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Not really sure if this is the right thread..but I need some help.

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:20 AM
For the most part I'm a pretty level headed mom. I don't take my kids to the doctors for every little thing they seem to get. If I can figure it out for myself, I try to. However, my 4 year old has me at my last wits. Every year she gets a minimum of 3 stomach flus (the last one was so bad, we ended up at the children's emergency center for dehydration) and without fail, she gets a minimum of 2-3 rashes per year. Some background info:

My house is clean. Not spotless, after all, 2 kids and a dog live here. But its clean. I know to look for things like diet changes, or environment changes, etc etc. So I know to eliminate those kinds of things. We live in Georgia, and yes, both my children attend public schools as well as extra activities....gymnastics, dance, music, etc etc etc.

However, this last scenario has me very very puzzled. On August 31st, my 4 year old got her round of shots. 4 is a big deal when concerning vaccines and tests. They gave her 4 shots, but somewhere in the 4 was the combos of the following:
DTaP: Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
PPSV: Pneumococcal
IPV: Polio and Chicken Pox
MMR: measles, mumps, rubela
MC4: Meningococcal

On September 6th, my grandparents came to visit. They had recently been at a German festival in Ohio. We spent one afternoon with them, and then on the 10th they came to our house where we celebrated my grandfather's birthday. The kids and adults all played out in the backyard together. We have a retaining hill, and my grandfather showed them how to climb up and then slide down with strips of cardboard. They loved it.

Later the next day, my daughter showed up with 2 blisters on the bottom of her foot. I pretty much figured red ant bites. Which still seemed odd to me, because, she didn't cry, and that is certainly something she should have felt. I chalked that up to her having to much fun. In any case, she got a bath that night, and off to bed she went. She woke up later complaining that her foot was really itchy. I rubbed it for her, she went back to sleep. I noticed that the bites didn't look like ant bites. Ant bites are usually red, and they get a white pin head on them, you can pop the white pustule, place neosporin on it, and band aid it up. Problem solved. These didn't have that..they were clear and hard.

Now it was Monday, and she seemed okay. I sent her to school. Later that night I had testing for school myself, so my husband stayed with the kids. When I came in, he told me that our 4 year old seemed hot to him. I felt her, and sure enough, she had a fever. 2 more blisters had appeared on her other foot. I gave her some medicine and kept her home the following day. In the morning she began complaining that her butt hurt. It was red and scaly. So, now at this point, we have clear hard blisters on the bottom of her feet (very small mind you) a scaly butt, and a fever, which had gone away with no other symptoms. I take her into the doctors. They actually swab her butt, and find it to be Strep??????? they have no idea what the blisters are and basically seemed unconcerned. We get a prescription for Amoxicillin and off we go. That was Tuesday.

Wednesday everything seems good. I had placed some antibiotic cream on her butt, some anti itch on her feet, asked her if she felt up to school..she did. So I send her in. She comes home later that day complaining that her private area now itches and hurts. I thought..oh gosh, the amoxicillin gave her a yeast infection....except, she has only had one dose....not enough for that yet. I thought, well, maybe she didn't wipe herself good enough at school? I give her a bath and everything seems to be okay. Fast forward.....

Friday...she's crazy....all over...on her ankles, behind her knees, crook of her arms, neck, calves, and cheek. I myself am allergic to Amoxicillin, I have had a rash before from it...I figured thats what this was. But, now it was Friday night, doctors are closed. I discontinue the antibiotic, get her some benadryl and benadryl cream (NO, I did not use them both at the same time) and that seems to help a little. Except, when she scratches the itches....they break open and scab over...not your typical antibiotic rash.

So, here we are Monday..I take her to the doctors this morning...and the doctor tells me it looks like scabies! she still doesn't know what the blisters are (which are still there 2 weeks later,) she still seems unconcerned. She explains my daughter could have picked it up from anywhere....preschool, gymnastics, dance, park, aquarium, backyard, etc etc my daughter is on 2 antibiotic creams, an antibiotic for the strep, and another medicine for the itching. But I'm still trying to figure this out...blisters on feet, strep on butt, fever that went away, and scabies.......????????? all at once??????? all a coincidence?

for the, they did not do a skin test to confirm what the rash is.

I realize, this is not the best place for medical advice..but, does this not sound off the wall to someone?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I would take her to another doctor, get a second opinion.
If she is on antibiotics it should have started to clear up by now.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Nkinga

First, I am not a doctor, nor am I endorsing any sort of medical advice. That being said, when I looked up scabies I found some interesting information. Let me say that if she has scabies its highly contagious and you would all have it by now. You said scaly skin? Not to freak you out but read the link I found. Good luck and God Bless.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:34 AM
I think she needs to see
a dermatologist, at least
he would do a skin test and
they have more experience
in the field of recognizing
skin problems. Hope she
is better soon!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Jerisa

no....the rash itself is not scaly..its bumps..almost like hives...that are scabbing over. The scaly part was on her butt (right at the anus) which was the strep.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:37 AM
I know most people do not like thinking about this option, and I am not a doctor. But... in all my years I have found that when things like this happen that is hard to put a finger on, it more times than not tends to be the family pet. Over the years in my family, getting rid of the family pet seemed to have taken care of a lot of ailments.

Just my 2 cents, and something to consider.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Nkinga

My concern is just all the steps....immunizations august 31st, blisters on feet 10 days later, fever 2 days later, strep butt 1 day later, rash on body 3 days after that....

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:39 AM
I agree with crazydaisy.

Go to a dermatologist and/or an allergist. They'll tell you to eliminate certain items and then add them in one by one to determine what it is (and test her for common allergens).

Perhaps she got some kind of spider bite? Stepped on glass and it embedded under the skin?

I'm a mother of three and have seen it all. But TBH, find a specialist.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Skewed

I had thought that to, but we've had the dog since she was born, she is a mini dachshund, who is kept inside. They are mostly hypoallergenic, she has no flees, and only eats her dog food and her water. She is taken to the vet skin problems, or mites, etc etc.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Nkinga

From what you are describing it sounds like the vaccine to prevent chickenpox may have actually given your child a mild case of the chickenpox. That would explain most of the symptoms you are describing. I would however take your child to another doctor for a second opinion since it sounds like you are very worried.

My neice experienced almost exactly what you describe shortly after receiving the chickenpox vaccine. My sister took her to the doctor and he explained to her that in some cases the vaccine actually may cause a milder form of the illness. He recommended oatmeal or baking soda baths and callamine lotion. He also said to not give her anything containing aspirin- acetametaphen only.

Please seek another opinion. I hope this was helpful, and hope your child gets well soon!

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:46 AM
I doubt its your pet as the doggie
stays indoors. Most pet allergies
to people are from something they
carry in from the outside. Keep your
pet, that would just make things
worse for the family. Being he/she
has no fleas or mites I doubt this
is a concern.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:48 AM
I was just reading some information on scabies from a medical journal website that explains a link between Scabies and's the link to the article and I copy pasted the information.
Scabies & Strep

"Classic scabies is primarily a nuisance. However, it can indirectly lead to long-term morbidity. Scabies and other parasitic skin diseases can lead to long-term colonization of skin lesions by group A streptococci. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) and scabies. Conversely, in one World Health Organization sponsored study in the Solomon Islands, an intervention of mass treatment with ivermectin or permethrin led to a decrease in prevalence of scabies from 25% to less than 1% (p< 0.001) and a 40% to 20% decrease in pyoderma (secondary infection). There was also a decline in hematuria, which was a sign of renal damage by the group A Streptococcus secondary infection in children.[12] It also decreased occurrence of streptococcal skin disease.

In remote Aboriginal communities in Australia where scabies is endemic, the repeated infestations and secondary streptococcal infections appear to be related to the extremely high levels of renal failure and rheumatic heart disease observed in the communities.

While the microbiology of secondary bacterial infection in scabies lesions probably changes based on geographic location, one study demonstrated that the predominant aerobic and facultative bacteria recovered from lesions were Staphylococcus aureus, group A streptococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Multiple anaerobes were recovered as well, suggesting polymicrobial colonization of lesions.[13] "

It would seem that the for the most part your doctor's diagnosis fits. But second opinions are second opinions for a reason and probably wouldn't hurt to get one.

Edited to add: That scabies mites and mange mites are related, scabies are very small and can only be seen under a microscope or strong magnifying glass.

edit on 26-9-2011 by Felyn because: To add the infos

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Like others have said before me. I am not a doctor and I am in no way authorized to practice medicine in any state. This could very well be a Measles vaccine rash. That is the only thing that I can think of that would have symptoms showing up 10 days after injection. If anything else was going to cause something, you should have seen it in 24 - 48 hours and around the injection site.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Check into hookworm or Schistosomiasis... Always wear shoes outside! These worms actually penetrate the skin without being felt. Parasites are quite common and most people have no clue that they probably have at least one swimming around causing problems...

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:16 AM
I am not a doctor.
But antibiotic overuse can cause many bad reactions and weaken the immune system.

It is NOT the dog.

If it was me, I would lay off the antibiotics NOW. The immune system must recover before it attacks itself. I think some of the problems are auto-immune related.

I had many many skin issues as a child and change of diet, probiotics, and nutritional supplements changed my life. Try an Bert's Bees res-q salve for itches. It is a good one.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM
-not a doctor here either.

there's a children's disease (a virus iirc) that causes blisters on the feet, hands & mouth. I don't know what it's called in english (sorry), but where I come from, it's called the 6th? child disease (number of ordinary/known ones +1) or mouth & foot disease. (Nothing to do with the similar named cow's disease) It's rare, but annoying. Of course the experience is worse, the younger the kid is. If the pain/itching becomes too much, a mild painkiller (for kids) might help.

Both my kids had it, it takes about 2-3 days. Beyond that, I would go see a doctor. for vaccines, they're supposed to make you sick.
-a little, but just enough, nothing irregular there. -some react stronger than others though.
edit on 26-9-2011 by khnumkhufu because: vaccine addition

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by katfish

Very true, antibiotics will not help. I would recommend Tea Tree Oil for the rash as well as a body cleanse with something with black walnut oil and wormwood. Of course make sure to limit the amount for her since she is younger. I make sure to have my family do a body cleanse twice a year...

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Nkinga

Here is what I see.

We have a retaining hill, and my grandfather showed them how to climb up and then slide down with strips of cardboard.

Later the next day, my daughter showed up with 2 blisters on the bottom of her foot. I pretty much figured red ant bites.

She comes home later that day complaining that her private area now itches and hurts.

Friday...she's crazy....all over...on her ankles, behind her knees, crook of her arms, neck, calves, and cheek.

You mentioned two areas that had direct contact (butt and feet) and other areas that may have had indirect contact but she may have scratch at or touched.

You live in Georgia and to me it sounds like Chiggers.

From the link.

Chiggers are found worldwide in areas of vegetation like forests, fields, grassy areas, yards, parks, and areas near rivers or lakes. Chigger bites cause small, red sores and intense itching.

Chiggers most commonly bite in areas of thinned skin such as wrinkles and folds. Therefore, chigger bites are commonly observed in the crotch and groin areas, in the armpits, and in the folds behind the knees. The ankles are also a common site for chigger bites. Other areas that are commonly bitten by chiggers are areas where the compression of clothing (such as belts) presents barriers to their migration.

Pretty sure that is what she has.
edit on 26-9-2011 by IamJustanAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by IamJustanAmerican

Thank you....I have checked out the backyard...nothing really out of the ordinary..except for those darn ant hills...I know about the chiggers...and have had them quite a few times growing up here...these aren't it I'm afraid to say. But, this is my point....the doctor just looked at her and went..."I think its scabies" that was it...a list of medicine and out the door we skin test, no second guessing...I'm like..what about the blisters on her feet? "oh, I'm not sure what they are, but they are scabbing over and seem to be going away." What about the strep on her butt? "the amoxicillin seems to be working" what about the amoxicillin and the rash? "no, they do not seem to be connected." what about..the blisters, fever, strep butt, and the rash? "Oh, they are not connected in anyway." ....

I have a doctor who is going to look at her as a second opinion at 4:30 today...thanks everyone for the kind answers and help..I will keep you posted. I still crazy as it may be, that it has something to do with the vaccines, when I called back and asked today how many she had had on the 31st...the answer was 7 in total, all mixed into 4 shots...that could make it anything.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:56 PM
One of my questions was already answered.

Probably a "duh" so it goes without saying, but getting a balanced diet is important for preventing illnesses. A lot of kids don't seems to eat anything that isn't processed. I think some kids can take differently to the same nutrition. Could have one kid that doesn't "eat their veggies" and they're fine, while others can have problems from it. Same goes with vaccines it would seem, some take to them fine and others not so much. Not saying vaccines had an impact but just as an example.

Hopefully the second doctor will have better explanations than the first doc.
edit on 26-9-2011 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

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