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US Officials interested in a Dynamite theft in Canada (Quebec)

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:53 AM
I'm not really good at starting threads and replying to them but after a quick search in ATS i found nothing about that story.

Long story short, five armed and masked thief's broke into a storage facility and robed 900kg (1980 pounds) of dynamite sticks. This was reported by TVA, a French Canadian TV Station in Quebec.

As per the initial report from the police, it was well organised and thought that they were dealing with different biker groups (Which are still "Riding" strong in the Province btw) but the United States are now very well interested in the story and contacted the "Sureté du Quebec" which are pretty much like the State Troopers the United States have and asked a couple of questions.

I will follow the developments, if any, cause i'm very interested to see if and that's a big IF, anything happens on September 11, will Canada be blamed? I'd like to refer you to the Rumsfeld Post posted earlier on ATS . Apparently, "They" need another attack....

I seriously doubt that anything will happened but you know, I can't help but think that US might use the "Opportunity" to start something....

I couldn't find an English version of the Story as complete as the one in French but, you get the idea right?

edit on 31-8-2011 by FrankLY because: Worded better

edit on 31-8-2011 by FrankLY because: Added ATS post link

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Very interesting...... will follow this one.

If you use Google Chrome, it will translate the page for you...

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by FrankLY

As per the initial report from the police, it was well organised and thought that they were dealing with different biker groups (Which are still "Riding" strong in the Province btw)

Years back some of the biker gangs were leaving "presents" at local police stations and such, dynamite of course. Don't recall if there were any deaths though. Similar deal, they stole a bunch and started leaving bombs around.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Unfortunately, there were multiple deaths of innocent people (2 close friends of mine got shot) due to the war on terrorism we had a couple of years back.

There were reports backs in June reporting that the Rock Machines gang were back in the Province and were seen in a Bar in Montreal (Hells Angels Territory) In a way, i kind of hope this story relates to the Bikers.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by FrankLY

Most likely the next false flag on the USA will not be blamed on Islamic Terrorism, but "anti-Government" terrorism. After that, Americans can kiss their freedom and liberty goodbye.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:45 AM
Quebec wanted to separate themselves from Canada some time ago and become their own... country, I guess you can call it. I do not believe all of Canada should be blamed in that event, but merely Quebec itself.

Actually, I can't understand blaming entire countries for one person's stupidity and ridiculous actions. And certainly, Canadians do not need to get involved in what is happening in the US and other parts of the world anymore than they have. I do not agree with sending our troops to do "peacekeeping" tasks and such in the first place.

Find the perps, retrieve the stash of explosives, and deal with them directly instead of destroying another part of the world that's pretty much innocent in among all of this.

EDIT TO ADD - people are taking my wording here wrong, please see my explanation as to what I meant a few posts down.
edit on 31/8/2011 by andriod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by FrankLY
I will follow the developments, if any, cause i'm very interested to see if and that's a big IF, anything happens on September 11, will Canada be blamed? I'd like to refer you to the Rumsfeld Post posted earlier on ATS . Apparently, "They" need another attack

The very fact that such a massive amount of dynamite was stolen means that someone is planning on blowing up something that wouldn't otherwise be blown up, becuase let's face it, noone is going to steal so much explosives to remove a stump from their back yard. The "something that wouldn't otherwise be blown up" is going to depend entirely on who's doing the blowing up, but regardless of what's about to be blown up or who's doing the blowing up, one thing is certain- innocent people are going to die as a result. Why do YOU think the US is concerned? It's the same reason Canada is concerned.

Right now, out there somewhere, someone who's currently alive is very soon going to be dead, and despite this sobering thought, all YOU can still think of is how you can milk it to pursue these paranoid "secret plots to take over the world" conspiracy claims of yours. Please explain to me how this isn't being self serving and disgusting, because that's all I'm getting after reading this post.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by andriod
Quebec wanted to separate themselves from Canada some time ago and become their own... country, I guess you can call it. I do not believe all of Canada should be blamed in that event, but merely Quebec itself.

Are you freaking kidding?

In that event, WHOEVER DOES THE BOMBING should be blamed not Quebec or Canada.

And if they take out each other (between bikers) or some war criminal (there's lots running around, the cops won't arrest them) then good for them.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by andriod
Quebec wanted to separate themselves from Canada some time ago and become their own... country, I guess you can call it. I do not believe all of Canada should be blamed in that event, but merely Quebec itself.

I don't think that political views has anything to do with the story. Why do you think Quebec should be blamed? What relates living in Quebec and having a different political view to this post?

To get back on the topic, I posted the story because I thought it was pertinent and fitted well with all the post about Big things coming our way in 5 days, the secretly taped, Rumsfeld conversation and other 9/11 issues a lot a ATS'ers post.

Forget about who should be blamed and concentrate on the possibilities here....Let's speculate:

Could it be that the U.S. needed a cover up? They evacuated N.Y which gave them sufficient time to "Do what they had to do"... 900kg of explosives were stolen 8 hours north of N.Y. a week and a half before the 10 years anniversary....May I had that the Explosives were stolen Friday the 26th the same day N.Y was being evacuated. I found that it is a strange coincidence but i'm sure explosives are stolen everyday in different parts of the world so it may be and I hope so, a very odd coincidence.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Sorry, missed where they said they held employees hostage.
edit on 31/8/2011 by andriod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by FrankLY

I wasn't implying they should be blamed for thieving the explosives unless, of course, something of a 9/11 magnitude arises out of it. Therefore, some blame should be placed on Quebec authorities for not having taken further precautions, for not having kept the facility under secure lock-down at all times. It almost feels as though they did allow it to happen.

Of course the person doing the bombings and who stole the explosives in the first place is to blame as well, no doubt about that.
edit on 31/8/2011 by andriod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

wow that was a deep post... I'll keep my cool because i seriously doubt you read the articles.

I mentioned that U.S official were concerned because, as reported in the links and on the news this morning, September 11 is coming and apparently, they. the United States, plan on making sure everything goes smoothly and as I mentioned previously, I seriously hope it will.

As I mentioned in my post, I know people that suffered because of terrorist acts and it's no fun. Innocent people die everyday because of that.

I don't understand why some people would take pride in posting post like you did without reading all the facts. If you did and still believe i'm posting crap well, i'm sure there's a lot more post that you'll enjoy

Thank You for reading and at least trying to understand what i'm trying to say here

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The very fact that such a massive amount of dynamite was stolen means that someone is planning on blowing up something that wouldn't otherwise be blown up, becuase let's face it, noone is going to steal so much explosives to remove a stump from their back yard.

There' was a post a month or so ago about some guys in a boat checking out a dam somewhere
at night. I know, can I be any more vague?
Ah here we are: Thread
edit on 31-8-2011 by don rumsfeld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

Yeah I remember the post... I always wondered if they found that person? I doubt it has anything to do with that but we never know.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by FrankLY
reply to post by GoodOlDave

wow that was a deep post... I'll keep my cool because i seriously doubt you read the articles.

I mentioned that U.S official were concerned because, as reported in the links and on the news this morning, September 11 is coming and apparently, they. the United States, plan on making sure everything goes smoothly and as I mentioned previously, I seriously hope it will.

As I mentioned in my post, I know people that suffered because of terrorist acts and it's no fun. Innocent people die everyday because of that.

I don't understand why some people would take pride in posting post like you did without reading all the facts. If you did and still believe i'm posting crap well, i'm sure there's a lot more post that you'll enjoy

Oh, grow up. I know right away that there's a 99.99999% chance the dynamite was stolen by a bunch of one percenter bikers to conduct a turf war in Quebec. I know this because one percenter bikers were stealing dynamite to conduct a turf war in Quebec a few years back, so their fingerprints are already all over this thing. When I read your post, my intinctive reaction was that it was the prelude to another biker gang war specifically because it already happened and it fits the established evidence. YOUR instinctive rection was some idiotic paranoia that the US is going to stage some false flag operation to frame Canada, not becuase it fits the evidence, but specifically because you want to believe the US is going around staging false flag operations. What possible sane reason could there be for the US to frame Canada? Canada is for all practical purposes the 51st state.

So who here is making a post based upon the established facts and who here is making a post based upon seeing only what he wants to see? You tell me.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The news report clearly state that the United States were "Concerned" over the stolen explosives in light of September 11. That made me think about what might happened IF... It also make me think about the war between to rival Biker club that was raging a couple of years ago and again what if it was them.

The news report probably made you remembered about that war between bikers back then but for some, it's complete different thing and let's be honest here, the site is Above Top Secret, a site where we can debate "Freely" other people's view and ideas.

I think you are the one who needs to grow up and stop trashing other peoples post just because you don't agree with their point of view

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:18 AM
Imagine if that dymanite were to be used on a big bridge in the USA
we never know what kind of false flag AGAIN they will come up with
for the 10yrs birthday of 9/11

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Imagine if that dymanite were to be used on a big bridge in the USA
we never know what kind of false flag AGAIN they will come up with
for the 10yrs birthday of 9/11

That was exactly my point
Thank You

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by FrankLY
Let's not forget that Quebec has been graced with a pretty busy Mob scene as well, with some active warfare going on of late. I'd be tempted to bet on the Mafia.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by FrankLY
The news report probably made you remembered about that war between bikers back then but for some, it's complete different thing and let's be honest here, the site is Above Top Secret, a site where we can debate "Freely" other people's view and ideas.

I think you are the one who needs to grow up and stop trashing other peoples post just because you don't agree with their point of view

This has absolutely nothing to do with my not agreeing with anyone's point of view. If the OP suggested the dynamite was stolen by leprechauns I would have simply rolled my eyes and went on my way. The issue is that the OP is attempting to instigate false public unrest by making outlandish and unreasonable accusations based entirely upon the OP's own paranoid outlook on life. Bicker over the symantics as you see fit, but at the end of the day, it is still the truthers' instinctive reflex to think the theft of dynamite is somehow part of some sinister secret plot for the US to take over the world. If some native in Borneo fell off a cliff while hunting pigs in the jungle, the truthers' would think that would be part of some sinister secret plot to take over the world too.

The OP certainly has the freedom of speech to make up idiotic accusations about the US murdering innocent people to frame Canada, but what you don't seem to comprehend is that I have every bit the same freedom of speech to display my outrage and disgust over the OP thinking it's funny that someone out there is living the last seconds of his/her life before being killed by a biker gang's dynamite bomb. This is dancing in the blood of innocent people to advance a political agenda and you cannot refine it.

Go ahead and get the last word in if you want, as I won't dignify this absurd thread with any further responses.

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