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Global warming. Lets end the debate right here, right now!

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Search 'Global warming news' on Google and you will get:

About 188,000,000 results

But has all that info and the many million conversations and arguments about it around the world got us anywhere?

Now it doesnt take many ats members to come to the conclusion that the media almost always has an agenda.
We have seen blatent media blackouts on figures like Ron Paul and events like OWS, so why does global warming get such coverage?
Is it fair to assume there is a reason they want us to be thinking about global warming? Because we all know how easy it is for them to hide an issue from public attention, just think about FOX picking americas president or the countless examples of fear mongering and arguing about inadmient issues inside the big issues, or asking politicans pointless questions. we all know the list goes on and on..

They would have known people were opening their eyes and i think the most logical idea to control them would be to redirect their passion on to an equally worrying but irellivant issue.
Its no different to the war on terror.
They got us to fear and argue about the terrorists while not questioning the fact we were going into an irrelivant country in the issue.

I think it is time to stop arguing about global warming and climate change, its only a small issue inside a big issue.
In recent decades we have seen growth in the strong opposition to the blatent monopoly of resource companys who give the people no real option but to buy their oils. Is it any wonder that the media highlights an issue such as global warming?

Human caused global warming could be very real, at the same time it may just be natural.
Why take the risk?
Its obvious that there is a natural global climate procsess, and we do know that humans alter it in some way..why alter it if we dont know the effects? its easy to say mother nature is already doing it, but does that make it ok for us too?
We have efficent renewable alternatives, and they are not expensive or unreliable.
Dont argue about global warming.
Listen to the old saying 'its better to be safe then sorry'
The media and tptb want you to argue.

I ask you to say this in any future global warming conversation:
'global warming could be real, but i dont want to find out the hard way. Lets look at the real; the fact we are using a finite unrenewable resource that has very negative effects for no other reason then the fact corporations havent given us another option. I dont want to argue with you because we are all on the same side'

what do people who dont believe in human caused global warming have to loose by saying 'lets stop using fossil fuels'?
if your wrong well you have have just saved out earth
if your right youve atleast stopped many negative effects and helped us develop a better, cleaner society.


Do you want your children growing up in a world where they cant see the stars?
Where they cant take a breath in their city without getting chocked with dangerous chemicals?
Where their fellow animals are dying and their habitats are being destroyed?
Where there could be serious long term effects of removing substances from the ground?

The risk is not worth the cause!
Lets work together and fight for a green world.

With love, univerSOUL.

edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:02 AM
The debate was ended when scientists distorted, manipulated, and deleted data trying to prove Global Warming.

Global warming is nothing more than a punchline to many funny jokes. Especially if you throw Algore in the mix.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
The debate was ended when scientists distorted, manipulated, and deleted data trying to prove Global Warming.

Global warming is nothing more than a punchline to many funny jokes. Especially if you throw Algore in the mix.

What im trying to say is its pointless to say things like this (or even the over side of the argument)
lets just focus on the fact we are using fossil fuels when we could be using energy that has no negative effects

stop the arguing people, thats just what they want.

they have a monopoly and we dont need to take part in it by not focusing on the issues.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:04 AM
double post
edit on 5-10-2011 by UniverSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

Human caused global warming could be very real, at the same time it may just be natural. Why take the risk?

its all about money.. the whole "global warming problem" could be a problem made up by the elites to take the money out of our pockets and feed a bottomless hole.. forever, a hole that leads back to the pockets of the people that the whole thing up.

When scientist disagree its often because there is money involved by the outcome..

But we really dont have a choice do we.. we cant afford to not take the risk, we are talking about our planet. Even with the risk of being lied to.. we just cant afford it

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:13 AM
From my experience, I have never seen such hot temps as this past summer here in New Hampshire.

I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer and for as long as I've owned it and monitored temps the highest it has ever reached was this summer where it hit 105 degrees in the shade which is ~HOT~ !

...Especially for New Hampshire...where even 100 degree days are a rare occurrence.

Just sayin'...

edit on 5-10-2011 by nh_ee because: typos

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:14 AM
it is all about the money, and that is the root of most problems
why support tptb by arguing about global warming
when we could stand together and fight for a cleaner world free of monopoly

of course we have a choice, we just have to seize it

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by nh_ee

yes ive been experiencing one of the weirdest years in regards to weather in my whole life.
but its not important in this thread, nor in the big picture.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by nh_ee

And the Pacific Northwest was cooler than normal.......
What does this prove?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

of course we have a choice, we just have to seize it

Could you tell me how to do that, if they are controling the media, all science publications, military AND the money flow... tell me how to change the world... or "seize" it.. stick my head out of window and shout ?

edit on 5-10-2011 by Vandalour because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Vandalour

well like all change it may be slow, but you take the small steps to make the long distances.
the point of this thread was to tell people not to contribute to the global warming argument.
if we can shift peoples thoughts to the real issues one by one thats a big part of the fight.
we boycot large oil companies and use smaller ones
we protest
we support the growth of renewable energies

these ideas may not be perfect
but we will atleast get somewhere if we dont continue to argue, and thats better then going in circles

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:31 AM

What im trying to say is its pointless to say things like this (or even the over side of the argument)
lets just focus on the fact we are using fossil fuels when we could be using energy that has no negative effects

stop the arguing people, thats just what they want.

they have a monopoly and we dont need to take part in it by not focusing on the issues.

Then lets focus on that and drop the whole "Global Warming/Climate Change" BS. Wait a minute . . . we can't. Why? Because the Politicians and special interests groups who back both sides of the issue won't allow it. Divide and Conquer is their motto.

If we spent a fraction of the time and money wasted on global warming/climate research on finding and developing better alternative fuel sources and cleaner burning more efficent engines, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Everyone is talking about Occupying something or another these days, well, how about we recognize the real threat. It's not the banks or the corporations, it's the politicians who allow this sort of crap to go on simply to line their pockets. Screw Occupy Wall Street, go pop a squat on the White House Lawn.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Dear Universal

The problem here isn't whether global warming is "real" or whether or not its cause is anthropogenic. The problem here is with the solutions that are being proposed.

1. Al Gore and his ilk want to tax the use of carbon (and make a little off the top in each transaction)

The problem with this "solution" is that it does NOTHING to solve the problem, it merely re-distributes wealth. Companies that produce goods will simply add this new tax to the products and prices will go up.

2. Solution is to use less energy and to switch to green energy sources.

The problem with this "solution" is that it is pretty much impossible to implement with causing human suffering on a scale never ever seen before. Third world countries would have to retain third world status - no trying to get people out of huts and into homes with electricity and water services. As for developed worlds - well we would all have to go down to third world status. Green energy sources are unreliable and cannot be easily fed into the grid because of that unreliability. Plus green electricity costs 80.2 cents per kW instead of the 17 or so cents of nuclear or hydo energy. The production of ethanol reduces food production (increasing prices so that people begin to starve), causes problems when natural forests are cut down to produce for ethanol and the production of ethanol uses 1.5 L of gasoline for every L of ethanol. Further, ethanol cuts fuel efficiency and produces more air pollution.

3. Whether global warming is happening or not - there is absolutely no evidence that the warming will not be beneficial. All other warming in the past has been beneficial, please explain precisely why this time will be different.

So are you willing to go back to living in a cave in order to save our planet? If so - you first!

Tired of Control freaks

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

The problem with using energy with no negative effects are two fold. the first being that more often than not a factory that is polluting is used to manufacture the parts for the green energy stuff (
) secondly, the technology just is not there yet for us to transition from FF to green stuff, in any way that would make a difference in the near future.

A Modern day Diesel-Electric locomotive can travel about 205 ( or is it 250? ) miles on 1 gallon of diesel. while emitting less carbon than a semi truck getting 50ish mpg. To me, that's a bigger improvement and innovation than a solar panel, or windmill.

here's a question I'd like to ask. If Global warming is sooooo evil, and its "Better" for us to go green, better for the economy ect, than why is China still the biggest polluter, not getting scolded by the international community for it, and has a better economy that the U.S. and the E.U. right now?

my point is, realistically the only thing we can do is get off the foreign oil, and drill for our own, saving us some money. we then take the money we save and use it in grants for technology in solving energy, pollution etc.
In other words, yes we do the "evil" thing and drill for more, so that in the long run we will be better prepared to save our planet... and yes.. there has been safety improvements in drilling, the Deep water disaster was bad.. because we are forced to drill in deep water, where its a lot harder to stop a leak, as you all saw. that would never happen at ANWAR

imagine how much more money people would have if we brought gas back down to 1$ a gallon, how much it would boost the economy, when people don't have to spend half their paycheck on gas. this is more Important IMO than continually discussing whether GW is real or not.

edit on 5-10-2011 by Kingbreaker because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-10-2011 by Kingbreaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by freespirit1

I can testify to that its freaking cold up here right now. Not to mention the temp last week was 70 its 50 now we did go gradual into this it was intant cold. was beginning to think it had something to do with the large earthquakes shifting the crust more toward russia but it could be the combo of that plus global Warming (cooling).

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by MissCoyote

I think you are correct

On the east side of the state, this year we have had more earthquakes (biggest one a 3.4 that was felt) than I can ever remember. Personally, I think the earth is going through some major changes, natural, that we haven't seen in recorded history.

I am not fear mongering or anything like that, but I really feel that it is going to be one really, really bad winter this year!
And that has nothing to do with global warming, but everything to do with natural climate changes.
edit on 5-10-2011 by freespirit1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Yes, I see your point, and I agree with you. I believe the global warming is:

1- A reality
2- NOT man-made
3- Caused by external cosmic events (such as a change in the Sun's behavior, the Photon Belt, the disappearing of the heliosphere (it is slowly fading away), and so on...)
4- It is a natural cycle on Earth to see the temperature go up and down ( See here )

And if any of you get into a debate with some brainwashed man-made global warming theory fanatics, just tell them something along those lines:

If global warming is caused by the augmentation of CO2 in the atmosphere like it is assumed by every supporters of the de facto theory, tell me why the ice cores prove us without a doubt the augmentation of CO2 ALWAYS come AFTER an augmentation of temperature? In other words, why does an augmentation of temperature cause a CO2 increase, and not the other way around?

Then if you really want to destroy your opponent, show him graphs of ice cores:

Such as this one
Or this one, which is more focused on present times
Or this one

Then he might say..."well, there's still a correlation..."

All you have to do is to show him this research: Global Warming: A Closer Look At The Number

Using peer-reviewed researches, this research proves beyond all doubt that:
1- CO2 is responsible for 3.618% of all the greenhouse gases contribution to global warming
2- Water Vapor is responsible for exactly 95% of the same thing
3- Humans contribution to the release of CO2 is only 3.225%
4- Therefore, human contribution to global warming is 0.28% (adding all the greenhouse gases together, not just CO2)

Then you can say that, yes, humans are warming the Earth by 0,28%, assuming that the other 99,72% are constants, which we all know is utterly false!

Ps: It's cool to be back on ATS after a 6 month absence

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:05 PM
I also think alot of the distruction to our beloved or hated planet is what is causing our poor Gaia to punish us. we wipe out her trees suck up her resourse and WHAT do we give back to her. NOTHING. I only contibute 10 percent by planting a tree a garden getting info on how to convert my gas car to strickly battery/solar/water. I love my planet but fears nobody else does.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by MissCoyote
I also think alot of the distruction to our beloved or hated planet is what is causing our poor Gaia to punish us. we wipe out her trees suck up her resourse and WHAT do we give back to her. NOTHING. I only contibute 10 percent by planting a tree a garden getting info on how to convert my gas car to strickly battery/solar/water. I love my planet but fears nobody else does.

"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure."

- Agent Smith, The Matrix

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:18 PM
As long as all the deniers (the people who deny global warming) join me in the fight against Big Oil companies, and for the diffusion of alternative energy sources, I will no longer insist in any debate.

Okay, you don't believe in Global Warming. But let's fight for alternative energy, because oil is a finite resource, it is almost reaching a peak in production and its price is skyrocketing. And it's the basis that sustain many dictatorships in the world.

So, join me in the struggle for alternative energy, and there is no reason to continue the debate about Global Warming.

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