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How some of the Satanic Rules of Earth are more favourable to modern life!!!

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Good day to all on ATS, please take the time to read this before commenting as I would appreciate honest opinions and views.

I am going to receive a fair amount of thread bashing, judgmental views and other unpleasant remarks. However, I do not mind one bit as you are ALL entitled to your say and I very much welcome it in any form. Although there are T&C's I do not mind people calling me names or whatever they feel like as I do think that people passionate about things can get caught up in their views and too me its NATURAL.

I want to talk about the Rules of Earth under the Church of Satan. I joined the church of Satan 7 years ago this coming January. Not to be a member of a club or new religion but because I think that living under a different set of guidelines can be wholly rewarding.

The Church of Satan has Eleven Satanic Rules of Earth as follows:

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

As with all religions or cults or mass induced insanity groups rules, commandments and such are open to interpretation.

If you look at the eleven rules carefully you will see that they are very much that of standard common sense. I have followed these rules to the best of my ability but within my own acceptabilities and within the law of the land to a certain extent. Let me be honest and say I do not follow the law of the land to the letter. I have gone over the speed limit from time to time, I have hunted for sport and not for food or because I was attacked and I have sought revenge (justice when society performs it) to the highest order when I have been wronged. I do not acknowledge authority if it has no place in my life. For example, I will not bow down to the TSA in the States and therefore was denied entry, fair enough its the US rules for their country and I choose not to follow them. I treat police with the same caution I would treat any normal person and just because they have the power to arrest me does not stop me from protecting my human rights. With extreme force when necessary. Police in the UK don't have guns and we are afforded the Human rights act for the time being.

However, if you live by a set of rules or guidelines these are points of reference only. Since joining the Church of Satan I have delved deeper into Satanism as a whole and taken the path of pleasure and taking what I want when I want but trying not to purposefully harm others. Of course sometimes harming others is all part of everyday life, whether through speech or actions people these days take offense and therefore they are harmed.

Now, my main point of this thread is that normal religion has not been very successful throughout history, we have gone from the crusades to the IRA to the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists all under the umbrella of religion. It has got us as a people into more conflicts that we know how to manage.

One thing I have learned over the past few years is that a great number of well to do people do not forgo Satanism as a bad thing. In fact they see it as an alternative. Many people in the clubs that I have become a member of are Satanists to a degree. Some believe in the power of Satan over god and some believe that Satanism can be the change the world needs. I acknowledge there might be a god of some sort but more than likely he is not the merciful one the New testament claims but more likely the one that reigns over humans with vengeance and hatred as per the OLD TESTAMENT. Or maybe he was just an alien visitor thousands of years ago.

I live by the guidelines above within reason and so far it has afforded me well. The clubs I have joined allowed me to walk in circles I never would have thought I would of fitted into before. I have had job offers just because of my "beliefs", as I share a common denominator with these people and we seek each other out under discretion but we are there. We do no harm....until someone harms us. Then we destroy......or rather reduce their likelihood of them ever being successful or if already successful we taketh it away. A man with no path has nowhere to go. A man with everything has a lot to lose. We do not sit in fields chanting but instead organize dinner parties that cater to differing charities or philanthropic endeavors.

I help others when possible, i am involved in fundraising for certain causes just the same as some of you. My last fundraiser was the London marathon and for 4 hrs of hard slog I raised a nice sum for great ormand street children's hospital in London.

I am saying that mainstream religion may be to harsh in terms of laws for modern life. Adjusting these laws or taking on a new set my just do the trick for some of you, get you out of the rut you are in.

I am not promoting devil worshiping as seen in hollywood moives but instead seeking approval from another source of power. I put my pants on the same way as you guys, one leg at a time, so we are not that much different. But I do now mix with well-to-do people, I do now own my home outright, and I do "date" more than I could ever imagine. It might just be the new found confidence I have acquired or it may be a new found light that is now shining upon me - given by a source more forgiving and powerful that your traditional god. I now place myself higher on my priority list. The benefits are there to be reaped!!

At the end of the day the world is being shaped and some people, maybe YOU are feeling the pinch, losing your jobs, homes or even friends through no fault of you own.

All I can say is "the Devil is in the details".

Would you come over to the darker side to better your life???????

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:47 PM
Your going the wrong way. God's wrath is coming very soon in the 7 year tribulation. I will pray for you to turn around before it is too late for you. God loves you and does not want you to perish.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Six6Six have become a member of the Satan belief system...and thus you have made connections with many people in high places....who are making sure you the materialistic realms.

I am curious....

Before you joined the Satan's...what was your spiritual belief?

Who courted you and invited you into the Satan's?

Why did you join the Satan's?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Listen too your heart and not your human b.s ,most people cant understand the heart language.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:52 PM
LOL im very familiar with Lucifer, and the Satanic bible. for me " DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU"

i found out the hard way that this is very true in society today. Are you familiar with the Urantia books teachings on lucifer and his manifesto?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
A bit of the ol' lair action. Giggity.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

All I can say is I hope you like heat & suffering, because where you're headed they're in ample supply.

I'd seriously reconsider your decision 7 years ago...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

Not to be a member of a club or new religion but because I think that living under a different set of guidelines can be wholly rewarding.

Why don't you live by those guidelines without having to pledge allegiance to 'the church'..?

Becoming a member reeks of personal, you have actually taken a step back in terms of individuality, but you don't mind that, huh..?

edit on 12-10-2011 by facelift because: kill an e and give birth to a d

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by Six6Six have become a member of the Satan belief system...and thus you have made connections with many people in high places....who are making sure you the materialistic realms.

I am curious....

Before you joined the Satan's...what was your spiritual belief?

Who courted you and invited you into the Satan's?

Why did you join the Satan's?

Fair questions.

Before joining the Church of Satan I was raised a Catholic or rather I became a catholic at birth because my mother is one. I have never believed the stories or the bible or the koran and always thought it was a way to induce brainwashing. Basically I believed in NOTHING! I dont claim to hold much belief of thing now but I do follow a more appropriate set of guidelines and thinking. Which suits my life.

The Church of Satan was merely the first steps I took into the Satanic world and I found my personality and outlook very much in stride with their philosophies.

I was not courted. I met a guy from UBS in Switzerland and was invited to a cocktail party. I was chatting with him about UFO's of all things and he took me to his personal library. In there I saw books on Satan and other such topics. I asked about them and he lent me a couple to read. From there I did my own research via the internet and took the plunge. Once I joined I was invited to a county house in Cumbria England and met other such people during a long weekend. We played golf and went sailing on the lake and met some very interesting people including the judge, school Head teachers, a few bankers, some internet wizzes and other normal people. During this weekend I took phone numbers and two happened to live within 3 miles of me in London UK. So we would meet up and catch movies, have barbeques etc. I was then offered a job by one and from there my life changed. We share a certain outlook that is quite in par with the Free masons to some degree. I joined my local lodge after being recommended by a fellow Satanist and here we are today.

I dont talk about this sort of thing with my normal friends but here on a site like ATS we are somewhat anon. So sharing a personal experience like mine may give others something else to hope for during these hard times.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:04 PM
Sure--learning to serve your ego can indubitably give you more "power" in worldly terms.

But when I personally started to look into the lives of folk who practiced the "magic" of self it quickly became apparent they were, imo, fools.

Usually cynical and rotted fools at the time of their death. being accepted by folk who you apparently see as a 'better class' than yourself you feel better about yourself?

I would really like your opinion on the premise in the following website on the lives of famous occultists. Doesn't seem as if they are surrounded by much love in the bitter, ugly, end. From LaVey to Crowley they're all there. Check it out.

Lives of Famous Occultists

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by Six6Six

Not to be a member of a club or new religion but because I think that living under a different set of guidelines can be wholly rewarding.

Why don't you live by those guidelines without having to pledge allegiance to 'the church'..?

Becoming a member reeks of personal, you have actually taken a step back in terms of individuality, but you don't mine that, huh..?

I took a step forward in fact. I have no love for other humans who can not be bothered to help themselves. But I still treat them within the law. Now its about what I can gain for me. So yes I made a choice for some sort of personal need.

But if you have a job then so did YOU!!

My need for a life of ease and being able to enjoy this planet is now apparent and has taken on a whole new meaning.

I know people on here do not agree and that is really fine. But I don't have to worry about some of the things they do.

If I have to pay at a latter date....then so be it. But that is hardly the case or belief.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by InshaAllah
LOL im very familiar with Lucifer, and the Satanic bible. for me " DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY DO UNTO YOU"

i found out the hard way that this is very true in society today. Are you familiar with the Urantia books teachings on lucifer and his manifesto?

Yes i am very familiar with The Lucifer Manifesto. Again though interpretation is key. Not everything is as it should be believed but more to how it encompassed YOUR life and understandings.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:11 PM
I am sure that if you would have written those same words without stating where they came from, many would have agreed that this is the way that many people already live, or even that they live that way themselves.... including the religious folks.

Its hard for people to associate some things with "Satan". People would rather believe that "God" will punish you and you will burn forever, and ever.

I personally accept my decisions without blaming, or giving credit to anyone but myself. In the long run, I am no longer scared of threats of fire and brimstone, but I do think that its important to have your own set of rules for your own life, and I dont give credit to anyone but myself!

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

I took a step forward in fact. I have no love for other humans who can not be bothered to help themselves. But I still treat them within the law.
So you actively hand out love to those who you think deserve it? Satan doesn't like those who judge.

Now its about what I can gain for me. So yes I made a choice for some sort of personal need.
Everyone has "some sort of personal need". Now it's about what you can gain for yourself and what people you need to kiss the ass of the make it happen, everyone else doesn't matter because if they were worthy enough of your attention they would already be part of the "elite crowd".

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
Sure--learning to serve your ego can indubitably give you more "power" in worldly terms.

But when I personally started to look into the lives of folk who practiced the "magic" of self it quickly became apparent they were, imo, fools.

Usually cynical and rotted fools at the time of their death. being accepted by folk who you apparently see as a 'better class' than yourself you feel better about yourself?

I would really like your opinion on the premise in the following website on the lives of famous occultists. Doesn't seem as if they are surrounded by much love in the bitter, ugly, end. From LaVey to Crowley they're all there. Check it out.

Lives of Famous Occultists

Well what you have stated here I thank you for. Well I was to some degree already well off. The people I met were not who I was expecting and it was a welcoming surprise. I took those connections and ran with them. I made friends with people whom before were not in my circle of friends or acquaintances.

Thing sort of fell into place. I went to a "ceremony" in spain in 2008 and there was two men who had made a fortune from selling prime real estate. They donated half their fortune anon to helping Romanian orphanages prosper. I see this a s a good thing that I would like to follow one day. Its how you take the good time and use them. Im not so greedy that I cant take the time to lend a helping hand to those who need.

Those people on the website you left for me are some very admirable people. We all have to aspire to something. Some like Steve Jobs but I prefer Sir Isaac Newton. just preference.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
I am sure that if you would have written those same words without stating where they came from, many would have agreed that this is the way that many people already live, or even that they live that way themselves.... including the religious folks.

Its hard for people to associate some things with "Satan". People would rather believe that "God" will punish you and you will burn forever, and ever.

I personally accept my decisions without blaming, or giving credit to anyone but myself. In the long run, I am no longer scared of threats of fire and brimstone, but I do think that its important to have your own set of rules for your own life, and I dont give credit to anyone but myself!

Peace, NRE.

Thank you for your understanding and I do agree with you. I had debated leaving out the words Satan etc and seeing how many people responded positively. However, the deception would of been found out by some and my point lost in a bitter argument of character assassination.

take care

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by Six6Six

I took a step forward in fact. I have no love for other humans who can not be bothered to help themselves. But I still treat them within the law.
So you actively hand out love to those who you think deserve it? Satan doesn't like those who judge.

Now its about what I can gain for me. So yes I made a choice for some sort of personal need.
Everyone has "some sort of personal need". Now it's about what you can gain for yourself and what people you need to kiss the ass of the make it happen, everyone else doesn't matter because if they were worthy enough of your attention they would already be part of the "elite crowd".

I understand where you are coming from, I do. However, Satan and humans are two differing types. Human are judgement. I am judgmental and I think that is a natural human instinct.

For example if I may, I have in the last five years helped many different organizations from Children's charities to donating money to the vicitms of hurricane Katrina in the US. those who lost their homes through NO fault of their own. Yes I choose who I can help and when I can help but that is what everyone does.

I on the other hand will not help certain people NO matter what. I will not help those who are lazy and cant be bothered to help themselves. I will also no help those who I do not consider to be within my parameters ie I will not donate to Islamic causes, Catholic Causes, Jewish causes etc you get my point. I have guidelines.

I need money to help those who need it and I have been taught to share my income with others who need it more than me. Before I took this path I never helped a soul. Not one that I can offer as genuine help.

I donate exactly 22% of my income each year to good causes. I do not claim that back on my taxes as I could do. I think that my help is needed and that I am doing the right thing.

Most people on this site I can assure you do not help as much as i do if at all.

So regardless of who my thoughts have changed they ultimately help those who need them. So my reasoning is that its a good thing.

Do you NOT agree?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by facelift
reply to post by Six6Six

Not to be a member of a club or new religion but because I think that living under a different set of guidelines can be wholly rewarding.

Why don't you live by those guidelines without having to pledge allegiance to 'the church'..?

Becoming a member reeks of personal, you have actually taken a step back in terms of individuality, but you don't mind that, huh..?

edit on 12-10-2011 by facelift because: kill an e and give birth to a d

Please let me offer another perception for you to ponder.

Do you have children? If so then this is appropriate,

If I knew you in the real world and not just in this cyber world and your child became sick. Lets say you could not afford the type of treatment he needed and deserved. Lets say your insurance company only would provide the limited treatment that they covered. But the best treatment could change you child's life for good. But you could never afford it.

If you knew me and asked me for the money for YOUR child's treatment, I would pay his.her bill for you no strings attached. Even if you never spoke to me again.

Are you saying that because of the job I have and the contacts I now have and the way I came about it you would decline? Please be honest.

My choices in life could save you child's life. that is the way I live my life now thanks to what I have shown. Yes I seek out greedy opportunities but its not only for MY benefit. The people who I join for weekends away or dinner parties all carry this belief. They too would help you without hesitation.

edit on 12-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
...Those people on the website you left for me are some very admirable people. We all have to aspire to something. Some like Steve Jobs but I prefer Sir Isaac Newton. just preference.

Sir Isaac Newton you say? Great pick! There's hope for you yet.

Though he is better known for his love of science, the Bible was Sir Isaac Newton's greatest passion. He devoted more time to the study of Scripture than to science, and he said, "I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily."'s_religious_views


He (Newton) discovered the Law of Gravity. He theorized artificial satellites could be put into orbit around the Earth, and his laws of motion are still used by scientists today. Newton’s genius is considered to be on the same level as Albert Einstein’s.

A lesser known fact about Newton is that he wasted 20 years of his life studying alchemy and the occult. He treated the endeavor practically  as a full time job, concentrating on little else in his life. One day he finally  realized it was all nonsense, and that he wasted TWO DECADES of his life trying to understand it. He became very distraught at this revelation, and probably came close to a nervous breakdown!

But after a few days, he ditched the occult for good, picked himself up, dusted himself off, returned to the Christian faith, and resumed teaching science at Cambridge. Sir Isaac was one of the greatest minds in science, comparable to Eienstein, and even with his genius, he couldn't make it work! Neither will you or anyone else.

edit on 12-10-2011 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by Six6Six
...Those people on the website you left for me are some very admirable people. We all have to aspire to something. Some like Steve Jobs but I prefer Sir Isaac Newton. just preference.

Sir Isaac Newton you say? Great pick! There's hope for you yet.

Though he is better known for his love of science, the Bible was Sir Isaac Newton's greatest passion. He devoted more time to the study of Scripture than to science, and he said, "I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily."'s_religious_views


He (Newton) discovered the Law of Gravity. He theorized artificial satellites could be put into orbit around the Earth, and his laws of motion are still used by scientists today. Newton’s genius is considered to be on the same level as Albert Einstein’s.

A lesser known fact about Newton is that he wasted 20 years of his life studying alchemy and the occult. He treated the endeavor practically  as a full time job, concentrating on little else in his life. One day he finally  realized it was all nonsense, and that he wasted TWO DECADES of his life trying to understand it. He became very distraught at this revelation, and probably came close to a nervous breakdown!

But after a few days, he ditched the occult for good, picked himself up, dusted himself off, returned to the Christian faith, and resumed teaching science at Cambridge. Sir Isaac was one of the greatest minds in science, comparable to Eienstein, and even with his genius, he couldn't make it work! Neither will you or anyone else.

Yes he had his ways. His beliefs and Sir Issac Newton also wrote a few good pieces on the occult. However, man can and will changed their minds.

I am not an occult worshiping weirdo. I just use a set of guidelines and share a common trait with some who believe in something else other than what the rest of society do.

However, even geniuses can be wrong. Einstein thought nothing could travel faster than the speed of light. In fact he spent most of his research and life proving it.

But just a few weeks ago scientists are now disputing his theory as they think they found neutrinos that do in fact travel faster than light. One man can not be wholly accurate just because he excels in another field.

They used to believe the world was flat. They used to believe that time travel was impossible - Tesla had different views.

I hear you. But I must choose to disagree. I live my life from a different castle now. One built in a different manner but ultimately one still built atop a great big hill.

What I believe in is neither here nor there. But what it has done for me has allowed me to contribute to those less fortunate. 22% of my income each year is donated to charity and good causes. What do you contribute?
Do you help others less fortunate with no strings attached?

If you do then that is great. If you don't for whatever reason then please look at why that is!

edit on 12-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

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