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Earthquake Jolts Colorado

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Colorado was rattled by a 5.3-magnitude earthquake Monday night, the largest tremor to hit the state in 40 years. The quake was felt in Trinidad, a few hours south of Denver, and was preceded by at least two smaller ones. "I thought maybe a car had hit my house," a 70-year-old Trinidad resident told the Associated Press. Back in 2001, Colorado experienced a smaller series of earthquakes. Geophysicist Shengzao Chen tells the Associated Press, “The area seems to be active again.”

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by antinwo101

really, i never noticed this earthquake.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:46 AM
you live there? what part?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by antinwo101

sorry to be a wet blanket, but i have already seen 3 threads on the same topic,
+ U have no angle whatsoever...




posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:02 AM
HOw many threads are we going to have on this topic???????

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by shaneR
reply to post by antinwo101

sorry to be a wet blanket, but i have already seen 3 threads on the same topic,
+ U have no angle whatsoever...




'no angle whatsoever"

thats funny. basically , your not scaring people enough and not been dramatic enough. you need to pimp out the story.

for example one of the other threads as 'Huge earthquake" in block capitals and the use lots of !!!!!!!!

now thats an angle

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by antinwo101

Wow! that is very interesting..I lived there for 9 years when I was younger and never felt an earthquake, you learn something new everyday. I am hoping everyone is well, and I am thankful non of my family members live in the area. Eek!

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

well if it was such an important thread, where did the creator disappear quick...?

they never actually added one comment, except " wow u live there?"

no OP etc, and no search, obviously...

so whats your problem?

my simple comment was that we already had 3 threads about same incident,
and this thread added nothing...

and it still hasnt...



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