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9/11: Blueprint for Truth. The Scientifically Disproven Official Story.

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posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by LunchBocks

Damn, thats gotta be one of the best researched and thought out threads I've seen in a long while. I posted a link to this thread on FB so I could provide some support to my thoughts to my friends. This deserves so many flags and stars.
Hey man thank Richard Gage and AE911Truth, the majority of the info is just transferred from the film onto the website for the sake of convenience and time. They also put out another documentary, Experts Speak Out, two days ago and I might make a thread about that one too depending on what information they include.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by LunchBocks

Damn, thats gotta be one of the best researched and thought out threads I've seen in a long while. I posted a link to this thread on FB so I could provide some support to my thoughts to my friends. This deserves so many flags and stars.
Hey man thank Richard Gage and AE911Truth, the majority of the info is just transferred from the film onto the website for the sake of convenience and time. They also put out another documentary, Experts Speak Out, two days ago and I might make a thread about that one too depending on what information they include.

I'm sorry. I cannot go along with the dead rapper and Gage's thesis. He left out any reference to the Sta-Puff Marshmallow man, which has every right to be considered as a source for the tower collapses as Gage's and his pile of monkey poop.

Not to mention Mothman and the Penguin and Lex Luthor, all of whom are more than slightly miffed that they are not given credit by Gage.

Seriously...if there was one shred of an iota of evidence that what Gage says is even remotely connected to the truth, why, in the 10 years since, has nothing been done about it with the exception of Gage lining his pockets with money that fools like you (and the dead rapper) keep sending him? A fool and his money are soon parted, while Gage gets to keep avoiding a real job.

In any event, keep up the good work! I love these chuckles that take you a day and a half to throw together - it keeps you off the streets, which can only be a good thing.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by trebor451

"Seriously...if there was one shred of an iota of evidence that what Gage says is even remotely connected to the truth, why, in the 10 years since, has nothing been done about it with the exception of Gage lining his pockets with money that fools like you (and the dead rapper) keep sending him? A fool and his money are soon parted, while Gage gets to keep avoiding a real job. "

Who says Nothing is being Done ? The Guilty can keep Running for 10 Years now , but eventually the Truth Will Catch up to them ................Stay Tuned.........

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:58 PM

+13 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by trebor451

I'm sorry. I cannot go along with the dead rapper and Gage's thesis
The scientific method is accurate regardless of whether TupacShakur, Richard Gage, or Johnny Appleseed uses it.

He left out any reference to the Sta-Puff Marshmallow man, which has every right to be considered as a source for the tower collapses as Gage's and his pile of monkey poop.

Not to mention Mothman and the Penguin and Lex Luthor, all of whom are more than slightly miffed that they are not given credit by Gage.
....that's a very intelligent rebuttal against the 7 posts worth of evidence that disproves the official story. :shk:

Seriously...if there was one shred of an iota of evidence that what Gage says is even remotely connected to the truth, why, in the 10 years since, has nothing been done about it with the exception of Gage lining his pockets with money that fools like you (and the dead rapper) keep sending him?
You don't need to call me a fool because we disagree. The scientific method is used in the OP, ad hominems and strawmen are used in your post. I think that's a pretty clear indication that you can't debate the issues, but you just resort to insults to make yourself feel good about your position on this issue.

A fool and his money are soon parted, while Gage gets to keep avoiding a real job.

In any event, keep up the good work! I love these chuckles that take you a day and a half to throw together - it keeps you off the streets, which can only be a good thing.
Cool! So when you're ready to discuss the evidence in the OP and explain how the scientific method isn't applicable to NIST/FEMA, I'll be waiting. But if you're just here to ridicule us and poke fun, don't bother responding because that's frowned upon here.

edit on Mon Sep 12 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Fantastic Job. S & F.

If people really want to honor the memory of that day, LEARN something from it. Whatever that may mean for them.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

What a great post!!! Gives me some reading/watching for my upcoming days off work

Im currently finishing up watching AE911 Truth experts speak out, which is their newest release, ill have to check out their first doc as well

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Another well thought of,and excellent thread Pac. So many unanswered questions,and so many memory's that its hard to put it all into perspective. I believe the truth will eventually come to light. It may take a 100 years,when everyone close to it is long gone,unfortunately. Thank you again.


posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:10 AM
i think i saw this documentary. i remember them talking about the thermite. saying the elevator shafts may have been coated with it during some "routine maintenance" a few days before the attacks. I also remember seeing the thing about the thermite making spheres, and the liquid steel.

some really interesting stuff.

edit on 12-9-2011 by iNkGeEk because: stupid spelling mistakes!

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 12:24 AM
48 flags
, two pages of posts
and only 1 debunker,,, (who got owned

Excellent thread Pac,very well put together. It's really hard to debate the information.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Wow that should be a TV commercial. IDK how they would fit a 4 minute video into commercials....maybe break it up into segments or something, but that sums it up nicely.

The SEAL Team 6 part with killing Osama Bin Laden especially sounds so crazy when spelled out like that. We went in there to fight terrorism and kill Osama, but when there was an opportunity to capture him and get the intel on terrorists through the methods of torture that's used at Guantanamo Bay to do just that, he was instead killed while unarmed. Then his body was dumped in the ocean, and the people that killed him are now dead.

That right there could be a perfect example of a well executed piece of propaganda, a complete lie that was repeated over and over again until people thought it had to be true. What would be the benefit of that though? How would faking Osama's death affect the American people? Maybe since most people want out of the Middle East and felt negatively about the wars, this was used to perk their spirits and suddenly make them justified;

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

First off, great post OP, well worth the read. In regards to those that refuse to debate the issues and or disagree with the scientific method, it's more of a denial of the government being capable of doing such a deed. Regardless of proof, it thus must be denied in order to preserve their paradigm. The inverse has elements in it that in all likelihood be mind rending to those individuals. A case in point is those that still go along with the official story regarding WT7 even though Larry Silverstine stated that the building was "pulled". All scientific methods aside, the owner said it was pulled (controlled demolition) what more is needed. Those that continue to stick with the official story that goes against the owners statement clearly are in denial or have other issues that abound.

Towers 1&2 were brought down in similar fashion though that's denied as well. So what can be done, signing petitions, writing congressmen etc? Sadly neither of these methods will avail you of anything. You are merely asking the fox to look into the hen house for missing chickens. Of course there are no missing chickens and any new investigation will simply state so in a different way.

edit on 9/12/2011 by pstrron because: Correct spelling

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:16 AM
good god you have it thank you for your time. i knew it was planned and i will be showing this thread to many people. good work

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by pstrron

My thing with WTC 7 is that it's said it was brought down by debris from WTC 1 & 2. But WTC 6 is between WTC 7 and the Twin Towers, yet it didn't fall. How is that???

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by iNkGeEk

WTC 6 is between WTC 7 and the Twin Towers, yet it didn't fall. How is that???

You must have missed the memo, it's call magic. It can do amazing things like defy physics and even do the impossible instantly! Simple, it wasn't part of the agenda. Think along the lines of why WT7 that just happened to have the cases against Wall Street stored there and the exact offices of the Pentagon that held the financial records for the missing $2.4 trillion being destroyed. Could there be a pattern here...?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:48 AM
Well presented M8 and an excellent job on research and collating the data to corespond with the A&E we know that people from the otherside do not seem to go and look at any videos presented to them....or they use the term....oohh another youtube vid without even considering the source....

Now i will admit i gave the disillusioned soul there a star....even though he was being negative he was stating a valid point unfortunatly.....the same people who committed the crime....are the same ones stopping the progress...which does make it difficult to say the least...but one must never stop giving up as i had so many discussions yesterday....the best way to honor those 3000+ people plus the 100,000+ in false flag ops is to keep on exposing the people behind the another person much of this is old information...well DUH! is ten years people can only gather bits of info from that day ten years ago.....

but saying all that and having presented much of the info myself in separate issues to be argued over and over it is great to see it all in one place so one can direct people to one place to have a wake up call...

A&E have been getting a bad rap....but that also is exectly how the powers that be work is it not...they slander the people they want removed....they do this in their own ranks over and over....if someone does not tow the political line they run a smear campaign against that person or organization..

The problem being they have the MSM in their filthy little pockets...and you know that they have tried to smear gage and co over and over....and they also get rid of people they don't like...Bill Cooper....Danny Jowenko(who they killed in August)....and John O'neil who they had the odacity to let none other than Jerome Hauer(Anthrax King) find his of only 12 bodies found in tact,,,,which they found 11days later in a stairwell.

I think it is time we focus now on the culprits.....reverse the process....a smear campaign upon those involved...and we should not listen to the one who has become disillusioned because that would mean they have won...and they MUST not win.....this is about respecting the lives of those lost to these evil people.

that is the tactic i have taken lately...and hopefully between the two tactics of exposure we together as truthers(how we have been labeled like it is a swearword) can bring these people to justice and help wake the world to the Evil within.

9/11 is these people crowning glory so far...and I think it may be possible to make them fill the very holes in the earth they created on that day.


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posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by pstrron

Wait...are you saying that MY gov't, the US gov't, to us???
That WTC 7 was destroyed to cover up a...a robbery??

That's why I say something just doesn't add up there. invisible wormhole was created to direct the falling, flaming debris from the Towers to the base of WTC 7 so that it fell into its own footprint, mimicking a controlled demolition of a building.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:02 AM
wow, amazing work OP

AE911truth has just released a video with 50 experts

also this video is excelent to show to people

Here is the official story in 5 minutes

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:32 AM
Good thread! I personally believe that wtc7 is 100% proof that the official story is BS.
Oh and look what i found in this year's english text and work schoolbook; a chapter about 9/11 and more importantly the conspiracy theories that are ridiculed in my book. Propaganda? :

'The paranoid style'
Unfortunately, true believers are seldom moved by facts that contradict their preconceived notions. It is said a lot that conspiracy theories are born out of a sense of powerlessness. A lot of Americans are being affected by fears since Sept. 11. But instead of facing the daunting truth, the Sept. 11 path of denial has been chosen and probably will by chosen by conspiracy theorist for many years. -

and there was much more...

edit on 12-9-2011 by DeusImperator because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2011 by DeusImperator because: extra

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by iNkGeEk

Wait...are you saying that MY gov't, the US gov't, to us???

Ya think???
I have to admit, you made my day. Now if the people could only get their hands on those that committed this crime, I'm sure someone could find a tall tree and a short rope.

Reply to post by plube:
Thanks for the star, actually I'm not disillusioned and not trying to be negative. I do believe that the pursuit of those responsible should continue in earnest. However, this will require a different approach of which I do not have the answer too. Those that perished deserve nothing less on the peoples behalf. My only true point was, you can not ask a fox to investigate the other foxes in the hen house. The true investigation is not how it was done, this is known by the evidence, but who is responsible and that my friend is well guarded. The trail of bodies will attest to that.
edit on 9/12/2011 by pstrron because: correct html tag

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