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Jewish Settlers Plan Attacks On Palestinian Villages

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:08 PM

It has already started with the attack on a handicapped man and the kidnapping of another from his car. The settlers have been armed by the IDF with small arms and tear gas to fend off Palestinian protesters near the illegal settlements. The settlers however enbolden by their new military strength plan marches to Palestinian towns for action against unarmed Palestinians. These thugs are often protected by the IDF against Palestinian reprisals as much of the IDF comes from settler families. This has the feel of a potential dangerous confrontation. IF the Palestinians are granted Statehood by the UN the Palestinians will feel it is their responsibility to not only protect their property but perhaps to drive the settlers from Palestinian land taken illegally by the Israeli government.

I would think it prudent if the vote passes that the UN immediately send in an observer force to keep these groups separated until negotiations are completed on the necessary "land swaps" that define the actual borders between the two countries. Failing this action it will be a massacure of biblical proportions.

If the vote fails, which is possible, the Palestinians will feel utterly betrayed and will likely respond with extreme violence feeling the hopelessness of their situation. In this case the settlers and the IDF will respond with extreme military might.

This looks like an ugly situation either way. My opinion

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Mexican drug runners kill Mexican people on their own land.

So whats the story in this?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by gem_man

I think you're 100% right. Yours is one of the first posts I have seen to even mention the fact the Settlers have some pretty hard radicals on their side as well. Operation Price Tag is the path the more militant settlers have decided to take and it's not pretty if one searches out the incidents done under that banner. Each side has their fanatics and militants which are anxious to go at each other and might almost look forward to this vote and what may come immediately afterward. It's just crazy over there.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:00 AM

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:41 AM
...and of course, sabbahreport isn't a biased source at all, is it.
Nope. Not at all.

Seriously, man. You may as well quote the Farsi News Agency for "reliable" news on Israel if you're going to go all sabbah on us.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by gravitational

I see you are back at your feeble attempts at intimidation. The source quoted is a respected and reliable news source. Of course I understand why you don't like it as they often point out the criminal activities of the settlers.

In any case we shall see in a few days who attacks who. The settlers are being armed for the sole purpose of attacking Palestinians. The IDF could certainly protect them from Palestinians armed with rocks so arming them is for offensive reasons other then defensive reasons. Given the rabid hatred of many of the settlers toward Palstinians I am expecting settler bands to attack Palestinian villages with IDF protection. The whole world will see this happen and the settlers will be exposed for what they are. My opinion

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Settlers in Judea Samaria and (until 2005) Gaza were armed decades ago, for self defense purposes and for a good reason.
Even at the pick of the second Intifada, none of your predictions came true.
So yeah, your opinions and theories suck big time, especially when it comes from someone who claim to visit Israel on a regular basis, and we all know it was a lie to win points in another futile baseless thread you made.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by gravitational

Originally posted by gem_man

My opinion

Well, your opinion sucks !

As long as you post like an immature spoiled child, meaning – exaggerations, halve truths, out of context etc', your opinions mean absolutely nothing.

Israel demolished an illegal structure back in 2007. allegedly 7 handicapped children were evacuated. Israel demolish hundreds of illegal Israeli -Jewish structures each year. I don't recall you ever whined about that.

The retarded 15 years old boy was shot back in 2006. He was carrying a toy gun, and darn it, some toy guns look like the real thing. Need a proof, or can we t least agree on that?

So we have two unrelated cases, one from 2006 and the other from 2007. what's that got to do with 2011 and Jewish settlers preparing for Palestinians storming their homes? It's no surprise you turn it around ans twist it, as if the Settlers are the one planing to storm Palestinian homes. No surprise at all when it comes from you.

I see your list of sources are getting desperate as much as you are, in your pathetic little attempts to demonize Israel.
Try harder... or grow up.

Hypocritical much?
OP's opinion is just as valid as yours...and not as childish! I don't see them resorting to namecalling and bullying.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by gravitational

I just found this piece of paper which says your family's house, which your family's been living in for at least fifty years, really belongs to me. You'll politely move out of the way when I bring over the bulldozers because everyone knows you had no right to build there, yes? You have a system in place already for moving the old and ill just in case someone should show up with rifles and a piece of paper saying they're the real owner of your home where your family has lived for generations?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:10 AM
In my mind the real irony is both sides have managed to turn the holy land into a first class hellhole. Way to go guys i'm sure both of your gods are super proud.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by gravitational

Commenters on this board need not "demonize" Israel.

Israel has killed over 2,000 Arab children since the year 2000 and has stolen organs from Palestinains and sold them on the open market.

Israel is fundamentally evil.

If you live in the US you may not know how bad Israel is and how much they hate Christians because the media in the US is dominated by Zionist owners and editors.

You seem angry.

Maybe try to cool down and learn the truth about Zionism.

Zionism is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Jews and Christians and Muslims have to work together to try and save Jews from Zionism.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
reply to post by gravitational

Commenters on this board need not "demonize" Israel.

Israel has killed over 2,000 Arab children since the year 2000 and has stolen organs from Palestinains and sold them on the open market.

Israel is fundamentally evil.

If you live in the US you may not know how bad Israel is and how much they hate Christians because the media in the US is dominated by Zionist owners and editors.

You seem angry.

Maybe try to cool down and learn the truth about Zionism.

Zionism is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Jews and Christians and Muslims have to work together to try and save Jews from Zionism.

that's true, i bought 2 hearts, a 1/2 doz lungs and a slightly used anus, pretty cheap on e-bay.

they really didn't work that good, with all the bullet holes in them and all.

let's be real here people.

most of you don't have a dog in this race and talk ragtime about israel. very trendy.

anyway, when they actually start attacking the villages, let me know.

edit on 19-9-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
reply to post by gravitational

Commenters on this board need not "demonize" Israel.

Israel has killed over 2,000 Arab children since the year 2000 and has stolen organs from Palestinains and sold them on the open market.

Israel is fundamentally evil.

Ooh wee, and all this time I thought it was the pharaohs...or maybe it was the Persians....hmmm Romans? ...The Nazis maybe ? Oh, it's getting so confusing, so let's use the easiest path, Zionists.
I can hardly wait for Hans Schweitzer's cartoons to show up.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Those evil Israeli monsters! Those poor innocent Hamas and PLO led Palistinians have NEVER done anything even remotely deserving of any form of retaliation!

I love how events from as far back as 5 years ago has any bearing on this...

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Considering how cuthroat Hamas has been lately, I'm not surprised that the settlement community feels threatened and want to make their presence known so they're not ignored.

Have a look:

Hamas is a brutal regime that has NO right to govern the palestine people. They're criminals.

Look here: ...

...Between 2001 and January 2009, over 8,600 rockets had been launched, leading to 28 deaths and several hundred injuries,[1][2] as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life.
...However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha and Grad rockets.
...The attacks, widely condemned for targeting civilians, have been described as terrorism by United Nations, European Union and Israeli officials, and are defined as war crimes by human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

These rocket attacks which have become increasingly sophisticated are the reason Israel entered into the Gaza War and established a blockade. People have short memories!

It's speculated that rockets and materials are being smuggled into Palestine too!

Hamas, voted into power by the Palestinian people in 2007, has been at war with Israel ever since. They had a chance to crack down on the rocket attacks and stop them. By not doing this they have showed the international community their true intentions. They want a war and that's what will happen most likely. It's a circus that they want statehood now. THEY DESERVE WAR.

IMHO, this is a proxy war led by Syria/Iran/Lebanon/etc regimes and terrorist groups. They will not stop until they have all of Israel because they believe that Israel belongs to them.

Israel is essentially defending itself to survive. They do not deserve cynicism. If Mexico was launching missiles onto US territory, YOU CAN BET YOUR LIFE WE WOULD RESPOND.

Let me just say that there's WIDESPREAD support for these activities against Israel in Lebanon and Palestine and Syria and Iran and so on. THIS WILL NOT END WITH PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD. That's because this isn't about Palestine statehood. They're fighting to reclaim Israel!!

They believe that Israel is their's.

Read and learn:

The bloodshed must stop! People must stop feeding their vengeance. It's the only way.
edit on 19-9-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by lokdog
In my mind the real irony is both sides have managed to turn the holy land into a first class hellhole. Way to go guys i'm sure both of your gods are super proud.

I must say, of all the material I'm reading and analysis I'm digesting about this crisis and what may come next, I believe your two short lines here sum it up better than everything else I've read recently.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Yes everyone knows about the rockets. Israel sympathizers have been screaming about them, and the what, 2 deaths that have resulted from them in the last decade? But then people living on planet Earth will take a quick stroll to the other side of the story, and see tens of thousands of innocent people killed by Israel in that same time period.

On top of that, those rockets are almost always fired in retaliation for the countless times that Israel has punished Palestine. Hamas are certainly hardcore, but that's borne of a direct response to Israel encroaching on traditionally Arab land.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by gravitational

Originally posted by BRAVO949
reply to post by gravitational

Commenters on this board need not "demonize" Israel.

Israel has killed over 2,000 Arab children since the year 2000 and has stolen organs from Palestinains and sold them on the open market.

Israel is fundamentally evil.

Ooh wee, and all this time I thought it was the pharaohs...or maybe it was the Persians....hmmm Romans? ...The Nazis maybe ? Oh, it's getting so confusing, so let's use the easiest path, Zionists.
I can hardly wait for Hans Schweitzer's cartoons to show up.

You can read all the quotes from the early Zionists were they call for the ethnic-cleansing of Palestine from 1890 forward.

You have to admit that is evil.

I think the child raping and organ seeling is a new idea that the original Zionists had not even thought of.

If you agree the

Zionism is Pure Evil

then tell your friends and relatives.

I tell eveyone and most people seem to agree now.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:15 PM
here is a shocking article about organ harvesting.


Alison Weir
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
November 2009

Nancy Scheper-Hughes is Chancellor’s Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley, the founder of Organ Watch, and the author of scholarly books and articles on organ trafficking. She is the pundit mainstream media call upon when they need expert commentary on the topic.

While Scheper-Hughes emphasizes that traffickers and procurers come from numerous nations and ethnicities, including Americans and Arabs, she is unflinchingly honest in speaking about the Israeli connection:

“Israel is at the top,” she states. “It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”

reports of coercion - horrifying!

On occasion, people are coerced into giving up their organs. For example, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, the alleged Brooklyn trafficker recently arrested in an FBI sweep in New Jersey, reportedly carried a gun. When a potential organ seller would try to back out, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing a gun at the person’s head.

The Rosenbaum case, reportedly part of a ring centered in Israel, is the first case of trafficking to be prosecuted in the US. His arrest and the substantial evidence against him may have surprised State Department Countermisinformation Director Todd Leventhal, who had characterized organ trafficking as an “urban legend,” stating, “It would be impossible to successfully conceal a clandestine organ-trafficking ring.” Leventhal called such reports “irresponsible and totally unsubstantiated.”

Yehuda Hiss, keeper of the morgue

Perhaps one of the most long-term and high-level cases of organ theft – and one that involves Palestinian as well as Israeli organs – concerns an extraordinarily high official: Dr. Yehuda Hiss, Israel’s chief pathologist and, from 1988 through 2004, director of Israel’s state morgue, the L. Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir

the article is eye opening to say the least !

Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine

other articles:

Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

Organ-harvesting allegations still posted on UN Web site


Makes people wonder if they are including scalpels and ice chests with those armaments to settlers ?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:21 PM
You will never get anywhere on this site mentioning the word "Israel". But don't worry. Israel is pretty soon to be up sh@!s creek without a paddle.

Palestine has many powerful backers for statehood now. And if they do get recognized, then Israel's little invasions by the "settlers" will be over.

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