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Silly, silly Americans or should I say Comrades?

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:03 AM
What in the hell has happened to this country? Where did we go wrong, when did we take a left instead of a right? I already know corporate lobbyists are destroying our country, that is independent political thought 101.

Here is what I do not understand.... When exactly did the outrage die out when people piss on our Constitution publicly and in front of the masses? Schools have literary become prisons for your children, complete with there own police stations and rules, implementing the idea of being totally docile and obedient or face felony charges that mark them for life and bar them from owning weapons....

In Indiana as some may know, some may not, police can actually come into your house WITHOUT any reason, warrant or cause, they simply can open your door, come in, look around, perhaps grab a beer out of your fridge and there is not one thing you can do about it........ WTF?

People are being tazed in wheel chairs, who are handicapped, who are 9 year old girls who are subdued by 3 men who outweigh them by at least 600 pounds, for speech for dancing and for doing anything other than what they are told. Do you realize what we have become? Don't take that question lightly, do you honestly realize what we have become? I say we, because we have all let this happen and it is as much our fault as anyones. We are all to blame and WE are the problem.

Face it my friends, we can not continue down this road and we will not survive as a nation, at least not united and will not withstand the coming years of tribulation based on a lie, based on propaganda to make us all believe we are some part of a greater good that is outlined by a rogue government.

We are Americans, we always will be, it does not matter who the president is, it does not matter who controls Congress, the Senate or the House, it does not matter what state of affairs we find ourselves in at any given time. WE ARE AMERICANS, we will be until the day we die and it is in all of us to decide what this country is, what it means to us and our families and how WE choose to allow it to continue.

You must remember that we in our numbers and our resolve will always be the ones that own this nation and we must all be aware that it is in our charge to keep each other safe from tyranny, every single one of us must say NO when a law, a bill, a regulation, a tax violates our civil rights as defined by the highest power in our nation, the law that ALL OTHERS are derived from, the Constitution of the Untied States of America.

The politicians in Washington are not America nor the keeper of this great nation. We are, and we were meant to be, it is why we have this piece of paper, so no more Americans would have to die to be free.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:05 AM
when bush was "elected"... twice

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by BohemianBrim

When all the people that weren't Bush got "elected" as well.
Don't feed the two party system, its all fake.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by BohemianBrim
when bush was "elected"... twice

You didn't read the thread, your comment is pointless and irrelevant, thanks?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by BrianC
reply to post by BohemianBrim

When all the people that weren't Bush got "elected" as well.
Don't feed the two party system, its all fake.

WTF, who is talking about Bush? I couldn't care less, he was a traitor to the country, am I pushing a Bush agenda with this thread??? He is as guilty or 10X more than anyone I can think of, do you think this is a GOP rant????
edit on 13-8-2011 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Helious

See in my post where it says reply to ___. ^^^^ There was one of those sneaky little headers in my last post as well. I may not have had anything to add to your post but I did have a response for the liberal troll.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Helious

Originally posted by BohemianBrim
when bush was "elected"... twice

You didn't read the thread, your comment is pointless and irrelevant, thanks?

you asked when the fire within died out.

i gave you an honest answer.

i believe(most likely foolishly) that JFK was the last true American President. and everything after that point the america that you speak of was slowly being torn apart.. but it wasnt till bush that it all really got going.

just my opinion on your opinion, and your quite welcome.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by BrianC

is troll just a label for people you dont agree with?
do you not worry that might get in the way of rational thought and discussion? or is that not something you value?

edit on 13-8-2011 by BohemianBrim because: i should have proof read

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:18 AM
Great speech! Sadly a majority of Americans could care less. I think it has to do with the flouride in the water, low nutrition food supply, and 24/7 media propaganda piped into our homes daily. I constantly ask myself how much more will Americans take and then sadly realize those of us who are fed up and not fooled are only about ten percent. I do not know why we did not succumb to the things I have mentioned but sadly we are a minority. It will take a lot more pain to wake the rest up unfortunately.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:21 AM
I'll just repeat the last sentence from my signature below:
"When you finance and train entities like the CIA in the art of de-stabilising and overthrowing foreign Governments what in gods name makes people think they wont overthrow their own? bush sr h. clinton obama etc just like putins model"

You are now enjoying life as promoted by your own "Foreign Policy".
As in the UK, "Free Trade Agreements" are an excuse to outsource for cheap labor.
That leaves you with no secure local employment.
Why do you think people protest about "Globalisation" at G20 meetings, etc.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Don't forget when they (notice I didn't say Obama) allowed China to set up Free Trade Zones within our country.
Of course the "Theybots" (I'm really trying hard not to be accused of being a troller and get my post deleted) will all jump in and say it was Bush's fault. But then, what else would you expect from a "Mover" (Move On Organizer).
Actually both the Dems and the GOP is at fault. The MSM is controlled to doll out it's poison to the masses and not cover the true eroding of our Constitution. If we are still able to have verifiable free elections, and not of this hackable electronic voting, then the people need to vote out Everybody in office. Let me repeat this simple concept.
The people need to vote out Everybody in office, and get rid of the PAC's.
There, I said it!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by CitizenNum287119327
I'll just repeat the last sentence from my signature below:
"When you finance and train entities like the CIA in the art of de-stabilising and overthrowing foreign Governments what in gods name makes people think they wont overthrow their own? bush sr h. clinton obama etc just like putins model"

You are now enjoying life as promoted by your own "Foreign Policy".
As in the UK, "Free Trade Agreements" are an excuse to outsource for cheap labor.
That leaves you with no secure local employment.
Why do you think people protest about "Globalisation" at G20 meetings, etc.

Agreed, I no longer purchase Norton Anti-this or that software because they out source. I also Drive American, and Buy American. If I lived in the UK I would buy UK and drive UK! The same if I was OZ.
SnF for the OP

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:44 AM
I am with you. I totally agree with you on how WE let this happen.

One of the things we as a people have to do to reach enlightenment is to take responsibility of ourselves. Don't blame anyone for your shortcomings, blame yourself, and then fix it.


The only way this one great nation will rise from the ashes like a phoenix is when everyone becomes responsible for their lives, their decisions, what they say, what they do, and how they do it.

If you want to fix this country, fix yourself first.


posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:44 AM
it all came apart when the hippies showed everyone you did not need the system
they had the right idea and were made out to be scum then the fbi and cia infiltrated the movement
with radical entities to further degrade the advances that were being shown to work
small communities that were self sufficient and did not need to consume corporate junk was an idea that could not be allowed to continue as it just might succeed and prove love peace and freedom were what people truly want
corporate military entities can not profit in such a systen

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Helious

Heilous I want to respond to your "What in the hell has happened to this country? Where did we go wrong, when did we take a left instead of a right?"

i think if we look back in history we can see things change as much as they stay the same. the 1950's had a different climate and society; it was big and bold when Marlon Brando wore the white t-shirt and leather jacket in the movie. the tolerance of some things in society was poor, the media machine chugged along in the fashion of the day and people were entertained by fake families on TV programs.

public schools were lying to children, politicians were lying too, some joined the military while some worked in factories, etcetera. policemen got angry and beat the hell out of thugs, and sometimes it was their personal feelings clouding their judgement.

if we back pedal 10 or 20 years at a clip we can see large similarities in the big picture. the rich always got richer, the taxpayer was too busy working and painting the house on vacation to stay on top of everyday issues in the political arena, and people were being entertained by whatever was in fashion or what technology allowed at the time.

as we progress forward it's the same way. school children of the 60's grew up and found out they were lied to, politicians lied too, the average parent was too busy juggling working, child raising and chores to have much time to pay attention to anything else. changes come about slowly in technology, society, world events.

along the way there are some large events that shape opinions, change the level of peoples tolerance, Marlon Brando was growing older and the Beatles horrified parents with upbeat pop music and hair that went past their ears. young people got on older peoples nerves, older people longed for the good old days.

things change, usually slowly. over time it adds up. there are always scandals and injustice, people grumbling about prices, those who have the wealth and power make sure they get more of the same.

with the threshold we stand upon today it is more demanding than ever to take it all in. our exposure is simply incredible, we have nearly instant input on all sorts of events and situations from around the globe. life today is overwhelming. we've run the gamut on everything it seems; few boundaries exist these days.

increase of population means more wealthy, more working class folks, more people in poverty.

the field of entertainment in movies has gone from the days of B&W war films, drama, detective/film noir, suspense and classic horror to the wildest full-color effects-laden science fiction, raunchy adult films, splatter-filled blood & guts madness replaced horror -- in the quest to make profit and make a name, good taste has fallen to the side quite often.

music has exploded incredibly from the 40's and 50's to what there is today. many forms of music has brought with it pop culture lifestyles and fads. pretty girls with silken voices of the past have been replaced with jailbait of the month dressed provocatively, gyrating suggestively and belting out lyrics that leave scant little to the imagination.

for good or bad values and morality has changed over time. a few years ago some were upset that schools were being integrated. today some are upset that same sex marriage is being allowed to take place. there is always topics that make some rage while others applaud. these days we hear of this news from countries all around the world as their cultures and mores come under fire.

i think it's a combination of information overload, constantly changing societal values, and the ongoing march of things as they always were (rich get richer, politicians lie, control by government and religious factions etcetera) making up a big ball of confusion.

most of us are powerless to make one damn bit of difference and that is frustrating. nothing new there.

prices go up, taxes go up, not so much the paycheck. business as usual.

as the years go by and more people want their slice of the pie it takes a greater toll on all. mankind comes up with ways to provide for the needs and wants and often things backfire. but it's not all gloom and doom, either. balance is very important in life. sometimes it's wise to just say frig it and go camping or break open a bottle of scotch. we can't let that which we can't do get in the way of that which we can do. the fires have been burning a very long time; sometimes it's wise to step back from the flames.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Helious

All of these came about through people voting.

Police have the authority of life and death... because the communities they "serve" kept voting to give them this authority. Because Juries kept refusing to hold them responsible. Because we are taught that police are "the good guys" and that anyone in handcuffs is obviously guilty. Along the process let's demonize the trial lawyers that protect the rights of defendants in court; they're all criminals too, aren't they? Just for good measure, let's rig the system so that skin color is a major deciding factor in whether the cops decide to take you in or not, then a major deciding factor in verdict, then a major deciding factor in sentencing, then a major deciding factor in parole hearings... And of course, if you steal someone's Datsun, that's 15 years. if you embezzle hundreds of thousands of people for billions of dollars, well, that's business. Apologize on TV, then invest your new billions.

Our educational standards are in the toilet because the American right - and # your whining about "partisanship" it goddamned IS the right's fault here - have been striving to defund the public school system ever since the Brown v. Board of Education decision. If you defund a system, you cannot expect performance to increase, can you? No, you cannot, it's an idiotic proposition. Since the system starts performing poorly, that is used as an excuse to defund more, to get more of the same results. So let's come up with a test. No, not a test, TONS of tests, to evaluate the learning abilities of the students. Let's devote the entire school year to these tests so that the actual subjects they involve can't be thoroughly taught. When schools do poorly on the tests, let's shut them down! And of course we can't have all that Sciency McScienceton stuff in science books - we have to "teach the controversy" that Adam rode around on a #ing velociraptor. While we're at it let's cut payroll and understaff these places, that'll be a sure way to increase performance!

Since our educational standards are falling like a rock, our middle class is falling too; a good education was hte cornerstone of the middle class, and when all you have is a bunch of yobs who can't do anything but fill in a bubble with a #2 pencil, you're not going to have much to build on, are you?

But the middle class was already standing on spun sugar in the first place; the lower classes, the impoverished, poor, working poor, and underemployed, the broad base that supported the "middle class" has been under direct assault - often literally in the case of the homeless, disadvantaged women, and ghettoized communities - and steadily facing destruction. Not of the happy sort where poverty is being eliminated and they're all moving to the middle class. but rather the absolutely destructive sort, where the protections they need for you know, living are stripped away under the guise of "welfare reform" because, you know all them negresses with their 16 pickaninnies from 16 different bucks are all driving around in Cadillacs and eating T-bone steak on your dime, right? Beat the crap out of the homeless and dump them in the river outside town, they lower the property value. Force the under-employed to compete with the under-paid... in Dhaka and Port au Prince. Refuse to give them benefits while they try to find work. Mire their children in the poverty spiral - it's their own fault for not running away to get adopted by Daddy Warbucks, after all.

All this came about through voting. Though public action by "concerned citizens." Very probably through people just like you, Heliouse. Maybe not, but I've lost faith in the standards held by my fellow ATSers.

America is this way because Americans wanted it to be this way. And the problem continues; Americans keep on making these same decisions while complaining about the results. Never does it strike them to question what they're doing because, hey, we're amurikun whatever we do is always right and if you doubt that you're a commie terrorist pinko leftist queer hippy who ought to be shot. Confronting the real flaws in the system - and the reality that these flaws are caused by and supported by the American public themselves - is just too uncomfortable and unsettling for the herd. So let's pretend it's all for some other reason.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Here is what I do not understand.... When exactly did the outrage die out when people piss on our Constitution publicly and in front of the masses?

Desensitisation. People have experienced the Constitution being used as toilet paper a sufficient number of times now, that it's become routine.

In Indiana as some may know, some may not, police can actually come into your house WITHOUT any reason, warrant or cause, they simply can open your door, come in, look around, perhaps grab a beer out of your fridge and there is not one thing you can do about it........ WTF?

There's a very simple reason for this. The police know very well that most people are two busy playing Minecraft or watching this guy on YouTube, to pay any attention to what they do. Mind you, the one thing that will send a police officer into a frenzy now more than anything else, is if you record video of him. They really don't like that; and the reason why, is because the one thing they *are* scared of, is people seeing what they do.

They know that as long as the majority don't care about their abusive behaviour, they're safe. They're extremely nervous about being seen by too many people at once, though; because they know full well that if a sizeable number of the population become sufficiently upset about their actions, it's over for them.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

You had me interested then I checked out your link to how to take America back and what do you know that link wants me to buy stuff. If it was a way to get our country back then the info should be free.

It's like saying I can predict the future and something bad will happen on this day and a lot of people are going to die, want to know what you can do to avoid it? Then pay me and I'll tell you.

It's all a crock of sh*t, if the info is going to help out the world then it should all be free.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:59 AM
This country has been diluted. It has becom the Unite Nations of America. You have so many different religions and denominations fighting for their own little rights. The government did a great job of dividing the house. That's why you'll never get people on the same page because it isn't America anymore.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:16 PM
When Israel was formed.

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