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This Girl.. Ahhhhh

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posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:38 PM
What can I say. I see her in church back from vacation, the mom tells me everyone's names, and I forget the names AGAIN.
It's so irritating. I like this girl. I like her. I. LIKE. HER. Why can't I remember her name, or anyone else in the families name (except the dad whose name is Jeff but that's only because my nickname is Jett)

It was so weird. I go into church in the AM, they aren't there. I go out and get another cup of coffee. And I'm all talking out loud saying am I EVER gonna see that girl again???!!!!!!! I go back in with the coffee, and boom! She stands up, moves over and I sit next to her!? What the heck?!

And the message from the service was that we all go through trials. Like me living in my car being a trial. So here I am thinking what in the hell is going on man?!

I gotta remember her name. I hate that I can't remember it. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the fact that I go in, see her and just happen to walk in as someone is talking about trials? Eerie...

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by PTPriceless

These are the prostitute prices pr. minute around the world.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:47 PM
One of my favorite tricks when I forget someone's name (friend, acquaintance, or whoever):

I ask for their number, and ask how to spell their name.

I know, it sounds stupid, but it works every time, given so many ways a name is spelled.

If that isn't really an option, try to talk to her a little into giving you her number. Once she's cool with that, hand her your phone, and let her input the data. Girls love that for some reason...

One girl I remember grabbed my phone and put in ERICA IS SEX... I had no idea I was that far already.

If that's not an option, find some other way to acquire her name. Maybe invite her to Starbucks (where they ask for a name)...

Good luck
edit on 8/14/2011 by BeyondPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by BeyondPerception
One of my favorite tricks when I forget someone's name:

I ask for their number, and ask how to spell their name.

I know, it sounds stupid, but it works every time, given so many ways a name is spelled.

If that isn't really an option, try to talk to her a little into giving you her number. Once she's cool with that, hand her your phone, and let her input the data. Girls love that for some reason...

One girl I remember grabbed my phone and put in ERICA IS SEX...

If that's not an option, find some other way to acquire her name. Maybe invite her to Starbucks (where they ask for a name)...

Good luck

Those are good. Thanks! I'm just like, how hard is it to remember a name of someone I like? On the upside at the end of service they had this chainlink think where everybody holds the hand of the person next to them. She was sitting next to me.

Maybe because I told her my nickname I won't remember her name until I tell her my real name..

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by PTPriceless

I know the frustrations of forgetting names also. Even people I'd known several years, but didn't speak to for a long period of time.

There are many other techniques you can try. I just don't know what the history is between you guys to come up with a good plan.

Another thought..
Maybe try talking to others who she associates with. Pull one of them to the side if given the chance and say, 'Hey, I knew her from a few years ago. What's her name again.' Or something like that. Church-goers are usually pretty lax on giving away a fellow church-goer's name.
edit on 8/14/2011 by BeyondPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:57 PM
lol. The good 'ol "chain linking" prayer at the end of the service. Always tried to sit by hot girls too. You sound really young though. Church girls are some of the sluttiest girls around, so watch out! (if you're into being a good christian or w/e)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by BeyondPerception
reply to post by PTPriceless

I know the frustrations of forgetting names also. Even people I'd known several years, but didn't speak to for a long period of time.

There are many other techniques you can try. I just don't know what the history is between you guys to come up with a good plan.

Another thought..
Maybe try talking to others who she associates with. Say pull them to the side if given the chance and say, 'Hey, I knew her from a few years ago. What's her name again.' Or something like that. Church-goers are usually pretty lax on giving away a fellow church-goer's name.

It was mostly, hey I'm "Jett" (used my nickname) new to the ch - (in my head) oh my you're gorgeous)

My name's so and so..

(still in awe)

But yeah, I'll come up with a plan, haha

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by deadmessiah
lol. The good 'ol "chain linking" prayer at the end of the service. Always tried to sit by hot girls too. You sound really young though. Church girls are some of the sluttiest girls around, so watch out! (if you're into being a good christian or w/e)


I'm about 23 lol.

I've always admired their commitment, they still find a way to yell "Oh God!" in the bedroom.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:03 PM
In that case, most women are christians - when in the sack

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by deadmessiah
In that case, most women are christians - when in the sack

I think it's called "The Sermon on the Mount."

From the lost book of The Holy Orgasm.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:07 PM
Try Google - type in girls names, go thru
the list and see if one seems right!
Also go thru the alphabet in your head -
A- Alice, Abagail, etc.
Hope this helps!

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
Try Google - type in girls names, go thru
the list and see if one seems right!
Also go thru the alphabet in your head -
A- Alice, Abagail, etc.
Hope this helps!

ooh good idea. although i'd hate to call her the wrong name. all i have to go off is a last name.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:17 PM
write it down somewhere when you remember it

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Here is what you do.. let a buddy in on your situation. Bring him with next time, have him introduce himself and have him ask her name. This is your one chance to remember it. To remember names, you HAVE to use association. In other words.. if her name is Jill.. think about that one friend you have named Jill. You will never forget then. I had this problem too.. I was more concentrating on saying my own name than listening to the other person's name.

Take a second in your head.. say it.. Jill... like Jill from summer camp.. then.. when you forget the name.. think back.. ah ha! Like the girl at summer camp. Jill!

Also.. make sure your buddy won't step in on the girl!

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoFreedom
Here is what you do.. let a buddy in on your situation. Bring him with next time, have him introduce himself and have him ask her name. This is your one chance to remember it. To remember names, you HAVE to use association. In other words.. if her name is Jill.. think about that one friend you have named Jill. You will never forget then. I had this problem too.. I was more concentrating on saying my own name than listening to the other person's name.

Take a second in your head.. say it.. Jill... like Jill from summer camp.. then.. when you forget the name.. think back.. ah ha! Like the girl at summer camp. Jill!

Also.. make sure your buddy won't step in on the girl!
A whole bunch of good advice right there. thanks. lol

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by BeyondPerception
One of my favorite tricks when I forget someone's name (friend, acquaintance, or whoever):

I ask for their number, and ask how to spell their name.

I know, it sounds stupid, but it works every time, given so many ways a name is spelled.

If that isn't really an option, try to talk to her a little into giving you her number. Once she's cool with that, hand her your phone, and let her input the data. Girls love that for some reason...

One girl I remember grabbed my phone and put in ERICA IS SEX... I had no idea I was that far already.

If that's not an option, find some other way to acquire her name. Maybe invite her to Starbucks (where they ask for a name)...

Good luck
edit on 8/14/2011 by BeyondPerception because: (no reason given)

I am soo using this from now on. YOU sir are a life saver. Thanks ^^

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by PTPriceless

Don't worry about it.

Try looking at it this way:
A name is just a title for identification purposes. People who aren't good at remembering names are well aware that there is much more to a person and are more interested in what is inside.

The next time you see her, walk up to her with your best posture and say, "I apologize for not remembering your name, but I believe that a name is the most trivial part of a person. Would you like to talk over coffee and discuss things that truly matter?

Let me know what happens.
Good luck and best wishes!

edit on 15-8-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:48 AM
Grow a pair of testicles and ask her


posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by PTPriceless

Perhaps you forget her name because you are more focused on something else?
Women can be like a tv for men. They can be staring and have someone yelling "fire" next to them and they wouldn't hear it.


posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by PTPriceless
What can I say. I see her in church back from vacation, the mom tells me everyone's names, and I forget the names AGAIN.
It's so irritating. I like this girl. I like her. I. LIKE. HER. Why can't I remember her name, or anyone else in the families name (except the dad whose name is Jeff but that's only because my nickname is Jett)

It was so weird. I go into church in the AM, they aren't there. I go out and get another cup of coffee. And I'm all talking out loud saying am I EVER gonna see that girl again???!!!!!!! I go back in with the coffee, and boom! She stands up, moves over and I sit next to her!? What the heck?!

And the message from the service was that we all go through trials. Like me living in my car being a trial. So here I am thinking what in the hell is going on man?!

I gotta remember her name. I hate that I can't remember it. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the fact that I go in, see her and just happen to walk in as someone is talking about trials? Eerie...

Try and start a conversation with her one day. Then be like "oh by the way my name is ------". You will find out her name and an added bonus. If she acknowledges that she already knew your name that means you know that she at one point was thinking about you.

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