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Class Action Suit Against Federal Government

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by haarvik

the money is gone but i would like to stop paying SS.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Heck, I'll join your suit.

Where do I sign?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Find a honest lawyer who is willing to do something about the corruption within US, but if corruption is too deep, then no court will every consider the Action Suit.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:25 AM

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Here's a nice link for you to take a look at. Quite a bit of information i might add!

The Great IRS Hoax

Welcome to our free download page. The Great IRS Hoax: Why We Don't Owe Income Tax is a an amazing documentary that exposes the deception that misguided or malicious "public servants" have foisted upon us all these years.

And this link:

November 19, 2000

Saying Income Tax Is Illegal,
Business Owners Quit Paying

NY TIMES: Saying Income Tax Is Illegal
Monday, 20-Nov-00 09:45:49 writes:

Income tax was declared unconstitutional in the 1860's and 1890's, and put in as a "voluntary" tax in 1913 at 3% on the wealthy only. "Voluntary" means that you are not obligated (to pay,in this case)! Amendment 16 ALLOWS for an income tax, it does not require one! The US Constitution says that all taxes must be uniform!
An unequal income tax cannot be made uniform,

as it does not apply equally to all! Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5, of the US Constitution, gives "Power to Congress to Coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof...!" Under this article, Congress can order the Treasury to create all of the debt free funds necessary to meet the government's needs! The Lincoln administration did this during the tragic Civil War, to meet the needs of the northern war efforts, and after the war, there was NO DEBT, AND NO INTEREST TO PAY ON DEBT!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by haarvik

sign me up, let me kow how i can help

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by haarvik

I hear Native Americans set up trusts with the federal government for land.

I think the word trust with regard to the government is therefore self explanatory.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:32 AM
Count me in. If you put your money with a private company and they spent it, of course you could sue them.
The government should be no different. They are supposed to serve us, not steal our money behind our backs. We the sheeple need to wake up.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:56 AM
I have paid into SS for about 32 years. based on my contributions, I would say I have paid in nearly $500k. Now, using a conservative interest amount of 5% (which is really lower than I could get on my own), over the course of 32 years my account should have in excess of $2.3M. now that does not take into account my employers matching contributions. If you factor that in, the amount at 5% comes to $4.7M. Now, even if a lawyer took 50% of that, I am still left with a handsome amount which would let me retire with a nice annual salary.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by haarvik

You can count me in on this one!!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by haarvik

I wish you nothing but luck! i respect you for standing up for yourself when others would call it inevitable. ill be rooting for ya buddy.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:07 AM
You haven't effectively been robbed, You HAVE BEEN Robbed. That's what they do. I'm shocked by people who still trust them regarding anything. The only trust I have in them is my surety that they will steal from me any way possible.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Well haarvik,

Although I also agree with the sentiment of your post, a law suit like this has no legs, unfortunately. I'm one of those evil baby boomers. You know, the ones that are now such an albatross on society? I've been in the work force for OVER 40 years. I might be lucky enough to live until my retirement age (66), and probably even get a few bucks if I'm lucky.

It does piss me off, that the generation that helped put men on the moon, survive Viet Nam (good or bad), and a ton of other life experiences, and events, is now getting the lack of respect of being a drain on society. The monies that I have paid (and still paying) over my life time, went to pay the dads, and moms and uncles and aunts and cousins of the very same idiots that are telling me how much of a drain I am on life as we know it here in the USA.

Rather than a law suit, I'd like the government to say, give me back all of the money I ever paid in, with all of the proper interest that would have accrude if it was invested in the stock market as is now suggested by some. Do that to all of the baby boomers, and we'll stop being such a burden.

Let the next generation fend for themselves..

edit on 9/2/2011 by ctdannyd because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by haarvik
I have been paying into SS for over 30 years. I am appalled by the fact that my retirement funds are probably not going to be there in 20 years when I retire. SS was established as a trust. This means that my money is for my retirement, not for bailing out wall street or GM. I propose that a class action suit against the federal government be started, charging the government with misappropriation of funds, fraud, theft, and malfeasance. I further propose that the suit demand ALL moneys paid into SS by the plaintiffs be returned to them, with an annual interest rate equal to the average return rate of a normal savings account.

If we don't do something, and soon, it will all be depleted by TPTB. I would have effectively been robbed by the federal government. I plan to discuss my plan with an attorney to see if we can establish grounds for this. Of course this will involve a Constitutional lawyer as the original act will have to be reviewed to find exactly what was supposed to happen, and what actually did happen. I suspect that there will be grounds for this suit to proceed. Question is, are there others who agree and would join such a suit?

I agree with you whole heartedly that something needs to be done, but I believe until we've actually retired and not received a check there is no legal means to stand on...all the courts would have to say is "hey, you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt the funds will not be there when you retire..."

I think its a great idea, but it would be extremely difficult to sway the courts into rendering a decision in your favor. I truely believe the only remedy is for the government to get off their lazy behinds and start writing policies that work. Unfortunately, unless it benifits them or the corporations lobbying to them it will probably never happen.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by haarvik

The problem is, the government can only give what it first takes. To pay us all back they have to tax us first.

Just like suing a corporation, the cost is passed on...

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by haarvik

Very interesting. Very well put man. I personally believe that we need to consolidate CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI into the U.S. Military. That would cut billions in defense a year. I think the IRS should be abolished and the fed and U.S. treasury merge into one corporation. Not bail out other corporations. We need to keep the money in the. give tax increases to the rich and cut the poor tax. Total government tax should not be the 65% it is now, but 23%. What I mean there is anything you buy at the store 40% of that money goes to the government. Not to mention the federal tax taken out of your check. Or the 8% federal tax the stores and corporations them selfs has to pay. That adds up to about 65% of all money goes to the government. That is before state and local tax and social secfurity insurance and other stuff. When you pump gas. 40% federal tax.
damn without this federal tax we would be living like kings. If we lessened the tax to 23% total instead of 65% the american dollar would be double. All the money we saved by consolidating the abs agencys is money we should have to pay in taxes. Economy would take 5 years for total recoup and continuious growth. The government has no idea what consolidation is or layoffs are, or economic scale. They dont even know how to tax without putting themselves in debt. godd lord almighty. lol.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:16 PM
.....this may seem out of place, but there purpose of this in this thread is to ask some questions if there are any shrewed lawyers present... to see if this will actually hold up... because if this proof of claim stuff works with the "ALL CAPITOL LETTER LEGAL FICTION" for JON DOE... then "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is an ALL CAPITOL LETTER LEGAL FICTION... so the idea is.. that someone who has gobs of money... pretends to be all nice like and bait the banks into thinking someone would agree to help pay off the world debt.. our country's debt... but ask to see .. how much is actually owed...... this is a letter to see if the banks can come up with the forms of proof of claim to any debt.. which they most likely cant.. if they can't in a court.. then there is no proof of debt.. then there is no debt... Thi is how the fractional reserve banking screws up the bankers if you know about it.. Hell.. Mr. Chase in a foreclosure hearing said "Only God can create something out of nothing" I have tried this form with credit card companies (substituting my name and the CC company I owed $$ to lol.... this is not my letter but borrowed.. so I wont give any names.. I'm asking for legal advice to the original posters ??? and if this would be a sneaky way to clobber all the banks at once..

Dear Sir or Madam,

Conditional acceptance and debt verification notice in reference to Account Number ??????

I refer to the default warning notice dated ????? and wish to advise that your negotiable instrument has been accepted for value upon proof of claim, which may be substantiated by forwarding the following verification of debt details within three days, (72 hours) of receipt of this notice to the address listed below.

1: Proof of the existence of an account or contract in the actual flesh and blood name of “ALL CAPITAL LETTER LEGAL FICTION” duly signed and witnessed by both parties, not a unilateral agreement, and upon which signed page there is reference to the entire agreement.

note: “ALL CAPITAL LETTER LEGAL FICTION” is an artificial entity. It is not a correct Proper Noun designation for a living person,place or thing, but a limited liability legal fiction trademark; which constitutes valuable intellectual property, and all rights, titles, and interest are reserved.

2: Proof of claim that THE WORLD BANK is the current holder of the original above mentioned debt instrument and that it (the original above mentioned debt instrument) has not been on onsold to another party.

3: A copy of the actual accounting whereby THE WORLD BANK has occurred a loss of the alleged debt.

4: An invoice, not a statement, for any amount of money allegedly owed to THE WORLD BANK
by The United States of America.

5: Proof of claim that there is any lawful money in circulation backed by anything of value.

Please note: Incorrectly addressed mail shall be returned un-opened and un-read. Any and all correspondence from this point must be by mail only. The United states of America does not authorize the recording of his voice by anyone at anytime for any purpose, nor does he consent to being contacted by telephone and shall enforce his copyright rights in all instances; such as copyright infringement, or trademark violation. No authorization for the use of “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” is implied, granted or permitted.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA agrees to hold harmless The United States of America, the natural flesh and blood person for all claims and liability under private contract between both parties.




The authorized agent for the Legal fiction “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” All Rights Reserved

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 03:59 AM
We wont ever find out the truth about the things that we want too. We wont ever truly have every single liberty to do as we please. There will always be stupid laws that we will get in trouble for. This government WILL fail and be over thrown just like every government before it. This one is not all that special.

But that does not mean we shouldn't fight for whats right. It is human nature. I will never give up will you/

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by ntzeret

I was not aware of all the information in the contract and what it means for me. Therefore contract void.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Verumnocet


This form at was used for credit cards and A one person... In the same way shrewd lawyers will screw someone of of something if a ' is in the wrong place

this is the link to the references to the ALL CAPITAL LEGAL FICTION is , and I will try to dig out the vid i found that gave the information in that letter... it needs to be tweaked

Basically it all has to do with Admiralty jurisdiction.. maritime laws set forth during the East India Trading Co times.. You were born form your mothers waters.. traveled down a canal, birthed.. docketed ( by the doctor) some of you were christened..( like a boat lmao =( ) check out your birth certificate and ask yourself why your mother is listed as informant.. your a commodity owned by England... What we need to be is sovereign and declare ourselves States within the STATES again and be recognized as Flesh and Blood individuals... Flesh and Blood individuals have rights.. entities such as ALL CAPITAL LETTER LEGAL FICTIONS ... do not....So .. that is what the Agent for the All Capital legal fiction means... in the space someone would actually sign their real flesh and blood name in the correct proper noun spelling signed in cursive... and not enjoin themselves to it.. its the difference between being the ALL CAPITAL LETTER LEGAL FICTION and owning it.. therefore creating a "magic" barrier you should sign the back of your credit cards that way as the "Authorized agent for the all capital letter legal fiction JON DOE TM" and trade mark it... that way you don't enjoin yourself to it and its your buffer..

so.... who wants to clobber the banks....

as if this information helps the OP in anyway... I'm sure it could be changed and tweaked in a way to overcome the grammar issues present with still applying to a singular person within the context of a group of people... hell.. have them make you swear on a bible.. then ask why in Deuteronomy Chapter 15 it says that every seven years to CANCEL ALL DEBTS. so why are we still owed this debt when the book the courts make me swear upon specifically states the We are not to hold debts past 7 years.. these debts are way older than 7 years... you need to be a smartass with these people when you buts on the line.. ( 30 year Mortgage)
It even goes to say to not be a mean tightwad on the 6th year with holding money to be given out to avoid losing your money because the next year the debt will be canceled.. treat everyone as your brothers and your sisters... would you kick your mother out of her home... if you saw your sister on the street having sex for money.. would you take her back in... (and hunt down her pimp) WAR We Are Right.... in all the thousands of years on this planet.. all the souls that came and went .. thought they were right.. they thought they were nice.. Everyone thinks that they are the good guys... even as the enemy prepares his thoughts for his fight.. he prays to the same god you do.. at least in his mind,he has been taught errors.. in the same way you have You all got it wrong... but there is still time and a chance for change..... It has been said to love your enemies... the enemy is not who you think it is.. but the bankers making money off of you killing each other... Nikolaitans Nike greek for Victory, War.. that kind of idea.. Laity .. common people Nikolaitians is a Greek compound word for War Monger.. the bankers.. and THEY are on gods # list...

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