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Revolution in the making in the UK???

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Still waiting for this to hit my streets. So far nothing. which is good. They are mindless pieces of scum and anyone that lives here will tell you the same. Mugging innocent people in the street, stealing and setting fires is just disgusting.

They come near my house and they will wish they didn't.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Just like the LA riots, when the heavy fist comes down, suddenly there won't be any more rioters. At least the people in the middle east stand firm in the face of corrupt regimes - so no one should say this is the UK version of the Arab Spring.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I agree with TheLastStand and PapaKrok posts.

There are rumours that rioters were paid off and I would believe it, by the state, to ensure that you all play right into their hand.

Honestly,that would not surprise me at all,i hope they didnt,but theres a good chance they probably did do this.
Worse things have been done than that,why wouldnt they do something like this?
A very simple tactic really,when you think about it.

No kidding, people are fools in believing this is something other then stealing some stuff I want.

Why? because it opposes your opinion?

That is it - they are sitting on their butts collecting a check from the government - I read that many people there havn't worked a day in their life and they are 30 years old......that just pisses me off, I started working when I was 15 years old, I worked hard for what I have and to see some PUNKS stealing from people who equally work hard - I really hope they send in the military and show them there are consequences for your actions.

Do you want people to feel sorry for you or something? because you started work at 15? so did i,you dont see me using that as ammo,do you?

Really,people think its their problem for being what they are,when you think about it,if you people actually stood up for yourselves and stopped paying taxes that pay these peoples pay cheques,they wouldnt have any money would they?
But nope,you keep paying your taxes,yet you think you have a right to complain because people are leeching off of you?
If you look even further into it,you would realize that alot more money is spent on useless projects,wars,upgrades,government officals pockets,bail outs,military budget and the list goes on.
Ohh,and lets not forgot how much money goes "missing" through the government,ohh and over estimated building contracts that should be alot less in total cost.

But your worried about loose change that goes to unemployed people.
What about all the elderly people on payments?
What about all the disabled people on payments?
What about all the carers on payments?
What about all the pensioners of payments?
What about all the farmers on payments?
What about all the indigenous people on payments?
What about all the single parents on payments?
Once again the list goes on...

But your still worried about a bunch of youth leeching arent you?

You think these people are the enemies dont you?

Then let me get something straight,as long as your supporting a corrupt system,your the enemy!

I dont support the government directly,but you do,your part of the problem.

Stop thinking just because you work and pay taxes means your a perfect citizen,your far from it.

The only good thing I see about these financial crisis the world is facing today is that some of you worthless, lazy scumbags might have to worry about yourself for a change - cause there isn't enough money to babysit your asses any longer.

What a stupid thing to say,you really have no idea..
edit on 10-8-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:06 PM
Is the riots in London still happening or has it pretty much calmed down with little spurts?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:11 PM
I think what we are seeing is the result of a mass of youth that are completely brain washed into thinking they are thug's or G's. Here in America it is the same minus the accent and proper English. There are people who are poor but good people then there are the idiot's who buy into all the gangster rap and violence in the movies and actually enjoy being violent criminals. I think what's going on is a situation where on thing leads to another and now you have this swarm of them organized. In the city where I live it is pretty civil. Seattle had the WTO riots years ago. When one bad apple starts breaking windows and looting then the rest see it as an opportunity and feel that it is almost ok by watching their piers. It is true that a majority of this group are of the have nots. I bet you anything though there are criminal youths who come from well of families who are engaging in this violence just to full fill some primal need to be bad. If this riot was really about financial revolution I do believe we would see more organized looters and I think we would see distribution of the food and goods needed given down through the people. But what we have is pure anarchy. Trust me there are tons who want that. Or who are at an age where they have not yet moved out of that faze in their life. This is the perfect situation for the little thugs that our mainstream media has worked so hard to create!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:19 PM
Started in Edinburgh now...

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by BillyBoBBizWorth

Yes, I am tired of people getting to sit on their asses on my dime. Yes, I for one would get rid of all those entitlements, let people plan for their own future, they don't need the government dipping into our wallets to look out for someone else.

and you don't support the government you say, so what - you don't work.....ok, I get your point of view now.

Hate to break some reality to you but all those rioters in the UK are just scum looking to take, just because they can.

edit on 10-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:40 PM
We're all talk about the revolutionaries, scum robbers or whatever you want to call these kids, their definition doesn't really matter. Each will have his or her reason for their getting involved. May be they are in a gang, may be they are thieves or may be they were tempted walking by and simply took what was in front of them. I don't condone any of this and would have given my sons hell had they been involved.

What we should be also discussing is the State's responsibility here and its a big one.

The State has allowed immigration to flow and flood the job market. This policy helps to keep wages low for the rich. We've gone past a balanced number and we have a total excess in all sorts of work and skills. Given this, we don't need a few generations of our own kids and consequently the State has deliberately not invested the money in training them. I can prove this:

2002 my elder son trained in College to be a plumber for free. The college taught him in house so well, he got his NVQ2 after 18 months there and walked confidentally straight into a job.

2009 my younger son went to train at the same College for the same qualification. Being over 19 he paid the college £1700 for the First Year's course, which gave him no practical experience just a technical certificate worth Zilch!

2010 He went back for the Second Year NVQ2. I say 'went' back, the College doesn't train apprentices anymore, they expect the working plumbers on site to employ and train them then see they get proof of doing all the different units the course covers. They also charge yet another huge fee just to look through a folder of photographs and write-ups of each unit. Hardly any plumber covers all the units and neither do they want to train kids in someone's home where a mistake has consequences not only for the householder but also for the plumber's reputation and liability insurance.

When I complained to the College about the difference in training my sons had received, they agreed but said its Government directive and the funds were taken so they had no resources. I don't doubt the College and find it wrong that the Government radically alters training programmes to stop kids qualifying easily and efficiently. I can only talk for plumbing but its doubtful its much different for a lot of other key apprenticeships in this country.

I think this country is edging closer to revolution simply because this country is becoming more dysfunctional. Many of those kids know they have no future so their rampage should not come as a shock except to the priveleged Etonians and their ilk. These kids have families and they see granny living on a pittance and being refused or made to wait endlessly for hip replacement surgery. They see their Mothers/parents struggling to make ends meet and a mountain of debt and joblessness and their older siblings, out of work , many since leaving school its hardly inspiring.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Yes, I am tired of people getting to sit on their asses on my dime. Yes, I for one would get rid of all those entitlements, let people plan for their own future, they don't need the government dipping into our wallets to look out for someone else.

Thats fair enough,just like i pointed out,as long as your putting money towards it,you shouldnt really complain.
Because if you do,your complaining about something you can change,by not letting your money end up in their pockets.
I know you could say that you have to pay taxes,but the truth is,you dont.
You,like most people,just pay it anyways so they leave you alone...

and you don't support the government you say, so what - you don't work.....ok, I get your point of view now.

Thats a pretty big assumption,i do work actually,doesnt mean i pay taxes or vote,or like i said,directly support the government.
You could of just asked the question,you didnt have to assume what my status is.
Seems to me like you wanted to hear that so you can disregard someones opinion,like my own,that opposes yours.
Doesnt surpise me honestly,i know your type,the way you think,pretty predictable actually.

Hate to break some reality to you but all those rioters in the UK are just scum looking to take, just because they can.

Umm...your not breaking any reality to me,your actually just repeating what your T.V. told you.
Predictable,once again...
Besides,i never said that the rioters were anything other than looters,did i?

Read posts before you reply to them,it might help,just a little bit.

edit on 10-8-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by McGinty
This is why all revolutions eventually manifest as one dictatorship replacing another.
Not all.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Started in Edinburgh now...

LOL,shauny you are being sarcastic right?
You did watch you video didnt you.

I cant believe he pushed over a wheelie bin!

Its all over.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by BillyBoBBizWorth

When I see the typical type of response that you have given, yes, I tend to ignore your opinion as incoherent babbling.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:01 PM

When I see the typical type of response that you have given, yes, I tend to ignore your opinion as incoherent babbling.

Ohh ok...

Thats why you replied to my posts eh?

Thats also why you posted a video clip of a guy saying the F word in nearly every sentence?

And you think my opinion is babbling and incoherent?

Pfft...yer ok,righto...
edit on 10-8-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
That,these people are human beings like you and me and the only difference is social status.
No, the difference is that they aren't acting as human beings working to a common goal, and that's the purpose of any revolution.

But from most posts on this thread ive seen,you seem like you expect anything like a revolution or whatever you want to call it,to happen without breaking laws? give me a break.
But it's possible to have a revolution without useless destruction of innocent people's property.

Are you swallowing the garbage your fed that makes you believe that we as western countries are too civillized to allow or do things like this?
No, I'm talking about my personal experience.

do you think any change is going to happen from waving a sign with your message on it infront of the government or authority these days?
Do you think any positive change will come from these violent acts?

Do you think supporting your government and authority on things like this are going to make you safer or prevent it from happening?
It's not a question of supporting the government and authority.

Imagine that you lived on small island, with no government or authority. If a small part of the people on that island started to destroy other people's things and robbing them, who would you support, the attackers or the victims of the attacks?

Instead,if people really want a revolution and think this isnt one,why dont you go start one? or even better,use the already created momentum of this to start a revolution?
Using this momentum would be a mistake, it would mix useless violence with supposedly reasonable demands.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by TheLastStand
Since when did a revolution not result in the destruction of working people's lives? A revolution involves the destruction of all working people's lives and the creation of new ones that are more fair (or perceived as such).
Not necessarily, a revolution only needs to stop the people that are doing wrong things from doing it, there's no need to destroy all working people's lives.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by PapaKrok
It's how revolution is born. It's messy and bloody. It's load and frenetic, without real focus. Just a vague idea writhing around under skin, through guts and viscera. Unrest without real justification...that's how it starts. It's happening all over the world, even here in the US, in the Great lakes region with flash mobs. Be ready.
They are doing it wrong, starting a revolution this way shows that there isn't a good organisation and that a strong response will get them running back to their homes.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth

Started in Edinburgh now...

LOL,shauny you are being sarcastic right?
You did watch you video didnt you.

I cant believe he pushed over a wheelie bin!

Its all over.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:23 PM
Its a revolution!

What's our goal?

I don't know!

What do we want!


When do we want it!


posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:19 PM

No, the difference is that they aren't acting as human beings working to a common goal, and that's the purpose of any revolution.

They are acting like human beings,just not what we see as civil or class as politically correct.

But it's possible to have a revolution without useless destruction of innocent people's property.

I agree,it should be possible,but i dont think a revolution has ever happened without some sort of destruction occuring.
Whether it affected innocent or guilty people or their property or not.

Do you think any positive change will come from these violent acts?

I hope so,but i honestly dont know.I wont know until about the same time as you,whether its for the better or not is anyones guess.

It's not a question of supporting the government and authority. Imagine that you lived on small island, with no government or authority. If a small part of the people on that island started to destroy other people's things and robbing them, who would you support, the attackers or the victims of the attacks?

I would obviously help and support the victims depending on the exact situation.
I never stated that i support the rioters anyways,but i do understand your point.

Using this momentum would be a mistake, it would mix useless violence with supposedly reasonable demands.

Maybe so,the only other option then is to keep waiting,we can only wait for so long until we have to do something.
If we leave it too late,we will be in a life and death situation instead of using our numbers to overwhelm the enemy.
Personally,i think we have already left it to late,because when we do step out of line and try to revolt,our own people will be using live ammo on us under they masters commands.
Anyone who thinks that our own authority which apparently is in place to protect us,wont fire at will with live ammo on their own people,is sadly mistaken,because they do,and will.

edit on 10-8-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
They are acting like human beings,just not what we see as civil or class as politically correct.

I said "acting as human beings working to a common goal", not just "acting as human beings".

I agree,it should be possible,but i dont think a revolution has ever happened without some sort of destruction occuring.
Whether it affected innocent or guilty people or their property or not.
It did happened, and I witnessed it, on April 24, 1974.

Personally,i think we have already left it to late,because when we do step out of line and try to revolt,our own people will be using live ammo on us under they masters commands.
It's never too late.

Anyone who thinks that our own authority which apparently is in place to protect us,wont fire at will with live ammo on their own people,is sadly mistaken,because they do,and will.
Then you have to show them that they are wrong, the revolution I witnessed was organised by the military and, as soon as the people saw what was happening, they join them.

They only have to be reminded that they are part of the people, too.

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