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Please. Sell your Gold NOW! It's a trap.

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by hero_25
reply to post by sbctinfantry

Thanks for your reply. I actually agree with mostly everything you wrote in your 'last post'. It is important to cover your basics first (food production, water collection/storage, etc.).

But let me ask you... who do you think actually "owns gold" in this Country? You do realize that less then 1% of the population in the United States actually owns gold don't you? So really, this thread should be titled "If you don't have your basic's covered, then Don't Buy Gold! It's a trap". For those of us fortunate enough to be apart of the 1% who actually OWNS GOLD... why would you tell us to sell it? Since your thread clearly states "Sell your Gold NOW!" you are clearly talking "specifically" to the people who are like me and NOT to the 99% of the population who doesn't even own any Gold.

I do realize that, I also realize there are the rich, the megarich, and those who are more wealthy than we could comprehend.

If you are on this website, I would gather that you are not the megarich, much less the unfathomably rich. I could be wrong, but I'll wager I'm not.

If you have all your bases covered, it is still not a good idea to buy gold. Buying generators, and AWG's and storing them would be a far better option. Gold is a finite resource, once you've spent it to buy something it is gone. Get renewable. Use your noggin and realize that if you can produce water and food, you can buy the things you need with that. If you have to invest in something, get into Land and Energy or Water.

Am I saying that collapse is imminent, or even in the forseeable future? No. I'm saying that many here on ATS believe it is, and I would hate to see them wasting their wealth on a finite resource when they could create an industry. If you're going to prepare for doomsday, you should at least do it intelligently. Besides, if it never comes, you're left with a sack of metal that might or might not be worth something. If you buy (and I'm really just using this as an example even though I'm beating it to death) AWG's, you can create enough water to bring your bills down to almost zero (because who wants to fill a bathtub when you can just turn on the tap?). You could do the same with solar (which is what you've said), but why not invest in more solar to bring your bills to near zero? How about investing in some land and growing your own food or raising animals like chickens or cattle (depending on the size of your land). Invest in some good dogs, like huskies, and teach them to pull weight or a good hunting dog.

There is the old saying : Gold is the money of kings. Silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of the poor. Debt is the money of slaves.

That doesn't mean that you can't buy gold, or you can't be in debt. However, if you have debt over your head, it's not very smart to buy gold (and yes, there are members here who have bought gold and do live with their mothers). It's not very smart to do anything except get out of debt. Once you do that, invest in something that will grant returns for your effort. You've just moved into the poor bracket, and use barter as money in times of crisis. If you feel like a gentleman later, you can get into silver later on, but use caution.

It is far greater to create something than to hoard it.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:16 PM
as of today the SWISS now want to devalue their currency!!!! LMFAO

and they don't want people to rush to the franc as a safe haven

says it all

Gold is the answer

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

I think the only thing I disagree with you here is your time table. A lot of what you are saying is great advice 'when we are very close' to a TOTAL COLLAPSE. Maybe if you posted this thread 2-5 years from now I would fully agree with you but in the mean time I'm trying to make the best decision based on what I see happening over the next 12 months.

My biggest concern right now is the Dollar being devalued (I'm in no way concerned about a Total Collapse... at this time). I'm sure dollar devaluation is also China's concern which is why they are currently starting to make large purchases of Gold as a "hedge" against dollar devaluation as well as an "alternative" to the dollar being used as their Reserve Currency. As I've said earlier in this thread... "The dollar losing it's 'World Reserve Currency' status is the NEXT big shoe to drop". That's what people should be preparing for right now... it's still too early for a Total Collapse. If that happens... it will come later and in the mean time their is a GREAT opportunity for people to do well in the Gold/Silver market which is still currently way undervalued. It's like telling people to sell their house in 2002 because the housing market is a bubble that is about to burst! While we can see today that yes that statement is true, but I would much rather have sold my house in 2006 when it was more then "Double" the price that it was back in 2002.

I said this in my last post, and I must say it again... it is still TOO SOON to purchase Real Estate/Land (if you don't want to over pay for it). Prices are still too high and are going to keep going down (for at least another year) so I'd much rather wait until they have reached their bottom (or close to it). At the moment... it makes the most sense to purchase GOLD which is on its way up to $5,000+ or even Silver which is on its way up to $100+. Once real estate/land has finally reached it's bottom... then I would say sell your Gold (I'd still keep some of it) and use that money to buy property.

We can go around in circles but my point here is that I think you are getting way too ahead of yourself. We could be having this exact same conversation back in 2006 when Gold was around the $500 range and Real Estate/Land was EXTREMELY over valued and I would still be saying the exact same thing "don't buy Property/Land yet, Gold is still currently the undervalued assist". Flash forward 5 years, Gold has gone up almost 4 TIMES in Value ($500 to $1,900+) while Property has dropped (depending on where you live) 30-68%.

In the mean time... I will say that buying extra food/water to store in your home is for sure the most important 'first' step. It's not going to cost you an arm and a leg and 'It's insurance that you can eat'.

edit on 6-9-2011 by hero_25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:01 AM

France Bans Cash Sales Of Gold & Silver Over $600
September 26, 2011
By : Paul Joseph Watson

Following the Austrian government’s announcement that it was restricting the sales of precious metals to $20,000 a time, an amount which would purchase just 11 ounces, the French authorities have followed suit with an equally draconian new measure to deter people from buying gold and silver.

A recently amended French law states (translation), “Any transaction on the retail purchase of ferrous and non ferrous (metals) is made by crossed check, bank or postal transfer or by credit card, not the total amount of the transaction may not exceed a ceiling set by decree. Failure to comply with this requirement is punishable by a ticket for the fifth class,” going on to confirm that any amount over €450 euros or $600 US dollars “must be paid by bank transfer”.

“According to independent reports the law was passed to curb the illegal sale of stolen metals like copper, steel, etc. Given the rampant rise in thefts of these metals from telephone poles, construction sites and businesses here in the United States, we can certainly see this as a reasonable assessment for why the French passed this law,” writes Mark Slavo.

“However, the fact that no exception was made for gold and silver simply cannot be ignored. The new law effectively makes it illegal to purchase even a single Troy ounce of gold or around 18 ounces of silver in cash.”

$600 USD isn’t even enough to purchase a half ounce of gold. This guarantees that citizens who are trying to transfer their savings over to precious metals will be known to the authorities, leaving them vulnerable to government confiscation of their gold and silver later on down the line, as happened in 1933 under FDR.

Why are central banks and governments in Europe so eager to make it as difficult as possible for citizens to buy precious metals? It’s largely because unlike every other financial commodity, they don’t have the market completely under their control, and cannot tolerate the idea of people having true power over their own economic destiny.

Secondly it’s because the great foundation stone of the globalists’ plan to create a federalized European superstate and the template for a future world currency – the euro – is crumbling amidst the debt crisis that has engulfed the continent. With eurozone members already preparing to abandon the single currency, the last thing the EU wants to see is European citizens of key member states like France doing the same thing by exchanging their euros for gold and silver.

The bottom line is that the central banks which run the world don’t like the slaves owning anything that they can’t manipulate the value of – it undermines their power monopoly.

In a related development, the London Gold Exchange, an international digital currency trader which has over 100,000 members, announced today that it is “permanently closed for business” due to operational difficulties.

Cash is the only means you can buy anything that can't be as easily tracked, hunted and repossessed or outright stolen.

I'll say it once again, sell your gold now, it's a trap.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

transfer your fiat paper into gold, hurry, fiat paper is a slaves trap!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by sbctinfantry

Cash is the only means you can buy anything that can't be as easily tracked, hunted and repossessed or outright stolen.

I'll say it once again, sell your gold now, it's a trap.

The currency itself is what is being stolen from us.

"The dollar is only paper, and it is being printed like crazy. So to measure things
in dollars becomes very confusing when looking to the future. The above-mentioned
deflationists cannot imagine the hyperinflation event that I describe because they
are stuck on their cycles and technical analysis that has always been measured in
dollars. But in this crisis, the currency itself is the key. All else is noise."

The moral thing to do now is to save your excess wealth away from any currency or currency derivative, to store that value through this time of crisis and spend it in the future when it will be most productive.

Proverbs 21:20

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:21 AM
I was right, they're buying land/homes/mineral rights/water rights. Gold never broke much higher than the $1900 or so it was at the time of the OP.

Sorry for you that lost and are about to lose. I hope it inspired you to procure more 'basics' and less glittery things.

How do you inflate and create a bubble in gold? You create more gold! The very reason people flock to gold as a hedge is that it 'can't' be inflated... unless you start creating it! (EFT) Then you would only have to strategically dump it... and now we're at $1,300 an ounce.

There is no way you can sit at the table in the grand game without the house winning, and you're not the house.

Just commenting on all the "shill" and "Bernake" accusations.
A question or two:

Do you feel safer with your gold in spite of the growing... security?

Do you feel that your... purchases are as confidential as you had thought?

I could go on.
edit on 26-6-2013 by sbctinfantry2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by hero_25
reply to post by sbctinfantry

I think the only thing I disagree with you here is your time table. A lot of what you are saying is great advice 'when we are very close' to a TOTAL COLLAPSE. Maybe if you posted this thread 2-5 years from now I would fully agree with you but in the mean time I'm trying to make the best decision based on what I see happening over the next 12 months.

My biggest concern right now is the Dollar being devalued (I'm in no way concerned about a Total Collapse... at this time). I'm sure dollar devaluation is also China's concern which is why they are currently starting to make large purchases of Gold as a "hedge" against dollar devaluation as well as an "alternative" to the dollar being used as their Reserve Currency. As I've said earlier in this thread... "The dollar losing it's 'World Reserve Currency' status is the NEXT big shoe to drop". That's what people should be preparing for right now... it's still too early for a Total Collapse. If that happens... it will come later and in the mean time their is a GREAT opportunity for people to do well in the Gold/Silver market which is still currently way undervalued. It's like telling people to sell their house in 2002 because the housing market is a bubble that is about to burst! While we can see today that yes that statement is true, but I would much rather have sold my house in 2006 when it was more then "Double" the price that it was back in 2002.

I said this in my last post, and I must say it again... it is still TOO SOON to purchase Real Estate/Land (if you don't want to over pay for it). Prices are still too high and are going to keep going down (for at least another year) so I'd much rather wait until they have reached their bottom (or close to it). At the moment... it makes the most sense to purchase GOLD which is on its way up to $5,000+ or even Silver which is on its way up to $100+. Once real estate/land has finally reached it's bottom... then I would say sell your Gold (I'd still keep some of it) and use that money to buy property.

We can go around in circles but my point here is that I think you are getting way too ahead of yourself. We could be having this exact same conversation back in 2006 when Gold was around the $500 range and Real Estate/Land was EXTREMELY over valued and I would still be saying the exact same thing "don't buy Property/Land yet, Gold is still currently the undervalued assist". Flash forward 5 years, Gold has gone up almost 4 TIMES in Value ($500 to $1,900+) while Property has dropped (depending on where you live) 30-68%.

In the mean time... I will say that buying extra food/water to store in your home is for sure the most important 'first' step. It's not going to cost you an arm and a leg and 'It's insurance that you can eat'.

edit on 6-9-2011 by hero_25 because: (no reason given)

Here we are, what do you think now?

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by sbctinfantry

Ya that song says it all and needs to be watched a second time...It's evolution baby.

edit on 23-8-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

Indeed, and even again.


Ride the crash, here we gooooooooo.
edit on 26-6-2013 by sbctinfantry2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by sbctinfantry2

Really dude, two years latter and you come with this. WTF Its a good thing you got banned, and you still don't seem to get it. Gold like anything else and everything else has no value beyond that which you give it, the whole system is more in place to make you and other think something is required and has indispensable value when really it does not. Its all in there head, gold is just a shiny freaking metal. Why do you think the whole paper money monetary system works even when it has even lesser intrinsically value then gold. Gold you can at least make stuff out of it, paper you could use it to wipe your ass if it became worthless. But in the end it only exists in peoples minds, when the stock market makes a big deal about something or when rich people put stock in something they don't put stock in the actual items itself, they put stock in the fact that they think people will put stock and value in it.

But ya are you surprised that like you said there buying up the essentials and prerequisites of life such as you said I was right, "they're buying land/homes/mineral rights/water rights. Gold never broke much higher than the $1900 or so it was at the time of the OP" People will always need land/homes/minerals and water, really the essentials of living. Gold and paper is pretty money much just something which is given more worth then it really has. Its why you see people in power like the bush family buy up great stretches of land in south America which has vast underwater lakes in it, or why you see people like Kissinger buy up actual land in Africa which produces coca for chocolate and other products or even poppy farms which well you know which produces another big money maker, ie drugs like coc aine and such, and what not.

And not only that but they corner the market by making it illegal to grow anywhere but in places which they own thereby increasing there profits and controlling it at the same time, because most of that stuff can be grown anywhere basically and if people start making it by themselves which would not really be all that hard to do, well the whole market would plummet. The whole bubble markets you see on the daily corporate news are usually as fake as can be, and yes its all a scam and just there to cash in not on the actual items there selling, but on trends and the gullibility of the populous.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 08:37 AM
The goverment will do what the did before. 1920
just TAKE the gold off you.
if they can do it once they can di it a second time.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by buddha
The goverment will do what the did before. 1920
just TAKE the gold off you.
if they can do it once they can di it a second time.

back then, people Believed there government and were willing to turn in their gold. Not so much today. There are no records of my purchases, they call for confiscation, I magically misplace my gold somewhere.
edit on 26-6-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:23 AM
The 2011 highs were just that...temporary tops or highs in the market but I dont see evidence of it being a specifically laid trap for the bulls. We have seen central bank buying up to and down from the highs. Now if the bankers flipped the card and sold gold then you might be able to call it a "trap". Yes there are those who want the price to go lower and have manipulated it on the way down but they wanted you to sell your gold not buy more at the top (per trap scenario). This is a natural occurrence with the help of some friendly market manipulation.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:22 PM
If your buying for purely "economic profit" then gold and silver isn't for you.

It is a hedge against the mess the global economy is in. Gold / silver will ALWAYS be worth that fiat in your wallet, easy come and easy go.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:40 PM
Can't help but think of the "DHS insider" saying watch for metals to fall first....

I've thought forever that the country will collapse financially which will lead to social collapse due to extreme over-leveraging of every market, but it still hasn't.

Let's think about this rationally for a second. How conceivably can our country maintain its financial stability with what we know is its problems? How do they keep it going for let's say the next 5 years? QE is all I can imagine, sinced its supposedly worked, but they are leading us to believe that is ending, so what next? How do you all think it's going to play out?

So if the "insider" is right and the metals go first, why do they go first? I'm gonna guess that "they" would need them low for some reason. Maybe because a dollar crash will then sky rocket the metals and "they" want the gold?

Anyone got a reasonable scenario, starting with the metals take down?

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

If silver keeps dipping the way it is silver would be huge as a future, but right now I am slowly losing faith as all I bought at just above $22 is now not looking so good at the present. That said if it hits 17.50 where predictions are going I'll be buying as much as I can where ever I can what goes down always goes up.


The Roller Coaster of life

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by SaneThinking

Hell, let it go back down to 4 dollars an ounce - I will rent a truck so I can haul all the silver I will buy. That is if I can find it (and if it goes down much more people will stop mining it, costs money to dig it out of the ground)


Hey, I bought some when it was in the mid 30s - I still don't mind, I only buy what I can afford. These drops are pure manipulation (these fluctuations are from paper trading) to get the masses out of gold and silver, just watch the central banks. They are still buying, so are the "WE WILL BUY YOUR GOLD" businesses.

edit on 26-6-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by SaneThinking

Don't feel bad, i've bought at 22 and$ 42. Unless you can't afford to hold for the long haul then get out now. i don't have enough to break me, but it could make me in a financial nightmare scenario, or not, you never know.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:46 PM
You all have about an ounce of gold in the sum of all your electronics in your home, the thing about gold I don't like is, it's just a type of metal we placed this huge value on, but it's a controlled value. Why even have gold, when if this stuff ever did happen, it's not going to matter what you have.

When guns and minds are used to acquire resources shopping is going to be the last thing people are going to do. It's called taking at that point, dead or alive.

So yes Gold doesn't do very good when people aren't going to buy from you in the 1st place, what's stopping anyone from telling you to go F yourself and take your gold and whatever else you have.

If your dollar is worthless, gold is worthless, then civil actions are worthless.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Tranceopticalinclined

Read about the year 2000 financial crash in Argentina. It was barely controlled chaos. Lot's of years of theft, starvation in the cities, robberies, murders, and Black markets where those that had things to sell could eat and buy things they needed. Metals were of great value.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Tranceopticalinclined

Well regardless what happens, eventually things will settle down - people will start trading and gold and silver will still be worth something. I am not saying gold and silver is the end all be all, the necessities of life should be your first thing to worry about, but after those criteria are taken care of, the purchase of gold and silver should be on your list.

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