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Iran says could deploy navy near U.S. coast: Report

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

Good. The more resources they dedicate to hopeless posturing in the open sea, the fewer resources they'll have available for their efforts to hegemonize their region. But I don't think they'll actually do this. They get a much better return by sponsoring terrorism and internal security. They'll keep the navy close to home to threaten the oil trade.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

It is called "Freedom of the Seas". As I said, I have no problem with Iranian ships coming over, as long as they behave themselves. I just wonder if they can make it this far? Wasn't it a little while ago that they had to be towed home from the Red Sea?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:01 PM
All the US would have to do is turn on HAARP and create a nice category 5 hurricane. Iranian navy could be wiped out in less than 24 hours and mother nature would be to blame.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Israel and the U.S stand commited in defending against any attack from IRAN. They are no threat, but their older bros CHINA and RUSSIA might be...

WHo is too say they wouldn't have their allie RUSSIA resupply their ships just to instigate, anyways, RUSSIA and CHINA and even JAPAN have had their fleets by us, it's international waters, they are probably just doing some political maneuvers for whatever elections they have in the future.

No citizen of any country likes to feel like another country can bully them, so they have to flex a little muscle to keep their citizenry happy.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:06 PM
I served in the military and we had usually friendly inter-service rivalries and jokes about the other branches of the military. I have the deepest respect for all branches of the service and those that serve but this reminds me of an old joke about the US coast guard.

I was army but this was from a navy friend:

Navy: Did you know that you had to be over 6 foot to join the coast guard?

Army: no, why?

Navy: In case their boat sank they could wade to shore.


This is how I picture the Iranian navy. Not much of a coastal threat with the logistics and years of naval operations with inter-service support that would worry an opponent. It takes more than one element of a military arm and good intelligence, etc. to appear more of a mosquito than a coming storm.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:08 PM

as long as we are chinas cash cow they arent going to do nothing russia if they are smart and just sit back let others do all the work and then come in at the end.

on the other hand that is what has led to chinas rise they sit back let other people do all the work and reap the benefits.

now iran postering? alrighty for those americans who have lost loved ones in iraq and afghanistan and if those people see an iranian ship off the coast here well that could get ugly.

iran needs to think about whats its doing if they are stupid enough to do this and something happens here comes gulf war 3.

not a bright bunch of iranian leadership over there the people are tired of their stupidty keep it up and here comes the iranian revolution 2.0.

iran what is it good for absolutely nothing

say it agian,.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Just my 2 cents but...

Lets hypothetically say Iran moved a few vessels into an area a few hundred miles off the coast of the US. Now lets also say they began doing some training exercizes and invited Russia and maybe a couple of other countries to participate in their "war games" would the US be so quick to jump on the "super-power, we're untouchable band wagon" because lets face it. They wouldnt be stupid enough to do anything if Russia, China, NK etc were in the vacinity along with Iran...

This is all hypothetical though...

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Try it I dare you.

I don't think they know what technology is readily available in the U.S. We all may be fu$ked up and crazy, but in times of crisis we will stick together as one unit to fight for our lives.
This would be the dumbest thing in history. We should make some cartoons about it, you know start with a screen door on the submarine, then a slingshot that makes them flip over instead of launch anything. LMMFAO!

You know they are being watched right now, and I'm sure we are on standby, once a missile leaves the tugboat they'll be blown up by our missile blowing up their missile 10 feet from them.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Chesster
Israel and the U.S stand commited in defending against any attack from IRAN. They are no threat, but their older bros CHINA and RUSSIA might be...

Without going nuclear, Russia and China are only threats to a country that shares a border with them. Neither country has much in the way of force projection.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Go ahead hang out in international waters but i dare them to cross the invisible line that is US waters and im sure they will touch US soil it just will be the US soil that is under their boat under 2-300 feet of water

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:13 PM
How many high altitude nukes, aka EMP's would it take to take us out here in the USA? That is what I would be worried about. Nukes make a great equalizer. If a muslim has no problem blowing himself up with regular explosives thinking he will go to paradise. What happens when you have a boat load of them with a ICBM on board?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:14 PM
Iran wouldn't do this without Brazil's approval. Because Iran would have to use their ports for resupply or its going to be a very short trip.

Brazil have close ties with >China, Iran has close ties with China. And China are making ports all over the firkin world these days. Iran could also place their ships close to Island, China have or will make a port there soon.

And the Americans dont think China have the capability to move their army around. Well i have news for you.
China are building ports and supply stations all over the place. China can pre-supply these ports when ever they want.
If i am not wrong China is even building a port in Canada around Vancouver i think.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:19 PM
According to American policy, posturing military assets in order to deter countries which are evidenced to possess weapons of mass destruction is exactly what any peace loving nation should be doing.

Way to go Iran!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:29 PM
My question: How? Iran doesnt have a blue-water Navy. Heck China still doesnt have a blue water navy.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
My question: How? Iran doesnt have a blue-water Navy. Heck China still doesnt have a blue water navy.
If you want to project a hammer you need a blue water navy.

I don't think that's Iran's intent. I think they want to project a thorn, not a hammer. You don't need a blue water navy to project a thorn. They just want to be an annoyance, is my take on the posturing.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:13 PM
Should be amusing when they send their ships just outside of our territorial waters (and violate them, of course, because of "navigational instrument error") to put around for a few days, criticizing our "world police."

It will all come to a close when they contract with an American company to tow them home after half their force either runs out of fuel (for some derka-dur reason) or suffers mechanical failure.

Or, maybe they will display themselves to be somewhat competent.

It really isn't all that big of a deal. Our policies aren't going to change. Using the Navy as a projector of foreign policy has existed since the naval conflicts between China and Japan centuries ago.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Also in the spy agencies there is considerable amount of information pointing at Iran using Pakistan as a proxy to inspire and fund AL QUAEDA and OSAMA.

They are sneaky ones over there and have had a culture and language that directly related to it's ancient, they have had a long lasting empire for a reason.

Never underestimate IRAN

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Oh wow they are kinda bad A**

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:27 PM
All of you say that the Iranian Navy is irrelevant and puny, but you are all mistaken.

I have said it over and over, that Iran is a martyr.

I'm only going to post something about this one more time, and I will tie it all together, because it's about to happen.

When the Iranian fleet is evaporated by the US, because it will be vaporized, its allies will join the fray.

China, Russia, Pakistan, Syria, the rest of the unstable Middle East, North Korea and so on.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

In my opinion, if someone wishes to be a martyr, then grant them their wish.

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