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The Downfall of Man

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:33 AM
First off let me say that I am not a tree hugger. I am a concerned parent and a person who has decided to try and be as healthy as I can. Having said that, I find it very disturbing that our society has placed such a low value on something as important as our health. More specifically, the importance of healthy food as opposed to processed foods. Our children are growing into an epidemic of obese children who are likely to not outlive us. Diseases are at unparallelled levels and yet no one seems to want to admit what has caused it. From our farmers to our government, the corruption and coercion that has taken place over the last 30 years is appalling.

Growing up in the late 60's and early 70's, I can never recall anyone having a food allergy. Out of a school with nearly 900 kids, I can only remember one or two that had diabetes. Obesity was not very prevalent, maybe 5% of kids were obese. Our farmers have taken the side of the evil corporations in the pursuit of money, and sold their souls to them. Right now nearly 75% of all food grown in the US has been genetically modified. It is now more expensive to eat a real, proper diet than it is to pollute yourself. If you were to eat grass fed beef, you would find the taste very strange. The foods we eat are not natural, and are anything but nutritious.

I have come to the conclusion that population control will be in the form of GMO foods. once a female has consumed enough GMO foods, her reproductive capabilities will diminish. Right now we have more women who cannot conceive than at any point in human history. The consequences of our consumption of these foods will have devastating effects 30 or 40 years down the road, at which point it will be too late to change it. These Frankenstein foods are not the foods our bodies were designed to eat.

No one can know what the future effects these mutated foods will have on human DNA. We all know that bacteria and even insects will adapt. There are now strains of bacteria that are antibiotic resistant through mutation. Insects and even weeds have become immune to most pesticides. How long will it be before we start developing immune deficiencies or worse, start having mutated offspring. If we do not put a stop to this madness, we have effectively signed the death warrant for our children and grandchildren.

So my question in summation is, what if anything can be done to stop the madness? What power do we have that can force change and bring our food supply back to a healthy state it was intended to be? Or are we just going to go down without a fight?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:45 AM
Grow your own foods ,

buy from local farmer markets

keep opposing GMO's

just enjoy the ride .. untill

Earths cancer is destroyed , super man comes , god reveals him self , aliens takeover , politicians wake up and say you know what guys im so sorry for not serving your best intrests at heart....

don't hold your breath

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:45 AM
How can we stop the frankenfoods? become self sufficient( easier said than done) while it's still legal. Don't blame the farmers, they are just trying to make a living. we all make compromises in this F***ed up world.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:57 AM
Most people have no idea what they are shoveling in their mouth every day, nor do they care. But those that do choose to eat Organic, purchase from local farms or markets, or maintain their own gardens and livestock. My father is an example of this, he has his own gardens set up throughout the property, he raises chickens, cows, and pigs, all fed quality whole grains and veggies from one of the gardens. Not all of us can do this (including me), but there are markets and farms in which we can acquire healthy foods at a reasonable cost.
It is up to you to choose what you and your family consume, those whom choose to not care will experience the repercussions because of it. Unless there is a monumental public discovery that misses getting swept under the carpet, than the battle for more healthy alternatives will be a slow moving process.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by TheRealTruth84

What's scary is learning about all the foods you have grown accustomed to over the years now contains this bastardized DNA. It has become a whole new world shopping for food that is natural, or made of organic ingredients. It is also very expensive. Last night the wife and I were doing some grocery shopping. I decided to try some organic milk. First of all, any milk organic or not, was all ultra-pasteurized. I could not find one container that was low-pasteurized. Then the price of the organic milk was double that of regular milk. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford it. But how does the average person? Try buying organic butter. $5.99 a pound! I find that outrageous. First of all it costs less to produce than regular because the animals are grass fed, hence no feed costs. They are hormone free, hence no vaccine costs. So how can someone sleep at night knowing they are gouging people and denying the average person the ability to eat healthy?

Organic is the new buzzword, and companies are attracted to it like flies to a carcass. They seize the market and extort high prices for things, when in reality they should be cheaper. I just wish I had a million $$ so I could set up my own farm and sell products for the RIGHT price so the average person could eat healthy. Makes me sick.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by TheRealTruth84

Try buying organic butter. $5.99 a pound! I find that outrageous. First of all it costs less to produce than regular because the animals are grass fed, hence no feed costs. They are hormone free, hence no vaccine costs.

It has more to do with labor. Tending to a cattle that are pastured is quite the task, compared to those grain fed. Yeah, you don't have the costs of hormones and such...but it's certainly laborous.

Anyway, the only real answer to your question in the OP is...You gotta find a way to help fund research to prove unequivocally that GM products cause damage when consumed chronically (long term).

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

The research is already out their, people just do not want to know or are paid not to know. Some nations have done well in kicking out GMO, some class action court cases are looking promising, there is growing public support against GMO which also helps. Getting the facts behind GMO clear and concise helps in getting the message out and identifying the problems. With the courts and media so hopelessly corrupted from 9/11 and other corporate links it is a tough job waking the people up.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 03:34 AM
this gmo stuff scares the hell outa me,i realize my generation is done for but what about our kids????

time for us consumers to stop bying these products,we grow our own foods,regenerate the comunity where people work togethor for a common opposed to this money grabbing bull#### ...!!!!


posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by cointelprotroll
How can we stop the frankenfoods? become self sufficient( easier said than done) while it's still legal. Don't blame the farmers, they are just trying to make a living. we all make compromises in this F***ed up world.

This could be you, me everybody. What else do you need in life, to live happy?

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

Personally, I avoid it. Based on my own research, I think it's harmful. But, I don't want government stepping in to ban anything because they have a nice track record of getting nutrition horribly wrong (see US Dietary Guidelines). At least not until it's definitive and long term.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by TheRealTruth84

Try buying organic butter. $5.99 a pound! I find that outrageous. First of all it costs less to produce than regular because the animals are grass fed, hence no feed costs. They are hormone free, hence no vaccine costs.

It has more to do with labor. Tending to a cattle that are pastured is quite the task, compared to those grain fed. Yeah, you don't have the costs of hormones and such...but it's certainly laborous.

Anyway, the only real answer to your question in the OP is...You gotta find a way to help fund research to prove unequivocally that GM products cause damage when consumed chronically (long term).

Or you could lobby the State Attorney General's office and suggest they sue Monsanto like they sued the Tobacco companies as a way of balancing the state budget during this depression.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by haarvik

only food allergies and how about adhd and Alzheimer and the endless list of new diseases that are now cropping up.we never heard of them until they started adding things to the meat and then they changed the vegetables and now they are coming out with Frankenstein salmon . funny thing is there are 2 invading species of fish in the u.s. waters one is the white carp and the snake head ,both are edible so why do we need a frankenstein food chain . or is it to change our own dna to start a program that will diminish our population as we have overpopulated all by ourselves and we the people of the world seem to be left out of this process the right to choose for our selves .
one of the effects are that teens especially girls seem to be maturing much quicker than say 30 years ago take a good look at the young girls and remember what they looked like back then /

side effects or what -remember monsato has alredy said that we are not entitled to healthy food so why are they changing it to something that is foreign to our body`s..
why is it secret police are closing down and destroying all organic farms and their livestock ,,,WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE .

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