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Iran, Saudi Arabia Tensions Spur Fears of a Proxy War

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:07 PM
Here's aother brilliant piece of propaganda from the Wall Street Journal and the Saudis (which I note is being lapped up on here by the ignorant)

Iran "is a direct and imminent threat not only to the [Saudi] kingdom, but to Sunnis across the region," said a Saudi official familiar with regional policy-making. "They have shown this time and time again, in Iraq, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen. If Washington can't protect our interests in the region, we'll have to do it ourselves."

Iran, Saudi Arabia Tensions Spur Fears of a Proxy War

To put this into perspective, aka reality, Sunnis (The Saudis and pals) utterly dominate Islam and Shia are the tiny minority just waiting to be stomped out (with a little help from Washington):

Many people mistakenly think that Muslims are divided into two halves: Sunnis and Shi'it. In reality Shia are between 7.5% to 11%. All the rest (93.5%) are Sunnis

Compare the liberalism of Iran to that of Saudi Arabia and it might leave you wondering why we're on the wrong side...
It's also worth remembering that Iran is the cradle of civilization and Saudi Arabia was a desert backwater filled with nomadic tribes until the British set up shop a hundred years ago. Pretty much like Israel, actually...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Do you have another source for the article? Although I do pay attention to MSM so that I know what they choose to report - I sure as hell won't pay for a subscription to WSJ!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by fenceSitter

I didn't realize one has to pay.
Try one of these Google links to it

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Aestheteka

Is it not Saudi troops that have gone in like willing horses to attack, beat and torture the sovereign citizens of Bahrain,

I don't want to see any more war!

Solution: Round up all the despotic leaders of N.A.T.O countries and proxy states like Saudi and lock them up for crimes to humanity,

21 yrs of constant conflict, enough is enough!

Time to let the citizens of God's green Earth live in harmony and peace,

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by kushin

There has never been peace and there never will be.
It's just fun to pick the lies to pieces while the unstoppable trundles on.
Our nature lies in slaughter. It's just that the benefits of being on the winning side are losing their glitter as the spoils are siphoned off to the few. Pretty much like Feudalism, really.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:11 PM
There will be no war. Plenty of sabre rattling around, hot air tossed out of foul mouths, but NOT many of our fellow human brothers and sisters in uniform on all sides will fight. Not in these times.

Down tools, as in OWS, so too DOWN WEAPONS, in any more unwarrented new wars.

Iran does not have the full backing of its citizens, so too the just ended protests by civilians of Saudi Arabia. Needless to say, US troops, as well as ALL military personnel around the world, ARE NOT BORN OUT OF ROCKS. They each have human mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, relatives and friends, fully connected to our individual societies, which are more connected and informed to the entire human race today than yesterday.

For those who are hell bent on starting wars, from any sides, they will lose eventually, just as Hitler did. History often repeats itself, and is a truth and reality, an open book for every human to see and read.

edit on 17-10-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

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