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WIKILEAKS Cablegate : Password Released, Post your Finds

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:56 PM

131222Z JUN 85

That would be a time stamp, 13:12:22 Hours, or 1:12 PM, but it doesn't have a date.

The cables aren't as old as '91, as far as I know, though it wouldn't surprise me if they were from yesterday or three decades ago, not much has changed.

If you watch the news, the US is contemplating actions on Syria right now (preemptively), and to see Russia pass this opportunity (the US alleged weakened state) up would be phenominal, but not likely.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by sbctinfantry

131222Z JUN 85

That would be a time stamp, 13:12:22 Hours, or 1:12 PM, but it doesn't have a date.

The cables aren't as old as '91, as far as I know, though it wouldn't surprise me if they were from yesterday or three decades ago, not much has changed.

If you watch the news, the US is contemplating actions on Syria right now (preemptively), and to see Russia pass this opportunity (the US alleged weakened state) up would be phenominal, but not likely.

JUN 85 = June 1985.

And why Secret?

For one thing, we now know that in June of 1985, that the US didn't know, one way or the other, what the Russians connection to terrorism was. The US would not want the Russians to know the lack of good intelligence in that regard.
edit on 2-9-2011 by Frira because: secret -- thoughts

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
IMHO, these leaked "classified files" are a mixture of both real and fake documents. If Julian were to reveal such damning evidence against every government in the world, we would have never heard of him in the first place, let alone have such a website like wikileaks ever exist. The fact that Wikileaks is being paraded by the mainstream media essentially means that they are a major disinfo group.
No way are they going to reveal that 9/11 was an inside job, or they purposely want the dollar to fail, or they invade other countries not because of humanitarian reasons, but for natural resources and strategic significances.

I mean like, come on guys...lets get real here.

If it were this easy to access "damning classified information" then my oh my - the CIA, MI6, Mossad etc. must be a bunch of lousy intelligence agencies!

Surely... this is about as real as it gets, no? The mainstream media can't ignore it because of the newsstorm involved. The fact is that sometimes, not often, someone breaks the mold and is able to circumvent the usual MSM filters and restrictions. In my 41 years on this earth, I can't recall another time in my history where so much embarrassing information has been leaked by a single body.

Personally, I don't think that Assange or his cronies would deliberately include fake documents - there's far too much in there already for people to chew on, if even one document was disproved then it would damage their whole project immeasurably.

And surely the point is - it's not 'easily accessible' information, or every teen hacker worldwide would be publishing it.

The reveals you mention are unlikely to be found in the cables that have been released, apart from perhaps the odd nod towards them. If you were writing the cables yourself, even if you were *sure* that they were private, you'd be a fool to explicitly state the truth - why would you risk it?

Without doubt we are in interesting times. This won't happen again in our lifetimes, the security will be cranked up so much going forward that it will be nigh on impossible to access this kind of information 'easily' in the future.

edit on 2/9/2011 by GoldenChild because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by GoldenChild

Agreed, and anyway, it took a while for MSM to come to terms with WL.
It's all a bit moot at the moment since we cannot access anything, but if it does come back online, maybe it is a good idea to search something significant to you/we by year in regard to our own part of he world,

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Tom_Proctor
This one, in my opinion is...MAJOR

Seriously? The cable is UNCLASSIFIED.

You do realise that it is a letter from Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri Ahmad Al-Hadithi to the UN Secretary-General?

'On instructions from my Government, I should like to transmit to you herewith a letter dated 30 January 2003 from Mr. Naji Sabri, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq, concerning the intention of the United States of America to present false evidence to the Security Council on 5 February 2003.

I should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annex circulated as a document of the Security Council.

(Signed) Mohammed A. Aldouri
Permanent Representative


Blix and ElBaradei, submitted to the Security Council on 27 January 2003, substantiated Iraq's declarations and consequently confirmed that the reports of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair were devoid of truth and had been drafted in order to distort the picture of Iraq and create pretexts for aggression against Iraq and against the region as a whole.

See following for - Letter from Iraq to the UN Secretary-General (S/2003/132)



posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Hey ya, it works for me fine, not having any problems: cablegatesearch

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by GoldenChild

Thanks Child, I found it shortly after I posted, and I have been looking at 'stuff ' since then. Some of it is interesting in perhaps mundane areas, like Kazakhstan is a bit pissed that the the US is not buying enough of their products as 'promised' in return for overflights and road containers to Afghanistan. Local to me is interesting too, but I ain't going to comment on that
enough though to say thus far that it is no surprise that these governments all have a fish to fry, and war happens to be a good place to do the frying, and even though they might get burnt in the process, it doesn't seem to matter as long as governments keep talking to each other.
Other 'stuff ' is last years meeting of Ehud Barak, as defense minister, and Ban-Ki moon of the UN.The cable and Haaretz's, (which is considered a Zionist, but highly competent newspaper) version of events have some contrasts over Iran overflights and Iran supplying to Gaza mostly in the presentation of the wording, ie; propagandist if you read the paper's version, without the knowledge of the cable.
edit on 2-9-2011 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:51 PM
i really wonder what the ins file will be

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

In case you forget, the soviets were trying to get the middle east. Partly the reason we supported the placement of dictators was to quell revolution efficiently. We didn't march in there for oil. We were requested to aid against communism, least you forget Iraq, circa 50s-60s.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:22 PM
A Reference to HAARP:

¶14. Disinformation alleging that the Haitian earthquake was deliberately caused by what is inaccurately described as a U.S. secret weapon, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), continues to appear in some fringe media, including "Javan" daily in Iran and "" But some critics are now trying to distance themselves from the disinformation: The Venezuelan Embassy in the United States sent a complaint to the website of "Foreign Policy" magazine, asserting that President Hugo Chavez had never personally associated himself with the story that an alleged U.S. weapon had caused the earthquake in Haiti (one of the first appearances of the disinformation was on the website of a state-run television station in Venezuela, and attributed directly to Chavez by ABC newspaper in Spain). Posts should rely on guidance in Ref B and C to respond to any appearances of the "secret weapon" earthquake disinformation, and should report any new disinformation to Task Force 3 (TaskForce- [email protected]). OTHER RESOURCES --------------- ¶15. A new article on U.S. search and rescue efforts in Haiti
is available on
english/2010/January/201001280958281ejrehsiF0 .3818476.html?CP.
rss=true). Posts are encouraged to seek opportunities to place
this article and others from in host country
media. Please report successful placement to your Regional PD
office and to IIP.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by ItsNowOrNever

very interesting. I imagine their desire to shut down such disinformation is low because it does make us look stronger.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by ItsNowOrNever

But HAARP actually does exist and it's been around for a long time. It followed Teslas research. How do we know this isn't disinformation in itself? Honestly with so many disinfo going around it's hard to know which is true these days.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

Because it exists as an atmospheric testing/research facility. To put it blatantly, this is like calling the ISS an ion cannon. Not only does all visible hardware no where meet required levels of sophistication and capacity to do the theoretical deeds it can, it isn't even int he same area of sciences to do so.

Tesla worked with resonance frequencies. His equipment had a clear and obvious design methodology. And it is not seen at HAARP
edit on 2-9-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by alcoholicjedi
Searching for extraterrestrial (only in the first 1500) gives us "Mayor Meets Ambassador, Confirms Extraterrestrial Life"

It is only a short sentence from Tajikistan, but its a start.

"we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."

two passages really:

...He asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth...

He knows this how?

He noted that "war is very dangerous", and said "we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."

We do?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 12:25 AM
I thought this one was kinda interesting. This cabal discusses the global economic recovery. Now we all know the FED printed some 16 trillion and gave it to all the banks everywhere. Here is just more proof.

AE officials praised U.S. measures to stabilize the global economy. Governor Suweidi stated that the stimulus package "did miracles" and helped change the direction of the global economy. He said the engineers of the package should be thanked.

A world currency based in Dubai? Or am I reading this wrong?

He said UAE banks are well positioned for further provisioning and NPLs, but added that if one or two banks are hurt by the Dubai World restructuring "between the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance and federal government, we are going to take care of the banks...we will support them."

On the Dubai World restructuring, Obaid al Tayer stated that the Dubai Fiscal Support Fund will be talking to banks over the next 2-3 weeks, hopefully adding clarity to the situation. He agreed with Wolin's call for transparency, insisting that transparency is essential if the UAE is going to be a global player. He admitted that the UAE is late in conforming to IMF data transparency guidelines (the GDDS), adding "we can't get there overnight, but we are headed there and taking the right steps."

Cable reference id: #10ABUDHABI105

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

Well I'm sure someone has pointed this out by now (I haven't read much of this thread yet) but that leak you speak of appears to have been written in the 80's when the Cold War was still going strong, and when the Soviets still had a foothold in the Middle why is it surprising that they are mentioned?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by alcoholicjedi
Searching for extraterrestrial (only in the first 1500) gives us "Mayor Meets Ambassador, Confirms Extraterrestrial Life"

It is only a short sentence from Tajikistan, but its a start.

"we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."

two passages really:

...He asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth...

He knows this how?

He noted that "war is very dangerous", and said "we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."

We do?

I found this same thing when it was first dropped at first i was extremely excited but its hard to believe a report from Tajikistan, and its the only report of its kind. you be the judge. Also its very vague it could be anything from a plant to a microorganism.
edit on 3-9-2011 by Terrion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:19 AM

Calling the H1N1 influenza pandemic a "game of pharmaceutical companies," Prime Minister Robert Fico declared this week that he "doesn't believe in swine flu" and will not get vaccinated. This is just the latest in a series of occasionally paranoid conspiracy theories asserted by Fico in the last few months--he has previously alleged a conspiracy by Slovak media organizations against him, suggested that the financial crisis may have been intentional, and even expressed fear that he might be assassinated for knowing too much about the murky financing of opposition political party SDKU. ¶2. (U) Even though the H1N1 outbreak has largely subsided in Slovakia, it remains in the news as the bulk of the 1 million vaccines purchased by the government last fall have only recently started to arrive. Perhaps due to a sense that the worst has passed, Slovaks appear to have little interest in the vaccines--the government estimates that only six percent of health workers and one percent of pregnant women have been vaccinated despite strong encouragement by the Ministry of Health. Fico's widely reported comments will presumably do little to increase the number of Slovaks seeking to be vaccinated; Minister of Health Richard Rasi weakly responded that he looks forward to trying to convince Fico that his theory is "not entirely correct." ¶3. (U) The Slovak government reported six new confirmed H1N1 cases last week, bringing the overall total to 1192, including 51 deaths. (NOTE: this figure only includes laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1; it is widely believed that the number of unreported cases runs in the tens of thousands. END NOTE.) COMMENT ¶4. (C) Setting aside Fico's apparent taste for conspiracy theories, his comments seem intended to distract from the ongoing scandal surrounding the government's purchase of H1N1 vaccines. The protracted procurement negotiations lasted more than three months during the height of the outbreak, and questions were raised almost immediately about a lack of transparency and seemingly inflated price paid for the vaccines. Darina Sedlakova, the WHO Director for Slovakia, told us at the time that the procurement process was "highly irregular."

WTH does that mean?
In a paragraph about how the leader of a country believes conspiracy theories about the swine flu vaccine.
The minister of health says they aren't entirely correct. That means they are partly correct, right?

Minister of Health Richard Rasi weakly responded that he looks forward to trying to convince Fico that his theory is "not entirely correct."

what does that mean?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

"we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."

We do?

We do. You'd have to be an idiot to not know there's life on other planets. Does that mean they've visited us? Not at all. But the Universe is too big, bigger than our egos(not much bigger), to not have life out there.
It's very self-centered and idiotic to think we are the only life in the universe.

IMO, Life is very common in the universe.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:55 AM
Is there anything on that 60GB file that talks about free energy devices? Zero Point Energy, electricity generation or any other relevant topic? If so, then I would be interested in downloading this huge file. I have not downloaded this file because I don't want to waste my time reading another "war corruption" materials, but if this file bring to light any of the suppressed highly advanced free energy technologies, precisely how to replicate them, then I will be interested in getting a copy of this file.

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