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Feel as though somethings wrong? Don't like the way things are? Opt out!

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:17 AM
This thread is an opinion only do not get offended.
Maybe this will make you think again....

Here goes:

Do you have the feeling that life is out of control?
Are you "sensing" an upcoming change?
Do you see things getting worse?

How about this:

Don't like the way your taxes are being spent?
Do you think that the lies and corruption are unstoppable?
Don't believe your leaders are doing a good enough job?

Do you feel that you can't change anything?

Well, my friends, you are not alone.
All these things have become the normal topics of conversation lately with many people starting to ask the same questions. Most of them feel hopeless, or lost. Despair is running rampant around the world.
People are finally realizing what their taxmoney has financed all these years.
And it is quite frightening to be that aware.

But there is a solution to the madness.

And most of you won't like the answer.

In this day and age, people are seeing things for what they are.
No longer are the days of the blind leading the blind.
You can thank technology for that.
We can access the "truth" now, but it is so diluted that no one knows who to believe.
Alot of the deceit coming from our world leaders is finally coming to light.
We are finding out what has been hidden from us for millenia.

But is it a cause for concern?

In most cases, yes it should be a concern.
Your hard earned money should not be given away.

Here's the kicker.

Suck it up folks...
Because you made that choice.
Only you made the decision to live in today's society.
You made the decision to get a job or goto school, to earn more money.
You made the decision to buy property, knowing that you have to pay taxes on it.
The same goes with any purchases.
You don't have to live this way.
There is another choice.

Do you want running water and electricity?
How about the internet? you want that?
That big TV and air you want to have those things?
Smokes, beer or restaurant food, how about those luxuries?
The cars, the houses, etc... All are products of modern society.
All of them are choices to make.
They are seriously not necessities.
All of those things are products of a culture with one thing on its collective mind:

You see, when you sit back and realize that you don't actually need those things....
You look at life a little differently.

When you look at your surroundings, and realize the things we take for granted everyday...
You see the world in a different light.

If you don't agree with the world, or where DC is headed with your money...
If you don't think things can change, or stress can be relieved...
If you can take things anymore, or just don't want this "lifestyle"...

Then my friends, OPT OUT.

Stop working!
Give up your lifestyle!
Get out of society!
Go live in the woods!
Go mooch off another person!

Then, when you can't eat...cause you are used to convenient foods.
When you can't buy what you "need"....because you don't have money.
When you can't surf the internet....or post here....because you have no job.
When you get sweaty or thirsty with no relief...because you have no services.
When you can't survive, because you spent your entire life focused on the wrong things...*ahem...
When you can't get around town because you don't have money, no ID.
When you no longer have a social money=no life.

Maybe then you will realize what you have.
Maybe then you will see what some of the good things society does for people.

Maybe then you will stop complaining.
Or else, if you don't like the way things are going....
Just quit!
Don't talk about it....DO IT!

Opt out of the system.
See how you fare in the wilderness.
Without the luxuries we all take for granted.

I dare you.
Until then, quit complaining because you are feeding your own despair.
I should know, I have done enough complaining for the lot of us.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by havok

Ahh...the eternal struggle between freedom and security. We'll forever continue to change our minds.....such is life?


posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:33 AM
You can opt out. People do it all the time in various ways. You think people can't survive off the land or without this house of cards? What in the world are you thinking? whether or not one can OPT OUT at this point in time is not the problem.

People who could easily opt out and don't and bitch might just be doing it because they got nothing better to do than to get some satisfaction pointing at the ones pulling everyone's strings.

I don't think they are saying FIX IT FOR US as much as they maybe once did when they believed there was still hope.

I think more and more the message is becoming YOU GUYS ARE GONNA #ING GET IT
edit on 7-8-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Just seeing alot of people taking certain things for granted.
And there is a solution.

But one would give up everything one has.


posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:35 AM
Hey! i resemble that remark, up to the point about giving it all up.

It's NOT my fault!

The TEA party did it! Didn't you see one of the 75 threads saying so?

Sheesh, some people. -sarcasm-

DOWN WITH THE TEA PARTY! -sarcasm- -sarcasm-

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I honestly feel that alot of people wouldn't survive in the wild.

Not all though.
Just most.

Either way I'm just ranting slightly towards those who think there is no choice.
But I don't believe people know what they have to give up in order to do so.

Like I said, just an opinion.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I honestly feel that alot of people wouldn't survive in the wild.

Not all though.
Just most.

Either way I'm just ranting slightly towards those who think there is no choice.
But I don't believe people know what they have to give up in order to do so.

Like I said, just an opinion.

they've been doing it since the dawn of man!

the grass in your yard is probably the most nutritious thing at your house!

nobody wants to rough it if they don't have to but if you don't think these mofos around here could cling on for QUITE a while with narry a thing over their heads you are so wrong it isn't even funny.

...but it DOES tell me a thing or two about YOU fancypants.
edit on 7-8-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime


This is exactly what i have started doing; peaceful active resistance.

I put my school on hold, started living of social security and generally avoid any action that would bring revenue to the failed system. This includes making my own food to the degree i can (cultivating potatoes, go fishing, collect berries, mushrooms and various plants from the forest, dropped tobacco and stopped buying alcohol, started cultivating my own herb and brewing my own alcoholic drinks.

It really is that simple. I am now a burden of about 500 euros a month to the state. Probably closer to 1000$ if you count the loss of revenue from my change in consumption patterns.

My plan is to keep on doing this as long as i can. When there are finally some sane political reforms introduced, i will continue my school and eventually go back to work. But as long as it is possible to do this, i would be a fool not to.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by varikonniemi
This is exactly what i have started doing

I put my school on hold, started living of social security

Originally posted by ChaosMagician
nobody wants to rough it if they don't have to but if you don't think these mofos around here could cling on for QUITE a while with narry a thing over their heads you are so wrong it isn't even funny.

...but it DOES tell me a thing or two about YOU fancypants.

Sorry... lazy this morning... don't have anything else to add.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Take me for example.

I have camped out in order to survive a week with nothing but a knife.
That was challenging.
But it was a good test.
My next is a month.
But I'm yet to quit my job.

I grow food.
I harvest water from my surroundings.
I build my own weapons for hunting.
I also use what is available around me.

Do I think most people can do these things? Yes.
They might have to one day.

But I see more and more folks relying on things that may not be here forever.
And for anyone to just try and live without those things...even for a day.

In my humble opinion, I see a lot of people who wouldn't know where to start.

I feel for those people.

If I can do anything with this thread, it would be to show people some things.
There are a few ways to live.
There are a few ways to be happy.
It's all about the choices you make.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:10 AM
Well, if you feel for the people why don't you teach us your survival techniques.

Don't tell people to quit their jobs and quit paying taxes without teaching them how to survive.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Remember Hurricane Katrina? You remember all those crazy people who didn't have the money to get the hell out of there and were losing it because they weren't used to that. You saw people on TV just flipping out and you felt sorry for them but it makes you think people are just helpless.

Few days later if you were watching the news they started bringing supplies and people started getting their # together because reality set in and they realized they needed to pull it together. The hungry people started forming assembly lines and started getting that stuff unloaded and to people who needed it.

People don't like roughing it and they bitch and groan and moan sitting around trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the world because if you OPT OUT no, you're a weirdo... you're a social outcast. if everybody has no choice but to go back to straight basics... that would ne the new way and it would be acceptable and I'll tell you what, one of the first things they'd realize is that all old stressors were now gone that were related to the problems of having to maintain a proper attachment to society. They could spend much more of that mental energy figure out how they are going to survive and not having to answer to doodly but just that... basic survival.

i went 5 days without eating solid food just last week while there is food in my refrigerator and that was by choice. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I didn't feel the effects but I KNOW I am much more likely to get so pissed off at any one of these liars around here until I winded up having a stroke or from the #ing black mold in my house and die than i am to die from the outdoor elements.

I could save up some damn rent money if i could get away with being a social outcast and roughing it a few months and i have been thinking about it A LOT, but if i #ing tried that and people would have to know so i could get to work they'd be saying YOU CAN'T DO THAT... and get the police involved and tell me how many bad people were out in the night and then when i told them I was armed, they'd cart me off to the suicide ward and say i was being a weirdo.

The only reason i pay rent is because it's the socially acceptable thing to do in society.

My problem is that i have a real big beef with society right now.
it is full of liars and just really #ty ass people in general who have no principle and step all over the rights of others and even regular people are just so shallow and superficial and ignorant that i don't like too many of them.
.... but if you just put them out in the woods, trust me... they will survive... at least in relatively moderate weather.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ren1999

I'm simply stating that if we don't like the way things are...
There is a choice.
We made the choice to be where we are.
So we must not complain.

There is a survival forum that has a boatload of information here.
One that I frequent often.

Lots of good techniques and know-hows.

I also like the saying: "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day....teach him how and he eats forever."

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I really felt that last post.
And agree with everything you said.
You are getting it!

But people are resilient...
We can survive...if we focused on it.
We are too focused on other things, besides how to actually live. issues.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by ren1999

I'm simply stating that if we don't like the way things are...
There is a choice.
We made the choice to be where we are.
So we must not complain.

There is a survival forum that has a boatload of information here.
One that I frequent often.

Lots of good techniques and know-hows.

I also like the saying: "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day....teach him how and he eats forever."

people in general do not feel like they have that choice. I totally disagree. YES, people opt out and survive off the land but they are either homeless and are constantly told to keep moving or are arrested for vagrency or they have put a lot of preparation into PLANNING to opt out.

It's pretty bad when you have to PLAN to opt out.
Hell, i could go without lights and save some money RIGHT NOW but if the county i lived in found out i was living here with no lights this place would be crawling social workers and the police.

It's not that people CAN'T survive off the land. It's that the rich #ers who own it all won't LET them.

There is imbalance. I am allowed to complain because even though I could survive, my hands are tied when it comes to opting out. I would still have to have a job to pay the lot fee for the goddamn campground!

that is why the advice is a slap in the face!

the first part... yeah OPT OUT... great idea, but the idea that people can't do this... they generally aren't ALLOWED to.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Just seeing alot of people taking certain things for granted.
And there is a solution.

But can they be blamed for taking things for granted? By the choice they make isn't it their right to take things for granted? The dependancy on a system is the consequence of the natural instinct to take the path of least resistance.

Freedom is hard work but eventually preferable.


edit on 7-8-2011 by operation mindcrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Well there lies a much bigger issue that we are both aware of.

Saying you can "opt out"
Actually opting out.

You are right, there are people out there that don't want to let us run free.
They would throw you in jail, because you don't "fit in".

But that's the risk you take when making that choice.

So I guess you are hitting a good point.
And I think you mean like this:
If you give up everything you own...and live off the land...
"They" would eventually find you and something would happen.
Jail, fines, death, etc...

Think about this too:
Today you can't travel across known borders without ID.
So how could you leave the country? (any country)

I see the struggle you see.

And that bothers me the most.
Because we know that you can't own anything without paying someone.
Land, homes, etc...its truly hard to grasp.
But again, it's a choice.

If one would actually get off the system, one couldn't "own" anything.
So one would almost have to be a hermit, or drifter.
Never staying in the same place for long...
It can be done.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by havok

Kelly Thomas opted out and they killed him for it.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by havok


your post reeks of "Love it or Leave it"

a silly rant of a thread.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by ChaosMagician

Well there lies a much bigger issue that we are both aware of.

Saying you can "opt out"
Actually opting out.

You are right, there are people out there that don't want to let us run free.
They would throw you in jail, because you don't "fit in".

But that's the risk you take when making that choice.

So I guess you are hitting a good point.
And I think you mean like this:
If you give up everything you own...and live off the land...
"They" would eventually find you and something would happen.
Jail, fines, death, etc...

Think about this too:
Today you can't travel across known borders without ID.
So how could you leave the country? (any country)

I see the struggle you see.

And that bothers me the most.
Because we know that you can't own anything without paying someone.
Land, homes, etc...its truly hard to grasp.
But again, it's a choice.

If one would actually get off the system, one couldn't "own" anything.
So one would almost have to be a hermit, or drifter.
Never staying in the same place for long...
It can be done.

yeah, it can be done. In the mean time while I get no justice, peace or satisfaction... I'll sit here and wait for people to start ripping each others throats out over all these bad deals they're making so at least I can be entertained.

Things are going to catch up. It's almost impossible for them NOT to catch up to themselves. The world has been sold over so many times, all this bad math is about to run together. You sell 4 apples for the price of 5 for a profit beyond the work you put into it... and you keep doing this and keep doing this and this becomes the way of the world... somethings going to come up real damn short when crunch time comes along. In the end, you're going to be a hell of a lot of apples short.

If we ALL opted out at the same time, that would at least be a hell of a fun day.
All the people who didn't opt out because they are rich and happy and have no need would be getting real nervous about who was going to slave for them.

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