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Would it truly be in the interest of the world Governments to cover up alien contact?

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posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
reply to post by OrchusGhule

Aliens wont though.

Not while we are a non spacefaring race that still engages im tribal and religious warfare. We are too primitive and too dangerous.
You say aliens have grown beyond the need for.warfare? Im ok with that. The problem is that we haven't. Imagine they came right now and gave us.their tech? We would make warships and weapons and then wage war across the cosmos.

The answer peaceful aliens wont come because we are.bloodthirsty.

If there are hostile aliens the only interest they have in us would be either a massive labour force or perhaps footsoldiers in their war machine. Mineral resources are more abundant in space than so that's out of the question.

I.hate how people think the human race that aliens need to come here us.from ourselves and give us tech handouts like we are on the intergalactic welfare system ffs.

I agree. I think people often over estimate our importance in the universe and underestimate the human ability to invent technology.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by steveknows

Exactly we our problems and create our its all part of growing up as a civilization. Then we are ready for contact.

If you ask me we are a long way off.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by steveknows

No because they want to keep the masses uniformed and you being an equal to them means no power structure.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:00 PM
It's pretty obvious that the governments of the world are just puppets of the industrialists, religions, and the uber-rich. They do their bidding. They do nothing at all for the electorate. Disclosure will be at the whim of these people.
Thank you.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:04 PM
Ok for those of you who believe in some sort of cover up behind aliens and the lack of disclosure answer me this one question.

What does an advanced race have to gain from secretly dealing with our govt when we have nothing to offer them technologically and mineral deposits are more abundant elsewhere in space??? What?? Because I don't see any reason.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Ok for those of you who believe in some sort of cover up behind aliens and the lack of disclosure answer me this one question.

What does an advanced race have to gain from secretly dealing with our govt when we have nothing to offer them technologically and mineral deposits are more abundant elsewhere in space??? What?? Because I don't see any reason.

This is what we need. Poeple I believe are so busy looking from Earth up they're not stopping to to look from the universe down.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

I never stated that aliens have grown beyond the need for warfare. In fact I never stated any facts, just scenarios and possibilities. I do this because we don't know if any of this is true or false or even possible. What I was saying is that the implication that alien contact would necessarily destroy our civilization is relatively baseless, considering the idea is based upon interactions between primitive humans and technologically advanced (relatively) humans. The problem I have with this idea is the word "destroy". If you change the word "destroy" to the phrase "irreversibly change" then I would agree with the statement. Could alien contact mean the end of civilization? Sure, its possible. Would alien contact mean an unstoppable change in our civilization? I don't think there is any way to dispute that, at least not in my mind.

Metaldemon2000, your second post just makes some outrageous claims of knowledge, and you state as fact ideas that can only be guessed at and speculated upon. I'm not really fond of that sort of absolutism regarding much of anything, especially regarding the possible behavior of species from planets light years away from this one.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by steveknows

Its obvious that most of these ufo and.alien.enthusiests know that there is something wrong with the world and want things to change but if they spent half the effort trying to make the changes rather than spending their time looking up at the skies.. well you know where im going with this.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Just for the sake of debate:

* We're here to show you how to derive unimaginable free energy from the basics that you already have. (Energy companies, big oil, nuclear commission all suddenly lose funding and wealth. Not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you how to live in harmony without conflict. (Military industrialist suddenly lose all wealth. Not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you the folly of your religions. (Religions lose power and wealth. Not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you why borders are meaningless. (All of the above lose wealth. Not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you that you are really insignificant in the general scheme of things. (All of above lose their power and wealth. Not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you how wealth is completely meaningless. (Just not going to happen.)
* We're here to show you how you've all been lied to by various parties for thousands of years. (Whoa, there...)

Just a thought. Perhaps they came with the intent to put us in a cook book. Who knows? Really...Who does know?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by OrchusGhule

Doesn't matter. Look I believe in alien life and I can't even begin to tell you how much I would like for life to be like something out of the star trek universe juri honestly don't see it happening in our lifetime. While I can't speak for an advanced race of beings I can say with centainty that unless humans contain some sort of super powers or earth contains some sort of super rare element (possibly one we take for granted) humans will not have any kind of first contact event. There is no point. If aliens were ethical beings they would stay away from us. If nefarious would interfere with us somehow. No matter how advanced that are however they still need to put a number of resources to use and possibly manpower in order to do their dealing with us whatever it may be. For this to happen im sure it would have to yeild some sort of benefit for them.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Badgered1

And that's what im saying. If they are good natured they wont do this to us. If they are evil they would. End result is we are not.ready. we have to pass these hurdles on our own THEN we are worthy of induction into the intergalactic community.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:36 PM
A government's best interest is to maintain balance and control. Disclosure means opening a can of worms that could send the world into chaos.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by adeclerk
reply to post by steveknows

For some reason many don't even consider that as an option. That's how you weed the critical thinkers out of the Alien/UFO question (if there are even any in the Alien/UFO field...).

Here is another thought; Perhaps some of us don't consider your "option" because, quite simply, we know better. Some of us have had personal experience, and have gained knowledge, that, perhaps, you never will. Maybe, there are folks here on the Earth that have been off-world. But, I guess you shouldn't listen, we have no proof, no evidence other than personal experience, and we might damage your narrow view of the universe.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 10:47 PM
Something for yall to consider;

By not disclosing the governments are purpetrating a lie. Eventually, the common people will find out that it has been a bold faced lie since the late 1940's. How many people will turn on the governments than The chaos, lawlessness, etc some of you predice will occur big time. And, the governments will not be able to regain control, then you all will suffer like you never imagined.

Now, the alternative. Disclosure; World governments come out and tell everyone the truth. They include how the decision to lie was made before their time, and they are now ending it by bringing out the truth. There will still be some who will over react, but for the most part little will change, oh, except for everyone's way of life, the comfort levels, security, prosperity. All in all, you will like it.

Consider this also...the benefits of disclsure: Andromedan presense

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

What does an advanced race have to gain from secretly dealing with our govt when we have nothing to offer them technologically and mineral deposits are more abundant elsewhere in space??? What?? Because I don't see any reason.

It depends on what sort of global government we want if this issue should remain under the table. The alien situation does look complex what ever it is, but since it affects all of us we do all have a say in how it plays out.

There are two main branches I see for the future of earth:

1/ A global dictatorship is established with the rule of corporation taking over the rule of man. As a society our rights and liberties are continually chipped away until the machine finally captures our self determination. Man is no longer free but part of a Borg like collective. With man not showing the wisdom, strength or compassion to stand up for his own rights this is the responsible solution for the universe to contain this abomination before it become a blight on the galaxy.

2/ As a race we start to man up and instead of blowing problems away we start to address and work on them. The international community does get improved cohesion by facing the difficulties of these challenges together and overcoming them. This give man some respect with the galactic community and it is allowed to officially get its pilots licence for space travel as it has demonstrated the maturity required to take part in the greater universe with the responsibility and care required.

The secrets have been a decision of man with the advantage of centralised power and control for self interest. By not confronting their fear, the greater community it has put us all at a disadvantage. Culture shock is also an issue as too much sudden change is a bad thing. There are many competing forces and it does take time to find reason and balance, we do need to be honest about things to find the best solution.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 02:43 AM
The unfortunate truth is we might never grow because the aliens don't want us to be united. They created one god religions that call for human beings to look to god for guidance and fight 'final battles' so they can achieve a period of spiritual salvation that is brought on when an antichrist who leads the world under one religion and one government is defeated. The problem is the spiritual salvation is never achieved no matter how many final battles we fight.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by steveknows
I have no doubt there is inteligent alien life. Some more advanced than us and some less advanced. I think it's very unlikely we've been visited and less likely the Governments would know if we had been. What I have noticed is that so many people assume or like to believe that the world Governments would cover it up. I ask the question WHY WOULD THEY?

In an age of globalisation and civil unrest I argue that it would be a dream come true for the world Governments if aliens were proven to be out there. The population of every country would look to it's Government for security. The concept of national identity would be greatly reduced because suddenly the neighbouring country who talks diffrent and looks different and acts different has more in common with you than at any other time in human history. We would as a population be easier to control like the naughty child runs back inside to mum when the thunder claps.

Wouldn't it be in the interest of world Governments to inform us of proof of alien contact?
edit on 14-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

I think this would be used to its maximum profit in stages.

stage 1 - keep it under wraps
Its no secret that the golden rule is he "he who has the gold makes the rules." It is always best to be percieved as being at the top of the food chain. No president, king or dictator ever wants to be dethroned in the public eye as being the second most powerful person on the planet. They will cling to supremacy until it is impossible to do so.

stage 2 - the cat is out of the bag
Eventually, it would become impossible to keep it hidden any longer. one sighting too many, a piece of undeniable proof, or an actual largescale visit in broad daylight -something will finally make it impossible to keep from the public. And that's when we unite globally against the common enemy. At least, that will be the party line. In the end, it will still be a struggle for supremacy among world leaders as no matter how global the movement might be, there will always be a desire for one nation, and one man, to lead them all. And if we defeated the aliens on day one, that would then become the new secret -we would keep that under our hats as well and let the world continue to think they need this new regime to protect them, and the cycle would start all over again.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by steveknows
I have no doubt there is inteligent alien life. Some more advanced than us and some less advanced. I think it's very unlikely we've been visited and less likely the Governments would know if we had been. What I have noticed is that so many people assume or like to believe that the world Governments would cover it up. I ask the question WHY WOULD THEY?

In an age of globalisation and civil unrest I argue that it would be a dream come true for the world Governments if aliens were proven to be out there. The population of every country would look to it's Government for security. The concept of national identity would be greatly reduced because suddenly the neighbouring country who talks diffrent and looks different and acts different has more in common with you than at any other time in human history. We would as a population be easier to control like the naughty child runs back inside to mum when the thunder claps.

Wouldn't it be in the interest of world Governments to inform us of proof of alien contact?
edit on 14-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

I don't know Steve but I'm thinking maybe another War of the Worlds scenario as people already surely have mentioned and maybe some sort of a worst case scenario going through peoples heads. Even if he has the the best personality in the cosmos - visions of this fellow might scare more than a few of us off a building.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Originally posted by adeclerk
reply to post by steveknows

For some reason many don't even consider that as an option. That's how you weed the critical thinkers out of the Alien/UFO question (if there are even any in the Alien/UFO field...).

Here is another thought; Perhaps some of us don't consider your "option" because, quite simply, we know better. Some of us have had personal experience, and have gained knowledge, that, perhaps, you never will. Maybe, there are folks here on the Earth that have been off-world. But, I guess you shouldn't listen, we have no proof, no evidence other than personal experience, and we might damage your narrow view of the universe.

Wouldn't it be a "narrow view" if there was solid evidence but people were choosing to ignore it when in fact they're just questioning the hear say? Is it possible you are critical of people for not havng faith when in reality it's the lack of proof that cause people to questioin? To criticis people for questioning wreaks of a religious approach and devaluates the cause for those who might have actually had a experience.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:08 AM
Well yes, how else can the "powers" create a new belief/religion for the masses but by giving it sufficient time to embed in the human psyche, as a truth? The "powers" control the government and the Media. How easy it then is to create a false belief - deny on one hand and then use the media sources to create a cult.

Most of you have believed their lies against the Bible, yet have willingly accepted "their" substitute. And after reading the comments above, they have done one HELL of a job. So many people can rattle off things as if they are written in stone. Geez people, you can't even see how they've done it to you.

Anyways, they haven't spent 60 years creating this false belief system for nothing. You believe that there are good ones and bad ones, so guess what? They will use both against you.

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