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Excuse me ATS, my belly button IS BLEEDING

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Cinquain

to be blunt - you are an idiot , if you cannot stablilise a bleeding wound in < 15 minuites - you need medical attention .

people do not just " spontaneously heamorrage "

so stop being an idiot on the internet and either see a doctor - or STFU and die quitely

PS - if you chose to STFU and die - can i have all your stuff ?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Cinquain

to be blunt - you are an idiot , if you cannot stablilise a bleeding wound in < 15 minuites - you need medical attention .

people do not just " spontaneously heamorrage "

so stop being an idiot on the internet and either see a doctor - or STFU and die quitely

PS - if you chose to STFU and die - can i have all your stuff ?

I made this thread simply for opinions and a good belly button discussion. It's 5am here, and the pain is getting worse actually, so if it doesn't stop by tomorrow I will be probably going to the doctors.

I don't intend on dying 'quitely', though if I do, consider my things yours! However if you don't mind I think I will find other living arrangements for my cats.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

Actually, scratch that. I stated in my original post that I am adamant about NOT seeking medical attention for this. So should I happen to perish, I am taking my things to my grave with me. Dude, I'm not dying. It isn't pouring blood - it's just noticeable enough when I go check on it every so often that it's been bleeding. I've googled around a bit and there isn't a lot of info, so I thought I'd post my own story and see what people thought. I am not looking to be diagnosed. I know better than to look for someone to diagnose me on the internet. When I am concerned enough for my well-being, I will be at the hospital, not on an internet forum. I was more just curious than anything else.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Cinquain

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Cinquain

to be blunt - you are an idiot , if you cannot stablilise a bleeding wound in < 15 minuites - you need medical attention .

people do not just " spontaneously heamorrage "

so stop being an idiot on the internet and either see a doctor - or STFU and die quitely

PS - if you chose to STFU and die - can i have all your stuff ?

I made this thread simply for opinions and a good belly button discussion. It's 5am here, and the pain is getting worse actually, so if it doesn't stop by tomorrow I will be probably going to the doctors.

I don't intend on dying 'quitely', though if I do, consider my things yours! However if you don't mind I think I will find other living arrangements for my cats.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

I'll take a kitty please but get help, if you can make it a day without calling 911/999 you'll be doing good.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Originally posted by Cinquain

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Cinquain

to be blunt - you are an idiot , if you cannot stablilise a bleeding wound in < 15 minuites - you need medical attention .

people do not just " spontaneously heamorrage "

so stop being an idiot on the internet and either see a doctor - or STFU and die quitely

PS - if you chose to STFU and die - can i have all your stuff ?

I made this thread simply for opinions and a good belly button discussion. It's 5am here, and the pain is getting worse actually, so if it doesn't stop by tomorrow I will be probably going to the doctors.

I don't intend on dying 'quitely', though if I do, consider my things yours! However if you don't mind I think I will find other living arrangements for my cats.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

I'll take a kitty please but get help, if you can make it a day without calling 911/999 you'll be doing good.

There are four, and they love each other dearly and can't be separated. So if you take one, you get them all
Thank you for your advice - as I stated before, I really was just more interested in things that could possibly cause a belly button to bleed. If/when I am in a worse condition than I am now, or become concerned for my health, I will be sitting in a hospital waiting room. I'm not a complete idiot.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by DarkSarcasm

Originally posted by Trueman
I believe you should go to your doctor or hospital, tell them everything and get checked by pros. This is the UNAVOIDABLE first step you must take. Maybe they won't be able to find the cause of your problem at the beginning, but a blood test will confirm if you lost blood.

Second step, if possible set a camera in your room when you go to sleep. Also, if that happens again, don't clean it. Just go to the hospital on spot.

Blood tests are not used to test for blood loss, nor would anything be different if blood loss occurred. It also sounds as if its visibly obvious that blood loss has occurred. They could be used however to identify any patrons in the body.

Oh, had a thought, have you taken any aspirin, if so, use a different pain med as aspirin is a blood thinner and can cause platelet depletion which can cause the wound to not scab up. This could be why its continuously bleed. I also recommend a doctor visit ASAP.

Yes, blood tests, to be exact a CBC or Complete Blood Count, will determine multiple things, *including* if there was a loss of blood enough to make his Hemoglobin and Hematocrit drop. If that were the case, they would do a blood transfusion. A low H&H on a CBC is the prime indicator a blood transfusion is needed. A CBC will also check your white count, to be sure you do not have an infection, among other things.

Now, how - exactly - do you think Dr's know someone needs a blood transfusion? They just look at the blood on the floor and go, "Oh, lets give this chap some pints of blood! Lets start with 2, and if that doesn't work we can order 2 more!"


To the OP, I too join the others in urging you to go to the Dr. It could be any number of things, an umbilical hernia or Chrohn's Disease, especially since you didn't feel like eating a few days ahead of time. Your tummy was most likely trying to tell you something, and only a Dr. can diagnose and repair the problem.

In particular, if you have an umbilical hernia, you could get a loop of intestine caught in the muscle, food could back up, and cause very severe problems that *could* lead to death. You could also have internal bleeding that you are not aware of, and a blood test could also reveal that.

Are you are certain there was no boil or cycst that could have opened? Sometimes those can go unnoticed for a long time. I knew someone that had a boil on their bottom (don't want to get too explicit) and they died from it.

Pain is your bodys' way of telling you that something is wrong, and something people should listen to.

I know you said you just wanted some discussion on bellybuttons, but unless this is a troll or some fetish and this is how you get attention, you should probably heed some advice and stop treating it like it's a non-issue.

Hope you feel better soon.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 05:11 AM
Keep it clean,
With peroxide or something.
And go to the doc.
What you don't want is some Staph infection getting in there.
Happened to my wife.Her Belly button too.. A resistant Staph that flares up every now and then.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:53 AM
Sounds like it could be endometriosis..I have actually seen this before! Are your cycles wicked bad?
Or a hernia, but I think that could be a bit more uncommon.
OR your being probed by extraterrestrials....and they will stitch up their mistake the next time they come and get you for a go round!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Cinquain

Since you don't seem capable of using good sense and going for medical help about a mysterious problem, I'll respond with more nonsense.

It has long been a myth that if your belly button knot becomes untied that your legs will fall off. I've never seen this happen because, usually, the first warning signs, bleeding and pain, sends the person for medical help pronto!

So I'm surmising that that old wives' tale is absolutely true and that your belly button has somehow become untied and that your legs will soon fall off. If I were you, I would be shopping for a used wheelchair.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:10 PM
ok - since you want to discuss belly buttons I'll bite

The navel (belly button) is an prominent mark on the abdomen. The skin around the waist at the level of the umbilicus is supplied by the tenth thoracic spinal nerve.

The navel is at the golden ratio at 62 percent of body height

The navel is also used to visually separate the abdomen into quadrants. The navel comes in the center of the circle enclosing the spread-eagle figure in Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, his famous drawing on human proportions. This illustrates the principle that in the shift between the spread-eagle pose and the straight pose, the apparent center of the figure seems to move, but in reality, the navel of the figure remains motionless.

As well as the umbilicus forming a visible depression on the skin of the abdomen, the underlying abdominal muscle layers also present a concavity; thinness at this point contributes to a relative structural weakness, making it susceptible to hernia. During pregnancy, the uterus presses the navel of the pregnant woman outward, however it usually retracts after birth.

The occurrence of an outie navel is caused by the extra skin left from the umbilical cord or from umbilical hernias, although a child with an umbilical hernia will not necessarily develop an outie. Some people have a smooth indentation instead of an innie or outie, usually due to surgery for an umbilical hernia, gastroschisis, or abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Overweight individuals have larger navels on average than those of normal weight.

You can find such interesting stuff on the net
but I think I could have done without the belly button fluff collectors.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
Yes, blood tests, to be exact a CBC or Complete Blood Count, will determine multiple things, *including* if there was a loss of blood enough to make his Hemoglobin and Hematocrit drop. If that were the case, they would do a blood transfusion. A low H&H on a CBC is the prime indicator a blood transfusion is needed. A CBC will also check your white count, to be sure you do not have an infection, among other things.

Now, how - exactly - do you think Dr's know someone needs a blood transfusion? They just look at the blood on the floor and go, "Oh, lets give this chap some pints of blood! Lets start with 2, and if that doesn't work we can order 2 more!"


To the OP, I too join the others in urging you to go to the Dr. It could be any number of things, an umbilical hernia or Chrohn's Disease, especially since you didn't feel like eating a few days ahead of time. Your tummy was most likely trying to tell you something, and only a Dr. can diagnose and repair the problem.

In particular, if you have an umbilical hernia, you could get a loop of intestine caught in the muscle, food could back up, and cause very severe problems that *could* lead to death. You could also have internal bleeding that you are not aware of, and a blood test could also reveal that.

Are you are certain there was no boil or cycst that could have opened? Sometimes those can go unnoticed for a long time. I knew someone that had a boil on their bottom (don't want to get too explicit) and they died from it.

Pain is your bodys' way of telling you that something is wrong, and something people should listen to.

I know you said you just wanted some discussion on bellybuttons, but unless this is a troll or some fetish and this is how you get attention, you should probably heed some advice and stop treating it like it's a non-issue.

Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you
No this isn't a troll, and I have decided if it doesn't clear up in a few days, I'll be going. I very genuinely was just curious because of all the health problems I have ever had, a bleeding belly button is the last thing I would expect to get - it's something I have never even heard of.

So yeah, while it has been bleeding, it's not profusely bleeding, and in the back of my mind it didn't seem to be something I should fuss over. However I have had stomach problems for the last 5 years that my doctor can't diagnose, so maybe this will be the last piece to the puzzle?

Thanks everyone for your responses! Some of you have been a little more serious than I suspected... Am I the only one who thinks belly buttons are hilarious???

Edited to add about the boil/cyst - as far as I know, no. I have had boils in the past, not in my belly button though. The pain with this is different, it's like a pressure pulling, if that makes sense? And it feels like I have a migraine in there. It literally feels like someone is attempting to stick their finger through.

I know I've taken a bashing from some for not seeking medical attention but seriously - if you'd seen our hospital you would understand. I have gone in there with Asthma attacks and sat for over 8 hours until my lung collapsed and a hole was torn in my lung. I spent almost 2 months in recovery at the hospital all because they couldn't find a bed for me to begin with - this is among other things, but certainly one of the worst cases. So unfortunately, yes, sometimes I will Google my condition first before I spend a day trying to see a doctor, when I may just get sent home with a cream? I don't feel I lack common sense or intelligence, and if it gets any worse I will be at the doctors, not on the internet 'attention seeking'.

Thank you!
edit on 8-8-2011 by Cinquain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Usually you here this on UFO threads, but I am going to use it here:

"Pictures or it ain't true"

Oh, and that applies to both the bleeding and the "god-like" bits.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by wayno
Usually you here this on UFO threads, but I am going to use it here:

"Pictures or it ain't true"

Oh, and that applies to both the bleeding and the "god-like" bits.

Oh, I uh... don't have batteries for my camera. And the flash was too bright. And the belly button was too fast! When I came back with new batteries it was gone...

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