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What you amount to. (the tea party)

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:31 PM
The Tea Party is alive and well at the local, grass roots level. The Tea Party is mostly Republican because they are the ones most opposed to Obama's socialist, wealth redistribution, anti-capitalist agenda. I feel like I didn't abandon the Republican party, they abandoned me. I will be looking for candidates who support smaller government, less entitlements, and more personal freedom. It's not really my concern if most of those candidates are running as Republicans.
edit on 2-9-2011 by wasco2 because: clarity

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

What I meant by joining up is allowing people to take stances in your name that would severely distort or misdirect your message and alienate people that may have considered the tea party for some of the actual good ideas the have.

Someone still please tell me who the Tea Party candidate is. I'm waiting.
And why isn't the tea party throwing themselves behind Ron Paul who should be their only man? Because they are just the GOP who is also against Paul.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by wasco2

Nicely put Wasco

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by wasco2

And who might those people be? Because aside from Dr. Paul the only candidates that might even be considered by Tea Party are just GOP that know what to say to get the Tea Party votes.

Basically so far the Tea Party has amounted to GOP candidates having to add an extra sentence to their speeches.
That shouldn't be all it takes to win over a group that's trying to change/save America.
I guess I will just have to find another group or start another political group. I think I saw another user that made a thread about what they want in a party/government. Maybe we can get something together that is the absolute most sensible party out there.

edit on 2-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:38 PM
what the teaparty amounts to is the "last best hope" to maintain sanity in this country

and for this they are rewarded with being called racist,terrorists,redknecks,and stupid.

when we all know who the stupid ones are and they are enemies of the state

the state of more of the same its about time people voted with their brains instead of talking points for bigger more powerful more corrupt government.

i saw a poll today that said 74% of americans think the political system in this country is broken gives me hope that ron paul has a bigger following that we have been led to beleve.

there is only one candidate that does not represent the parties of the status quo thats ron paul and to a degree the teaparties.

two choices to take other than the democrats and republicans

the choice is yours to make spending ourselves into oblivion and watch this country and its people fall even further than we have or do we regain our hearts and souls as americans.

once upon a time being called an american meant something doesnt amount to a hill of beans today.

that is change i can beleive in and i hope that change comes to fruition the alternative well everyone knows what that is.

are you mice or are we men.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:39 PM
the true tea party philosophy exists in the hearts of many americans still. yes, republican candidates have said "we're tea party!" to get votes and support, but it didn't last for long. favor for those like beck and palin has fallen, and sense returns.

if ron paul started campaigning as supporting tea party goals, he would find lots of support.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Let's outline it here or start a thread.
A party that welcomes everyone as completely equal with not hate and it's policy and platform are completely based in reason.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by neo96

I agree Ron Paul is our only real candidate, but I don't believe the tea party is our last hope.

Our last hope is actually growing. It's people that are figuring things out and not buying into the tea party or any of the B.S. I was a democrat I now hold the ideals of an indie or libertarian, but two weeks ago I registered republican. Why? Why sign up to a party I almost always disagree with? Well because my state is one of the crooked closed primary states and I needed to be a GOP member to vote for Paul. That is the kind of action people need to be taking. And most importantly they need to drop voting for stupid things like gay marriage or abortion. Those are not issues for the president! They are just getting their hooks into peoples hearts with that stuff.

edit on 2-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

I dont want him to campaign for tea party.. they should realize on their own that he is what they want and support him on their own.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by getreadyalready

Let's outline it here or start a thread.
A party that welcomes everyone as completely equal with not hate and it's policy and platform are completely based in reason.

That's a fantastic idea except for the fact that Americans don't have "reason" as their strong suite.

Americans are typified primarily by their divisiveness pertaining to ideology, religion, race, culture and counter culture tribes, styles, fashion etc. Everyone wanting to be unique and at the sametime accepted into their neotribe.

If Americans were reasonable....we wouldn't be in the shape we are in now with the rampant hate and even talk of civil war. If Americans were reasonable there would be no need for political parties at all.

edit on 2-9-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow

Tell me who is the Tea Party candidate for President?
Who do you have on deck that TPTB are so afraid of?
edit on 2-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

The Tea Party does not have a candidate. We're not that unified. We aren't the GOP or the democrats. A better question might be which candidate holds the philosophy of the Tea Party?

Again, since the Tea Party is made up of such a diverse group, defining the philosophy might even be difficult.

TPTB have every reason to be nervous. Thee Tea Party can't be pinned down. It can't be marginalized. Because there is no central headquarters or leader.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

ok, thanks for clarifying. On the other hand, maybe there really is a deep rift in this country between secular atheists and the religious right. There's a sector which cannot be completely deffined. I place myself in that group. The liberal left hate Sarah Palin why????? Please give me some real reasons? They say she is stupid. But is she really? Or is it that she is not the intellectual Harvard elite they expect. I mean, Barack is Harvard elite, but what has he done for us? Bush is Yale elite Skull and Bones. Need I go on with that?
Bill Clinton truly is smart but in a crazy like a fox sort of way.
Sarah is religious and that right there is what made the seculars and the atheists go haywire. They hated that she refused to abort her Down Syndrome baby, and what does that tell us about the left? They are and always were the true eugenecists of the world. They are the ones who see humans as parasites to be removed. They are the ones who refuse to allow an aborted baby who somehow survived the botched abortion to get even some human care before left to die. This is inhumane stuff and they won't admit they are really selfish ideologues. Instead they go on about Republicans wanting senior citizens eat cat food, when it is them who are aborting the most deserving of us, the unborn. They are callous people and they hate Sarah because she is a strong woman, the type Betty Friedan wishes she would have been but couldnt be because she didn't have the real moral character, only empty communist ideology.
Yes the author of The Feminine Mystique was really a communist, and communists hate religious pro lifers with a vengeance.
Look how all the feminists attacked Sarah.
The first political rally I ever went to was one of Sarahs. I stood in line in drizzling rain to attend that one. She radiates with an energy that feminists wish they had.
Alright now who else goes to Tea Party events. There's Marco Rubio. He is beloved of Tea Partiers. His family is Cuban and exiled from their Homeland after the communists ruined it. He knows what is happening here in the States.
Ok Donald trump did go to Boca raton. He talks a good talk about China, but no one knows for sure what his real agenda is.
Glenn Beck is another one who was popular with the Tea Party till someone decided he was too dangerous and so the campaign to discredit him appeared. He is too religious for the seculars. They have to destroy him.
It is a known fact that the Russian communists had to destroy the Christian church. Communists today are no different.
Did you know that the Humanists declared themselves to be a religion till the Christians said ok well then you cannot teach in the public schools any more than the Christian right, so the Humanists then went to court and declared themselves NOT a religion. See how that works?
Humanists know their brand of secularism is really a kind of religion but devoid of God.
Who else would you like to discuss?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I'm not saying the Middle Class Tea Partiers aren't real. I think they are the heart and soul of the Tea Party. I'm saying the so-called "Tea Party Caucus" doesn't have a single Tea Party member that I supported? I'm saying Marco Rubio and Ron Paul were not on the Tea Party Express or members of the Tea Party caucus, so how can it even begin to call itself by that name?

In fact, even the term "Conservative" has been warped.

I call myself a Conservative, but that doesn't mean I support mandatory sentencing, or harsh drug laws, or 3-strike rules, or pro-life, or drilling in the Gulf. In my opinion all of those things are liberal opinions because they all call for bigger and more intrusive government and more corporate rights.

It seems our semantics are all wobble-geared at the moment, and it isn't clear where any of us truly reside?

I think Gogo is onto something. We need a new term and a new platform for those of us that are Extreme Conservatives like Ron Paul. We might be personally pro-life, but we don't want the government making the decision, so politically we are pro-choice. We want to be tough on crime, but we realize prostitution and certain drugs are victimless and shouldn't be a crime in the first place. We realize juries and judges should have latitude to make final decisions and not be held to some election year mandate. We realize property taxes go against the very foundations of this country, but we have no problem with a flat tax or a consumption (fair) tax. We want cheap energy, but we realize in the long-run that means an investment in domestic infrastructure, alternative energy research, and not necessarily just developing more oil fields for a temporary reprieve.

I suppose we need a name, and a platform to distinguish us from the "Conservative" misnomer, and to distinguish us from the GOP and big money Tea Party.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Lumping all Americans into your category of "unreasonable"? Wow, who would have thought you had so much contempt for Americans.
That also happens to be the typical leftist rant declaring "the age of reason" and natural atheism to be the only viable concepts.
I've read plenty of commentary from naturalists to know they are truly full of their own "reason".

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

See this is why the Tea Party is misdirected. They think they are just out to topple the Obama administration which pretty much outs them as GOP because anyone that has been paying attention knows the problem is far deeper and the tea party has no desire to remedy the real problem they just want someone that isn't Obama in there like it will make a difference.

And yes there has been racism at tea party rallies. Notice I wasn't calling the tea party racist I was saying they need to turn away those kinds of people but they dont they embrace them.

They are actually more prejudiced than racist because their prejudice extends into policy. They want one of these anti gay religious nuts like Bachmann which is why the Tea Party is NOT the future.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by whaaa

Lumping all Americans into your category of "unreasonable"? Wow, who would have thought you had so much contempt for Americans.
That also happens to be the typical leftist rant declaring "the age of reason" and natural atheism to be the only viable concepts.
I've read plenty of commentary from naturalists to know they are truly full of their own "reason".

Your name calling, attaching of labels and obvious hatred of other view points pretty much proves my point; don't you think?
edit on 2-9-2011 by whaaa because: 8l8

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by beezzer

The tea party can't be pinned down? Don't you see that that right there shows that it isn't effective. The Tea Party doesn't know what it wants except to get Obama out of the white house. That is not good man. TPTB would never be scared because in the end Tea Parties will pick from a selection of all TPTB approved candidates. Maybe excepting Ron Paul (maybe), but they won't get behind him because Fox news is against him.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I call myself a Conservative, but that doesn't mean I support mandatory sentencing, or harsh drug laws, or 3-strike rules, or pro-life, or drilling in the Gulf. In my opinion all of those things are liberal opinions because they all call for bigger and more intrusive government and more corporate rights.

Yes this is exactly the kind of logic I want shaping a party I can get behind. You said it pretty much as I would have.

I want us out of other countries, I want us out of the business of gay marriage If it isn't your church and your preacher then it doesn't hurt you they deserve the same benefits straight married couples.. why would anyone care stop being nosy start being indifferent to the things you should actually be indifferent to (instead of things like oh.. our soldiers executing women and children in iraq) The pro life pro choice situation let the people vote on it..I dont care if it's state or county be county.

Drugs.. the governments war on them is what is making a lot of the violent crime in this country. Decriminalize them and you cut way down on people acting violently to avoid getting in trouble (towards cops), you have a drop in burglary and robbery as costs drop, you start to curve the prescription drug problem and begin to pull back those legally attainable drugs from being introduced to kids (high school, middle school), you save a lot of regular non criminal, non violent people from prison, and you save us probably billions in tax dollars feeding and taking care of those thousands and thousands in jail on simple drug charges.

I want us to take our country back from the banks and our government back from big business. I want to create incentives for american companies to stay here or return with their production (tax the hell out of the imports of companies that send production over seas).

I mean.. the fact that someone like Ron Paul can say I don't agree with this in my personal life, but I will still fight for your right to do it.. That impresses me so much more than if he was just for it. Others need to take that stance. That is what we need to promote more than anything.
edit on 2-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by beezzer

The tea party can't be pinned down? Don't you see that that right there shows that it isn't effective. The Tea Party doesn't know what it wants except to get Obama out of the white house. That is not good man. TPTB would never be scared because in the end Tea Parties will pick from a selection of all TPTB approved candidates. Maybe excepting Ron Paul (maybe), but they won't get behind him because Fox news is against him.

If McCain was in, the Tea Party would still be alive and well.
As for a "party platform" the Tea Party doesn't have one.

Might mke an interesting thread, to see what people think our "platform" is.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

See this is why the Tea Party is misdirected. They think they are just out to topple the Obama administration which pretty much outs them as GOP because anyone that has been paying attention knows the problem is far deeper and the tea party has no desire to remedy the real problem they just want someone that isn't Obama in there like it will make a difference.

And yes there has been racism at tea party rallies. Notice I wasn't calling the tea party racist I was saying they need to turn away those kinds of people but they dont they embrace them.

They are actually more prejudiced than racist because their prejudice extends into policy. They want one of these anti gay religious nuts like Bachmann which is why the Tea Party is NOT the future.

Well, who is in the Obama admin? Who was in the Obama admin? Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett whose parents also commies, Tim Geithner(of AIG scandal fame- and a lawsuit was filed against the govt for giving taxpayer aid to AIG promoting Sharia compliant product so it's clear there is a Sharia compliant sector of people running Washington at present)Anita Dunn of Mao admiring fame, ACORN, and then there are the shady associations not directly part of the staff, Richard Trumpka representing the communist unions also known to have bragged being directly involved in the Egypt Revolution,
so yah, I'm proud to be opposed to the most corrupt and radical leftist administration this country has ever known.
I haven't even gotten to the Stimulus, the auto takeover, and the BP Oil thing.

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