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Household power switched off by remote

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:37 AM

TVs, airconditioners and fridges could be switched off remotely by power companies during peak times under plans to rein in households' demand for electricity.

The option is among measures being considered as part of a national review of the management of domestic power use.

The Ministerial Council on Energy has initiated the Australian Energy Market Commission review in response to the nation's increasing demand for power.

The council is seeking ways to ease the demand for electricity during extremely cold nights and exceptionally hot days, to avoid the need for energy companies to build more power stations.

AEMC chairman John Pierce said the investment in infrastructure to guarantee electricity supply during peak periods was contributing to rising power bills.


Google Android once wanted to control the electrical appliances in your home the way you saw fit. Now Big Brother wants to control your home electrically the way HE SEES FIT.

Think of it. What if you're escaping the sweltering summer heat in the Australian outback or in the Arizonan desert and suddenly Big Brother shuts down your ACs?

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:43 AM
Why would they use that technology against their own citizens??????

Because they can.


posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:47 AM
they can sure try ...

but they would need to implement a device to activiate the trigger to power off

which means it can always be hacked and overided

hacks 1

big brother 0

keep it up big brother and soon someone might hack your grid and free energy for all !

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:49 AM
I would hope that it would be a hard sell to the people..surely the people would not allow it for those reasons.

They will have to wrap it in an "anti-terrorism" flag or something, so the people will beg for it.

edit on 15-8-2011 by spav5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by ironfalcon

never happen IN usa................

i worked for a large metro power comp..

biggest problem..???
having a meter attached to a home..

EZ to bypass and get FREE power..
edit on 8/15/11 by darrman because: yeahh I gave you the flag

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by spav5
I would hope that it would be a hard sell to the people..surely the people would not allow it for those reasons.

They will have to wrap it in a anti-terrorism flag or something, so the people will beg for it.


The power to control your electrical appliances remotely would come wrapped in a 'climate change' and 'carbon tax' flag, you know, to discipline the slave populace into 'controlling your electricity usage'.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by ironfalcon

why did I know this was going to happen sooner or later? I said this to the blokes who installed my airconditioner last year.

If this does happen I would think those who believe we have goverment of the people by the poeple for the people would have their beleif tested by this. If we, the people owned or controlled the goverment would we permit them to proceed with this kind of thing?

I have no doubt the rationale for this will be that the needs of busienss is more important than the needs of householders. Perhaps I should qualify that by adding that; the needs of busienss, it will argued, is more important than those who live in the lesser parts of town because I cannot see that power cuts will happen to those who live in the wealth belts

Question; do we have much of a chance in forcing the goverment to publish a table on a website showing of which suberbs get cut off and for how long over the course of the summer and winter.

This kind of thing merely demosntrates that we the poeple are mere spectators to goverment decision making and not active participants. It clearly demostrates that we the people do not set the boundaries of goverment decision making and nor do we frame goverment policy.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:53 AM
During peak times on really hot days, some towns and suburbs lose power completely, power being cut to your home already happens, why are you complaining about them thinking about a partial power cut?

Lose the aircon but keep lights for a night as apposed to lose everything for a night.

I can see why they are considering it.

It's a bandaid fix though...since the infrastructure is only going to come under more and more stress each year.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 05:19 AM
It's called "Smart Grid" and it already in the USA. All appliances must be built to tie in after 2015 I believe. Your fridge won't be turned off but your dryer and water heater may and definately your AC in fact water heaters in certain areas have been tied in since the early 80's. It doesn't shut your whole house down just appliances during peak and if you use too much during peak the price changes. Of course the peak can change day by day and you would have to check with the power company when your are off peak but get used to doing laundry in the middle of the night.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 12:47 PM
We have ads from our power company here in Kentucky encouraging people to let them hook up this sort of thing for their AC units. Essentially harping the energy savings to the consumer of course.

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