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10 years later, 9/11 still shrouded in mystery

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by xXHORUSXx

Compartmentalize this!!!

Truthers have implicated the following people in the 9/11 terrorist attacks where Muslim extremists flew planes into our buildings.

George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard Perle
Douglas Feith
Dov Zakheim
George Tenet
Robert Mueller
Thomas Pickard
Dale Watson
Dave Frasca
Marion “Spike” Bowman
John Ashcroft
Michael Chertoff
Michael Mukasey
Ted Olson
Colin Powell
Condi Rice
Tommy Thompson
Jerome Hauer
Porter Goss
Bob Graham
Marc Grossman
Richard Armitage
Philip Zelikow
Ari Fleischer
Andrew Card
Karl Rove
Ralph Eberhardt
Larry Arnold
Eric Findley
Montague Winfield
Richard Mies
Henry Shelton
Peter Schoomaker
Geoffrey Lambert
John Brinkerhoff
John Lehman
Tony Gentry
Philip Odeen
Elliot Abrams
Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Jack Abramoff
Jeb Bush
Rudolph Giuliani
Bernard Kerik
Lewis Eisenberg
Eliot Spitzer
Richard Holbrooke
John Deutch
Ashton Carter
Michael Ledeen
Abdussattar Shaikh
Abdullah Noman
Daniel Lewin
Dominic Suter
Sivan Kurzberg
John Gross
Theresa McAllister
Ronald Hamburger
William Baker
Harold Nelson
Ramon Gilsanz
Shankar Nair
Gene Corley
Paul Mlakar
Mete Sozen
Charles Thornton
Richard Tomasetti
Victor Ganzi
Benjamin Chertoff
Kevin Delaney
Marvin Bush
Wirt Walker
Larry Silverstein
Frank Lowy
David Rockefeller
Nicholas Rockefeller
Warren Buffett
Rupert Murdoch
Maurice Greenberg
Jules Kroll
Paul Bremer
Wallace Hilliard
Peter Peterson
A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard
Mark Loizeaux
Loring Knoblauch
Michael Cherkasky
Frank Carlucci
William Kristol
William Perry
James Woolsey
Newt Gingrich
Henry Kissinger
George H.W. Bush SR
Tony Blair
Pauline Neville-Jones
Mahmoud Ahmad
Benjamin Netanyahu
Ariel Sharon

This does not include ALL of the Police, Fire and emergency respose personel that would be required to pull this off. If you say it was a controlled demo, then you must account for the 30+ man team it would have taken to place the explosives....

Then you have the news agencies, witnesses and again COUNTLESS other people this would require.

Everyone was in on 9/11 .... Was I? Were you? Was the Pope? If we are not going to employ logic at all, heck was it the paladians? Did they fire a super secret energy weapon from Nibiru?

Maybe the buildings didn't exist and this is some brain tweak, perpetrated by the wooooooo :::::iluuuuminati:::::::

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