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Alex Jones and the commentators on his site exposed as agents of the GOP

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posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:08 PM
All their rhetoric is conservative tea party based. Alex Jones is exposed by the OWS movement as nothing but a covert agent of the Republican conservative party.

He is not only a distorter and liar and hysterical clown but a dangerous enemy of ordinary Americans who supports a neo-con domestic policy.

Even though Jones and the conservative tea party loving writers on his site lends lip service to the 911 truther movement and conspiracy theories he is nevertheless a right wing reactionary on domestic issues and a lame ignorant libertarian who justifies anti-human republican racist policies.

I knew he and those hyenas on his site would stoop to slander the brave people in the OWS movement when they began to express their demands and that they would turn out to be PROGRESSIVES in ideology.

Alex Jones and those reactionarieson his site like Nimmo are frauds who are not at all true conspiracy theorists but are actually tea Party GOP conservatives.

As for his 911 and conspiracy NWO credentials and philosophy he has been exposed as an agent of the very people he condemns. He is a neo-liberal and neo-con conservative secret GOP agent.

He has infiltrated the conspiracy community with this anti progressive tea party hogwash and is an agent of the neo cons, tea pArty and GOP.

His hysterical lies and ramblings have set the 911 truther community back 100 years.

Ignore Alex Jones and his neo-con tea party GOP fake conspiracy site.

For this two-bit phony and his ignorant commentators like Kurt Nimmo to criticize the OWS when they sit on their fat asses and make money off obsession and misery and his hysterical ramblings is a farce.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:22 PM
You have given us no explanations to the labels you put on the guy. He is not a good person but if your going to label some one back it up.

All i have to say is

If you cant see it after watching that video or at least look into it then their is no help for you. You will all ways want a leader like alex jones or the president to make things right while sit in your air conditioned house with your tv on, and eyes glued to the computer screen.
edit on 9-10-2011 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2011 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:22 PM
while I am very far from being an alex jones fan, do you have anything specific to say about him, or about what he has said about the OWS? What exactly are you basing this on, or is it just a genreal feeling about him?

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
All their rhetoric is conservative tea party based. Alex Jones is exposed by the OWS movement as nothing but a covert agent of the Republican conservative party.

So Alex Jones is exposed as a Conservative (which he already openly claimed he was) by a group of (dis)organized Socialists, Marxists, and radicals?

He is not only a distorter and liar and hysterical clown but a dangerous enemy of ordinary Americans who supports a neo-con domestic policy.

Would you care to define what Neoconservatism is, specifically as you pointed out its domestic policy? I know for a fact that he considers himself a Paleoconservative which, if you spent just 10 minutes researching, would clearly reveal the sharp division between the two.

Even though Jones and the conservative tea party loving writers on his site lends lip service to the 911 truther movement and conspiracy theories he is nevertheless a right wing reactionary on domestic issues and a lame ignorant libertarian who justifies anti-human republican racist policies.

‘Reactionary’, ‘ignorant’, ‘anti-human’, ‘racist’, you call him all those things yet he is the ignorant one and not you? Where is a point-by-point break down of his philosophical arguments with a strong refuting of the legitimacy of said argument? Or would it just be easier to dehumanize him, slander him with unjustified labels, and pretend like what you are saying does not need any legitimacy because you say so.

I knew he and those hyenas on his site would stoop to slander the brave people in the OWS movement when they began to express their demands and that they would turn out to be PROGRESSIVES in ideology.

And this cannot equally be said of the people that visit Huffington Post,, etc… who slandered the Tea Party but now align themselves with these OWS protests? So what if and Alex Jones have different ideological takes on the protests in this country, is that a crime? Jones suspects these people to be the ‘useful idiots’ Lenin talked about so if one is to come to that conclusion then would they not believe the protests to be bad?

Alex Jones and those reactionarieson his site like Nimmo are frauds who are not at all true conspiracy theorists but are actually tea Party GOP conservatives.

They are Tea Partiers and they are Conservatives, yes, but to label them ‘reactionary’ is a little harsh and to use ‘Tea Party’ in the way you did would show that you are no better than AJ who you claim is so horrible. So you can hate the Tea Party and that is okay but if AJ hates the OWS then that calls for labeling him 'ignorant', 'reactionary', 'racist', and 'ignorant', correct?

As for his 911 and conspiracy NWO credentials and philosophy he has been exposed as an agent of the very people he condemns. He is a neo-liberal and neo-con conservative secret GOP agent.

He is a Conservative, specifically Paleoconservative, so instead of priding yourself on your ignorance beating your chest like people will think you are special actually dedicate a little time on research. It is sad I even have to tell you this.

He has infiltrated the conspiracy community with this anti progressive tea party hogwash and is an agent of the neo cons, tea pArty and GOP.

This is what, the third time you said this now? And still I see no links to prove he is a neocon and no links to prove he is a member of the GOP. Since when am I supposed to take accusations like these at face value and conclude that they are anything but libelous?

His hysterical lies and ramblings have set the 911 truther community back 100 years.

Ignore Alex Jones and his neo-con tea party GOP fake conspiracy site.

Why should we do that? What proof do you have for your accusations?

For this two-bit phony and his ignorant commentators like Kurt Nimmo to criticize the OWS when they sit on their fat asses and make money off obsession and misery and his hysterical ramblings is a farce.

So they should bow to OWS and worship it blindly? Perhaps they are seeing the OWS the same way you see the TPM, infiltrated movements with a strong ideological leaning with strings being pulled from behind the curtain.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:43 PM
How about this guy. He tries to start problems by posing as a OWS protestor then brags in his right wing paper The American Spectator. Who is he? Hes the editor.

Heres the story that had the picture showing he was involved in starting the problem.
edit on 9-10-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Damn! O.P. Furious much?

But is it any of a surprise? Hell no! Many have already exposed his phony ass from the first impression, so did I.
He is not just a one-side hypocrite but a danger to both sides. I swear to you if civil war ever breaks in this country He's just gonna sit back and watch the fruit of his labour.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by 8ILlBILl8

Use your own brain and read his site where he condemns the OWS as socialism.
Jones supports a tea party agenda he makes no secret of that on his site.


posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by 8ILlBILl8


You are making pretty severe accusations the very least you could do is provide evidence for these accusation. But I suppose you would prefer to kick and scream then when someone questions you just say ‘do you need links to think’?

“You must be absolute morons, I post all this information for you then you question me! Why do you not just spend your time researching how right I am instead of asking for evidence which I should not have to provide?”

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by chrissiel123

Read his site. I have read it for years and know he is a right winger disqguised as a conspiracy theorists.

Just because known Liberals and progressives support the OWS, Jones in his ignorant hysterical ramblings have labeled them communists and socialists!

Did this jerk, Alex Jones, label the tea party what they are when it is known that the Koch brothers and all those conservative neo con GOP reactionaries support the Tea party.
But yet the OWS are no good socialists because some liberal progressives support them according to Jones..
Jones is a dam fool!
He is a fake and phoney.
edit on 9-10-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:12 PM
OWS is communism,socialism and all the other isms rolled into one ugly beast its anything but constituitionalism and capitalism.

face it OWS are the BORG they are here to assimilate you they seek to add your excellence to their mediocrity

and rinse and repeat until there is no more excellence they are the BORG resistience is futile better a right wing fool than a left wing slave.

alex aint dumb but from what ive seen from OWS is they are acting like sargent shultz from hogans heroes

they see nothing they hear nothing and they know nothing which translates to they dont see the error of their ways and when people try to show them it falls on deaf ears hence the sad fact they know nothing.

the word drones comes to mind.
edit on 9-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:12 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:15 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:20 PM


posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:22 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:23 PM


posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by neo96

Define what you claim to be? Please.
A libertarian. What is that?

A rich white man who now that they have stolen all the goods want to claim.
Everything they stole is rightfully theirs.

Nice scam, but is is soon over.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by inforeal

alright mr racist over soon? thats laughable once the temperature drops so will the numbers of all those "good little communist protestors"

sorry but those people have an attention span of a gnat.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:28 PM
info -

can you just post some examples and comment on them ?

I am no fan of Mr. Jones, but I see him more of a rush limbaugh type, a guy who is telling a specific audience what they want to hear for $

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Alex Jones is one of the only true news commentators out there!! While the MSM decides to cover entertainment like the Michael Jackson's doctor trial and not the global financial disaster or interviewing true OWS seems everyone they protest is clueless and a communist so the protest appears to be a joke....

Alex is the only one speaking for the people! You have a right to believe what you choose to believe but Alex has done more to expose the truth than any other broadcaster (besides Noory).. Examples:

9/11 (Building 7)
The Fed Reserve
the Police State
The Underwear Bomber
the TSA Groping scandal
Alwaki's dinner at the Pentagon

Why isn't YOUR MSM covering these issues?? It's because they were part of the BIG financial bailout and are slaves to the FED and the WH...if you believe Alex is a scam liberal republic than present facts...remember opnions are like @ - holes...everyone's got one. That includes me

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by 8ILlBILl8

Use your own brain and read his site where he condemns the OWS as socialism.
Jones supports a tea party agenda he makes no secret of that on his site.


duh. You certainly have a chip on your shoulder. This is ATS. You want to make a thread, you post a healthy mix of fact, opinion, and links or quotes to substantiate your argument.

Unless you feel like moving this to the rant section, where all bets are off and threads are expected to have a fair bit of emotional stuff with little backing to it.

And yes, I need links. I am not spending my evening combing through websites trying to decipher what you might have been referring to. If someone makes a claim, I like to know why. What is wrong with that?

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