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We and others are being prepared for what????

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Outrageo

Yup, I won't mind either way. Odd, but in my case what starts in sleep in most cases, ends in waking and I am fully aware of what is happening to the point of telling my wife to not pull me out of my relaxed state. Also in her case a few weeks ago, she too was awake, not sleeping and fully aware of the others with us at the same time, waiting for her. So with a smile, we should perhaps call this visions or trances or something between.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by kera1337

This energy you played with is interesting and something I have experienced, but am not good at. it can effect others I found out and is a powerful thing.

The future is going to be interesting to say the least. I wonder if the best we can do is be fascinated without fear, something like when we watch a thunderstorm while aware there is danger to us, yet fully alive and excited at the same time. After you have been out of body, most of the fear is gone as we are more than we are here.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 12:35 PM
dunno bout power but I can mess with electronics....

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:50 PM
While I appreciate you sharing, in reading & re-reading your posts I see no "hard information" regarding these aliens or their agenda. What I do see is you & your wife being "used", given a very lovely cover story and left obviously feeling good about the whole thing.

In as much as that is preferable to being terrorized, it's still "being used".

What is not being looked at overly hard is that it's to any aliens best interests if us kids don't blow up/ destroy or in general muck up a planet with as many resourses as we have. It's also in any aliens best interest to foster a willing population of humans who think they're helping rather than harming us as a species by;

1) buying into the brain-washing/cover story
2) Astral traveling with little self control and letting themselves/or energy be used by someone/something who is demonstrating a lack of honesty & integrity.
3) telling you what you "want to hear" at every turn, how important you are, how important this "work" is ect....

A willing cow is still a cow, and ultimately a steak on someones table. More folks have messed up things with the absolute best of intentions.

That said, I mean no disrespect, but you are giving up your self authority at every turn here and have been convinced it's a wonderful thing. You have provided no hard intel on these aliens, who they are, why they "need" you to do what they can easily do for themselves....ect....

It's been my experience we are only "chosen" due to our biological ability to work with their energy and follow along like a sheep, hook line and beautiful sinker. Nothing more, nothing less. Guarrenteed the minute you get difficult, ask hard questions ect and generally resist doing anything without hard answers they will drop you & your wife like yesterdays news and move on to someone who is easier to deal with.

Believe it or not our world is's just being milked for all it's worth. And in resisting you put a crimp in their "gravy-train". Not saying us polluting the heck out of it is a good thing, but it's ours to foul up. Not theirs to use & move on. Us either by the way. We aren't born to make things easy for them, and be used either.

Just had to ask & comment as it irks me so many folks buy into this "cover story" without verification...real verification. Not just "they showed me". No one ever get's timelines, details ect....all hallmarks of brainwashing with emotional overlays.

So any hard evidence they have given you would be greatly appreciated.
I would love to be wrong about this.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by sailormon

The most interesting mention is the remark about being manipulated. I can only explain my point of view from my experiences. Throughout my life I had many experiences with 'other' beings. Many, and they attempted all manner of deflections with visions etc. They showed me things to make me believe them but I held strong to my father in Heaven and my King. They pulled every card they had over many, many years until finally they all fled.

The day I became actually saved is the day the visitations stopped. Coincidence? I don't think so.

This is the most interesting thread I've read in a very long time. Visiting this site is practically an obsession to find answers to the why:
1. I am convinced the earth is about to witness the "final act" as we know it.
2. There is going to be a war on a physical or dimensional level
3. I keep seeing the number 11 or multiples of it
4. I have had visions of hundreds of meteors smashing into earth

I asked about your faith not to judge you but to find clues. None of this makes sense as far as my life experience is concerned. There is no historic record of the things we are seeing other than apocryphal references from holy scriptures or stories passed down through native or aboriginal people's.

I have an education in the hard sciences. I have an intimate knowledge of my Christian faith. Nothing comes close to explaining anything to MY satisfaction and I am afraid of not being prepared to protect and provide for
my family.

I am also afraid of being decieved as mentioned in the bible. I cannot simply ignore what I have been taught until I find evidence to the contrary.

Sailormon have you ever read anything by George kavassilas? He had multiple lucid interactions with ETs. He feels different groups have different agendas. He does not use the word demonic nor good or bad when describing them.

I would love your take on his philosophy.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:26 PM
Excellent questions zarp3333!!

Everyone seems equally confused, but in everyone putting their "pieces" together maybe a larger picture will emerge? I'm a definate "believer", but am convinced we as humans are being "played".

I'm also not entirely sure as we get smarter and catch on to one cover story, that another isn't employed. Add to this ore than one group of aliens is monkeying around and they all have shifting agenda's it gets quite discouraging even trying to sort all this out.

Like I said I'm not trying to be disrespectful or discount anyone else's experiences, just saying we shouldn't buy what they're selling until they drop the BS.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Caver78
While I appreciate you sharing, in reading & re-reading your posts I see no "hard information" regarding these aliens or their agenda. What I do see is you & your wife being "used", given a very lovely cover story and left obviously feeling good about the whole thing.

In as much as that is preferable to being terrorized, it's still "being used".

What is not being looked at overly hard is that it's to any aliens best interests if us kids don't blow up/ destroy or in general muck up a planet with as many resourses as we have. It's also in any aliens best interest to foster a willing population of humans who think they're helping rather than harming us as a species by;

1) buying into the brain-washing/cover story
2) Astral traveling with little self control and letting themselves/or energy be used by someone/something who is demonstrating a lack of honesty & integrity.
3) telling you what you "want to hear" at every turn, how important you are, how important this "work" is ect....

A willing cow is still a cow, and ultimately a steak on someones table. More folks have messed up things with the absolute best of intentions.

That said, I mean no disrespect, but you are giving up your self authority at every turn here and have been convinced it's a wonderful thing. You have provided no hard intel on these aliens, who they are, why they "need" you to do what they can easily do for themselves....ect....

It's been my experience we are only "chosen" due to our biological ability to work with their energy and follow along like a sheep, hook line and beautiful sinker. Nothing more, nothing less. Guarrenteed the minute you get difficult, ask hard questions ect and generally resist doing anything without hard answers they will drop you & your wife like yesterdays news and move on to someone who is easier to deal with.

Believe it or not our world is's just being milked for all it's worth. And in resisting you put a crimp in their "gravy-train". Not saying us polluting the heck out of it is a good thing, but it's ours to foul up. Not theirs to use & move on. Us either by the way. We aren't born to make things easy for them, and be used either.

Just had to ask & comment as it irks me so many folks buy into this "cover story" without verification...real verification. Not just "they showed me". No one ever get's timelines, details ect....all hallmarks of brainwashing with emotional overlays.

So any hard evidence they have given you would be greatly appreciated.
I would love to be wrong about this.

First I somewhat agree with you, we may in fact be misled and used, I have no way to provide an answer to that other than to refer to my previous post. I may not have mentioned then my experience of rebellion, but I truly got pissed when out that time. There was an entity that was manipulating me and I felt at first fear and then anger and we had a confrontation. Imagine myself standing up to something I did not understand and telling it, I will be in control of my own destiny and it backed off. Later when I sensed danger and pulled back from the barrier, another inner voice I am familiar with, gently mentioned not to try and go past this, but did not stop me.

I have communicated with another researcher on this as well. He like you tells me to not do this, but truly it is not something I can control. I feel like you mentioned that we are being supervised for some reason, thus my title, one without answers. As to feeling good, that is not always true, my wife has had very disturbing memories, try paralysis on a table with layer of plastic material, one on another with old dried blood between. In my case, two to three days of horrible sickness as though I am dying like an old man along with burn marks on my arm, very disturbing, but I get your point, you may right on in fact.

Now my wife did not like the tall humans much, but slowly came to like them, so not is all rosy I suppose. I on the other hand remember being taken into a craft if it was real. I loved the experience as it, the craft was alive and part a living substance, like going home to an old friend. Damn, it does get my curiosity.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by sailormon

The most interesting mention is the remark about being manipulated. I can only explain my point of view from my experiences. Throughout my life I had many experiences with 'other' beings. Many, and they attempted all manner of deflections with visions etc. They showed me things to make me believe them but I held strong to my father in Heaven and my King. They pulled every card they had over many, many years until finally they all fled.

The day I became actually saved is the day the visitations stopped. Coincidence? I don't think so.

This is the most interesting thread I've read in a very long time. Visiting this site is practically an obsession to find answers to the why:
1. I am convinced the earth is about to witness the "final act" as we know it.
2. There is going to be a war on a physical or dimensional level
3. I keep seeing the number 11 or multiples of it
4. I have had visions of hundreds of meteors smashing into earth

I asked about your faith not to judge you but to find clues. None of this makes sense as far as my life experience is concerned. There is no historic record of the things we are seeing other than apocryphal references from holy scriptures or stories passed down through native or aboriginal people's.

I have an education in the hard sciences. I have an intimate knowledge of my Christian faith. Nothing comes close to explaining anything to MY satisfaction and I am afraid of not being prepared to protect and provide for
my family.

I am also afraid of being decieved as mentioned in the bible. I cannot simply ignore what I have been taught until I find evidence to the contrary.

Sailormon have you ever read anything by George kavassilas? He had multiple lucid interactions with ETs. He feels different groups have different agendas. He does not use the word demonic nor good or bad when describing them.

I would love your take on his philosophy.

Some years ago, I did read excerpts of GK's work, but somehow did not get into in depth, I suppose I was not ready for it yet. As to demons as mentioned here and by others, I know there is that which is opposite of what I have become. I was attacked as a child in my mind, but it could have been something else, but I sensed another and the only way I could survive at night was to get out of bed, run and scream until reality reasserted itself. Then and before, this being at night would enter my dreams, a balding white man, but was evil in the full sense. Later in a lengthy event, I did confront him, stepped into another universe, one of blue and consigned it to a lower vibrational level. Before you condemn me on this, it is repeating with my grown grand son, and his nemesis actual threw his father against a wall and later materialized and did similar to the kid, whom is now being treated for fear of sleeping.

As I just wrote, I too fear deception and that is why I don't preach a damn thing, I don't give advice because I don't have answers, I have questions, I am not, nor have I been encouraged to accept anything other than spiritual introspection which at times makes me impatient, but it is the right thing. On this subject, we according to my wife, were with these blond dudes and the only thing they tried convincing her of, was to grow up spiritually, to lay off the wine of all things. This the wine, bothered her more than the encounter, LOL.

On to the last, the impacts on earth. First I saw this as a boat of all things stopped by our home and I was told to get aboard in the dream, but then would not go without my woman. Thus she also boarded and they told her, animals would be ok and pets could not come, yet she got aboard, leaving her little buddy, our cat. Within a month, the cat started failing and finally we put the young thing down due to a unknown blood disorder, perhaps just a coincidence.

As we left in this craft which went amazingly fast, sweeping up and over mountains, I looked back into the darkness and the earth was being bombed with light flashes, which could have been bombs or meteriites. In a later one of great detail, I was told there would be no place that would be really safe as mountains would move. I did get the message, not to be on sandy soil as one could be buried or at least if you went underground to have multiple entrances. Know, this can just be fantasy as many point out, but interesting just the same and exciting to contemplate.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:32 PM
SAILORMON, Are you saying that you and your wife are on the same mission? Or that your marraige was prearrainged by the ET's? Namaste-Rama-

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by zarp3333

It is interesting you mention different groups with different agendas. That is my experience with all my abductions. It seems that there are so many agendas in this battle. But what is the battle? In my experience the battle is the life force........our souls. A highway to the possibility of eternal life through our blood. The G-d code for lack of a better term. After my experiences revealed the varying agendas of these beings I understood that it was a race for eternity. We are special, that much I was able to ascertain. So special in fact that they are attempting to steal our immortality.

What alarmed me was that the world at large cannot see this war that has been waged for thousands of years. All my visitors could not withstand the King of Kings except for the ones sent by Him. It was made clear to me and the path is indeed narrow.

He has allowed this world to come undone for His purpose. What we are about to witness is the culmination of His prophecies. I have seen the world lit up with flares hitting the surface and the earth heaving and moving until nothing looked the same. I have seen the destruction of the U.S. and China, Russia and the Middle East warring. In all this I have seen His Will completed.

The world is slow to understand the war that has been going on for thousands of years, because they can't see it. The principalities of the air are in full force and the only safe place is in Him.

The one thing I clearly understood is that we are a wanted commodity. Sought out expressly for the very thing that allows us to have immortality. The beings have been manipulating humanity for thousands of years and they have thousands of years of experience. Don't think for a moment that you 'think' you know anything. They will only reveal to you what aids their plans. Time is running out and they know it.

This planet is a place of accountability and choice due to our free will. The bridge to our Father was destroyed when we chose free will and our plight is to return to Him with our free will.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:52 PM
Sailermon said-As I just wrote, I too fear deception and that is why I don't preach a damn thing, I don't give advice because I don't have answers, I have questions, I am not, nor have I been encouraged to accept anything other than spiritual introspection which at times makes me impatient, but it is the right thing.

I wouldn't have spouted off if what's happening to you & your wife wasn't happening to lots of other folks unquestioned or only questioned on the surface. I had hoped to add to the conversation and in looking at our experiences maybe some answers could be gleaned.

A friend of mine was all thrilled & delighted they were being shown pictures of things....knowing that folks can easily do this with their info this way, I asked "So they basically treated you like a animal?" and this is OK with you?? Versus normal communication...

This lead to a very interesting conversation where they began to apply more "regular" standards to their Alien interactions and found out on the Alien side that indeed the Aliens were nonplussed by being caught out flatfooted!! That alone was telling.

This more than anything is why I question as I do because tiny bits of info not intended by the Aliens gets accidently revealed within their responses to us suddenly acting unexpectedly. If I knew another way to weasel info out of them I would, but asking nicely seems to only result in more lies & cover stories. At some point that alone gets comical.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:55 PM
Egyptia indeed you have it nailed. Grin...the key to this is & has been our "free-will" and whether we use it or not.
Unfortunately too many people take it for granted.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 11:23 PM
Yes I tried '___' - actually Ayahuasca and the cougars were there.

reply to post by bdb818888

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

Damn if I know, but things have happened that make me wonder. I know for a fact she has an abduction history, lost time while driving and being in a light, two hours lost. Beings around her bed when a child. Also after our marriage, she had major pregnancy symptoms as did her sister at the same time for a few months plus, then it ended one night with memories of little doctors, as did her sister, both were distressed.

Now what came tome lately was this. I was in a bad marriage, just hanging on when one night I saw as I mentioned this woman I knew yet did not and was told whom she was, your girlfriend your wife. Only much later did I review this and realized it was a memory. Thus I can only conclude we were together back then on another level perhaps??

Also my wife tends to tell me where we have been while I don't have that memory. However when she told me of this large vessel inside, I readily filled in what she did not remember which astounded her. This seems to come from my subconscious which I use a lot as I am right brained more than left.

I read something somewhere which seemed ligit, that in fact unions are caused for reasons we don't know and folks carry on dual lives without even knowing. Once I attempted to part in the early stage, and just wow, I was bombarded with images that showed it would not be allowed, very graphic. If nothing else it is fuel for the imagination. lol.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Egyptia

Egyptia, I enjoy your conversation, but find that you say on one hand that we cannot know much but at the same time say a lot as though you know! Not that I mind for I detect a thread of truth that seems real in my mind, so carry on.

Your discussions got me to thinking about factions that we deal with, the good and bad, the light and dark or the opposites that must exist for our learning and I have seen both sides and experienced both side and have chosen. Now here is the problem, we cannot just say that all entities are bad, there are those whom are of us and those of the opposite. I attempted to just "see" a negative one that was near my grand son and I was attacked or torn from body and ended up in darkness, complete blackness. However, I felt no fear and manifested sight and light and was ok, so the power of them is no greater than ours. On another happening as I mentioned before consigning this being to a lower level, I repeatedly attempted to burn him and he reformed, they cannot be killed, they are us or like us in that respect.

Last night due to our conversation, I opened my mind to my old nemesis from childhood, to analyze what the attack felt like. Immediately, I felt others near me saying NO! Then I was filled with vibrations and electrical feelings which I have experienced many times before, but this was intense in it's power. I even have it going through me this morning, it is very spiritual and positive.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:27 AM
From my experiences a lot of what we are shown is illusion and misdirection. The harder you study your surroundings and memorize the details the quicker it unravels. As it unravels watching them come up with new explainations, new reasons for your participation is at times hysterical...because apparently they are NOT good at thinking on their feet.

While I haven't been able to stop completely their interference in my life I have made it pointless for them and learned outfoxing them is doable. They aren't all powerful or smarter than us...there's a chink in their facade!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Caver78
From my experiences a lot of what we are shown is illusion and misdirection. The harder you study your surroundings and memorize the details the quicker it unravels. As it unravels watching them come up with new explainations, new reasons for your participation is at times hysterical...because apparently they are NOT good at thinking on their feet.

While I haven't been able to stop completely their interference in my life I have made it pointless for them and learned outfoxing them is doable. They aren't all powerful or smarter than us...there's a chink in their facade!!

I think you are right, their strength if any lies in our ignorance and fear. Now I am speaking of those whom are opposite of myself.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Sailormon, the interviews with Kavassilas rang true to me. Of course I have nothing but my gut or intuition but out of the hundred of first hand accounts, his is one of the few that make sense to me.

Of his many interactions, some were very frightening, negative and painful. Eventually he was visited by a group who he immediately recognized as his true family. He warned that the negative types (my words) were able to initially deceive him by projecting into his mind, through their eyes, immense feelings of "love."

It was not until later that he met his family and recognized a profound difference on a much deeper level. It was only then that he realized he had been duped by the group known as the "Galactic Federation."

According to GK, if I understand, God or Source or Creator, has endowed human beings with the capacity to become God-like. Over millions of years we have been progressively been separated from God by incarnating in progressively lower dimensions. Each dimension would be considered an entire universe from our perspective.

Their are beings on each of these levels, who have been created to test our free will. Many of the beings on the levels are desperate for our attention or worship. They also highly value our DNA for our coding goes all the way back to Source.

Human beings have also been endowed with a soul which offers the potential for immortality and to eventually become co-creators or Gods. For a very long time these beings have been extracting our DNA in an attempt to create vessels that can hold a soul.

Between now and March 21, 2013 there will be many great calamities on earth. The lower beings, who exist in the 4th dimension will attempt to lure as many humans off the earth in order to continue our enslavement and be worshipped as Gods.

He says earth is about to ascend into the 5th dimension and become a being of light or star. Those people who don't get on the ships shall also ascend with earth and become beings of light.

What I am trying to find out is what will happen in the next 18 months. What must we be prepared for? If this is truly a test, won't God give us clues so that we may make a choice?

I have seen visions of angels with white wings battling human-like creatures with black skin and wings. I was told that I will simply know what to do at the appropriate time. Frankly, that scares the crap out of me.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by sailormon
I think you are right, their strength if any lies in our ignorance and fear. Now I am speaking of those whom are opposite of myself.

May I ask if anything you have tried has worked or been somewhat sucessful? Have you been consistant with resisting? Just curious as it's always nice to be able to compare notes.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333
The other thing that makes separating truth from deception very difficult is that IMO, there are persons deliberately muddying the waters. In less than ten minutes they will try to derail this thread by:
1. Calling into question your intelligence or state of mind.
2. Demeaning the entire group of experiencers.
3. Making completely false unrelated and inflammatory statements.

This is critically important. Please try to ignore the slurs and don't let this thread be derailed.

The ONLY problem with this thread is the "true belief" element which is specifically what is KILLING Ufology today, and you have made it clear that this is your position. You don't have a clue what you are referring to other than you already know it all and have your beliefs to back it up. That ain't reality man, not unless all reality is "just because I said so".

Try a little objectivity and a lot less generality.

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