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Possible reasons for Chemtrails?

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

You're not helping, you are *clouding* the issues with baseless speculations.

*Baseless* and *speculative* that is, until there is proof shown of such technologies installed in every commercial airliner jet that makes observed and cataloged countless time. Regular passenger airliners, you can easily see the airline logos and liveries.......

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ProudBird

So, do you want to say that in the UK/ Europe it is always cloudy?

I remember an open Sky with some Clouds but no Contrails,
it was coming in a deep Blue, than it was gone for a Decade
- we saw only "the Aluminum Sky"
until i came to Japan- here i saw and see the deep Blue again
and we have a lot of Planes here!

I wrote it already: even there is no Chemo inside it look bad
and complied the legal prerequisites of a environmental Crime!
edit on 12-10-2011 by Human0815 because: spell

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

You're not helping, you are *clouding* the issues with baseless speculations.

*Baseless* and *speculative* that is, until there is proof shown of such technologies installed in every commercial airliner jet that makes observed and cataloged countless time. Regular passenger airliners, you can easily see the airline logos and liveries.......

Sure there are plenty of baseless stories.
If Tesla ships are true then any unseen unknown ship might make
trails showing up way later on. That would be my concern.
A ship in flight no one sees, a wake no one sees until the persistence
makes everyone suspicious as to how low a haze can go.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Grossac
reply to post by ignorant_ape

It's happening at very low altitude. ......

That nonsense comes from William Thomas. Note the click to donate button on the bottom of the page? Easy, Easy money.

Make a donation to Help us maintain the web site and keep the public informed. Help Stop Chemtrails

The nonsense posted in relation to aviation simply sucks gullible and naive people into the chemtrail conspiracy.

Take for example the X-patterns. This is based on complete ignorance of upper air routes. Air Traffic Control separate aircraft and they can pass over and under each other using those upper air routes. Watch the following video and see it from the perspective of both passengers and crews. What you are seeing from the ground
perspective is the resultant X-patterns. Not really a mystery is it?

You claim "It's happening at very low altitude" when it is clearly not. Such claims are widely published on the internet and twisted by other 'click to donate' idiots. The likes of Tanker Enemy and his colleagues make regular videos that are simply lies. They have to lie and block comment in order to make their money. They can't allow factual comments to appear and challenge their lies. Tanker Enemy regularly does the low altitude 'spraying' claims to suck people in.

For example look at the heights he is claiming these aircraft are at? Around 6,000 feet!

He can't even correctly identify the aircraft featured in his videos, yet he is blatantly lying to suck people into the conspiracy.

He is obsessed with this 'around 6,000 feet'. Here he is with his colleague Niko trying to claim that the contrail is at 6,000 feet. It is pure perspective and it is laughable the comments he gets for this. The aircraft is nowhere near the cloud, but he is simply using perspective to claim that it is.

This one will make ProudBird and other aviators laugh. The crossing airliner videos filmed by crews and passengers are a threat to Tanker Enemy. He just has to manipulate them with his own idiotic grasp of aviation and thus invent a bogus story. The aircraft are legally separated by Air Traffic Control.

See following post for another example of these 'click to donate' idiots. Blatantly lying about a leased Boeing 767 in Italy that every aviation enthusiast knows about. He can't even get the identity correct and calls it an Airbus A330. Note the old story regularly played out by chemtrailers in literature of unmarked white aircraft? It really is pathetic and they are laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of people who believe, buy their merchandise, or feel a need to donate.

You and many others get sucked into the chemtrail conspiracy by people who lie and distort facts.


edit on 12-10-2011 by tommyjo because: Malformed vid link corrected

edit on 12-10-2011 by tommyjo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Here is a real Nasa site that you should read.

There is no scientific evidence from NASA or any other person for that matter that has scientific proof of chemtrails.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:24 PM
Here is a link that will show you all different contrail pics, None of these are chemtrails so enjoy.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Here is a real Nasa site that you should read.

There is no scientific evidence from NASA or any other person for that matter that has scientific proof of chemtrails.

Thats a good reason the trails that disturb everyone have to be made by secret craft.
There is an official government office that passes on scientific information releases.
They know time machines do not work and let any one patent them or even
flying saucers/UFOs but they never work. Suppression and disruption of a
true free energy system will be done however. UFO/saucers making trails can't
happen as they play by the rules even though some trails look stuck together going
straight down to the ground.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Thats a good reason the trails that disturb everyone have to be made by secret craft. There is an official government office that passes on scientific information releases.

First where are these secret crafts coming from and wouldn't there be some whistleblower blowing their whole bit of knowledge on this spraying?

Second what is the official office that does this? Would love to know..

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Do you know where all the aircraft in the world are.
I never hear of their operations.
The whole airline business is as secret as UFOs to me and everyone else.
Double that and we still would know the ins and outs about UFOs so
who talks to ruin their business.

UFOs don't spray they burn the nitrogen up into compounds that cause the
lingering trails people call chem trail so I don't call it chemical spraying.
There are no chemicals or whistle blowing necessary as its just an unusual trail.

The office is perhaps a secret operation (OSI - Office of Scientific Information perhaps)
that perhaps I can work for to finger all the free energy scientists so let me know where to
apply as well if you find them.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:15 PM
You guys don't get my argument, you can't proof there is no chemicals in contrails from jet exhaust which is a petroleum based fuel with fuel additives.
Fuel additives have chemicals in them.
As stated only the hydrogen fueled plane would be a true water/nitrogen trail.
Emission license # CF8888 AZ
#1132 Colo

Are you trying to tell a Licensed Emission Inspector in 2 states that Contrails from hot engine exhaust gasses
are only condensed water vapor with nothing else in them.

So how come you contrails are harmless guys, did not testify to assist in this law suit if they are harmless?

U.S.-E.U. Showdown Over Airline Emissions Begins Today

If European lawmakers have their way, by next year any American flying from Boston to Paris will have to pay for the plane's carbon emissions over Massachusetts, Nova Scotia, the Atlantic Ocean and France.
edit on 12-10-2011 by Gmoneycricket because: spell

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
reply to post by Chadwickus

Well, population increasing is not difficult to understand....

Population may be increasing, and people may be living longer THROUGH prescription meds/charitable aid for the vast amount of health/economic issues sweeping across all continents. It seems there is a new cancer/carcinoma every week, new strain of influenza announced every season but in reality they are finding new strains weekly, which it seems that TPB and the pharms are always on the cusp of a symptomatic treatment, never a cure. The top 1% needs worker bees to continue making the hive thrive. No many are actually "living" longer - just surving longer.

I only poped into this thread seeking info for morgellons disease and to link this thread to a new offense meant but too many people aren't gathering enough information to truly see what is happening....most are just happening and won't realize what happened when the great happening goes down. Jus sayn'

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