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UFO petition at the White House is just a naive initiative or a COINTELL trap???

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:03 AM
This petition is managed by the "We The People" program, which is under the control of White House, so what are the odds of the US government saying anything towards a disclosure about the ultimate secret of mankind, handled as military classified matter, all over the recent history??

(...)By "enough support," the administration means a petition has to receive just 5,000 signatures within 30 days to warrant an official White House response. That's a low enough threshold to get a lot of conspiracy theorists licking their suspicious chops.

As soon as the White House announced its We the People program, UFO/ET proponent Stephen Bassett wasted no time penning the first alien disclosure petition which reads:

We, the undersigned, strongly urge the president of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon.

Bassett is executive director of Paradigm Research Group which advocates for the truth about UFOs.

"In 1996, when I launched the Paradigm Research Group, I registered as a lobbyist on behalf of a number of organizations on this particular subject -- the idea of total disclosure of an ET presence on Earth by the world governments," Bassett told The Huffington Post.

"Everything PRG does, including World Disclosure Day -- all of it contributes to this process."

Original article

edit on 10/5/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/5/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/5/2011 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Sorry, but I don't see it happening. I don't see the US government giving people space for find out about secret deals with Greys, free abduction of millions of humans for genetic experiments, cattle mutilation, hybridism, underground bases, reverse engineering and 50 years old programs like Philadelphia, Rainbow, Montauk, Pegasus and many other that left the human race hostage of despicable entities capable to torture any person, until annihilate its soul in the deepest levels of existence, only to obtain a few cc of some brain enzyme to let them high. I don't see the US government and mainly the US military giving up of the ultimate national security secret, which also is fully tied to the development of the NWO. I don't see them opening up about the ultimate boost of knowledge capable to set men free, making the people of Earth see themselves as citizens of the cosmos, giving a new perspective with power to extinguish fake religions, racial hate and planetary boundaries.

Thus, I see this petition as a clever data mining for bringing all UFO nutjobs and conspiracy theorists, straight to TPTB's claws.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:19 AM

We, the undersigned, strongly urge the president of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon.

It's my belief that the UFO problem is beyond the control of the office of the presidency. Something tells me it belongs to a higher, more secretive jurisdiction - and probably has for awhile now. So I agree, I don't see much coming from it either. It's not Obama's call to make.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:41 AM
It's too bad that idiot Steven Bassett jumped on it. That guy is a moron, I can supply you interviews that confirm this.

it would have been cool if a reputable, real scientist would have put forth such an effort, but it's too late for that now. The waters have been muddied by morons like Bassett and the legions of useful idiots that make up their audience.

Odds are the government doesn't know more about this than anybody around here anyway. I don't see how they could even keep it secret, they can't do anything right.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by DarthChrisious

Kennedy was murdered by pushing CIA and US military on disclosing this matter for the public and Reagan got shot in the a** by talking about it in the UN. It's not an encouraging retrospect for Obama.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by DarthChrisious

I SO agree with you, I always could see this as the case. Here's another thing Mr. Bassett just never considers. What about the Intelligences who are behind the anomalous ufo phenomenon? (The space ship looking things with beings coming out. [ See Kelly Cahill abduction] ) What about THEM about Outing THEMSELVES? And why should they do that? What is in it for them to do that?

These Exopol/Disclosure NewAgeys, I swear. They live in a land of pink unicorns and glittery rainbows.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 01:14 PM
After reading everything just now, my only thought was... it has to get a lot worse before it gets better.
I'm guessing the only way these things would be publicized is if they are leaked, but then TPTB has done a good job making us not believe everything we hear/see.

So i guess my question for everyone would be, what would have to be done to force them?
edit on 10/5/2011 by MrGrimm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

We, the undersigned, strongly urge the president of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon.

It's my belief that the UFO problem is beyond the control of the office of the presidency. Something tells me it belongs to a higher, more secretive jurisdiction - and probably has for awhile now. So I agree, I don't see much coming from it either. It's not Obama's call to make.

Quite so. I think it was either Eishower or Truman who warned of the Military Industrial Complex. And he would be right. However much or little that was known is now in the hands of a very few but greedy and dangerous peole whose lust for power is to the detriment of everyone else. Shame on them. And i am sure that future generations will look back and call this the Dark Ages of human history.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by MrGrimm
......TPTB has done a good job making us not believe everything we hear/see.

Um, no. The UFO community has done that to themselves. What little the government has done to confuse the issue PALES in comparison to the DAILY damage the legions of ignorant enthusiasts inflict. Seriously think about that, let it sink in before you react to what I just the thread titles alone on the first page of this very forum and ask yourself "what does the government even need to do to cover this up when this garbage is put out there on an hourly basis?"

So i guess my question for everyone would be, what would have to be done to force them?

What needs to happen is for the MSM to be falling over themselves to get the scoop to bring this story to air. In order for that to happen there needs to be serious public demand. In order for that to happen we need to clean house and get rid of the ignorance that makes us look like a laughing stock, then start all over establishing credibility. That is the only way. But that will never happen.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 05:03 PM
From my understanding of this unknown technology conspiracy is that it is considered privately
owned technology and protected as such by US and other governments.
Perhaps it is so easy to understand and copy and presents a big problem from 6,000 mph
aircraft to free energy power devices that no one wants to consider letting the technology
be known.

Some genius like Tesla wanted to burn Nitrogen instead of carbon because its plentiful in the
atmosphere and just about as free as energy as you can get. You will still get naysayers that
say its a bad idea. Is that a forgotten energy source held back by the energy opposition.

Taking a flight to anywhere in seconds will just save too much jet fuel.
The opposition is just too great as anyone can understand.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by MainLineThis

Originally posted by MrGrimm
......TPTB has done a good job making us not believe everything we hear/see.

Um, no. The UFO community has done that to themselves. What little the government has done to confuse the issue PALES in comparison to the DAILY damage the legions of ignorant enthusiasts inflict. Seriously think about that, let it sink in before you react to what I just the thread titles alone on the first page of this very forum and ask yourself "what does the government even need to do to cover this up when this garbage is put out there on an hourly basis?"

So i guess my question for everyone would be, what would have to be done to force them?

What needs to happen is for the MSM to be falling over themselves to get the scoop to bring this story to air. In order for that to happen there needs to be serious public demand. In order for that to happen we need to clean house and get rid of the ignorance that makes us look like a laughing stock, then start all over establishing credibility. That is the only way. But that will never happen.

I used to think exactly that too man, but as time has passed and I've had more time to think and talk about it with people, I've noticed that it really does come down to the ones in charge. If people we're easily given the opportunity for an education and health then their state of mind would have evolved differently. Yes I know that's a double edged sword as well, it's possible that TPTB could just have easily manipulated the education system as well, but who knows... Don't get me wrong, I believe we are to blame as well and the people with little knowledge on the matter don't help, but they're everywhere, in every category.

Basically there's one thing I do know about TPTB, those with power want only one thing, more power. And those who stand to lose power will do anything to keep it, even if that means no one else having it.

I still humor your ideas on my own time with friends, because I don't believe I should shut down peoples opinions just because I don't agree with them. (Unless they're vicious) We're trying to figure out which way would be the less violent one.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:41 PM
On Weds the History channel ran a series of UFO Hunters and UFO Files episodes over several hours. During one about UFO's and Presidents the show highlighted various presidents and their experiences or views or queries about UFOs. In one segment about Harry S Truman and a series of UFO's over the capitol building and Washington DC in 1952 Truman is recorded stating the following in response to a reporter asking about the findings of reports on the matter. "These things happen...flying saucers... and other things..."
I nearly fell out of my chair. He said that the reports did not conclude anything and that there were still questions about who or what was over the city and capitol building. I am not much of a conspiracy theorist. My feelings are that the governemnts of the world do not know any more than we the average joe knows. I think the phenomena is as much a mystery to them as us. In most of the personal testimonies and even in the released FOIA papers the bottom line always seems to be We just dont know. We dont know who they are or where they come from or what their motives might be. ( I can guess since we are still here and alive that its not our demise)

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