And the drug use is laughable. There is more pot being smoked at these rallies than at wood stock. I see it I smell it and the fact is the police do not enforce it for fear of riots. The NYC caribian day festival is the same with drug use and the police let it slide due to the ramifications of a riot.

They choose to allow violations of the law to slide, tents, pot, sleeping on a park bench ect. and rightfully chose to focus on misdemeanors and felony crimes.

If you for one second believe that one of the OWS protesters will turn in another for drug use it only means you have no first hand experience with the protests.

Sex in the parks, over doseing on drugs, injuries in stampedes. They are all happening.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by OathKeeper

Several years ago I took an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. At that time I wondered what constituted a "domestic enemy"? Now I have a pretty good idea.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by OathKeeper

Hatred for America? Hate for the American way of life?

Are you flipping kidding me?

We see America being steered into a dictatorial nation devoid of everything that has made this place great. You are the 99% as you are not a billionaire. You stand with us, with America and not The SCUM! Protesting is a fundamental right of every American and I've been to Jersey City Journal Square 6 times and been to Zuccotti once and can assure you during the near 50 total hours logged in I have yet to witness one incident of alcohol or narcotic use. Narcotics and alcohol is banned and any incidents gets turned over to pd. No reports of sexual assaults since that creep was caught in NYC about 3 weeks back.

There is no prohibition on sex as long as it is not seen or heard.

This nation has done some not so nice things that need to be addressed because The SCUM ordered it. That is who this fight is with. Corporate and foreign control of the Congress, The Supreme Court and The White House. Our target is not now nor will ever be any aspect of The United States Of America Federal Government Infrastructure & Overall Architecture. We are on the front lines of a whole new battleground that really hasn't been played upon.

If you think that all of our domestic problems are simply an American issue you are flat out dead wrong as it is now a global issue. Europe, The America's, The Middle East. The Pac Rim and Australia with Africa is all in a state of freefall. You have some sort of retirement, pension or investment right? The SCUM is coming for that next. Will you care then?

So, we must all bow to the banks, the corporations, turn over our rights and nation to them to be a true American? NEVER!
edit on 18-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

This group I can assure you is a staunch and firm supporter of The United States Armed Forces as we are sick of seeing y'all being sent into harms way to fight the threats of The SCUM!
edit on 18-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

The drug usage is there and the citizen arrests and turn over to the cops are not.

The F-ck the USA songs are there and the OWS sheep are clapping.

The complaints about drugs, public sex, public bathing are growing.

Until the OWS people get their stuff organized and their message clarified they will continuously be seen as a hog posh mix of hippies, liberals, commies, anarchists and drifters. OWS really really need a PR manager.

And as far as my pension, I honestly believe when OWS brings down the 1% they will go after the 5% then the 10% then the 20% and eventually my pension. That's the image they project to me. If I am wrong it's the OWS's fault not mine.

edit on 18-10-2011 by OathKeeper because: Grammar

edit on 18-10-2011 by OathKeeper because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by OathKeeper

This is our official manifesto:

The Declaration Of The General Assembly of The Occupation of NYC :

All we ask for is fairness, economic equality and banks and investment firms to be held accountable for the destruction of the global economy. When you've got the Governments of the world in your back pocket with it's chequebooks out willing to bail out a bank when a new product fails is just wrong.

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