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Aliens Why Do We See What We See.

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Humans have seen lots of mystical things over our history; gods, leprechauns, fairies, little green men, Greys.. However is the fact that people see Greys an indication of the times we live. Formerly people saw things they thought were part of nature in some was, then people say little green men and now Greys: people see other things but these seem more popular.If my hypothesis is true then as we have pressure to be more eco friendly we should start to see more little green men and eventually some sort of nature spirits. If this occurs then most probably we are either imagining them or thinking them into existence, Buddha" with our thoughts we make the world."
edit on 9/24/2011 by maria_stardust because: removed all caps from title

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by s12345
Humans have seen lots of mystical things over our history; gods, leprechauns, fairies, little green men, Greys..

What kind of Humans have YOU been hanging around

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:17 PM
Whos to say the little green men arent actually greys? I mean WE are human.. and we have blacks whites reds yellows, you name it. What leads us to think that greys dont have diversity as well? For example, I saw a picture somewhere of the alien which was captured by the Brazilian army. He looked exactly what a grey would look like except this alien was black and his eyes were kinda maroone/red.

Its been mentioned that we know of over 50 "alien" species. I firmly believe that we have seen the greys the most because they have a higher tolerance to our atmosphere or air we breathe. This is why most sightings are of them. Or they are simply the less fearful and chance taking of all the species. You know.... the alphas. AHHH screw it, you guys dont wanna go down and check out the planet, we will... kinda thing

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by herruher

I always thought little green men did come from mars.

I mean, thats the thing... have we turned it all around?

Man I love your avatar, it's so 100% spot on.. lmao

edit on 24/9/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: One day I will pick up stupid typos and fix them before hitting send, until them WAAARRRGGHHHH!!!!!

edit on 24/9/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: THEN... oh I give up

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by s12345

I am tired of all this gray on green violence. can't all ETs get a long.

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