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Need answers now no time for 20 posts. Please take a look and tell me im crazy lol

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Could be an unannounced test flight of the Falcon HTV-2. Word is that it gives off a contrail exactly as shown in the images.

Here is a video of the Falcon HTV-2 in flight. I'm certain I have seen a vid that was zoomed in much better on the contrail. I'll see if I can find it.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:40 PM
It's a pulse jet, or pulse detonation engine. Very cool Simplest type of engine. You could build one yourself out of coffee cans.

This is just an RC model one, not making any contrail, but you get the idea. There are real ones too.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:50 PM
From the OP s first picture in album , it does look like he may have seen a pulse or ram jet of some type.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:58 PM
I feel like i need a brief conspiracy jargon lesson. What exactly is a contrail/chemtrail? Do these PDWE's release these chemtrail things? This engine was of my understanding a pulse detonation wave engine. A tech that exists but is not in use by any known aircraft. is that incorrect? I have seen vids on youtube of PDWE's so I guess what im asking is am i seeing an unmarked test aircraft being flown by the government or is this just a new passenger plane I could care less about?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:58 PM
I feel like i need a brief conspiracy jargon lesson. What exactly is a contrail/chemtrail? Do these PDWE's release these chemtrail things? This cloud pattern is supposed to be produced by an engine that was of my understanding a pulse detonation wave engine. A tech that exists but is not in use by any known aircraft. is that incorrect? I have seen vids on youtube of PDWE's so I guess what im asking is am i seeing an unmarked test aircraft being flown by the government or is this just a new passenger plane I could care less about?

edit on 12-10-2011 by Greesemonkey because: (no reason given)

EDIT: Anyone know of any military or military manufacturers that have facilities within test flight range of Tallahassee
edit on 13-10-2011 by Greesemonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Honestly, I don't believe the OP. I think the OP made up the story about hearing a pulse sound to make you all think (s)he witnessed a special aircraft. I think he filmed a normal contrail.

I have seen contrails exactly like the ones shown in the pictures from normal aircraft. Those "donuts-on-a-rope" are actually caused by wingtip vortices which shape the contrail. The wings of aircraft create circular turbulances (vortices) which can effect the shape of contrails.

edit on 13-10-2011 by K1771gnorance because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:31 AM

Proof that normal aircraft make these contrails.
edit on 13-10-2011 by K1771gnorance because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Greesemonkey

I can help you easily with this:

What exactly is a contrail/chemtrail?

A contrail is real. A "chemtrail" is not.

More specifically, contrails form when atmospheric conditions at altitude are conducive to their formation. A contrail may evaporate (technically, since it is composed of ice crystals, "sublimate" is the proper term) rather quickl after forming, or may persist for a few minutes longer or a few hours....or, when conditions are suitable for other cirrus clouds to form (contrails are a type of cirrus cloud), they may contribute to more cirrus formation.

"chemtrails" is a made-up term that relates to those who do not understand the science of meteorology, atmosphere, and aviation calling what they observe (regular contrails) something else....hence, the myth, the hoax, the made-up "chem"trails.

"chem" infers that something other than normal airplane jet engine exhaust is responsible for the contrails.

Which is patently false, and a ridiculous assertion.


posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by bluemooone2 does look like he may have seen a pulse or ram jet of some type.

Let's allow that as a "possible".

However.....along those lines (no pun!), notice it is a single contrail. This indicates that it was formed aft of a single-engine aircraft.

Whether a pulse-jet powerplant, or not......we can also consider the possibility of wing-tip vortices having affected the contrail made by a single-engine jet. And, when it comes to single-engine jets, there is a vanishingly small category.

In terms of the USAF arsenal, (known and public), the F-16 comes to my mind first. There are also a few (known) single-engine jets in the civilian arena.

Also, when compared to what you may be familiar with in terms of the sounds from a passenger jet, fighter jets tend to have a different sound...*sharper* is a term I think of....less muted. Because, civilian jets are bound by EPA and other rules for noise (in terms of overall decibels) standards. Military, have no such restrictions. Any "pulsing" this new member may have heard could be attributed to echoing of the sound waves from the single-engine jet.

I say this from having heard many fly-bys, of military jets of several types, and the way their sound signatures can behave.

So, without having researched (yet) into the publicly known aspect of single-engine "pulse-jets", well....will have to look those up.

I'm wondering why an experimental vehicle such as that would not have two engines, though.....will ponder it.

edit on Thu 13 October 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 02:23 AM
if you obtain your 20 post like everyone else, you would
know how to upload your pic correctly, follow the guide
and rules here, thx

I'd tell you but my 25 post I haven't ran across the
proper way either

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:30 AM
They have been flying these so called chemtrails in Australia for years

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by ProudBird
However.....along those lines (no pun!), notice it is a single contrail. This indicates that it was formed aft of a single-engine aircraft.

Not exactly... There are many cases where multi-engine jets leave contrails that expand enough to form what appears to be a single trail.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Sorry, nothing unusual here. These contails are caused by uneven moisture and pressure values in the air. I see them every day at my place of work.....................military airfield. Sometimes an inversion layer in the atmosphere will produce some interesting contrail patterns too.

However, for those that are truly interested:

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:47 AM
I was expecting one of the chemtrail debunkers to explain why the same plane flies back and forth across the sky for hours. Until that question is answered, I can't even consider the scientific explanations. It's expensive to fly back and forth, I'm sure. It costs a small fortune to take the boat out for the day...I can imagine the cost of jet fuel.

So, why do these planes I have observed (with friends) just fly back and forth?
Why does the contrail disappear sometimes and then stay in the sky a few minutes later?
What's up with the "X" formation? It seems like a waste of time and money.
Please inform me. What are they doing?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
I was expecting one of the chemtrail debunkers to explain why the same plane flies back and forth across the sky for hours. Until that question is answered, I can't even consider the scientific explanations. It's expensive to fly back and forth, I'm sure. It costs a small fortune to take the boat out for the day...I can imagine the cost of jet fuel.
So, why do these planes I have observed (with friends) just fly back and forth?

Well, first you have to be absolutely sure it's the same plane and not just another plane going the other direction. If you can get a video of the same plane going back and fourth, maybe that would help your case. Until then it's possible you have just fooled your self.

Second, there is many reasons for a plane to go back and fourth. If you can't research the many reasons and figure it out on your own, you should probably step back from ATS.

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
Why does the contrail disappear sometimes and then stay in the sky a few minutes later?

The atmosphere is unpredictably different in small areas, and at different moments in time. It's not one solid object, it is an ever changing mixture of many gases. The air is constantly moving, and the temperatures in different areas constantly changing, and the moisture constantly changing and moving... it all adds up to unpredictable contrails.

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
What's up with the "X" formation? It seems like a waste of time and money.

One aircraft flies north, and another aircraft flies west, they accidentally make an X..... So what? It happens. Sometimes people need to go north, and other people need to go west....

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
Please inform me. What are they doing?

They are doing NOTHING. People are just flying to their destinations and you people are paranoid.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:44 AM
It's a regular contrail that is being disturbed by the upper level winds. I actually snapped a picture of the same thing a while back while hiking in Big Bear.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 10:22 AM
I was a bit excited about the "I need to know now" in the title and not being able to access the photo album. I thought maybe it was something special. Now I'm disappointed and need chocolate.

It is funny how so many people on ATS call out others as being paranoid and conspiracy minded yet I'm pretty sure this is a conspiracy web site. I could be wrong though....

(Really I'm just trying to get my post count to 200. I have no clue how anyone could have thousands of posts, that's a lot of hot air for sure!)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by K1771gnorance

I realize that....and, it's difficult to tell from some one else's picture exactly what we are looking at.

I suggested the single-engine theory in order to at least not completely discount our new member's (and OP's) personal story as related, because it did suggest hearing something different than other (conventional) jets. Purely subjective, understood.....since neither you nor I heard it ourselves.

Agreed, from the 15 or 16 pics I saw in the photo album, they looked ordinary, if somewhat altered by the shears, tip vortices or/and thermal conditions.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Greesemonkey

The entire page is blocked, ah man this is not good lol.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Unvarnished


All there...^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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