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Niribu is A CROCK!

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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:12 PM
I have only recently read about Nibiru (Nebiru) ....but what I have read is really interesting. It is also called by some "The Wanderer". It wanders around and biblical speaking correlates with Cain or Marduk whichever you wanna call him (he was said to go to and fro and wander) pretty well. It is a deep mythology within texts from all over....including the Mayans.

Even when Satan tells God he is going "to and fro in the Earth", the Hebrew word is "shuwt" which means to row or travel by sea or to "Nebiru".

It is also said the Planet beyond the orbit of Pluto (10th planet) is Nebiru (from Greek Mythology). The Egyptian God of the dead "Anubis" who rules the underworld of death as the Anunnaki (siblings of 7 evil siblings) who lived in "Arallu" which was considered the place of the dead. Some really think "they" are residing on the Planet and it reeks of death as it gets closer.

I can see why some people who study ancient mythology is under the assumption there is more than meets the eye in regards to Nibiru (Nebiru).

I for one...have no idea.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Your reason is the bible....COME ON BRO.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy
Interesting cause this video was just posted yesterday,

WOW....he spoke of the Planet too....

This video in my opinion is as real as real can get. I am not trying to cause fear...we know what may take place here..this is known and has been known. Our magnetic field is weakening, oceans are warming, and so on and so on...this is becoming a manifestation, although nothing to fear. Why fear something you have no control over...??

Think with your inner being as time draws near.

I do not think this will be the end of will be a transformation and the Sun will not only change the Earth being...but it will change the human being as well.

The ancients knew about this "time" and so does our Government. They all know what is to come...they are giving us hints! We are seeing a little bit of change now...but it (Eq's, volcanic activity, and earth shifts) will be much much bigger and come in concert as the time draws near.

It is said that we will think the sky is falling. Some will die out of fear, some will die as we get taken by an EQ or Volcanic activity. The Bible does come to mind.

It is my belief some of us will indeed change and transform before it happens. This is also what the Cherokee Indians and the Mayans believed as well. We will go through the transfiguration as the Sun changes us magnetically.

Time will tell ALL. This is certain. The problems I see that may make this an even bigger event is ALL the Nuclear and Oil that will cause our Planet to be really bad off for quite some time.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by borutp

No it's Nevabu

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

Funny how you post this thread claiming it is a crook, when you at same time claim it exist and even claim there is proof for its existence..
Where the heck is that proof then?? And no some bible verse or similar does not count as evidence.

Anyone who believes in nibiru has nothing to go on but blind belief...

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Your title is misleading, I thought you were going to say that Nibiru is now an intergalactic crocodile.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:06 AM

Yeah, Wikipedia is a great source for truth, and you are real good company with your biblical beliefs there. No Christian worth his salt believes anything from the Sumerian Tablets, that was fiction and myth, right? Only the bible has the whole, unadulterated truth, correct? Ever heard of spellcheck?
layout.spellcheckDefault = 2
Change Value from 1 to 2
Unless you are still using IE, then this is moot.

was being lazy before but seeing as how you are the second one to mention it I started running everything through spell check before i post it. I didn’t notice how lax i have become with my typing, sorry.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

I would believe the bible over science any day just my personal belief.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by foundthetruth

that is one reason not all. I believe that it exists, however, I believe it is being blown up to be bigger than what it really is. Especially when people want to blame it for everything. (Their animals acting weird, the birds falling from the sky, the recent earthquakes, their kids farting problem etc.) So mainly I think the real crock is people blaming even the slightest phenomena on it.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by juleol

Apparently you didn’t completely read and comprehend the OP I plainly state that I believe in the existence of such a planet. What I do not believe it that it is everything that people are making it out to be. I choose to believe what the bible says, if you don’t that is OK with me.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by iamhobo

Many apologies
I will be sure to put that in my next article of this nature I promise

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

Yes, you have a valid point, but the whole 2012 is a hoax check it on the internet if you don't believe me!

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:31 AM
I'm going to start a pool.

If you believe that a giant runaway planet/asteroid/comet is going to strike our planet in 2012, the bet is simply 1 of your paychecks. On 12.31.2012 if this event doesn't happen, you lose. If it somehow does, you still lose.

Who's in?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:55 PM
Agreed, personally.

I like to keep an open mind to various extreme possibilities; but Nibiru/Elenin are both schizophrenic bait, as far as I'm concerned. I find that most conspiracy theories concerning planetary bodies usually originate with someone neglecting to take their medication.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:54 PM
I think he also may be refering to a solar storm or something of that nature. I don't recall the exact name.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
I'm going to start a pool.

If you believe that a giant runaway planet/asteroid/comet is going to strike our planet in 2012, the bet is simply 1 of your paychecks. On 12.31.2012 if this event doesn't happen, you lose. If it somehow does, you still lose.

Who's in?

Im in,,
I already have this wager with someone in Ireland

edit on 30-8-2011 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by pussycat
reply to post by JROCK2527

Yes, you have a valid point, but the whole 2012 is a hoax check it on the internet if you don't believe me!

no need to check I believe you

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by TXRabbit

Im in I got this bet goin with a co worker actually, he will be spending the first 2 weeks of 2013 workin OT to make up for the paycheck he's gunna owe me

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

That's a hell of a sucker bet you managed.
You win...great.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
Agreed, personally.

I like to keep an open mind to various extreme possibilities; but Nibiru/Elenin are both schizophrenic bait, as far as I'm concerned. I find that most conspiracy theories concerning planetary bodies usually originate with someone neglecting to take their medication.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I agree 200% here another planet destroying earth is a pipe dream. In all truth if this planet ends up being destroyed it will be an act of God or we will destroy ourselves.

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