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Attack of the ELF'S on America

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posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 04:54 PM
The United States "could" be about to experience what will be known in the future as the ATTACK OF THE ELF�s

Earth Liberation Front is a most noble idea, however, some within or aligned to the organization might start to fulfill what was written of recently by Theodore Kaczynski.

The Professor has written, to disable the modern technological system (Western Civilization) the Freedom Fighters (Elf and other Save the Earth movements) must attack the system (USA, etc.) at the weaknesses of the Beast.

There is a multi-point attack outlined by The Professor in his recent writings, that if followed will result in very successful attacks upon modern civilization.

These attacks will be aimed at the technological infrastructure of western civilization. While burning down the office or property of some environmental menace has been a known tactic of the Green Movement for some time, the next step in the evolution of the Green Movement will be bringing whole segments of modern society to a standstill.

A few people can easily bring modern civilization in the west to a halt!

These are how future attacks of the Green Movement could FREEZE modern civilization in what will become routine outages that are copycatted around the industrialized world.

The easiest attacks will indeed be upon the electrical grid system of the industrialized world. This system uses a three-stage method to control what is known as DEMAND. Typically a large 24 Hour major polluter like a mega-coal-burning plant or a Nuclear Plant is the main supplier of electricity to industrialized areas or cities.

A simple bomb could disable a huge power plant and cause a major disruption of THE GRID for some time. A synchronized attack of several such major DEMAND suppliers that operate on a much-needed 24-Hour schedule, could theoretically take down the whole Grid of North America!

The attacks could be very simple, such as blowing up a bridge used by the railways to supply coal to these important parts of THE GRID. Some plants keep a small supply of fuel (coal) on hand, but if the bridge that is attacked is very close to the plant, then it could disrupt the future operations of such a target causing a failing of THE GRID when the plant is taken offline.

Since such an attack would enable a rerouting of THE GRID before the actual plant stopped operating, THE GRID could sustain an attack such as this easily. However, multiple attacks around the United States might not be so easily rerouted by the managers of THE GRID.

If an attack was on equipment within the plant need to feed the coal into plant, then an immediate interruption would result and possible topple THE GRID. The least effect would be a large area within THE GRID would lose power for quite some time.

Attacking the first stage transformer platforms at the plant or near the plant are soft targets that can be easily taken out and disrupt the output of such a large plant for shorter period than say a bridge attack. However, as soon as the plant cannot deliver DEMAND through its main feeder wires, then a large area will be OFF THE GRID.

Each area in THE GRID usually has a three-stage source to feed THE GRID. The plants mentioned above are the main suppliers of DEMAND in a large area. THE GRID will also have a PEAK PLANT that operates when demand is at its highest point in the day. A third plant is a seldom-operated plant that is primarily a backup plant.

While attacks at these lesser targets could occur, since they have much less security, etc. They will not reek much havoc overall on THE GRID.

One of the most vulnerable types of plants in THE GRID are the Nuclear Power Plants. These plants need large amounts of water to cool the reactors. The FBI has recently found out that DARK TERRORISTS (Al Qaeda, etc.) have been taking diving courses in the United States. Both GREEN and DARK TERRORISTS will soon attack the large feeder pipes that supply the huge amounts of water needed to cool power plants.

Underwater explosives will be used to disable these large intake pipes into Nuclear Power Plants. This will cause an almost immediate shutdown of major plants that feed THE GRID!

GREEN and DARK TERRORISTS both want the same thing. That is the failure of western civilization. The GREEN will commit their acts out of respect for the planet and the future of all species of life upon the planet. The DARK are motivated by religious zeal to stop the spread of western culture into areas of the planet that have live virtually unchanged for millenniums. Western GREED promotes the trappings of the west all around the world. Bringing a way of life that is viewed as against the LAW OF GOD to those that head DARK TERRORIST movements.

Western media paints these figures as people that hate western freedom. However, the truth is these DARK FREEDOM FIGHTERS merely want to keep their cultures and civilizations as they have been for millenniums. As the GREEN wish to preserve the resources of the planet, the DARK wish to preserve their civilizations threatened by western ways (which is nothing but decadence to the DARK).

One person with a small amount of explosives can take a large area off of THE GRID for many hours if not days by attacking the main feeder lines into any populated area. These areas usually have only one major feeder path into the populated area. These are the huge electrical wires on the outskirts of a city. Inside the city these huge feeder lines are stepped down into smaller lines.

An attack on the outskirts of a populated area with a small amount of explosives could severe temporarily the lifeblood of THE GRID within a large populated area.

Once these power lines are cut due to blasts that topple the structures carrying such lines, there will be no power to the population dependant upon the power it consumes from THE GRID.

It could take hours if not days to repair such damage. If multiple breaks in the line are made several miles apart, then the down time will be longer since the workers that could fix such problems cannot handle multiple breaks at the same time. Workers from other areas of THE GRID might have to come in to help. Electrical wires can easily be repaired, but the structures needed to suspend them in the air take time to rebuild, etc.

THE GRID has thousands and thousands of miles of high-powered wires crisscrossing the country to feed largely populated areas. These wires are the most vulnerable targets in THE GRID. However, such attacks will do little to impact THE GRID.

The next major modern utility of the west that is very vulnerable to attack by terrorists is the communications system including the phone system and Internet. A long-term interruption in power will take down large parts if not all of the Internet and Phone systems in the USA. Electricity is needed to run these systems. While temporary backup power supplies are in place to handle a short-term outage, these systems cannot operate for long periods of time without electricity from THE GRID.

A relatively small amount of buildings are the hubs for these systems. An attack upon the fiber optic lines close to these buildings can bring down large segments of the phone systems and Internet.

These buildings have very little security so a small assault team could take over these buildings and by using a small amount of explosives they could do great harm for long periods of time to the central computer rooms that control these systems.

Maps of the backbones for the Internet are available on the Net. These maps are similar if not identical to the backbone of the phone system. While cutting fiber optic lines close to the buildings that house the computers that maintain these hubs could do drastic short term harm, the only long term damage will be if an attack is made upon the main control rooms within these communication nerve centers.

Satellite dishes in areas close to these hubs are very easy targets for terrorists to hit as well.

There are only a few telecommunication and Internet access giants in the United States. So terrorists will eventually make attacks upon the key buildings of companies like AOL, Earthlink, World Com, etc.

Small security teams that guard these buildings could be easily over taken by a small well-armed and trained assault team. Many hostages would be easily taken as well so that will allow plenty of time to damage the infrastructure of these companies while local and federal police try to negotiate for the lives of the hostages not realizing the main goal of the terrorists are to cripple the control rooms that provide the ability to communicate to the west.

While physical damage to control room computers will do much harm to the ability of the west to communicate, such systems will be eventually put back on-line and large teams will be used to safe guard these buildings once major attacks are done and the weaknesses are exploited.

Stealth attacks upon the computers that operate these systems will be made in the forms of computer viruses from outside the physical location of the buildings that house these computers. Insiders who are either sleepers of terrorist groups who became educated in the west in computer science and work for these companies or even employees of these companies who are sympathetic to the ideological goals of the terrorists will sabotage these computers with viruses from inside these buildings as well. As long as these computers are available to access internally in the buildings are on networks that can eventually be penetrated, computers are an open vulnerability of the communications system of the west.

The transportation system of the west is very open to simple terrorist attacks that could cripple movement of goods in the west for long period of times. There are only a handful of nationwide interstates in the USA. All of these roads are unguarded and open to terrorist attacks. Small amounts of explosives can take down key bridges all around the United States crippling delivery of goods and services.

Multiple attacks on bridges near a key target bridge on a major interstate highway could result in there being no bridges to cross large rivers for hundreds of miles. This would cause road and rail movement of goods to have to travel many hundreds of additional miles to avoid segments of the interstate taken out by explosives.

It is very easy to take out a major bridge that thousands of trucks use each day to transport goods and materials in the west. The bridge would have to be rebuilt and this could take many months. Again, if such bridges or even tunnels are hit along with alternative bridges near the interstate target, it could result in there being no bridges for hundreds of miles to cross major waterways.

The interstate system was built after a complex rail and highway system already existed in the United States. So most major interstate bridges are close to the original highway system that was built decades before the interstate was in that area.

An example of how few bridges or tunnels control all access to large urban areas is New York City. The George Washington and Verrazono bridges control all bridge traffic into New York City. The GWB controls northern traffic through Harlem and the Verrazono controls southern access to New York through Brooklyn. Two tunnels control access to Manhattan Island directly, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Without these four access points into New York City the world�s so-called greatest city becomes landlocked. The only way off the Island of New York would be ferryboats. It would be easy to disable these boats as well. A single vehicle packed with explosives taking a ferry ride could sink these boats.

New York understands how vulnerable they are to attacks at these points since on 9/11 access to all these bridges and tunnels were closed. There was no escape from New York City on 9/11.

The west will also could be subject to bio-terrorism attacks. Drinking water supplies could be attacked. Either a chemical or possibly a natural agent will be used to activate the cryptosporidium virus that lies dormant in much of the water supply of the west.

Designer versions of old viruses such as Polio and Small Pox may be unleashed upon the west. Introduction of disease carrying animals and even insects will be used to upset eco-systems. The West Nile Virus Mosquito and the Snake Head fish are two such examples. The simple importation of a few mosquitoes infected with Nile Virus has caused a widespread infection of the west in a few short years. The introduction of a few unknown species of predatory animals such as the Snake Head fish can cause long-term ecological harm to the west.

Insects that could greatly harm the bountiful food supply of the west will be introduced to cause much harm to the food supply of the west.

These are the ways that several dark terrorist groups could start to attack western civilization. The infrastructure of the west is wide open to simple attacks that could cripple THE POWER GRID, Telecommunications, Internet and Transportation systems of the west.

The ultimate terrorist attack upon the west could be the detonation of a portable suitcase nuclear device or a tactical nuke.
One small nuke in a major city of the west such as Washington DC or New York City could bring a virtual collapse to the western way of life.

Overnight, real estate value will be worthless in urban American cities. So the wealthiest Americans would have worthless penthouses in cities no one wants to live or work in due to vulnerability of a nuclear attack by terrorists.

The stock exchange would be closed for a long period of time if the attack was upon either New York City or Washington DC.

A mass exodus would occur of city dwellers trying to escape major urban targets of terrorists. Martial law will be enacted to keep city dwellers in cities. Chaos and panic would permeate the west. Civil liberties would disappear overnight as the west becomes one giant police state.

It is no secret that up to 100 suitcase nukes are missing from the old Russian arsenal of tactical nukes.

Oil rich Arab nations have bought these devices on the black market from the Russian mafia.
These Arab nations are just waiting to be attacked by the west.

What's the thought's on this people?

[edit on 23-8-2004 by markjaxson]

[edit on 23-8-2004 by markjaxson]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson

What's the thought's on this people?
I think we'd be more interested to hear your thoughts.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 05:55 PM
My thought's are that is America's security in some of these mentioned place's,so an easy attack could bring down most states?
I dont live in america so i wouldnt know if some of the methods are possible.

And i thought i posted the link's (was in a rush!) i wanted on here il edit main post to add these.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 06:03 PM
Color me totally unsurprised. After 9/11 my friends and I thought about the comments going around about how well organized and financed the 9/11 attackers must have been. We all thought that any schmoe and his pals could pull off attacks which were much more debilitating than those of 9/11. Sure they scared us and killed a few thousand, but we got over it. How about something like this:

Smuggle 100 terrorists into the US through Mexico.
Have 20 rent cars and drive them straight into gas plazas in major cities.
Have 20 acquire black market weapons and fire them off in shopping malls.
Have 20 acquire poison of the sort that would be difficult to filter from water and contaminate water treatment plants (most smaller ones only have wooden fences and are clearly marked as treatment plants)
Have 20 acquire black market weapons and storm kindergartens/preschools shooting at everything they see.
Have the last 20 repeat the above acts of terror in random places at random times in the future.

Wanna see Americans's not that hard. This could all be augmented with spot computer virus attacks and attacks against cell towers, severly limiting communication capabilities.

With all this in mind, does it surprise me that domestic eco-terrorists have come up with some potent methods of infrastructure attack? Not in the slightest. All it takes is time and imagination to determine where the US is most vulnerable. Add a pinch of crazy and stuff might just start blowing up.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 10:08 PM

Wanna see Americans's not that hard.

I totally agree.

Remember the DC Snipers? A couple of guys in a junky old car with a rifle. They brought the area to its knees.

I remember saying at the time that if those guys weren't associated with Al Queda that they just did UBL a huge favor. They pretty much demonstrated how easy it would be to cause chaos. Imagine the same scenario in several cities at once.

Frankly, I'm fascinated that there have been no major AQ attacks inside the US since 9/11.

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