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Former Powell Chief of Staff: Cheney "Fears Being Tried as a War Criminal"

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posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Former Powell Chief of Staff: Cheney "Fears Being Tried as a War Criminal"

Former Vice President Dick Cheney's memoir, "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir," is out Tuesday, and it's full of criticism and attacks on his Bush administration colleagues -- from describing Condoleezza Rice as "tearfully admitting" he was right on the war in Iraq to revealing private conversations with George W. Bush on the eve of the Iraq war.

He reserves much of his ire for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and now Powell and his longtime aide and chief of staff, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, are attempting to set the record straight. In no uncertain terms. Cheney, Willkerson told ABC News, "was president for all practical purposes for the first term of the Bush administration" and "fears being tried as a war criminal."
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 30-8-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:38 PM
That seems natural to me, I mean, wasn't he a war criminal? To many folks he is a war criminal.

He may have other inadequacy and guilt issues to augment this fear.

He's known Cheney for decades, but says now, "I simply don't recognize Mr. Cheney anymore" and calling him a "very vindictive person."

"I think he's just trying to, one, assert himself so he's not in some subsequent time period tried for war crimes and, second, so that he somehow vindicates himself because he feels like he needs vindication. That in itself tells you something about him," Wilkerson told ABC News, explaining that Cheney may have "angst" because of receiving deferments instead of serving in the Vietnam War like Wilkerson and others in the administration.

Well, we all hope Cheney gets what's coming to him.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:42 PM
What possible thing could he be tried for at all unless you start bringing up conspiracy stuff you have no proof of. I highly doubt he is afraid of being accused of anything.

+14 more 
posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:47 PM
Waterboard him.

"We'll find out for sure what he knows and what he don't know."

Goose, gander and all that.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Get emmmmm.... I really hope something comes out of this. He should be locked away

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Colin Powell is a goddamn war criminal too. They all should've been tried and executed already.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Yeah, unfortunately I fear he has nothing to fear. When you think about it, if Cheney were tried, where would it all end? You'd seriously have to try about 90% of that administration. They'd be stacking 'em like cordwood in the holding cells....

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by kro32

Originally posted by kro32
What possible thing could he be tried for at all unless you start bringing up conspiracy stuff you have no proof of. I highly doubt he is afraid of being accused of anything.

Possibly for LYING H-core. Ya know, starting wars for oil profits n' such...

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:15 PM
What about ``former Powell chief of staff`` stop saying ``he fears`` and actually BRING CHARGES AGAINST HIM AND TESTIFY TO MAKE IT REALITY?

Man up or shut up. Please.

Powell, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush and many others should all be forced to spend the rest of their lives in general population for their crimes. Arrest Kissinger too. And Clinton. And Bush Sr..

If Obama would have been genuine, it would have been the first order of the day, arrest the war criminals... well the second... the first one would have been to bring back the troops immediately.
edit on 30-8-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

I believe it. That's why he's doing this. He's trying to make people think he's a crazy old man who's about to die soon so they don't come after him.

And they wont because certain types of people are so friggen gullible and those are the ones who happen to be in power.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:17 PM
My belief is that he ought to be afraid, and I've always maintained that he would claim none of it was his fault, and here we are. Powell and Wilkerson have been far too silent on the criminal matters at play during that administration, though Wilkerson has tried a few times, most notably about Able Danger. They should have taken more of an offensive position because now Cheney has them on the defensive and has the upper hand—once again. Anything they say now will be feeble. They messed up. Big time. But probably for good reason, as their reputations and maybe even more were probably threatened should they say too much. Amazing what all these people are probably going to get away with. Are still getting away with.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

This is my point. There is nothing to charge him with.

I don't have sound so cannot comment on that video unless you provide a synopsis.

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by Vitchilo

This is my point. There is nothing to charge him with.

I don't have sound so cannot comment on that video unless you provide a synopsis.

You can't be serious.

Torture. Violation of several articles of the constitution. Corruption. War crimes. Crimes against humanity. Illegal spying on Americans. Halliburton. Secret prisons. False-flags.

The lawyers can find the laws connected to all his crimes. He did enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life and possibly even get the death penalty.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by Vitchilo

This is my point. There is nothing to charge him with.

I don't have sound so cannot comment on that video unless you provide a synopsis.

You can't be serious.

Torture. Violation of several articles of the constitution. Corruption. War crimes. Crimes against humanity. Illegal spying on Americans. Halliburton. Secret prisons. False-flags.

The lawyers can find the laws connected to all his crimes. He did enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life and possibly even get the death penalty.

Well if they can directly tie him to crimes than by all means he should receive the full force of the law. I just wasn't aware of any specific examples of him actually doing these things in anything than a broad sense.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by kro32
What possible thing could he be tried for at all unless you start bringing up conspiracy stuff you have no proof of. I highly doubt he is afraid of being accused of anything.

Well if thats the case then why not reinvestigate the entire 9/11 event. If no one is a afraid of anything then launch a new investigation conducted by people outside of the government. I guarantee you no POLITICIAN will agree to this. The biggest atrocity in American history will NEVER be reinvestigated.
edit on 31-8-2011 by Asktheanimals because: offensive comment removed

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by solarstorm

Even if they did they wouldn't find anything conclusive that could be tied to any one individual now would they. The most they would be able to find is the possibility that there might have been sabotage.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by solarstorm

Even if they did they wouldn't find anything conclusive that could be tied to any one individual now would they. The most they would be able to find is the possibility that there might have been sabotage.

We can already conclude that there are too many holes in the original report. If anything the entire DICK and BUSH administration should be prosecuted simply because 9/11 happened under their watch, whether they were part of it or not.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:52 PM
hes trying to cover his ass because he has a guilty conscience and is attempting to separate himself because he knows whats coming down the pipe and he should be worried because he and all his cronies are guilty as hell, especially due to the profiteering which he is directly connected.

I think they should all be tried and hung like what was done to the Nazis at Nuremberg

see how it feels, just like what was done to Sadam

edit on 30-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:53 PM
Might as well throw the majority of Americans up for treason too since most agreed and gave them the support to do whatever they wanted.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by kro32
Might as well throw the majority of Americans up for treason too since most agreed and gave them the support to do whatever they wanted.

big difference, and who were these people that supported them???

you mean the millions of MSM ones???...exactly, how about we throw the MSM to the noose, because they were feeding the fire under false pretense and profiteering..i believe that's called.... RiCO

edit on 31-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

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