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Was Sex or Sexual Acts involved in our Creation Stories and 'visions' of God?

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:59 AM
I recently wrote the ancient aliens the truth? Thead detailing the possibility of alien involvement in our past. However, as I've looked over the stories such as that of the flood in the bible and epic of Gilgamesh it appears that they just took the acts of nature to be that of god (floods,plagues,famines) as they had to have something to explain their misfortunes so they thought 'god is punishing us'.
Now, taking all religious preconceptions out of the story of Adam and Eve(and that of Alien involvement too) is it possible that they were trying to describe something greater at hand. The serpent tempts eve to bite the apple of the tree of good and evil which represents pre-marital sex or extreme sexual promiscuity and because of this they are never able to find the true meaning of life (tree of life being blocked by flaming sword).Now I know this may seem like an over interpretation and is probably not what the story actually meant but consider how they were ashamed of being naked and other factors involved. Sex or the achievement of orgasm is the highest state of pleasure among human beings and if we are so consumed by it today why wouldn't the ancients?
How would they have thought of sex in ancient Sumeria or the Neolithic period, it is required to reproduce and brings extreme pleasure (in most cases...) so would they have seen it too as an act of god or gods doing. The Epic of Gilgamesh states how we cannot live forever and how we must live now, is this their way of saying sex is ok we can't live forever so we might as well do whatever we want now? (in other words their version of the Ne-yo Pitbull song). Now that is another more than likely incorrect explanation of that tale but one has to wonder if they perceived flood as acts of gods and plagues as acts of god than how would they have explained the euphoric feeling of sex?
edit on 2-9-2011 by KingJames1337 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:10 AM
my 2 cents: sex drive, humans are driven, is the drive and orgasm giving "something" a non-human entity, that influences or decides our destiny ?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by icepack

That's a pretty good explanation sex would be pointless to strive for if it wasn't pleasant, just a means to reproduce.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:16 AM
I think that even now, folk with limited education are able to describe the feelings they experience during orgasm. It is true that many ancient religions contain higly sexual rituals as, I believe, it is the act that creates new life and therefore core to the universal cycle.

As for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, I believe that they are analogies for wisdom and technologies to enable humans to create agriculture, industry etc.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

Yeah people with limited education now are able to describe what they feel, but back then it must have been a completely unknown experience of great pleasure and if a flood was described as an act of god or famine than the feeling of sex and subsequent creation of a new life had to have been an act of god.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:42 AM
I would actually believe the Adam and Eve story as really involving sex if the tree of life wasn't blocked by 'the flaming sword'

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by KingJames1337
I recently wrote the ancient aliens the truth? Thead detailing the possibility of alien involvement in our past. However, as I've looked over the stories such as that of the flood in the bible and epic of Gilgamesh it appears that they just took the acts of nature to be that of god (floods,plagues,famines) as they had to have something to explain their misfortunes so they thought 'god is punishing us'. Now, taking all religious preconceptions out of the story of Adam and Eve(and that of Alien involvement too) is it possible that they were trying to describe something greater at hand. The serpent tempts eve to bite the apple of the tree of good and evil which represents pre-marital sex or extreme sexual promiscuity and because of this they are never able to find the true meaning of life (tree of life being blocked by flaming sword). Now I know this may seem like an over interpretation and is probably not what the story actually meant but consider how they were ashamed of being naked and other factors involved. Sex or the achievement of orgasm is the highest state of pleasure among human beings and if we are so consumed by it today why wouldn't the ancients? How would they have thought of sex in ancient Sumeria or the Neolithic period, it is required to reproduce and brings extreme pleasure (in most cases...) so would they have seen it too as an act of god or gods doing. The Epic of Gilgamesh states how we cannot live forever and how we must live now, is this their way of saying sex is ok we can't live forever so we might as well do whatever we want now? (in other words their version of the Ne-yo Pitbull song). Now that is another more than likely incorrect explanation of that tale but one has to wonder if they perceived flood as acts of gods and plagues as acts of god than how would they have explained the euphoric feeling of sex?

IS your Enter/Return key broken? These 'walls of text' are a pain to read.

On topic: Sex is a test if you believe the bible. If you 'cheat' you have commited a sin. So was sex in GOD's vision? Yes to test humanity to be honest. We all know how that turnded out!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Required01

Originally posted by KingJames1337
I recently wrote the ancient aliens the truth? Thead detailing the possibility of alien involvement in our past. However, as I've looked over the stories such as that of the flood in the bible and epic of Gilgamesh it appears that they just took the acts of nature to be that of god (floods,plagues,famines) as they had to have something to explain their misfortunes so they thought 'god is punishing us'. Now, taking all religious preconceptions out of the story of Adam and Eve(and that of Alien involvement too) is it possible that they were trying to describe something greater at hand. The serpent tempts eve to bite the apple of the tree of good and evil which represents pre-marital sex or extreme sexual promiscuity and because of this they are never able to find the true meaning of life (tree of life being blocked by flaming sword). Now I know this may seem like an over interpretation and is probably not what the story actually meant but consider how they were ashamed of being naked and other factors involved. Sex or the achievement of orgasm is the highest state of pleasure among human beings and if we are so consumed by it today why wouldn't the ancients? How would they have thought of sex in ancient Sumeria or the Neolithic period, it is required to reproduce and brings extreme pleasure (in most cases...) so would they have seen it too as an act of god or gods doing. The Epic of Gilgamesh states how we cannot live forever and how we must live now, is this their way of saying sex is ok we can't live forever so we might as well do whatever we want now? (in other words their version of the Ne-yo Pitbull song). Now that is another more than likely incorrect explanation of that tale but one has to wonder if they perceived flood as acts of gods and plagues as acts of god than how would they have explained the euphoric feeling of sex?

IS your Enter/Return key broken? These 'walls of text' are a pain to read.

On topic: Sex is a test if you believe the bible. If you 'cheat' you have commited a sin. So was sex in GOD's vision? Yes to test humanity to be honest. We all know how that turnded out!

Come on this is nowhere near that essay I wrote on the other thread. But what if you were one of the first generations to experience sex? Wouldn't that seem like a spiritual experience? What do you think the men in Sumeria did when their wife went to pick berries?
edit on 2-9-2011 by KingJames1337 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:14 AM
The ancient Égyptians described orgasm as "The Little Death". I think this sums it up pretty well.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by KingJames1337

Originally posted by Required01

Originally posted by KingJames1337
I recently wrote the ancient aliens the truth? Thead detailing the possibility of alien involvement in our past. However, as I've looked over the stories such as that of the flood in the bible and epic of Gilgamesh it appears that they just took the acts of nature to be that of god (floods,plagues,famines) as they had to have something to explain their misfortunes so they thought 'god is punishing us'. Now, taking all religious preconceptions out of the story of Adam and Eve(and that of Alien involvement too) is it possible that they were trying to describe something greater at hand. The serpent tempts eve to bite the apple of the tree of good and evil which represents pre-marital sex or extreme sexual promiscuity and because of this they are never able to find the true meaning of life (tree of life being blocked by flaming sword). Now I know this may seem like an over interpretation and is probably not what the story actually meant but consider how they were ashamed of being naked and other factors involved. Sex or the achievement of orgasm is the highest state of pleasure among human beings and if we are so consumed by it today why wouldn't the ancients? How would they have thought of sex in ancient Sumeria or the Neolithic period, it is required to reproduce and brings extreme pleasure (in most cases...) so would they have seen it too as an act of god or gods doing. The Epic of Gilgamesh states how we cannot live forever and how we must live now, is this their way of saying sex is ok we can't live forever so we might as well do whatever we want now? (in other words their version of the Ne-yo Pitbull song). Now that is another more than likely incorrect explanation of that tale but one has to wonder if they perceived flood as acts of gods and plagues as acts of god than how would they have explained the euphoric feeling of sex?

IS your Enter/Return key broken? These 'walls of text' are a pain to read.

On topic: Sex is a test if you believe the bible. If you 'cheat' you have commited a sin. So was sex in GOD's vision? Yes to test humanity to be honest. We all know how that turnded out!

Come on this is nowhere near that essay I wrote on the other thread. But what if you were one of the first generations to experience sex? Wouldn't that seem like a spiritual experience? What do you think the men in Sumeria did when their wife went to pick berries?
edit on 2-9-2011 by KingJames1337 because: (no reason given)

Hitting Enter/Return a coulpe of times makes the reading a lot more pleasant!

Well i think when you experience sex as the first person YES, but with how we live in 2011, people see it as pure lust. A lot say: Sex is just sex, and will basicly hump everything they are atracted to 'physically'. Sex hardly has any meaning these days, and is used to exploid people, sell products, sell themselves, etc.

I'm not a man of religion, i have no religion. To me it's all a fairytale. I do believe in GOD, but on a spiritual level. I'm not one that is "told' what to do by a person being dead for over 2,000 years!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

Imagine Akhanton and his wife other word to describe it but death. Also how would the ancients have described stds acts of god, misfortune, that was probably their version of a plague if you come to think of it. And their really couldn't have been village bicycles because well after a couple of rides the bicycle would probably fall apart if you understand what I'm saying.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Required01

Yeah but their had to have been village bicycles, and people with addictions, and probably even early attempts at pornography guy goes to get his four-wheeled cart fixed women likes his cart which is a symbol of status and power and they go from there.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by KingJames1337
reply to post by Required01

Yeah but their had to have been village bicycles, and people with addictions, and probably even early attempts at pornography guy goes to get his four-wheeled cart fixed women likes his cart which is a symbol of status and power and they go from there.

Sorry but i don't see the link with your reply to mine. What do you mean exactly? what part of my reply are you referring to?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Required01

Originally posted by KingJames1337
reply to post by Required01

Yeah but their had to have been village bicycles, and people with addictions, and probably even early attempts at pornography guy goes to get his four-wheeled cart fixed women likes his cart which is a symbol of status and power and they go from there.

Sorry but i don't see the link with your reply to mine. What do you mean exactly? what part of my reply are you referring to?

Maybe I just went too far so I'll just say it there were whores back than too.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by KingJames1337

Originally posted by Required01

Originally posted by KingJames1337
reply to post by Required01

Yeah but their had to have been village bicycles, and people with addictions, and probably even early attempts at pornography guy goes to get his four-wheeled cart fixed women likes his cart which is a symbol of status and power and they go from there.

Sorry but i don't see the link with your reply to mine. What do you mean exactly? what part of my reply are you referring to?

Maybe I just went too far so I'll just say it there were whores back than too.

You have any proof of this? You know how there sexlife was? Not saying your wrong tho, just i would like to know how you came to that conclusion. Sex is very adictive.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Required01

Well I wasn't there but I think it's safe to say every civilization has it's fare share of whores. The book of Joshua mentions a prostitute being saved not sure they paid for sex in Sumeria but their had to have been at least some sexually permiscus people and homosexuals for that matter.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Required01

And right now as a civilization we've advanced, in roman times that have sex with everybody, their sisters, aunts, so why would Sumeria be any different in fact it was probably way worse than the roman times and now.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by KingJames1337
reply to post by Required01

And right now as a civilization we've advanced, in roman times that have sex with everybody, their sisters, aunts, so why would Sumeria be any different in fact it was probably way worse than the roman times and now.

Sorry come again?!?!?

We 'advanced' as a civilization? LOL really? I what terms do you think we have 'advanced'? We did not advance not even close!

We 'still' have wars
We 'still' resolve conflict with violence, threats
We 'still' kill people over 5 bucks!
We 'still' take advantage of people
We 'still' USE women
Want me to go on?

We have not advanced as a civilization by 1% in over 2,000 years! The only thing that advanced is our 'technology'.

I'm not saying they are different, like i said before, i'm not claiming your wrong. I wanted to see your 'proof' as to how you came to this conclusion. But now i see it's only your 'assumption' of what 'might' have been.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by KingJames1337

I hear you loud and clear. Yes, I am sure that they would contribute it to an act of the Gods.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Required01

Originally posted by KingJames1337
reply to post by Required01

And right now as a civilization we've advanced, in roman times that have sex with everybody, their sisters, aunts, so why would Sumeria be any different in fact it was probably way worse than the roman times and now.

Sorry come again?!?!?

We 'advanced' as a civilization? LOL really? I what terms do you think we have 'advanced'? We did not advance not even close!

We 'still' have wars
We 'still' resolve conflict with violence, threats
We 'still' kill people over 5 bucks!
We 'still' take advantage of people
We 'still' USE women
Want me to go on?

We have not advanced as a civilization by 1% in over 2,000 years! The only thing that advanced is our 'technology'.

I'm not saying they are different, like i said before, i'm not claiming your wrong. I wanted to see your 'proof' as to how you came to this conclusion. But now i see it's only your 'assumption' of what 'might' have been.

Yes we still Use women so they must have too, there must have been rape, and murder and considering the lack of organization among society it was probably commonplace. And even if we haven't advanced at all over 2,000 years that would mean they were just as bad as we are not any better or worse.

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