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World is witnessing financial WWIII

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posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:28 AM
Link to the article including video.

Following the loss of the US’s triple-A credit score which sparked sell-offs on global markets, a new war using financial derivatives has been waged, which by no means can bear the name of WWIII, financial analyst Max Keiser told RT.

­Investors however remain unconvinced the country's finances are solid enough. Problems in the Eurozone will be up for discussion by the French and German leaders next week.

Max Keiser, financial analyst and host of the Keiser Report on RT, said French banks are now loaded with toxic derivatives that were sold to them by US investment banks.

“The US investment banks and the rating agencies are now attacking these French banks. They know where the bodies are buried, and they are using the weapons they sold them to attack them,” he said. “The rating will be downgraded again. This is part of a new era on Wall Street – they go after sovereign debt. Wall Street and rating agencies are working together to destabilize the sovereign debt of these countries,” he added.

With the markets swinging back and forth, it looks like traders are panicking. And as Max Keiser believes, it does not look likely to settle any time soon.

“The volatility was the goal; by downgrading the rating you create volatility,” he explained. “The derivatives’ volume this week is exploding higher than any week in history. That is making many people on Wall Street and in the City of London very rich. So they will continue to downgrade and to milk the system to extract wealth,” Keiser stated.

As austerity measures are forced on people in Europe and the US, they are inevitably going to hit the most vulnerable members of society like those dependent on Medicare and Medicaid in the US, said Keiser. But there are also fears these cuts could slow growth and bring about a new wave of recession.

“This is WW III, a new war using financial derivatives. The objective is to preserve the speculative rates given to the Wall Street bankers of zero per cent,” he concluded.
edit on 12-8-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:34 AM
im sick of internationalists. the international banker and businessmen have ripped apart our great republic, and now they want to do it overseas.

its amazing the rothchildz, shiffs, warburgz, royal family, etc, and the rest of the learned elders really think this is going to work.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:35 AM
The only problem with this theory is America goes down.. Everyone does..

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:35 AM

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:36 AM
We live in shaky times

Not world war three though

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

and if the losing countries doesn't like losing they have the right to use weapons against the winning countries.
edit on 12-8-2011 by Doublemint because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:40 AM
“When the money stops flowing to Mainstreet, the Blood starts flowing in the Streets.”

Stolen form Celente. lol

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:42 AM
You do realize that 10 year treasury notes are selling at record highs right? That means there is intense demand for U.S. short term debt even after the downgrade. Gold is also at record highs, but you have to understand that most of those gold contracts are not going to be delivered. The derivative market is only a price moving market, not necessarily a market where people want to purchase the physical gold. Regardless, cash is parking in 10 year notes. The S&P debt downgrade is being used politically to neuter Obama.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:57 AM
Hmm.. seems that my humble contribution about a war on the Euro, was somewhat prophetic.
It looks indeed as if Wallstreet has decided to wage war on Europe as a start, and through Europe as a proxy, on China too (since China has a lot of investments floating in Europe).

Intrigueing, but unavoidable in the current upsurge of computer-aided trading,("Computer-aided" is somewhat of a mis-nomer, since trading, especially micro-second burst transactions, are all computer-run) how war in the western-world suddenly has had an evolutionary spurt, from physical bloodbaths, to slow, indirect culling of countries that the aggressor doesn't like, or sees possibilities to drain of all life-blood.

All for money (as goes for every war anyways)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by dantanna
im sick of internationalists. the international banker and businessmen have ripped apart our great republic, and now they want to do it overseas.

its amazing the rothchildz, shiffs, warburgz, royal family, etc, and the rest of the learned elders really think this is going to work.

You blame groups, yet all these groups serve one master. A master who is coming to power. They declared this in 2008 -

Osama Bin Laden
Obama Biden

Palin/ McCain = "to renew" Cain

John 3:12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous.

The TEN year anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade towers is coming up. The number 10 signifies "completion". Have you not figured out what two things that they plan to complete ??

This has been scripted for so long guys. To every last detail. What is happening now is the prelude....
Whilst you guys blame international bankers, they just laugh. They declare their loyalty publically, but you can't see it because they removed God and His Word from you . For those that hath understanding.. ..

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