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News From Libya Updated Thread

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:57 AM
This news story is interesting because dont forget we are getting conflicting reports from libya

Gaddafi son near Tripoli, sees victory: spokesman

TUNIS (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam has been travelling around close to Tripoli, meeting tribal leaders and preparing to retake the Libyan capital, his spokesman said on Friday.

Victory Soon Says Gaddafi Spoksman

Why Qatar flag is flying in Tripoli

Why Qatar flag is flying in Tripoli

Reuploaded with permission from 123VivaDjazair Radio interview on IRRB French service of Thierry Meyssan who was one of the Journalists in TRIPOLI during the night of the fall of Tripoli. He describes the events that he witnessed and gives us a perspective that completely contradicts what we have been hearing on mainstream media

Thats an interview with Thierry Meyssan who was at the night when the fall of Tripoli started as the titles says he has personally that the rebels that entered Tripoli werent rebels at all but a special unit from the Army of Qatar that would explian why we saw qatar flags and mixed wih those kingdom of libya flags, they arent libyan rebels but a special unit as it seems.

Skip to 4:10 if you want to read it or hear it yourself.

This thread will be updated.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 04:13 AM
Good thread.

But I still wonder how Gaddafi can get past NATO's unfair advantage - death from above from the drones and aircraft.

Maybe he has a few tricks up his sleeve or maybe he's just bluffing?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 04:43 AM
The use of attack helicopters do not enforce a no fly zone ,the use of attack helicopters are solely for ground to support ,absolutely scandalous really.

You have to respect the Libyan army/people for holding off the worlds most advanced air force and special forces for so long ,this can only be possible with the full support of the people as a whole.

Also Saif al-Islam seems to be able to roam freely around Libya ,almost at will ,which contradicts the Rebel reports of having full control ,and support of the people ,otherwise this guy Saif al-Islam and Moussa Ibrahim ,Gaddafi's spokesmen ,would of been captured by all the pro rebels and tribes by now.
edit on 5-9-2011 by TheMaverick because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Libya conflict: Troop convoy crosses border into Niger


It is not clear whether any of the Gaddafi family were in the convoy. His spokesman said he was still in Libya.

and i say i doubt that his still in libya.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:27 PM
Lagarde: IMF recognizes transitional council as Libyan gov't
MARSEILLE, France | Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:22am EDT

MARSEILLE, France (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund recognizes Libya's National Transitional Council as its government and will send a team there as soon as security permits, its chief, Christine Lagarde, said on Saturday.

"I'm very pleased to report that the IMF now recognizes the interim governing council as the official government of Libya. In this context the fund will stand ready to help the authorities through all the service the fund provides," Lagarde told a news conference at Group of Eight talks in the French Mediterranean port of Marseille.


G8 pledges billions for Arab Spring as IMF recognises Libya
by Rory Mulholland, On Saturday 10 September 2011, 20:07 EST


Its transitional government got a boost Saturday when the IMF said it now formally recognises it, paving the way for the fledgling administration to benefit from the IMF's financial help.

"The fund stands ready to help the authorities through technical assistance, policy advice, and financial support if requested, as they begin to rebuild Libya's economy," IMF chief Lagarde said.

"The new authorities will also need to quickly restore oil production to generate revenues, stabilise the currency, re-establish a payment system, introduce sound public financial management, and start reforms to foster a more inclusive and sustainable growth for the benefit of all Libyan citizens."

IMF staff are ready to travel to Libya for an initial fact-finding mission as soon as security conditions allow, Lagarde said.

This week both Egypt and Tunisia -- which are due to hold elections before the end of the year -- said they had so far received little or nothing despite the grand promises made by the G8 in Deauville.


IMF Recognizes Libya's National Transitional Council, Says Ready to Support its Efforts to Revive the Country's Economy
Press Release No. 11/329
September 10, 2011
edit on 10-9-2011 by jjjtir because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Heavy fighting rages in Libya Bani Walid!

Nato has just launched more airstrikes targeting the center of the city, the city is surrounded by opposition fighters that are currently engaged in street to street battles from several fronts.

As promised Gaddafi is still fighting till the last drop of blood and he is, but I predict that at least one of his sons will be captured very soon.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:49 PM

I'm getting reports of heavy fighting in Benghazi. It's unclear who is in control. The NTC has left the city and has taken refuge on the 'Mistral', a french warship. The NTC cannot go to Tripoli either.

interesting developments

and heres a new video from 108morris108

Sirte Today - A Libyan reacts


posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Interesting, did you know that Thierry Meyssan was the first to questioned the pentagon strike of 9/11.
I have to admit he got a good flair to start with so thats why its wery interesting.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:08 AM
03:54 13/09/2011
Relatives of Ukrainians seized in Libya ask for help

KIEV, September 13 (Itar-Tass) — Relatives of the Ukrainians, whom the Libyan rebels took prisoner August 21, have asked for help, the press service of Ukraine’s ombudswoman for human rights Nina Karpacheva said.

It said an appeal for help came from three women living in the southern city of Kherson. Their husbands are among this country’s nationals seized by the forces reporting to the Transitional National Council.

The applicants said in the appeal their relatives and other Ukrainians under arrest now had come to Tripoli in early July to work under a contract with the Dakar oil and gas ./’;company and to fill the positions of builders, engineers and oil workers.

The new Libyan authorities are keeping them locked on the compound of the company’s dormitory but no official charges against or demands to them have been made.


posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:03 AM

Canadian diplomats back in Libya

Canadian Boots on the ground

"And some Canadian Forces members have joined them."

and also an interesting image in this article shows that the rebels support The former King (King Idrs ) a pro western puppet installed by the west the image is on the pick up truck, look closely in the truck on the front windows.

fake image^ i mean how can you drive a car if you have a flag in front the drivers seat?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:59 AM
I've been reading a lot of un-comfirmed reports of large losses from the french and British special forces ,in the last few days in and around Tripoli airport ,and that they also had a lot of deaths from a night mission to take Bani Walid on monday.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:00 AM
Oil Tanker Sailing for Libya’s Mellitah as First Cargo From West Offered
By Alaric Nightingale and Michelle Wiese Bockmann

An oil tanker is sailing to the Libyan port of Mellitah, a sign the nation may be resuming energy exports after months of fighting that led to the ouster of Muammar Qaddafi, ship-tracking data show.

The Newlead Avra, capable of hauling about 540,000 barrels, signaled earlier today about 30 miles from the Libyan coast, the data compiled by Bloomberg show. The 229-meter (750-foot) vessel is 7.9 meters deep in the water, compared with a maximum draft of 14.45 meters when fully loaded. It can carry crude or refined-oil products, according to Bureau Veritas Group, which monitors ships’ compliance with laws on seaworthiness.

Libya wants to resume crude exports in two to three weeks, Guma El-Gamaty, the U.K. coordinator for the country’s National Transitional Council, said Sept. 8. Shipments from the country, holder of Africa’s biggest oil reserves, plunged during a conflict that escalated in February and led to leader Qaddafi being deposed.



Libya's new rulers to uphold China deals: Beijing
On Tuesday 13 September 2011, 18:07 SGT

The National Transitional Council has agreed to uphold agreements with China made before the fall of Moamer Kadhafi, Beijing said Tuesday, a day after recognising the NTC as Libya's government.

China, which has substantial investments in Libya, had long helped prop up the Kadhafi regime before the uprising began, and was the last permanent member of the UN Security Council to formally recognise the NTC.

"The NTC has agreed to abide by the one-China policy and all the treaties and agreements with China," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters.

The policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan says that there is only one China, which Beijing has the right to rule, despite the island's self-government since the end of a civil war in 1949.


The Asian giant has invested billions of dollars in rail, oil and telecoms in Libya, and has commercial and strategic reasons for not wanting Western countries to exert too much influence there.



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