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Nationwide Emergency Broadcast Alert Test 11/9/11

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:05 PM

In almost 50 years since it's invention, the U.S has never done this. Now, when or whether you are listening to the news, participating in online sites or reading a real newspaper, the WORD is not encouraging. "Isreal" and "The Palistines", are as close to war as they have ever been, The U.S. and WORLD Economy is heading straight to hell, Comets are zinging by earth in numbers never before recorded, Worldwide catastrophies are happening on an escalated scale just about everyday and alot of the people on this earth are saying they all feel something "BIG" is about to happen.
While commenting on another thread here at ATS, it was brought to my attention that some people are un-aware that the United States has issued a National Level EBS on Nov. 9, 2011. This is the Alert info from the FCC:

Interesting facts about the EBS: Especially a National One

National Level EBS

An order to activate the EBS at the national level would have originated with the President and been relayed via the White House Communications Agency duty officer to one of two origination points: either the Aerospace Defense Command or the Federal Preparedness Agency—as the system stood in 1978. Participating telecommunications common carriers, radio and television networks, the Associated Press and United Press International would receive and authenticate (by means of code words) an Emergency Action Notification via an EAN teletypewriter network designed specifically for this purpose. These recipients would relay the EAN to their subscribers and affiliates[1]

The release of the EAN by the ADC or FPA would initiate a process by which the common carriers would link otherwise independent networks such as ABC, CBS and NBC into a single national network that even independent stations could receive programming from. "Broadcast stations would have used the two-tone Attention Signal on their assigned broadcast frequency to alert other broadcast stations to stand by for a message from the President."[1] Note that the transmission of programming on a broadcast station's assigned frequency, and the fact that television networks/stations could participate, distinguished EBS from CONELRAD. EBS radio stations would not transmit on 640 or 1240 AM, and television stations would carry the same audio program as AM radio stations.

"The Emergency Broadcast System was established to provide the President of the United States with an expeditious method of communicating with the American public in the event of war, threat of war, or grave national crisis."[1] It replaced CONELRAD on August 5, 1963.[2] In later years, it was expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at the state and local levels.[1] Although the system was never used for a national emergency, it was activated more than 20,000 times between 1976 and 1996 to broadcast civil emergency messages and warnings of severe weather hazards. Some dramatic works depicting nuclear warfare (most notably the 1983 made-for-TV film The Day After) included fictionalized scenes of EBS activations. Occasionally the EBS would be shown in fictionalized use for events other than nuclear warfare, such as the 1978 film Dawn of the Dead

This is a link to 2005 YU55, an asteriod that will come so close to earth on 11/8/11 at 23+ hundred hour EST and closer still to our moon on 11/9/11, that it is listed under "Close Approach Data".

Obama might be in Denver on Sept. 27, 2011; but what I would like to know is where will he be November, 8th and 9th, 2011.

edit on 26-9-2011 by HOLDYOURFUTURECLOSE because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/26/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: added source link and REQUIRED external source tags


edit on 9/26/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: title for accuracy

edit on 26-9-2011 by HOLDYOURFUTURECLOSE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:06 PM

All I can say if

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Type you said where will obama be in 2001

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Thank you for the fcc link, that explained everything to my satisfaction.
You should add the word "TEST" to your title. Because people might get the impression
this is something serious instead of the relative banality of it.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:19 PM

It's a test. Just a test and repeatedly stated so.
No need for concern.

Why now you ask?

Why is the national test being conducted at this particular date and time?

While EAS tests may be disruptive, they are important to ensure that the EAS is functional and that EAS Participants are prepared to issue alerts, and it is our intent to minimize disruption and confusion to the extent possible. The November 9 date is near the end of hurricane season and before the severe winter weather season begins in earnest. The 2 PM EST broadcast time will minimize disruption during rush hours, while ensuring that the test occurs during working hours across the United States.

From your link.
edit on 26-9-2011 by pazcat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by 8ILlBILl8
Type you said where will obama be in 2001

his going back in time...didnt you hear???

also its nothing knew the earth has been experiencing all these changes for its entire life....just with the creation of the interwebz and tv's in every other house hold.....hell a pc in every other tracking systems and what not it just seems like "More" is happening because we can now see it....back 15 years ago i remember wanting to rush home from school for tv....i didnt care about gov comets ect i remember when hailbop or w.e came streaking by no one was screaming we're all gonna die sure they odd ball here and their but it was not wide spread and the thing was HUGE! as more people become aware it just seems like more is going on when it fact the same has been going on for earths entire life...its not like it just started.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:34 PM
It will be something epic, but it will also be a lie. What they will tell you is going to happen will not occur. It is to scare you into leaving with the Fallen Angels. I am not so sure many people will have electrical power to hear the broadcast by then anyway. Be right with God, and prepare for a hard life for the next 3 years or so. If you are curious the content of this EBS broadcast is in the movie "Knowing" My $0.02 worth.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM
People are looking for anything to get worked up about these days. This is a test to ensure the National Emergency System works on a National level. Imagine that.

Why now? Why not? If they had scheduled it next year at the same time the headline would read: is Obama staging a disaster to delay the election? It's just ridiculous.

During Irene and the recent rainfall, we have had emergency broadcasts several times a day, everyday. And we are still here. The broadcast was for flooding, wind, etc. It doesn't have to be to announce the coming of WWIII.

Many had dubbed the system archaic, but the truth is that it remains the best method to getting important announcements to the public. However, if it doesn't reach certain areas: think mountains, rural Utah, etc., it does no good and this test will show what, if any, areas do not receive the message, if there is any breakdown in the chain, etc.

Isn't it better to have an Emergency Broadcast system that actually works? How else do you ensure it works if you don't actually test it?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Simple. Very shortly everyone will be required to hav e at least one computer on the Internet, it will be free, of course, compliments of the government.
Thru this method, our leader will communicate with us on a daily basis (Orwellian style) what our daily requirement is. Fail not at your peril!
If you notice, no matter where you call that has to do with a government agency, all of them insist that doing what you need is much more efficient if done via INTERNET.

This imo, is the beginning of this system they will implement in every household under the disguise of an Emergency Broadcast System. It may start out that way, but then..........

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by pazcat

In the words of Charles Schulz, WA, WA, WA, WA, WA......
The end of Huricane season and the start of a winter. Please... you can by that.... it's just down right silly.

Either way: Why isnt this news?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Ok, someone correct me if I am wrong, its been a long day. But did I not just read that some area’s will say TEST while others do not have the capability to say TEST??? Sooooo what happens when Mom & pop in the Country hear an EAS Alert and have a heart attack freaking out???

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Why do people always forget the word NO!

Government: here's a free computer so you can receive emergency broadcasts.
Me: no thanks.

Done. Crisis adverted.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:03 PM
The concerning bit isn't the "Test" itself is that it is 3-1/2 minutes which is a LONG TIME for a broadcast test. 30 seconds to a minute would be sufficient for a genuine test.

"Beep Beep Beep...This is a test of the Emergency Alert System, please stay tuned for important information. This is only a test. Please stand by.... (repeated 3 times) Ladies and Gentlemen: The president of the United States. "My fellow Americans, This is a test of the Emergency Alert System to ensure communication in the event of a national level emergency to give important information in regard to civil defense and security. Had this been a genuine activation of the Emergency Alert System, you would have been informed of the nature of the emergency, how to to protect yourself and your family, and important information to ensure civil law and order. Thank you for your participation in this event. Again, this is only a test." This concludes the test of the National Emergency Alert System, you will now return to your regularly scheduled programming..."

3-1/2 minutes to say this, I don't think so.... More like this:

"Beep Beep Beep...This is a broadcast of the National Emergency Alert System, please stay tuned for important information. This is not a test, this is an Emergency Action Message. Please stand by for important emergency action information.... (repeated 3 times) Ladies and Gentlemen: The president of the United States. "My fellow Americans. Long have we wondered if we were alone in the universe. This question, as old as humanity itself has finally been answered. Our scientists of NASA and SETI discovered a large object currently within the orbit of Venus that is under intelligent control. This object is a spacecraft that is capable of saving our species from extinction. The object is nothing less than an Arc. These beings are here to save the human race for an impending Extinction Level Event that will occur on the 23rd of November. This event is a violent solar storm caused by the interaction with the interstellar gas cloud the Earth is entering called by the Nasa Scientists the "Local Fluff" This will cause the Earth to remain uninhabitable for approximately 1,000 years. When they arrive on the 11th day of November, you are encouraged to go with them to safety on a New Earth. It is with great humility and honor that I now introduce you to their ambassador and emissary to the Human Race, I now give you Maitreya. (Maitreya will just be shown on the TV briefly and anyone seeing him will believe that he is God. He will not say anything, but you will be thinking something like this when looking at him, "God give me _____*insert deepest Earthly desire here* and i also ask you that this may be my last moment here on earth") We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming..."

Immediately after this broadcast the power will go out and the sky will turn a weird red color and then go dark and there will be an earthquake. All manners or strange things and chaos will occur for 3 days. followed by the "arrival" and harvest on the 11th. After it's over I guess the ones that are left rebuild society. I think it's a ploy to scare you into going with them.

My $0.03 worth.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by eywadevotee



posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:04 PM
Why isn't this in the news?

Im not a conspiracy theorist, but I have to say; "This is damn convient".
I don't believe in co-incidences so it's timing is alittle suspicous.
There have been many more opportunity for the U.S. Government to test and for that fact use the EBS.


. I mean they knew after the Pentagon was hit that it was a terrior attack? It seems to me that that would of been the perfect time to use an emergency broadcast, I know I sure would of appreciated it, followed by "Hey folks were under attack; but we got it under control" yeah I know, tooooo much to ask for.
Still, why am i hearing about this on this site and nothing about it on the news as I am a news junkie?


posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by eywadevotee

But the 11th is my 23rd you think these beings will crack a beer and have a spliff with me?

Like you're the first one to say anything of this you guys must get bored- you're also regurgitating details of Project Bluebeam...come on man.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

banal? yeah- what ever you say..

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:12 AM
so far most of the posts are not paying attention.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by IJUSTAM
Why isn't this in the news?

Im not a conspiracy theorist, but I have to say; "This is damn convient".
I don't believe in co-incidences so it's timing is alittle suspicous.
There have been many more opportunity for the U.S. Government to test and for that fact use the EBS.


. I mean they knew after the Pentagon was hit that it was a terrior attack? It seems to me that that would of been the perfect time to use an emergency broadcast, I know I sure would of appreciated it, followed by "Hey folks were under attack; but we got it under control" yeah I know, tooooo much to ask for.
Still, why am i hearing about this on this site and nothing about it on the news as I am a news junkie?


Maybe it'll be "news" in November when its scheduled to take place.

Something simple as an EBS exercise thats about a month and half away isn't exactly breaking news.

Herman Cain winning a meaningless straw poll is more newsworthy at this juncture.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:50 PM
Let's not forget this latest doom scenario. After October 28th, this is the next flash in the pan.

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