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Would it truly be in the interest of the world Governments to cover up alien contact?

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by steveknows

Just the opposite. People would panic, there would be mass suicides, (remember hale-bopp) and basic chaos in the streets.

When War of the Worlds was broadcast it led to all kinds of panic and people in general are more stupid today so it would be far worse. Also what benefits would we gain from disclosing it?

I can't think of any. Those of us who already believe will jump up and down and say "I told you so" and then stand there and go "um...ok now what?"

Correction.. A minority of people would panic..
Those who panicked during hale bopp was pretty damn far out there already.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:32 PM
the so-called "mass suicides" that happened when hale-bopp was nearby were nothing compared to the Jonestown massacre in '78...sooooo...i don't think we have to worry about anything like that happening, when disclosure does come

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Ok for those of you who believe in some sort of cover up behind aliens and the lack of disclosure answer me this one question.

What does an advanced race have to gain from secretly dealing with our govt when we have nothing to offer them technologically and mineral deposits are more abundant elsewhere in space??? What?? Because I don't see any reason.

The only unique thing this planet has thats not easily available elsewhere is people. I wonder what our going rate is on the galactic commodities exchange. :-)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by steveknows

Those of us who already believe will jump up and down and say "I told you so" and then stand there and go "um...ok now what?"

Right on. I so totally relate to this. And it wouldn`t surprise if I was sayin` "I told you so" to backsides as theyre runnin` away. Damn it`d be a stampede on my street for sure. I might wanna go with the flow? Orrrr I could hitch a ride on someone`s shoulders.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by steveknows

Those of us who already believe will jump up and down and say "I told you so" and then stand there and go "um...ok now what?"

Right on. I so totally relate to this. And it wouldn`t surprise if I was sayin` "I told you so" to backsides as theyre runnin` away. Damn it`d be a stampede on my street for sure. I might wanna go with the flow? Orrrr I could hitch a ride on someone`s shoulders. lol
edit on 15-8-2011 by Antoniastar because: the laughy face didn`t show up.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by moonweed
the so-called "mass suicides" that happened when hale-bopp was nearby were nothing compared to the Jonestown massacre in '78...sooooo...i don't think we have to worry about anything like that happening, when disclosure does come

True. I think human resolve is very underestimated. Besides if contact was made it would be the most interesting thing to happen to this planet in about 40,000 years so I for one would want to hang around and see what unfolds.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:41 PM
The more important question would be... COULD the governments of the world cover it up. The answer is... No. How could they possibly? You're talking about thousands of people involved. A man who was president of one of the most powerful nations in the world couldn't cover up that he had sex with some intern. If Britney Spears leaves her house to get a coffee, the whole world has pictures of it an hour later. Governments can't even agree on the most basic things... But they're going to all get together and create some huge conspiracy, involving thousands of people? There is no way multiple governments could ever keep a secret like that.

I actually think people underestimate the human race. If aliens landed tomorrow, would it freak people out? Probably. Then after a month or so and nothing really substantial happening... most likely people would just go back to their usual stuff. I think people are brainwashed by movies... The notion that if aliens got here, they would undoubtedly show up in these giant craft as big as cities. People from another world would be under the same constraints as us. To create ships like that would be an astronomically difficult task... Virtually impossible. Just the materials alone would be insane. Most likely they would show up in a very small number, and in a humble mode of transportation. Chances are, first contact would probably be a small robotic craft.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by dpd11
The more important question would be... COULD the governments of the world cover it up. The answer is... No. How could they possibly? You're talking about thousands of people involved. A man who was president of one of the most powerful nations in the world couldn't cover up that he had sex with some intern. If Britney Spears leaves her house to get a coffee, the whole world has pictures of it an hour later. Governments can't even agree on the most basic things... But they're going to all get together and create some huge conspiracy, involving thousands of people? There is no way multiple governments could ever keep a secret like that.

I actually think people underestimate the human race. If aliens landed tomorrow, would it freak people out? Probably. Then after a month or so and nothing really substantial happening... most likely people would just go back to their usual stuff. I think people are brainwashed by movies... The notion that if aliens got here, they would undoubtedly show up in these giant craft as big as cities. People from another world would be under the same constraints as us. To create ships like that would be an astronomically difficult task... Virtually impossible. Just the materials alone would be insane. Most likely they would show up in a very small number, and in a humble mode of transportation. Chances are, first contact would probably be a small robotic craft.

Bravo, spot on and a bit of sanity.

Somehting else that should also be considored. Some high ranking officer would feel it his duty to keep his mouth shut about defence or spy networks or anything in the national interest of his/her country. But something as big as a contact from aliens? I think there's a very real chance the pressure from within might urge any government in the world to go public with it.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by dpd11
The more important question would be... COULD the governments of the world cover it up. The answer is... No. How could they possibly?

By pumping so much dis-info into the subject that no one can tell truth from lie.
Its actually quite simple.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by steveknows
I have no doubt there is inteligent alien life. Some more advanced than us and some less advanced. I think it's very unlikely we've been visited and less likely the Governments would know if we had been. What I have noticed is that so many people assume or like to believe that the world Governments would cover it up. I ask the question WHY WOULD THEY?

If the ETs had made contact but covertly with governments (this is by ET's choice not ours), then any government worker involved could easily be accused (rightly or wrongly) of treason in a politically hysterical environment.

If I were in government, I'd fear that---look at the power that somebody like Glenn Beck has with his insanity. Now suppose you add extraterrestrials to this brew?

Even if I had done everything 100% for the benefit of my Earthly constituency with Abe Lincoln honesty, there's a good chance I could be murdered by some wingnut----in almost any country (except maybe Japan or the Scandanavians).
edit on 15-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by dpd11
The more important question would be... COULD the governments of the world cover it up. The answer is... No. How could they possibly?

By pumping so much dis-info into the subject that no one can tell truth from lie.
Its actually quite simple.

That's true and I do believe that governments do that all the time. Here in Australia we are gearing up to suffer an election next year and at the moment we're in alot of pain and crap overload due to the rubbish being slung in all direction from the major and not so major parties to the point that what is important and what is truth is being blurd so yes that happens on any given day in any country with a voting system.

But the question I believe still remains. On something as big as alien contact why wouldn't they tell us? Also another thing comes to mind. If I was the head of some alien race and it had been decided to contact a planet with gobal division. I do believe I'd have to tell all the governments I was here and wanting to talk so as not to be seen to be on any particular side. Which then begs another question. What's the chance of every government in the world keeping its mouth shut. There's alot of governments, and we know who they are, who just don't think rationally and may very well make a point of telling the world simply because the governments of other countires, and we know who we are, would prefer to keep it quiet.
edit on 15-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by dpd11
The more important question would be... COULD the governments of the world cover it up. The answer is... No. How could they possibly?

By pumping so much dis-info into the subject that no one can tell truth from lie.
Its actually quite simple.

But you're not following the point I'm trying to make... Thousands of people would have to be in on it. You'd have to have multiple government officials all agreeing to a system that worked. In other words... You've got tons of people that know the truth. Reporters will pay somebody 50k to get a picture of a celebrity in an embarrassing situation. How much do you think they'd pay for the scoop on aliens being here? And how long do you think it would take somebody, out of those thousands of people who know the truth, to decide they were tired of being a government grunt, and sell the story for millions? Reporters broke Watergate and took down a President... Monica Lewinski, Iran Contra... on and on. A reporter told the world that the NSA was listening in on bin Laden's sat phone, thereby letting him know, so he stopped using it... which ruined the best method of monitoring him that the government had. A reporter told the world we had raised a Russian submarine from the bottom of the ocean... One of the greatest secrets of the cold war. A German low level government worker sold the enigma code to the allies in WW2, for what amounted to peanuts. He sold out his whole country and played a huge roll in them losing the war, for a paltry amount of money.

This is how real life works... People and governments are highly flawed.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 12:38 AM
It would cause panic and people would question their religion if proof of aliens were given.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 12:56 AM
My thought on why the cover up continues is this:

70-80 years ago it was fear that was the primary reason for keeping the visits of extraterrestials (or if they are inter-dimensional, either way) under the covers.

In todays world fear would still be a big issue, but not as much. Seeing they have been around this long and no invasions have occured I think its pretty safe to say they are benevolent. Today, however the new reason is money.

If these craft operate on what is widely believed some type of "free energy" the revelation that the need to pay for energy if over that would collapse the economy. Think of the hundreds of millions who work to produce/create/maintain energy production and consumption. Everyone, from the guy who pumps your gas to the nuclear scientist working on the next Nuclear power plant is out of a job.

edit on 16-8-2011 by JKF1897 because: grammar

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 01:56 AM
@SpaDe_ Go to the Vatican, where many prayers want to see the Pope. Some do it as a tourist attraction but many do it from faith. Go tell them anything against the Pope or religion, the same thing would happen. So there are as much fanatic Christians as there are in other religions.

@ SteveKnowsNot
Some talkabout undereestimating human mind, how about overeestimating human mind? Sure we can do flying saucers but such flying technology, talking about something hundreds of years ahead, and that just created by our brains, like oh really? Think about it. Least of all there may have been a case, they may have come across one spaceship and reverse engineered it. You don't show any knowledge of some cases that are too extraordinary to be simply terrestrial or you wouldn't start that thread.

In the UK incident of the R. Forest in 1980s those who witnessed the aircraft say that there were symbols on it that was flying low or landed for a while. I do think there may have been real visitations and it's not about believing but listening to witnesses' testimony and these are recorded. For some this may be religion but for others it is simply making connections of facts taking only the credible ones into account,

so I would ask all here to not put Believers who sound like religious people and people who take the facts in one group OK ?

Also you don't know human nature. That does NOT mean that one should fall for conspiracies that exaggerate the events and say that everything is some evil plan of 'the new world order' and even the existence of suc thing is in question, but hey people can become very evil when they have to defend themselves, keep a secret, so you really do not know how human nature works do you?

edit on 16-8-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
@SpaDe_ Go to the Vatican, where many prayers want to see the Pope. Some do it as a tourist attraction but many do it from faith. Go tell them anything against the Pope or religion, the same thing would happen. So there are as much fanatic Christians as there are in other religions.

@ SteveKnowsNot
Some talkabout undereestimating human mind, how about overeestimating human mind? Sure we can do flying saucers but such flying technology, talking about something hundreds of years ahead, and that just created by our brains, like oh really? Think about it. Least of all there may have been a case, they may have come across one spaceship and reverse engineered it. You don't show any knowledge of some cases that are too extraordinary to be simply terrestrial or you wouldn't start that thread.

In the UK incident of the R. Forest in 1980s those who witnessed the aircraft say that there were symbols on it that was flying low or landed for a while. I do think there may have been real visitations and it's not about believing but listening to witnesses' testimony and these are recorded. For some this may be religion but for others it is simply making connections of facts taking only the credible ones into account,

so I would ask all here to not put Believers who sound like religious people and people who take the facts in one group OK ?

Also you don't know human nature. That does NOT mean that one should fall for conspiracies that exaggerate the events and say that everything is some evil plan of 'the new world order' and even the existence of suc thing is in question, but hey people can become very evil when they have to defend themselves, keep a secret, so you really do not know how human nature works do you?

edit on 16-8-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

Apart from perhaps having a low IQ and as a result the need to act out why be so offended that a person doesn't see somthing the same way you do? It's called debate. I don't mind it when someone doesn't see it my way butI do get annoyed at and just can't stand fools like yourself who feel the need to put someone down in an affort to make up for your abvious short fall. However now that I've lowerd myself to your level I think I see why you would panic over such a thing as alien contact and obviously have a fear driven need to believe the government knows and has it under control. It might end up being a fight for survival and you'd obviously be at a disadvantage and end up going the way of the Dodo.

OK Imtor? Or should I call you Imtormented? Yet another fantasy freak who is scared of critical thought lest it destroy your lala land. Logical thinkers who considor more than one option really interupt and intrude in your world don't we? I know alot more about the human mind than I'd ever share with you, for obvious reasons.

edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

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