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Afterlife and people with no souls on them

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:27 AM
I have a theory:

I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers

the above quotes can be true, especially for those that have no souls(but otherwise living), you know the reason there's is the Afterlife is: people's soul are never forgot to back-up everything in their brains just before they escapes from their bodies upon death. but this is really different story with living people with no souls: there's no souls to back up everything in their brains so they have no afterlife and death is all but oblivion for them and those individuals are also known as Blanks or Pariahs.

another reason why I loathe Political Correctness so much is: the concept of Everyone is completely Equal in every way can allows those individuals outnumbers and outbreed individuals with souls just like Idiot people outbreed intelligent people in Idiocracy movie.

for more info, click here:

What do you think?
edit on 2/10/2011 by masonicon because: adding word 'add' to title

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 05:48 AM
Haha, I love all these "self aware" people who are of a "higher consciousness".

Now I see that it is all because you have a soul and others don't.

Thanks for the clarification.

edit on 2-10-2011 by homeslice because: spelling

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:30 AM
The only people that have no souls are the ginger.
Beware or they will get yours!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:59 AM
how do you now if you don't have a soul

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:38 AM
It's a nice ego trip. In that case I state that only I have a soul and everybody else don't. Nah I don't buy it. I still belive that animals and humans have soul. Unfortunatly the soul do not shine thru on some people because of faulty learning and the persons pain. We are born as a blank slate and perfect. Then we learn things we should not and get lost. Sometime we find our way again and the shine comes thru.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by masonicon

First of all, you have to define what "soul" is, because there is particularly a great deal of inconsistency and misconception regarding that concept.

Nevertheless, I shall attempt to hopefully elucidate a bit on this matter. Some entities upon incarnation into the "human" experience for the first time may not develop this... shall we say, "inspirited individualization" in their incarnative phase, and will thus return to the elemental or animal/vegetal/mineral "undifferentiated group consciousness" (from whence they came) upon death of their physical vehicle.

Part of this "undifferentiated group consciousness" may then develop itself (again) to the point in which it may clothe itself in "human" garments, so to speak, and eventually do develop the necessary differentiated individualization that makes a "human" entity, well, "human"; and thus, "en-souled" (i.e. being aware of the "spiritual" aspect of its nature or essence).

This is essentially what separates "lower" animal/vegetal/mineral/elemental life forms from "higher" ones. The so-called "soul" or awareness of "spirit" within themselves. All these so-called "soulless" beings, whether animal/plants/minerals or robots/artificial lifeforms, lack this awareness of spirit.

Yet, evolution itself will always spiral up towards the realization of spirit just as the plant strives towards the light of the sun. This is as natural as it is inevitable.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 07:53 AM
Further remarks: all these talks about "soul-full" VS "soul-less" beings is pretty much like those moralistic, religious sermons about "good" VS "evil" or "god" VS "devil". There is always someone who feels the need to self-validate itself in its own self-righteousness by demarcating other-selves other than it-self as "less", "inferior", "immoral", "wrong", "evil" or "soulless".

Certainly, not all entities currently find themselves at the same stage in the evolutionary path, but just because you are one or two steps "higher" up the ladder doesn't mean you never were "down there" where your monkey cousins and primal matter find themselves right now. All is evolving, regardless.

And ultimately, such differentiations in having a "soul" VS being "soulless" are trivial, for all is essentially One and the Same in this beautiful dance of thoughts we call Life, and which is Creation/Creator.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:20 AM
Everyone has a soul, even if someone is unaware of it. From the moment the first light particles hit the visual cortex everything is recorded in first person view, translated by the brain and projected onto the soul by the human spirit. At the end, it is the soul which creates heaven for the spirit.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:04 AM
no actually the OP is correct, there are the souless
I was married to one, I spent years making excuses for his behavior,(which was well ..souless) his mind just stayed on the same circular mousewheel he couldn't perceive reality or adjust to new thoughts,one day he was regurgitating the same speeches he had given over and over through out our relationship and it hit me like a ton of bricks....HE"S DEAD!

then I researched his behaviors and found malignant narcissism and it turns out that psychologists claim that such people are actually walking dead.

that's a medical diagnosis!

I don't blame the responders who have a hard time believing this I didn't even have a clue that such a thing was possible, high functioning walking dead moving among us. It's a horrifying thought ,that happens to be reality

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

that's a medical diagnosis!

And that should validate it, yes?

Last I checked they also said the Earth was flat and that the entire Universe revolved around it. Just because you are a "professional", a doctor or a scientist, or have a PhD for that matter, doesn't make you an infallible figure of authority.

I completely understand you may feel victimized by this person, but this doesn't make psychopaths any less "en-souled" than you.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Interesting thread considering I am striving to understand this very thing. In my search or growth, I have learned not to really "know", or give answers, but to just search within and like now read what others say. So that said, I can only go with what resonates with me at the moment.

Others have said over the years, that there are new souls, young souls and old souls and so forth. I consider this as logical, for the earth has been here a long time as well as the universe with many possibilities even longer. Thus the parts of us called souls may have existed many times, gaining experience here or elsewhere. I also feel that being within the 3-D universe as we are, facilitates our leaning and changes and so it is logical that there is quite a mix of maturing souls, some new and unformed. These may never grow, like a flower that starts, but does not bloom, for it takes growth here and input to manifest this, just my thoughts here.

This last has nothing to do with my ego, nor is it intended to make me feel better or greater than anyone else, rather the opposite. About a year or so ago after some OBE's and some other changes something happened one night. I was awakened by a tone or similar, my eyes opened and then with the first thought of what was that?, I was taken out of body. At least two presences were with me which I could not see, but I was turned around and looked back to where my body lay and I saw this light body which I can only say was my soul.

Oddly I got this impression that this light was smiling and full of love, it was young, yet old, I felt as though I had done something to enhance it if that makes sense, I had done my job. Then one of the presences told me something which has set me off on a research. A simple thing, "that is a sacred thing". No more was said, but it was heavy with meaning, the soul at some level is evidently an important thing in our development.

The next morning, I told my wife that I had been shown my soul that night and she told me, "that's nice" and went on with her work. I suppose she is used to my outings that happen. In closing, I have had two other experiences from this level, one a message from another and the last, an emotional support on a plane of existence not yet created when I was really down with pain and stress. Sorry this does not answer the question of those without, but I feel that we grow into greater being with experience.

Putting this out there, I know makes me one of a minority and open to attack. I tried looking for answers from a Christian group on line and was only attacked as they claimed I was looking at a demon and dealing with demons, which is a crock! Also, I have found few out there with this experience to compare notes with either.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by RKallisti
reply to post by MrsBlonde

that's a medical diagnosis!

And that should validate it, yes?

Last I checked they also said the Earth was flat and that the entire Universe revolved around it. Just because you are a "professional", a doctor or a scientist, or have a PhD for that matter, doesn't make you an infallible figure of authority.

I completely understand you may feel victimized by this person, but this doesn't make psychopaths any less "en-souled" than you.

I understand your opposition to this ,I do ,I myself had a really hard time realizing the truth. I did say if you read my post again that I avoided the whole idea for to long ,never thinking this could be true ,but it is

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Many different reality tunnels.
Many different truths.
If you'd like to get somewhere.
You'd better choose a booth.
- Just a little poem on the complexity of existing within the confines of a multi-dimensional malevolently constructed modern world. Enjoy your adventures.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

These entities (i.e. psychopaths) are merely apathetic, predatory, self-serving beings that seek only their own self-gratification and aggrandizement at the cost of others. That is their nature/choice of path. Of course there are "grades" of psychopathy and you find them in all walks of life, but the main objective of these entities is basically mass control, manipulation and enslavement of the rest via deception and fear dissemination, and ultimately, global/galactic conquest in the highest echelons.

I just find it funny when people say they have no "souls". What makes you think you have a "soul"?
Again I must ask, what do you understand by "soul" to begin with? But anyways, it's all a matter of semantics/pragmatics.

My point is, they are as much the Creator/Creation as you, and every star and tiny germ, are.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything though, I can't prove to you what you cannot prove to yourself. And I don't mean to prove anything, I'm just saying what I am saying. That's it and that's all.

And thank you for reading.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 03:09 PM
They have scientifically proven Souls exist. They weighed people who were about to die. And they weighed them after they died. There was a loss of 21 grams:

If Snopes says it's true....its true. Scientifically proven.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Pervius

Ha, I definitely wouldn't say its been scientifically proven...

MacDougall's experiments were far from consistent and varied alot over his half dozen test cases. And they often had trouble determining the precise moment of death - one of the key factors in the experiment.

read more here.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Pervius

If Snopes says it's true....its true. Scientifically proven.

Science proves nothing. But it certainly proves to be hellishly bent on measuring everything (as if all of Creation/Creator and all its layers of reality/illusion were actually physically "measurable"...).

Human beings can only grasp so much in their current stage with the toys and gadgetry they so amuse themselves with. But to understand so much more, the human needs to transcend its "human-ness" and stop measuring and thinking and calculating and theorizing and estimating in human terms.

I wouldn't say the "soul" has a weight, nor that it is what most people believe it to be (i.e. an "anthropomorphic ghostly figure" basically).

edit on 3-10-2011 by RKallisti because: Spell-check.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 05:40 AM
Interesting theory but it falls short.
It lumps people into 2 categories very very broad categories.
For your theory to work there should be no aberrant behavior from those with souls.
I don't think that's possible.
The vast amount of people on this planet all with different backgrounds; with all that you will come across members of each of your categories that act like the other.
There are just too many options for your version to be statistical possible.
From the sand point you are taking the soul is only good and those with souls can't be sociopaths.

While it's true it's possible to diagnose someone as a sociopath from an early age, it's also possible for someone to test as a non sociopath at one point in their life and as one later.
From your argument you are saying that they were alwayse a sociopath without a soul but were able to hide it, or just chose not to act on it.

That's a cop out, that is saying there are people who no matter what they will never be "good".
Which for that to hold the opposite must also be true there are those that can never be "bad".
Your reason gives an excuse beyond that of a medical condition, something someone can say.
"Oops I just don't have a soul"
Your way makes explaining away everything bad too easily.

I can concede that there are certain medical disorders that can literally prevent someone from behaving a certain way but that is physical/chemical not ephemorial(sp) like the soul.

It's possible for someone with a soul to be either good or bad.
The decision may not be conscience, but it is a decision that at some point they make.
At some point someone decides what type of person they will be and that includes what type of soul they have.

Far more evil can be done by something with a human soul then without.

You may be right that there are those without a souls I don't know and have no way of finding out one way or another
I don't think they actually fit into your box of sociopaths.
If anything they are more prone to being smack dab in the center.

It's those with truly dark souls that you should worry about

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by sailormon
Interesting thread considering I am striving to understand this very thing. In my search or growth, I have learned not to really "know", or give answers, but to just search within and like now read what others say. So that said, I can only go with what resonates with me at the moment.

Others have said over the years, that there are new souls, young souls and old souls and so forth. I consider this as logical, for the earth has been here a long time as well as the universe with many possibilities even longer. Thus the parts of us called souls may have existed many times, gaining experience here or elsewhere. I also feel that being within the 3-D universe as we are, facilitates our leaning and changes and so it is logical that there is quite a mix of maturing souls, some new and unformed. These may never grow, like a flower that starts, but does not bloom, for it takes growth here and input to manifest this, just my thoughts here.

This last has nothing to do with my ego, nor is it intended to make me feel better or greater than anyone else, rather the opposite. About a year or so ago after some OBE's and some other changes something happened one night. I was awakened by a tone or similar, my eyes opened and then with the first thought of what was that?, I was taken out of body. At least two presences were with me which I could not see, but I was turned around and looked back to where my body lay and I saw this light body which I can only say was my soul.

Oddly I got this impression that this light was smiling and full of love, it was young, yet old, I felt as though I had done something to enhance it if that makes sense, I had done my job. Then one of the presences told me something which has set me off on a research. A simple thing, "that is a sacred thing". No more was said, but it was heavy with meaning, the soul at some level is evidently an important thing in our development.

The next morning, I told my wife that I had been shown my soul that night and she told me, "that's nice" and went on with her work. I suppose she is used to my outings that happen. In closing, I have had two other experiences from this level, one a message from another and the last, an emotional support on a plane of existence not yet created when I was really down with pain and stress. Sorry this does not answer the question of those without, but I feel that we grow into greater being with experience.

Putting this out there, I know makes me one of a minority and open to attack. I tried looking for answers from a Christian group on line and was only attacked as they claimed I was looking at a demon and dealing with demons, which is a crock! Also, I have found few out there with this experience to compare notes with either.

Im not sure this helps but I can tell you my story and your gonna be the sane one after I write this
. I have had a life where I have had to avoid people because they haven't been nice and my being is hardcoded that violance is wrong. Im not sure i get all the interaction for instance body language between people. I was in a very bad place and a crazy man came up to me and said that Mana would flow from heaven. I have always had a lot of trouble with Religon. Always knowing theres something but It always feel wrong. Since I was at my lowest I had problem sleeping and was thinking all the time. I got a book from my sister on Toltec religon. That book gave my all the answers and i was jumping to different place for the answer in a quick stream. My life that I thought was crap suddenly made perfect sense. The last thought I had was that All is One. Then i heard 3 knocks inside my head. After that I was really happy. There was still a lot of crappy thoughts that came up like a broken record that I had to aknowledge and tell them to go away. But after a while you reprogram yourself to be and think how you want you to be. It might be brainwashing but it's me doing it to myself. Then I started feeling things on my head when I thought happy thoughts. I have after that read a lot of Buddism and about Karma and I like it. I see people all over the net that belive in the law of One. I have listened to meditation sounds alot and my body have never felt so alive as it does now. The energy I feel is increadable. I have gone thru the am I gonna be a Messiah now or start a new religon phase. It's only a egotrip. Hell no Im just me. Nothing less nothing more. I don't normaly see stuff except sometimes wierd symbols that make no sense when I close my eyes. But I belive there is something helping me. When somebody is touching your head while your in bed and the do it thru the pillow you kinda lose all your doubts that there isn't something out there
. I don't know what it is. I have made up my idea for whats going on but I understand that when I die and get the answer I will probably laught my ass of what crazy things I thought.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:22 PM
The soul is basically a hard drive. The brain/mind is a computer. You can run on ram disk without a soul, but at death it just goes dark. All the soul records is karmas good and bad to allow for your next incarnation. Damnation is when the soul is formatted and reinstalled and fight the experience; enlightenment is when you surrender to the experience.

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