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British soldiers and black triangles

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:40 AM
This is an interesting read about british soldiers encountering a black flying triangle on Salisbury plain.

Its a blast from the past reading this as I originaly saw it in UFO reality magazine from the 90's.

The black flying triangle is most know in the famous Belgium flap where a few people saw it and radar picked it up at least once.There is even a photo used to link that case but im not sure if its legit.

Another sighting that the UK press picked up on years ago during the John Major and early Tony Blair years involved the same type of craft being seen hovering over the MP Michael Howards house

Now who or what pilot these craft is open for debate,but if we throw into the equation a close sighting by soldiers of this plane and americans being there we can at least allow a chance that USAF have these exotic craft and the UK goverment is allowing them to use our air space.

I also saw one of these craft blacker than black hovering over a field in daylight in the 90's too,that was before my interest of UFOs and I assumed it was a mark on the passenger window as I was being driven to work early morning.Rolled down the window,still there,rubbed my eyes still there.Then trees and hedges blocked the view and the driver never saw it,but then again drivers are normaly focused on the road rather than distractions!

Here is the link to the original UFO Reality Magazine article hosted on another site

Would also like to add I have heard stories of these rods the american was holding being used on protesters at another air base

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by noangels

I believe you are referring to the TR-3B OP, ive read many different descriptions of it, One stated it runs of a small nuclear reactor, many different accounts. No precise evidence of any specifics, except the pictures.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Will have to dig out my old copies of UFO reality as mentioned in the end by the site owner the soldier did see an american patch on the black flight suit worn by the rod holder but this edit here leaves that part out?

He also called them all limeys

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Now who or what pilot these craft is open for debate,but if we throw into the equation a close sighting by soldiers of this plane and americans being there we can at least allow a chance that USAF have these exotic craft and the UK goverment is allowing them to use our air space.

Speculation with no evidence to support that these are the TR3. I'm sure one of the Belgian witnesses had these aircraft hovering with orbs underneath, just above the ground. Military aircraft? Imo, no way.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by noangels

Its strange, i read the account on the link you provided and its as if this 'Mark' chap has had a memory implanted into his brain, or a visualization, I couldnt understand whether it was only this one guy who was seeing the ship and the American, i assume so as they kept asking him all the questions.

A strange story though, close to where i reside also, although iam not confident ive seen the TR-3B i have seen UFO's multiple times, flashing lights in the sky etc.. That are not planes or helicopters.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:13 AM
You could be right on the TR-3B,and it was joining in on the war games.What on earth was the rod this american was holding and the light that imobilized these tough soldiers and directed them away like sheep?

A year or so ago coming back from a gig late I saw what looked like an RAF Lynx going like the clappers at just above hedge height right across the country road I was driving down chasing a bright orb.Was a fleeting quick sight as they were both going ballistic

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Vanishr

Yeah its great living in wiltshire
Have seen a handfull of lets say exotic craft!

Also get a chance to see so many choppers including massive sea kings and chinooks flying low in formation that surprise you when you come over the brow of a hill and see these amazing machines banked and flying low a few hundred metres away(not fun at night when they play their games and the whole house starts vibrating)

1st UFO I spotted was the black triangle,who ever flys it!

2nd was a row of coloured lights in the night sky that just hung there for some time and when I walked
closer to get a better view away from trees they vanished

3rd was looking at the moon near castletownbere ireland at night with binoculars late at night when I observed
a craft with a white light on it at high altitude that changed direction upwards and accelerated so quickly it left a long metalic looking blur before vanishing

4 very bright light in sky that I witnessed during all of my 30 min car trip back home from work and was still there all night long.My mate phoned up and said can you see that?what is it?I said it must be Mir space station(some time ago!)He then filmed it and has about a 10 min video of this object that when zoomed to full looks the spitting image of the pulsating tether critters shown on this site.

5 The last one was a few years back and yet again I only noticed it as i was driving back from work on a dark evening and it was in my line of sight as I drove over a brow of a hill and could see what looked like a horizontal row of trafic lights red,yellow,green and a bright white light that were evenly spaced apart from left to right and seemed to be hovering over a field near my village I live in.As i slowed down and drove closer to it(it must have been less than 50 mtrs away)an old man was just outside his house looking puzzled at this thing.Couldnt tell what shape it was but the lights were vivid.Flashed my lights on full beam as I drove closer towards it and turned left at the road junction infront of this field.I wound down windows and drove slowly around another close corner hoping to see or hear this object but it wasnt there anymore when i got out the car?

Also saw a green meteor travelling at slowish speeds(in relation to what you think think the speeds they should do!)fly so low it sent an explosion of sparks flying from an electricity pylon it just missed and then vanished into a small forest

Chaps at work have also seen stange stuff round here normaly late at night and my best mate and a friend in another room was nearly shaken out of bed by something so he said felt so big and hummed and vibrated his whole house in the early hours.Low flying chinooks do this,but he assured me he could hear no motor or blades

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Vanishr
reply to post by noangels

I believe you are referring to the TR-3B OP, ive read many different descriptions of it, One stated it runs of a small nuclear reactor, many different accounts. No precise evidence of any specifics, except the pictures.

Check out the triangle files at the UFO Reporting Center in Washington state. There is a case excellently reported several years ago by a hunter on the Fort Hood, Texas, military reservation. Through his rifle scope he watched a low, slow and silent triangle moved overhead. He claimed to have distinguished a front hatch outlined in the typical air force manner of red paint. Plus, he saw the word "Rescue" in red also. The witness was a professional person.

(I wish people would stop applying a model number to triangles when that supposed model number and related details of the craft, "spinning pool of mercury..." has absolutely no validity and is from a questionable source. To go sticking that or any model number on to a triangle is tantamont to knowing that they are our craft. I sincerely believe that they are ours, but let us just call them triangles. That term has more mystery than TR-3.)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:37 PM
The big TELL that usually indicates whether a UFO is either a Highly Secret USAF craft or a Real Alien the Blinking Lights. If a craft has blinking red, white or green nav is probably ours. If's not. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

I agree with you flying triangles sounds better!

Im open minded on this subject as there are so many reports on sightings from all walks of life.The reason I believe aliens could be flying some of these is purely down to the EBE sightings and abductions

Not all of them are attention seeking liars,there has to be at least a small chance some accounts are true-and if that is the case we are not alone!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

Wow,that report from the hunter with scope is interesting!

Rescue written on it too!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:04 AM
I remember now where I heard of a rod being used to paralyze people over here in blighty.

CND used to protest at Greenham Airbase and a story hit the papers that one of these protestors claimed
they were paralyzed by security who pointed a rod at them.

Kind of funny,but a lot of early sighting of EBEs said they had a rod/torch that they used and it seemed to
be a weapon of some sort.I always thought early drawings of these beings holding thier torches and having these rods in their belt looked frankly silly and took away any respect to the reports

On 2nd thought,there perhaps may be something to those close encounters and we have had this tech at our disposal for some time now,so why doent law enforcment use them?

Same with these blacker than black triangles we have been flying for so long,what on earth are they used for and why have they remained a secret for so long.We have been in a few small conflicts since these sightings and im yet to see any accounts of these craft being in operation during any campaign by stunned viewers

These craft may be the perfect platform for our SF to get in and out of hot zones,but there still using old school noisy choppers where silent planes that can hover and land would be an advantage.

So if there not used in this way then perhaps there is after all a secret space program and alternative 3 may not be an april fools joke

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