posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by KSprepared
sometimes the best way to understand this stuff is to stop it at a good frame. i chose frame 31. there is enough information in this frame to start an
analysis. first thing is, number one, they are tomcats but, sure don't sound like them. plus, it is interesting how the sound of the supposed
turbines, which are understandably directed backwards manages to shoot forward of the jets , supposed traveling at sub-sonic speed (the wings are out
stretched, one of the neatest things about tomcats really). so i estimate that they are going less then, as for where they are going be
damned if i can understand how i can see the top part of the wing, thus making the jets angled upwards and they are not gaining alt. nice trick.
at one point before this frame i saw a problem with size spacial reference. but i think maybe i can illustrate this and other stuff with this frame.
first thing always, is get an idea of how far the objects are in the picture. i do this by reference, no fancy stuff is required usually. the trees ,
are roughly maybe 30 to 20 yards and the branches are obviously close. that hydro tower thingy is also fairly close. we cant see the wires on it. we
can see the detail pretty good on the branches, we can see tone and shading on the branches but pretty much notta on the treeline or the
treeline detail blurs out. so basically those aircraft are closer then the trees and remarkably quite of those twigs on average are about a
hand or two in length. in effect we have a pretty good detail of the branches with shading and fairly good lines versus a totally blacked out
treeline that blurs with fine detail and three craft that show tonal quality like the branches and fairly good lines. i think you can all see where i
am going with this. something else too, there is no thermal distortion from either of the jets.
basically just snag a copy of the frame by pausing at 31 and then hitting print screen. then open micropaint and paste.
my best guess is either its cgi, though admittedly not bad , just got the light source wrong or it is models that have been superimposed... i am
sorry it isn't real. the observers position wouldn't see the top edge of the planes it would be from below and more defined delta of the wings.
take care.