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Mossads murder machine claims scientists life Israeli bid stop Iran building nuclear bomb

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posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 04:14 AM

The two assassins arrived from nowhere as their victim was driving home with his wife. Trapped inside his car, he was hopelessly vulnerable as their motorcycles pulled alongside. He would just have had time to notice their blacked-out visors before they opened fire, emptying round after round into his chest. Nuclear scientist Darioush Rezaei died immediately. His wife was critically wounded and still in hospital days after the attack in north eastern Iran. The hitmen? They vanished into the traffic fumes of the night. This is a story of ruthless men playing for the highest stakes imaginable. Of secret agents from Israel’s intelligence service Mossad who will stop at nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Should Iran succeed, Israel would be desperately vulnerable to attack — not least because Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to erase the ‘Zionist entity’ from the map

Rezaei was assassinated because he was an expert on neutron transport, one of the key processes in making nuclear weapons. He joins a long list of Iranian nuclear scientists and engineers who are being systematically targeted by killers apparently dispatched by the Israeli intelligence agency. While it is unlikely Mossad would send its own assassins into such a high-risk environment, they will have recruited locals and given them intensive training. Last November, two senior Iranian scientists were attacked in different parts of the capital. Both victims were driving to work when men on motorbikes attached magnetised bombs to their cars as they were stuck in traffic. These small explosives are known as ‘shaped charges’, designed to focus the blast at its target as a stream of molten metal travelling at 29,000 miles per hour. One bomb killed nuclear engineer Majid Shahriari, while missing his wife in the passenger seat.

Read more: 08zAf2
edit on 5/8/11 by On the level because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/8/11 by On the level because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 04:19 AM
I am in no way a supporter of the Iranians however I never hide my hatred of the current Israeli regime and their ruthless treatment of all of their surrounding neighbours. They have become the Nazis of the 21st century and feel that as gods supposed chosen people, they can do whatever ever they like, be it murder anyone they wish, bomb schools and UN food banks with white phosphorus, They really sicken me and I believe that they will self fulfill their own prophesy and will be destroyed within the next 20 years.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 04:42 AM
i'm not surprised a single bit by the attack and the perpetrator. it's not their first deed, and won't be the last. i also suspect them to have involved in the plane crash in isparta, TR on Nov. 30, 2007 where 57 poeple were killed incl. turkish nuclear physicists and engineers from aselsan. the same suspect goes also for the russian plane crash,

here for example

thanks to places like ats, i still haven't lost my hope and optimism that one day, the genuine and patriotic americans as the descendants of the cowboys and native americans will stand up against the zionist evil as more and more people wake up. that day better be near.

edit ~

oh and wayne madsen is a credible source imo,

wiki article

and further info

edit on 5-8-2011 by jamsession because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by jamsession

The people are already aware of both their agenda and the billions in dollars the state of Israel has taken from the pockets of US taxpayers. The problem is that Israel always plays the anti semite card and seem to be allowed to do what they like due to the way they where treated during WW2. Forgive me but what gave them the free pass to act like this, why does Iran threaten Israel, is it just through bigotry, no it is due to the way they have acted and treated anyone that questions them, with contempt.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by On the level

iran is an islamic state, majority of the population sports the shia sect. the relationship between the islamic nations and the state of israel were never good, i don't know if it is still the case but i recall that anyone who had travelled to israel before and which trip was evident in their passport were not given access to an arabic state and such banishment would last for life. there is a sharp religious and ideologic conflict between them. israel pushing their zionist agenda just makes things worse. israel on the other hand exploits the nazi persecution, hiding behind anti semitism as their defense while in fact most of the people criticising israeli state for their deed are NOT against jewish people but the zionist state in fact. there are many jewish people who oppose zionism and the israeli politics.

the promised land includes a considerable part of turkey's southeast along the river euphrates, and extends to syria and iraq. that place is the ancient mesopotamia, a place so fertile so that if you'd plant a stone, it's blossom like crazy. furthermore there is oil, there is water. everything comes down to resources and world domination in the end. i don't agree with ahmedinajad's policy and the overall stuff going on in iran, nor would i ever agree with nukes but israel is overly notorious.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by On the level

Being a microbiologist or nuclear scientist these days.....aint that a killer!

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