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Cognitive dissonance on this forum

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:12 AM
One thing I find strange about some posters here.. Some posters in their posts, will express a belief that we are being visited by extra-terrestrials and that they are in some way interfering in human society, be it abuctions, hybrids, reptilians what ever.

Yet, some of these same people will also express views highly critical of globalism, seeing it as the subversion of nationalism, whether they express it in terms of an NWO, Illuminati, whatever.

This makes no sense. How could someone who believes we are being visited by aliens, something that if it were ever actually proven would erase any concept of nationality, as it would force people to think of themselves as Earthlings instead of being American or Chinese or Russian or Mexican or Libyan etc etc. People would then owe their allegiance to the species, and not to just any one nation state, how can a believer in aliens be so opposed to globalism, when the result of any ET contact would be a global sense of identity, leading eventually to a global government to represent Earth in the cosmos. The inevitable result of any alien contact is globalism, yet some, even among the believers, stay rooted in nationalism. Why is that?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

I was thinking about this subject early this morning, wondering what is so repulsive about the idea of some sort of NWO? I don't follow those topics, admittedly, and maybe I should if I want to understand their point of view.
But up to now, I've just felt like shrugging about the possibility because I see nothing particularly worrisome about it.

How can that be, in itself, a definitively "bad" thing? Of course, who is in charge of that NWO could make it beneficial or damaging, just like having a national government isn't good or bad, depends upon the form of the government and the leader. But I would think the world coming together somehow would be a good thing!

How many years have we gone listening to every one proclaim their dream to be "world peace", then act like a global unification is evil??

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:20 AM
If a spaceship lands on my lawn and aliens walk out to greet me....

If I get issued a world ID card and my money gets transferred to a global currency....

Then I'll know of the things you post about.

Till then i'll remain skeptical, like everybody else.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

I can't speak for others (or shouldn't probably) but I think the problem isn't directly "globalism", I think the fear is more directed at who is pushing it, why they are pushing it, and how it might be set up. You could have incredibly centralized power, too much, in a few hands and they haven't exactly proven themselves worthy of that kind of power.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Sadly, people that usually take power are bad leaders.
The best leaders are chosen by others.

Our leaders are at a point of corruption beyond reason and this is why and NWO at the moment, is a bad thing.
Yes, in the end it's a good thing if it's built up properly.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by notquiteright
reply to post by NavalFC

I can't speak for others (or shouldn't probably) but I think the problem isn't directly "globalism", I think the fear is more directed at who is pushing it, why they are pushing it, and how it might be set up. You could have incredibly centralized power, too much, in a few hands and they haven't exactly proven themselves worthy of that kind of power.

Yes but the point is if aliens ever landed it is likely something that would happen suddenly.. it would totally erase nationalism, and whether humanity was ready for it or not we'd soon likely have planetary governance. That could be a positive thing too, as all our problems and differences seem less significant. Yet, some who do believe that aliens are visiting, apparently want to stay rooted in nationalism.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

I have thought this myself while reading stuff on ATS, just never thought to start an entire conversation about it. Brilliant thread, a star and flag for you, good ma'am/sir.
edit on 24-9-2011 by Terrorist because: penis

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

I dunno..
People can't get along, yet hope for another race of people who will fix things and get us all together.

I call it the "Jesus Syndrome".

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC

Originally posted by notquiteright
reply to post by NavalFC

I can't speak for others (or shouldn't probably) but I think the problem isn't directly "globalism", I think the fear is more directed at who is pushing it, why they are pushing it, and how it might be set up. You could have incredibly centralized power, too much, in a few hands and they haven't exactly proven themselves worthy of that kind of power.

Yes but the point is if aliens ever landed it is likely something that would happen suddenly.. it would totally erase nationalism, and whether humanity was ready for it or not we'd soon likely have planetary governance. That could be a positive thing too, as all our problems and differences seem less significant. Yet, some who do believe that aliens are visiting, apparently want to stay rooted in nationalism.

I suppose so, but I don't think it necessarily has to unite the world. I can see us fighting each other regardless of an alien visit. Ultimately, it would be a great thing to have a united world, as long as we get rid of these show runners first.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by kyred
reply to post by NavalFC

I dunno..
People can't get along, yet hope for another race of people who will fix things and get us all together.

I call it the "Jesus Syndrome".

Yes but we don't get along now because our maximum sense of identity is at the national level.

Think about it. Originally, humanity was a tribal society, and wars were fought between tribes, because the tribe unit was our highest sense of identity in terms of those around us whom we could identity with. When mass agriculture came about humans began coalescing into cities, and the era of city states began. Wars were fought between individual cities, each with their own government and sovereignty. With the advent of feudalism, cities became kingdoms, and swathes of territory were fought over. Kingdoms became countries, and now we identify ourselves in terms of nationality because it is the highest common denominator we can think of.

Alien contact would force that up a notch, and nation would become planet.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:50 AM
If people who believe in UFO's do not believe in everything else, then

what the hell are they doing here on a conspiracy forum.

edit on 24/9/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: did I make a typo, I blame the damn nwo

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:07 AM
I dont believe the arrival of aliens would erase nationalism. Most likely case is there will be some United Nations department created to deal with them, and thats all. The only way to erase nationalism is to erase major cultural, social and economical differences between nations. Thats not going to happen anytime soon.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

You're right that the idea of a one-world government SOUNDS innocent enough. Fact is, if you think we, the general population, are controlled and tossed the scraps now, just think how it will be then. And that is just the beginning of the evils. It's sort of like Communism: it sounds like a good-natured idea, but as soon as the people in power learn they can screw with the system to the detriment of the common man, it all goes to sh*t.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

This is such a good question, I wish I thought of it myself.

I don't think of it as "global" ism since that is as dirty a word as "commune" or "social" isms arem....

I like to think of it as the whole world coming together in unity. Peace.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:32 AM
this is my babalon the population gets netted together,we realize that we all have enemies
the guy who has a pristine water well will sabatoge the oil drill rig on the neighbors property.the guy whos kid has cancer hates the chemical plant employees next door.the young man needs to support his family is willing to kill the overpayed old man to take his job.secrets are everywhere too.
eventually we will all talk in slang/code.this will create micro societies within the bigger society.these micros will eventually be forced out of the macro or be annialated by it.look at how many people move to california to get away from crushing conservatives.if we have one world gov,it will be a giant usa/corporate oligarchy with no where to run.does being loyal to america mean its ok to steal other countries resources.unless you are willing to pick up a gun and kill the leaders responsible,then you are guilty by going along with it.only violence or the threat of violence will stop violence.
aliens would be smart to let us be and milk our system from the shadows like the cia does.out of sight out of mind.most people dont pay attention to the fiftyest riches man,all eyes are on the bill gates of the world.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:54 AM
How do you mean globalism? Are we talking about a global government? If so, the problem is quite simple. This being a conspiracy site, at its core, most have a lack of trust of government. A global government would afford a single government, literally, all the power in the world. How could we trust this one government? Even if we lucked out and received a few generations of just rule, undoubtedly this government would become drunk off the power, corrupt off money, and all sorts of bad things.

Also, there would be many problems to deal with. Like what type of government would we have? The political diversity of individual nations are making their own governments hard to sustain. Put all nations under one flag and I can almost guarantee there will be more conflict then there is now. Also cultural differences would have to be blended to be unified as such. This may one day be possible, but today just isn't the day. I could try to go on, but my biggest problem with it would be that I love my country. While it is a bit messed up its my home, my land, my people, ... you know God bless the U.S.A.

I do however think that if aliens would appear, in the open, we would have a greater sense of unity as a species. If it was an invasion of sorts we would most certainly band together in arms the best that we could. But no, I do hope we would still have individual nations. Perhaps we would set up a group of ambassadors with one or two being from each country.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

Personally speaking, I believe that nationalism is dangerous because it all to often results in unacceptable xenophobic reactions to the unfamiliar, but I also believe that one world government would also be utterly intolerable and impossible given the current circumstances in which the world finds itself.

The best state for this planet to meet the future in, would be one of NO world government, and NO national government, and all mankind taking reponsibility for enforcing and writing law, rather than only a select few deplorable suits with no souls, as we have today. Until EVERY man has the same power to change the law, to write the law, to have his voice heard (as is NOT the case, even in democracies) as every other, until every person can gather and tear down oppressive organisations, without fear of prosecution, and until decency and honour are the laws by which we live, rather than the rule of might, there will be work to be done and changes to be made.

No human may hold power over another. No bosses, no government, no few with strength over many. Until these simple parameters are met, we have no business communing with other species anyway.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:47 AM
Simple, people fear globalism, because at this time in humanity's development we should. You see, true peaceful globalism can only happen when everyone in the world is roughly on the same level (intelligence, wealth, ability to use reason, logic and common sense). But right now globalism is too dangerous. We have it all, from a society that has stepped foot on the moon, to mud hut living scum that still procreate with their own family. We have idiots who believe in some invisible elf, fairy, god, alah, jesus.....whatever moronic things helps get them up in the morning...and these same idiots are willing to kill the other person who doesn't believe in their fantasy. The other half of religious idiots (the kind that aren't "radicals") are condemned to their respective hell anyway because they don't even follow their own written religion, but they call themselves "religious".

So yeah, until humans are on a more even level and idiotic things like religion has been dealt with, globalism is a dangerous thing.

I travel the world. Often. Globalism wont work yet, trust me. Hell, you want a good example? If you live in America go on a REAL Mexican vacation then come back and tell me how current globalism can work, lol!!!! It can't. The only way current globalism seems to be moving forward is by idiots trying to bring the rest of us down many levels so the scum of the planet don't have to pick themselves up and join the real world. I am 100% right on this.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

But that will never happen because not every place on Earth is the same or is good for the same things.

Take the United States for example : States like say, Nebraska, are great for agriculture. The midwest is the great farming area of the US, but they lack the resources and mineral deposits for say a thriving tech sector.

Silicon valley, California, is the inverse of this. We will never all be even because when you divide yourself by nation, your limited to your nations resources. The only thing that can ever even the playing field is globalism, when the resources of our planet belong to EVERYONE.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by NavalFC


I absolutely agree with you calling these folks out. We have to see life for what it is with respect to our species being one of many intelligent species' in the universe.

If you are still skeptical of UFOs/Aliens, that's fine. However, we can't have our cake and eat it too. Either you are "pro transition from Type 0 --> Type 1 civilization," or you are nationalistic in your perspective.

I'm very certain that aliens don't think in terms of communism or capitalism. Liberal or conservative. Jewish or Muslim. They probably have sorted out those kind of issues thousands or millions of years ago. And that's why they are in the position they are today.

edit on 24-9-2011 by Scramjet76 because: for giving you several thumbs up since I can only give 1 star and 1 flag

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