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Opposition To Obama Speech Possibly Based On Skin Color

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by centurion1211

The race card has been used more (by this administration and its synchophants) than the condom dispenser at the Kennedy compound.

What levels will these people sink to?

I love a good analogy. This one is going into my file.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
Well he appears to be trying to make sense of a historical first...

The Senate Historical Office knows of no instance in which Congress refused the president permission to speak before a Joint Session of Congress,” said Betty K. Koed, an associate historian for the U.S. Senate.

Permission to speak in a joint session is given by resolution of the House and Senate, and arrangements are made through the leadership offices of each chamber.”

What makes this President different from the other 43? Somehow deserving of historically unprecedented disrespect emenating from a senate that does not include a single African-American?

What makes obama diffrent from the other 43 Presidents? Hmmmm, could it possibly be him because obama is disrespecting them by wanting to have his "speech" at the same time the Republicans are having their debate? Why that night obama? Why not the night before? Why if it had to be the same night why not an hour earlier? An hour later? But no at the SAME time as the Republican debate, bit odd dont you think? Hmmmmm?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by ShadesofGrey78
This is ridiculous. I'm black, supported Obama in 2008 and frankly, he has not done a good job. Simple as that.
I have nothing against the man personally. Back in 2008, I was proud that a black (actually biracial) man was elected POTUS. However, I supported him because he seemed like the right person for the job at the time, not because he was biracial. I was wrong.

I'm sure some people have it in for Obama because he's biracial. However, I think most of his critics are disappointed in him because of his performance as President, not his skin color.

If this, above is true, than bravo on you! I say if true because well, its the Internet and you are posting on a conspiracy website...nearly all are skeptics and taking the word of some translated 1's and 0's doesn't carry authority.

The markers that make me suspect (and honestly, nothing against your point of view) is your emphasis on that he isn't black, but "biracial". While this is true, it seems silly to point out the obvious while his skin color is quite dark and honestly, wouldn't have the first guess he was "biracial".

[I am sure this paragraph will draw in the wacko's....sorry if it does, but I speak frankly and honestly. If you can show me where I am explicitly or even implicitly racists in the above, I will gladly spar with you.]

What is ridiculous is a president who believe's they wield powers they are not enumerated with. Who vacation (this isn't a harp on the number of vacations...keep reading trolls) but put off "important" speeches until he has had his fun. Who have publicly and ignorantly chastised the Justices in a remarkable fall from protocol and even decorum.

I have contempt because frankly, in my opinion he is a dope. An idiot and an employer of at least on liars...namely his chief weasel to the media front.

This is a conspiracy site, but there's no conspiracy about my post. I am black and I voted for Obama. There's no reason for me to make that up. I'm not the only black person who voted for him and is not happy with his performance. On the other hand, lots of black people who voted for him still support him, and that's fine with me. Like I said, I have nothing against the guy personally, and everybody is entitled to their own opinion.

As for me emphasizing the fact that he's biracial, I said it because he is.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by centurion1211

It'n not. I stand by what I posted. Lose your attitude. We're global now and you ain't all that.

I'll be blunt.


I'm sorry if that is harsh. But you didn't seem to get it the first time.
edit on 1-9-2011 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2011 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

I have read this several times.. But I am just not able to completely "get it" ,

The best I can come up with is that you are truly, and without a doubt, an ignorant racist....

I would complain, but no one would care. But then I am not being called a racist , am I?? Should you complain? Should I care if you complain?

Now a I am just getting confused.

Maybe I should just go ahead and complain, so you dont have to care .

It's just so complicated. Could you try just one more time? Don't be afraid to tell us how you really feel....

edit on 1-9-2011 by 5MaveN5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 11:53 PM
Who cares about an issue like race? If Obama keeps his rescheduled date for the next night he is beyond idiotic. If that spineless numbskull pre-empts the 1st NFL game of the season, he will pee a lot of people off. There may not be riots in New Orleans and Green Bay but that level of sentiment will exist. If he goes ahead opposite them, and NBC plays the game(which would be the smart thing to do for them), his already tiny rating would be even more miniscule.
Who cares what that nimrod has to say? So he has yet another jobs and/or stimulus program that will fail and he'll say things that his supporters will get a chubby about but it will, as i said, fail. Who cares? Forget race, even if Obama wins the next election, he's already a lame duck. I'll take circuses over some figurehead schmuck on TV any day.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by OldCorp
Why does a person have to be a "white" failure, or a "black" failure? Why can't he just be a FAILURE? Like Obama.

I think the real racists are the "progressives," who want to take away from one group that is doing better than others, and give what was taken to those who haven't worked for it. That's racism.

Maybe if they just HAVE to have a black President, they should nominate Colin Powell. At least we would have an achiever with integrity and a resume in office instead of a complainer with no record (other than being a failure) at all.
edit on 9/1/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

When Bush was being criticized continually, did anyone accuse his black critics of being racist and criticizing him because he was white?

Wouldn't that have sounded ridiculous?

Well, that's how crazy the racist argument sounds in relation to Obama.

H has been a huge disappointment because he has continued to implement the same aganda as before, when people really believed he would start to turn things around. His unpopularity is his own fault - he promised SO much and delivered more of the same, which is more oppression, more power to the government, less power to the people, more terrorist fake lies, more debt, more increasing the wealth of the rich and less for the ordinary person. The future perspective, based on the last 3 years, is pretty bleak.... it is now more than ever obvious he is pushing towards a fascist dictatorship with all the repression and enforced poverty that represents.

I criticized Bush, I was not called a racist.

I criticize Obama, I am called a racist.

I don't care if people call me a racist. I will not be silenced by such obvious propaganda.

Beware though, the Obama will use the race card like crazy in this election, because, really, he has nothing much else to use.

edit on 1-9-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

Imagine the uproar if these images, some of the most popular caricatures of Bush, had been created with Obama as the subject of ridicule:

Bush Caricatures

Minorities would be calling for blood like Muslims after the Copenhagen cartoons of Mohammed.

I read the interview to which you are referring this afternoon (yesterday now,) with the WH insider, and if the insider's allegations - the Obama Administration is planning to stir up racial strife, including fomenting riots in order to help Obama's "popularity" - are true, then people in the White House are guilty of Treason; and they should be charged and punished accordingly.
edit on 9/2/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:28 AM
I love the race card..... For one reason and one reason only. I have noticed that in any heated debate that I have ever had with an person of color. By the end of the conversation. They reach up their sleeve and pop out the race card and throw it in my face. It seems to me. (I'm not saying all black people all the time). That when you begin to make sense or win whatever debate you are having. Out comes the card. To me when someone pulls a race card it's because they are about to be defeated or have been defeated.

Obama would not be in office if not for his skin. I know it you know it. But no one wants to say that it's the truth. But it indeed is. If you ask the majority of African Americans who they voted for. What do you think they are going to say? Just callin it how I see it folks.

I also liked the idea of Obama. Not based on his skin but what came out of his mouth. Change is what we wanted and change is what we got. Anyone was better than Bush in my opinion. And I hoped and prayed that change would come and be a wonderful and beautiful new outlook on America. It just didn't happen.The change has been for the worst. I agree that Bush left this country in shambles and Obama had to pick up the pieces. I say most should give him that. However three years later. You can no longer blame anyone for your actions in the White House this is a cop out. The blame game works for no one.

I am not a fan of Obama. As a matter of fact I loathe him. And it has nothing to do with his skin. He can give a speech like no bodies business. He can talk the talk, but walking the walk is definitely not a strong point for him. Congress has not helped him in anyway at all when it comes to turning this country around. And I suppose there are some racist people in congress that hate him for the color of his skin. But is that hate big enough to make the American people suffer for it. I think not.

I am glad that I was here to witness a person of color in the White House. It proves a few things to me. African Americans can do the same thing any other person of any race can do in this country. I feel the majority of the time African Americans feel that the United States owes them something. We do not owe any one in the country anything. I am 3/4 American Indian, white people took my land killed my ancestors and raped the land we lived on. I don't get a paycheck from the Gov for that. Nor do I hate white people. I get what you get. Nothing unless I work for it and earn it. And I have. College, Job and Family I earned them all. The only person that owes me anything is me.

I would also like to say that. All races have struggled at sometime or another to get what they have and where they are. Yes even Americans (who used to be British and paid their dues to build America). And so have African Americans, American Indians, Oriental Americans, Latino Americans. Yes all of our ancestors at one time or another have struggled. At some point in time in the course of history. Our ancestors have been slaves, hung, abused, sold. I think everyone forgets that.

From the time of our birth we naturally group everything. We group colors, parents, numbers, letters, things that are hot, things that are cold. Yes we learn this from the time we take our first breathe. Do we group things as adults absolutely. Yes asian people, black people, white people, fat people, skinny people, handicapped people. And whether you believe it or not. This is part of what makes us human. The ability to group, ungroup and regroup everything. So why does society want me as an individual too rewire my natural instinct to group things in the wrong spot? So that we are all equal. This mind set just doesn't exist. You know and I know people in America are not equal. We are all classified in one way or another. Rich, Poor, Educated, Uneducated, Attractive, Ugly. So there is no equal. You become what you want too. Again the blame game Doesn't work. And the Race Card is running out of gas quickly. I believe even African Americans are tired of the race card. I believe if you want to be treated equal your race should never come up in anyway to defend yourself. Even if that is the case. Trust me there is Black on White discrimination too. I really believe if you want to be a respected person the race card should never slide off your tongue. If you do.It only demises the idea of your intelligence. Just how I see it.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:55 AM
White guilt at it again I see. The Marxist handbook clearly states that when someone from the right says something you don't want to accept you have to call them a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.. same old song..

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

If President Obama hadn't decided to be a "Politician First" by trying to step on the toes of the Republican Debate which was already set in place, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. He made a tactical error by trying to do this and then have his Press Secretary say the timing was "just a coincidence". Give me a break, even when they try to be jerks they can't even admit that the timing was a political move.

I for one, am tired of President Obama always playing Candidate Obama rather than Commander in Chief Obama. Now he wants to run "against" Congress....really??? Didn't he have Congress in his pocket for his first two years, does he want to run against those two years as well?? How'd that Stimulus plan and Healthcare work for you? Big talk from a President who came from said Congress. After 4 years in charge, this will be HIS economy.....voters won't re-elect someone who keeps blaming others for problems he was supposedly hired for to fix. Even the President's People are predicting 9%+ unemployment for the foreseeable future......that's a one way ticket to the construction of the Obama Presidential Library. Good thing he's not obsessed with his re-election.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by bftroop

Marxists are multiculturalists, if you don't want to except their rules for society you are a racist. The Communist manifesto is their bible and they want to ram it down your throat..

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Imagine the uproar if these images, some of the most popular caricatures of Bush, had been created with Obama as the subject of ridicule:

Bush Caricatures

When you make fun of Bush like that, it's only satire.....if you do the same to Obama even mention the word Black in are a racist. Take a look

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM
way to pat yourselves on the back guys.

the guy who posted that is no one and nbc is not the voice full of liberals or democrats.

no one is calling you racist and you're all making a big deal out of nothing.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by vjr1113
nbc is not the voice full of liberals or democrats.

I don't think they got the memo.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
The only good thing about democrats using racism as a campaign strategy is that once and for all people will finally decide that they've had enough of it after being BOMBARDED by charges of racism for the last several years.

Here's just the latest bit of racial BS by the democrats, where they claim that opposition to obama (finally) scheduling his jobs speech for the same time as the Republican debate which was already on the calendar is "possibly" based on obama's skin color.

No, you can't make this stuff up. At least normal people can't. Unfortunately there are also democrats that can.


Way to deflect attention from the issues!

It isn't about racism. It isn't about race.

It is about the wealthy subjecting and oppressing the poor of this country.

The RICH happen to fall in line with and be associated with REPUBLICAN philosophy.
There is no denying that. Check the top percentage of rich in this country and see what their party affiliation is. Simple. It is Republican and so although many people broad stroke all republicans with the same pen, it is that upper echelon that houses the Party Faithful that are the truly EVIL.

Not the poor deluded Johnny come lately. "Tea Stains" on our Democracy.

Forget about what we may spend on our poor (on ourselves!) in social programs...Should the rich take any more shorelines and seal them off for themselves? Anymore land for Golf Courses? Should they blow the tops off any more mountains? Should they acquire any more protected lands, kill anymore species? I would LOVE to fund another stealth bomber, or build some asteroid deflector out in space, maybe wage a war or prop up another country but... I'm hungry, my kids have to go to school, I need to heat the house and put gas in the car.

It happens that most of those RICH, and of those rich.... the FILTHY RICH (whose gains are got through theft deception and war - aka -blood money) and the ELITE, and the Old Royal Families, and their hybrid guard dogs the Archons, (aka Centurions) and their corrupt religious leaders, their lying Scribes and scheming Priests... all of them and even their line of descendants to this day - always put themselves above the common man and consider themselves above the fray - not subject to the same rules the rest of us are.
THEIR BLOOD IS BLUER, more pure and the rest of us are just a step up from the beasts.

The FILTHY RICH (blood money, war, gold, diamonds, oil) are controlling all of us. They guide everything that happens. They control the outcomes, they bide their time. Common (poor) people don't have a say.

This Democracy is all a set up, EXPRESSLY DESIGNED to make you think you do.

And all our Politicians are only political pawns, playing pieces on the board - (just like the "Sack of Money" or the "Aristocrat Top Hat" in Monopoly) and they are ultimately of either LITTLE use GREAT use or NO use to those ELITE who are the filthiest and most diabolical of the wealthy.

Don't kid yourself. Their good men, if there ever were any, are dead.

Common people are at the bottom of this Democracy or Republic, call it what you will.
Common people are mostly the poor.
The poor are largely black and probably mostly Democrat because
Democrats are the only ones with THE WILL to fight a case for the poor.

It is a fabrication, a distraction and a trick to make this about either black and white or democrat and republican. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!

So don't say and pretend to yourself and everyone else this is about the good people against the bad or the Democrats against the Republicans, this is the same old tired battle of the ages.

The RICH trying to put something over on the POOR.

It is the rich trying to keep all they have acquired, sequestered, stolen and locked away....against the poor growing in numbers and wisdom and finally receiving the education they need to pull themselves from under the boot of the rich - fighting back for what was stolen from them.

Fighting back for the Earth and their true inheritance of the Whole Earth.
Not an empty, drained mass of dirt and dirty water, drained of fuel, oil and resources because it has been all stripped away by those who considered themselves smarter than everyone else and so ENTITLED TO IT.

THATS BS - I just hope people are able to see through the manufactured differences, the smoke and mirrors being hauled out to continue and bolster the grotesque and crumbling facade.

I hope when SHTF and they all escape to those underground bunkers, we seal them up in there.

edit on 2-9-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by vjr1113
way to pat yourselves on the back guys.

the guy who posted that is no one and nbc is not the voice full of liberals or democrats.

no one is calling you racist and you're all making a big deal out of nothing.

You are absolutely right but you know what?

It doesn't matter.

It is only the appearance of truth that matters, not the actual truth.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
As a non-American looking in from the outside, it does seem that Obama has more
opposition to anything he wants to do than any other president in history... and you have
to ask is race a factor in what we are seeing? Even the office of the president of the united
states does not seem to carry as much respect for a lot of americans since a black man
was elected.
edit on 1-9-2011 by Atzil321 because: (no reason given)

Were you living in a cave during the Bush years?

The thing I find most ironic about the left always accusing Republicans (white people) of being racist, is that its totally based on skin color. If you're black and criticize Obama, nobody is going to call you a racist. Its only if you're white and criticize him.Personally, I think that's why Democrats wanted him as president so badly. They wanted another "Teflon" president that would be beyond criticism. They fully planned on using the race card before he was even elected.
edit on 2-9-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:36 AM
Who is Richard Wolffe? MSNBC does a great job of helping the kids in DC distract the nation. MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and DC are only there to divert our attention from the "hidden" global government that works for itself without care for our welfare. If you're watching DC, you're watching the wrong hand.

I don't know if the racists here and all over the net are plants or just trying to get a reaction. I'm pretty sure the racists in my town are real. Some of us don't see a lot of racism due to the circles we run in. Bringing up racism is a good sleight of hand technique. However, if you watch the magician's assistant, you'll see she actually does the trick under the guise of "collateral damage".
edit on 2-9-2011 by gentledissident because: I'm an idiot

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

He's down to 38%~42% support or so on Gallup.

Yea I bet that 11% something of this country that's still anglo is responsible for all of it.
edit on 2-9-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus

Originally posted by Atzil321
As a non-American looking in from the outside, it does seem that Obama has more
opposition to anything he wants to do than any other president in history... and you have
to ask is race a factor in what we are seeing? Even the office of the president of the united
states does not seem to carry as much respect for a lot of americans since a black man
was elected.
edit on 1-9-2011 by Atzil321 because: (no reason given)

Were you living in a cave during the Bush years?

The thing I find most ironic about the left always accusing Republicans (white people) of being racist, is that its totally based on skin color. If you're black and criticize Obama, nobody is going to call you a racist. Its only if you're white and criticize him.Personally, I think that's why Democrats wanted him as president so badly. They wanted another "Teflon" president that would be beyond criticism. They fully planned on using the race card before he was even elected.
edit on 2-9-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

Could this really be about the rich in a battle againt the poor?

Could this be an all out war and the rest of us in the sidelines collateral damage?

Necessary losses?

Impossible. Quite impossible, it is all a big conspiracy.

Let me tell you a bed time story that will calm you down.

Once upon a time a race of god like people came here and brought all their slaves, warriors, priests and servants with them. When they left, they left others in charge and those others were pretty good at picking up where they left off and maintaining the system that kept the servants and freemen in line without interfering with the upper class of royalty, aristocrats, nobleman, scribes, military warriors, patrons and priests.

We are still under their control today.

Feel better?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:09 AM
You guys can deny and ignore it all you want, but the fact is that from day one the GOP has disrespected the office of the President in historic ways.

One simple many times do you hear ANY republican address him as "President Obama"??? It's kind of customary and respectful to do so. Instead...he is just "Obama".

How many other Presidents have been called a liar during the State of the Union address???

How many other Presidents have had a whole new group organize, that is almost 100% composed of whites, from the first day he took office and claim that they "Want their country back"???

How many other Presidents had to release TWO official birth certificates???

Honestly...I understand that most racists don't admit they are racists...but I always thought they knew that inside they knew they were. But I guess not.

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