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ISS - Nostradamus - Plague

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posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:28 PM
Years ago when I was giving lessons on Nostradamus I noted this quatrain and looking into the numbers (one hundred leagues) I discovered that this was orbital height above the earth. I saw it as meaning that somehow the men on the International Space Station (which at that time was just being built) would be trapped on it for a period of time- or heaven forbid- forever.

Here is the Quatrain, English and old French:
C6, 5
Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le long du pole arctique :
Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de politique.

Very great famine through pestiferous wave,
Through long rain the length of the arctic pole:
'Samarobryn' one hundred leagues from the hemisphere,
They will live without law exempt from politics.

And here is my translation of "Samarobryn":

Goddess Sama - Ancient Agricultural goddess - northern China to Russia.

Ro=RU (using Nosty's anagram rules)


Bryn Hall dates from the fourteenth century (first use of the name).
It was a "safe house" for the English Roman Catholic martyr and saint Edmund Arrowsmith and is reputed to be the burial place of his remains.
His feast day is August 28.

The ISS would be a 'safe house' in space. The 'martyr' element is chilling, but yet unknown.

On August 28 2011 the Russians lost the rocket that was to take supplies to the ISS and move some men back to earth. I was immediately alerted and went back to my notes to recheck the Quatrain.

Then yesterday, the 29th, a notice was publicized by the CDC about a new mutation of H5N1.. this coming right as I was finishing an amazing book "The Great Influenza" about the 1918 Spanish Flu.

The 1918 Spanish Flu was the first variant of H1N1 virus, the 'root' virus of H5N1.
Apparently this new variant is not responsive to vaccine.

This is horrifying. A lot of people died during the first Spanish Flu by dehydration/starvation because as the people in the house were sickened and died those left were too weak to feed themselves. Sometimes even too sick to move the dead bodies- and they would share beds with corpses. Besides that, agriculture halted, stores were locked, nothing was transported, railways were converted to 'hospitals'.

Reading the book made it clear as to how famine can occur through 'pestiferous wave'.

So I would say for now, be careful, wash your hands, don't go among large crowds if possible and stock up food and water as far as you are able. It may be nothing, but it is rather coincidental.

Take care.

edit on 30-8-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:34 PM
The problem I have with Nostra is his predictions always come after the fact. In other words they can be interpreted into almost anything.

Having said that this does seem like a plausible connection, you clearly put some effort into it.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:37 PM
But on the plus side this outbreak of killer mutant bird flu that hit the mainstream news media yesterday, has killed the grand total of 8 people in asia this year.

Which makes it about the least lethal flu variety ever.

Hell. More people have probably been killed by rogue turkeys than this strain of avian flu.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
The problem I have with Nostra is his predictions always come after the fact. In other words they can be interpreted into almost anything.

Having said that this does seem like a plausible connection, you clearly put some effort into it.


A problem with astronauts trapped on the ISS and Russian involvement is something I have been expecting to happen- and it's connection with a 'plague' and famine.

We will see. But take care.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:38 PM
That's actually not a bad interpretation of the quatrains, and, given conditions in the world, it's even feasible that there could be a famine in some parts of the world. There's already a major one in the Horn of Africa, as I'm sure you know.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Painterz

Yes but all viruses must begin somewhere and the main concern with this new "mutant" version is there is no vaccine. So there can be no 'preemptive strike' as-it-were and that isn't good.

edit on 30-8-2011 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
That's actually not a bad interpretation of the quatrains, and, given conditions in the world, it's even feasible that there could be a famine in some parts of the world. There's already a major one in the Horn of Africa, as I'm sure you know.

Yes, but the Goddess Sama is of northern Asia and Russia and the 'long rain of the Arctic Pole' would lead one to believe it is of the Northern Hemisphere.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Painterz

Yes but all viruses must begin somewhere and the main concern with this new "mutant" version is there is no vaccine. So there can be no 'preemptive strike' as-it-were and that isn't good.

edit on 30-8-2011 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

The first wave of the 'Spanish Flu' started in Kansas and went all the way over to Europe with our Military- it was very mild with very few deaths.
It mutated - then came back to the US as the horrific virus it became.

People would literally die on their feet by afternoon- when in the morning they were fine.
edit on 30-8-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:47 PM


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Stratus9

These sentence also leads me to believe your theory:

They will live without law exempt from politics

We all know that American and russian (among others) have/are working together free from the constraints of political agenda (I.e; US, Russia rivalry).


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stratus9

These sentence also leads me to believe your theory:

They will live without law exempt from politics

We all know that American and russian (among others) have/are working together free from the constraints of political agenda (I.e; US, Russia rivalry).


Yes that was a major and leading clue.
If you are interested- here is my work on the Japan Quake- and you will see by it that they are far from done with their troubles:

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Stratus9

Wow that is some real strange stuff, I want to read the whole thread but alas I have work tomorrow but hey thats what bookmarks are for.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:03 PM
I have found a dent in the theory;

One hundred leagues = 555.6 kilometres yet the ISS orbits between 350-450Km.

Perhaps i'm being to pedantic.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
I have found a dent in the theory;

One hundred leagues = 555.6 kilometres yet the ISS orbits between 350-450Km.

Perhaps i'm being to pedantic.


Not pedantic at all. I may be utterly wrong.. but then, however Nosty was 'seeing' things - I think 100 Leagues to him was very very far off and that is all he was attempting to put across.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
I have found a dent in the theory;

One hundred leagues = 555.6 kilometres yet the ISS orbits between 350-450Km.

Perhaps i'm being to pedantic.


from a man taking prophecy through a bowl of water. That distance guestimation is amazing.

Can you visually see the difference in 555 km and 450km's? I sure cant even trying on google maps I am always wrong when its scale to my resoltion

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
I have found a dent in the theory;

One hundred leagues = 555.6 kilometres yet the ISS orbits between 350-450Km.

Perhaps i'm being to pedantic. ALS

Now since I don't know a heck of a lot about Nostradamus, the first thing I have to ask is in what century is this supposed to take place? Because according to history, the native peoples of the Arctic were already almost wiped out by tuberculosis and smallpox some years ago.

Actually I think differences ought to be pointed out, so kudos to you.

I have no idea if the following are relevant, but I found some links.
The quatrain says 100 leagues from the hemisphere after talking about a pestliential wave hitting the Arctic. Could not 100 leagues not be in the Southern Hemisphere? For instance, Indonesia lies around 550 km south of the equator.

-A 2009 article entitled Earth’s Greatest Rainfall and Fresh Water Supply Feature Creeping Northward may be interesting enough
- But get a load of this link? The Marshall Islands and the launch of NuStar in 2012.

The Pegasus launch from Kwajalein will position NuSTAR in a low-Earth equatorial orbit at an altitude of approximately 550 km and an inclination of 6 degrees. The equatorial orbit is particularly important for NuSTAR as it will minimize exposure to the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), the region centered above the southern Atlantic Ocean where the Earth's inner Van Allen belt makes its closest approach to the Earth's surface. Satellites at altitudes of a few hundred kilometers and in orbits inclined relative to the equator will experience intense particle radiation during passages through the SAA. This is particularly problematic for high energy X-ray telescopes due to the high level of radioactive background thus produced in the detectors. This background will produce signals that mimic the cosmic X-ray emission that NuSTAR aims to detect.

edit on 30-8-2011 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Painterz
But on the plus side this outbreak of killer mutant bird flu that hit the mainstream news media yesterday, has killed the grand total of 8 people in asia this year.

Which makes it about the least lethal flu variety ever.

Hell. More people have probably been killed by rogue turkeys than this strain of avian flu.

My uncle in Ohio was killed by a rogue turkey, thrown from an airplane during a Thanksgiving day radio stunt back in the 80's. It made national news, you may have heard about it

T-day has never been the same in our family.....*sniff*

edit on 30-8-2011 by buskey because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:24 PM
An interesting sidenote, the black plague began in early 1346 - fastforward 666 years and you come to 2012. A Luciferian agenda seems to have been embedded within the larger natural cycles in order to manifest reality as they see fit. Be it plague, invasion, whatever...they've got plans they intend on carrying out over the next 16 months.

I wrote a short story in 2008 on this very thing, and posted it on my blog earlier this month: These Dark Worlds. Important links connecting events in the story are embedded throughout.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Eavel

Can you visually see the difference in 555 km and 450km's? I sure cant even trying on google maps I am always wrong when its scale to my resoltion

Your right, in that context I guess the estimate is pretty much spot on.


posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:32 PM
I have been studying weather for a long time and have a weather station that feeds into the NOAA. Currently working on the 'Valley Heat' effect.

Anyway, I relate the 'Through long rain the length of the arctic pole.." to the massive ice melt currently underway in the Arctic. 'Rain' being fresh water as opposed to salt water.

Ok stick with me here:

The Jet Stream is guided by masses of hot or cold air rising or sinking off ocean waters. Picture that.

The northern Pacific, the Gulf and the northern Atlantic have all heated up- throwing the Jet Stream off course and setting up the conditions that have led to massive blizzards and tornadic storms (on the frontal boundary of the Jet Stream) and the drought conditions in the mid south (on the back boundary of the Jet Stream).
So we are getting these extremes of moisture and drought with a really tight boundary in between. But it is all hotter than ever, with heat records being set daily.

So now we have migrations- vampire bats moving north, insects moving north (including the one mosquito family that carries Malaria) and new bacterial and viral mutations that people in the north of the northern hemisphere haven't encountered yet and have no immunity to- such as the new H5N1 virus.

edit on 2-9-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

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