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Seeking Community Interest (Australians)

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 01:47 AM
Hello everyone,
Let me start by telling you of my dream;
Project: Kindria
My dream is of a small community of friends and family that hold themselves 100% self sufficient. A community that collects all of its own pure rain water, produces 100% of their own fruit, vegetables, herbs and grains. This community will do everything in its power to be carbon neutral and completely off the grid.
In this ideal community, certain responsibilities will be shared with those who have the skills. If something needs to be done, then everyone pitches in and gets it done quickly and efficiently.
This community also shares a set of beliefs and ideals that will ensure its cohesion and integrity.

The goal of this community is more of a testament to that we can survive on our own in small scale without a national production chain.

Without getting stuck too far into the operation of the community and bogging this thread down with information that isn't required at the moment... I wish to stick on topic.
That is to find out from the members here what the interest would be in such a community.
There is a cost associated with this of course, but a cost that some would consider too good to pass up.

From all the properties I have run down to find suitable areas, here is an average break down of what we are looking at.
Average Land Size: 550 acres
Average Land Cost: $140,000AUD

What I have done is made a figure of what I would say the 'Buy-In' would be for a person of interest that would then receive an equal share (by contract).
That Buy-In price is $10,000AUD and will be based on a selection criteria. That would be like restriction the buy ins to a 2 -4 limit. Meaning that a couple or a small family of 4 will be limited initially as to reduce building costs and food production.
This will be anywhere from 28 - 56 people based on a land purchase of $140,000AUD.
Of course this will vary depending on the interest received in this project.
So you can see why I am placing a limit on the amount of initial people that can come in on this venture.
The parcels of land that I have catalogued ranges from a mere 156 acres, up to several thousand acres.
In addition to the Buy-In of $10,000AUD, the only other additional cost will be a shared split of the yearly rates for the decided piece of land.
As well as whatever costs are incurred on the building method of your choice and what you need for that.
Ideally, the construction of each house will be a community event.
What I would like to see are all natural methods of construction and will limit the application criteria to this.
These kinds of buildings can be EarthBag Houses, CEB Houses, Rammed Earth Houses et cetera.
For those that express interest and pass the first phase of selection (after initial interest), will then have a deciding vote in which piece of land is chosen, and will also have the choice of inspecting the property as well.
Limitations on this offer will be based on some key deciding factors;
• Limit to a couple or small family of 4.
• Pets - No cats, Dogs permitted, others permitted based on state law.
• Age - Under 65 Only - Needs to be able to help within the community when needed.
• Health - Healthy with no serious medical conditions.
• Love for rural/country living.
• Passion to help and learn.
These limitations are there to give the community the best chance of success.
There will be some limitations placed on those that are chosen to be a part of this community.
For example, the $10,000AUD Buy-In is non refundable, however you can pass it on to members of your own family that fall into the selection criteria. If you choose not pass this onto your family, then your portion is given to the remaining families. The community as a whole may also choose at their discretion, choose to purchase your portion for the community.
The acceptance criteria will be in phase one by questionnaire. Final decision lies with me and if the end member goal falls short, then by majority choice of those selected, will have a choice of increasing their Buy-In or finding other families.

There is a lot more information that I have pulled together but I will leave that for the next phase.
For those interested in this project and would like to have their name down to be contacted for the next phase, please send me an email at;

[email protected]

With the subject: "ATS Project Kindria Interest" - Without the " ".
Please include all your contact details and any other information you believe is relevant to your interest.

Thank you for your time!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Sovaka

This idea could give 50 or 60 people the chance to have a good, simple life.

But it isn't the answer.

You are still living in an out-ethics environment that could wipe out your dream as easily as a man steps on an ant. It has been done many times before.

While I appreciate the positive aspects of this idea and think it might help if more people did this, I am investing in the exposure and unraveling of that out-ethics environment. It's the only possible action at this time that could give all of us a better chance in the future.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by l_e_cox

Well my proposal isn't a question to a problem we face.
It's a proposal to those who would like to live this lifestyle, a chance in doing so.

I agree our current Political state around the world can take us out on whim... But can't it do that to everyone else and isn't it already happening to a lot of people?
We just need to dig down and keep doing what gives us the best chance of survival.
Who's to say it can't be comfortable

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:11 AM
its a good idea,i agree more people need to start thinking this way....

but as far as no dogs go...u might want to rethink that one....personally i would not live in the a "community' where my animals werent allowed.....


posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by hopenotfeariswhatweneed
its a good idea,i agree more people need to start thinking this way....

but as far as no dogs go...u might want to rethink that one....personally i would not live in the a "community' where my animals werent allowed.....


Maybe it is a bit misleading... But it does say 'Dogs permitted'.
The only restriction is no cats (to ensure safety of local wildlife) and other pets prohibited by state laws.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Sovaka

my bad.....i could live with that,im not a huge fan of cats

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:14 PM
So I have to choose between one of my kids or my wife staying behind? No thanks.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by superman2012

So you didn't fit into the initial limiting criteria and thought it was worth replying to the thread?

Good stuff.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Hopefully the cheap land you are thinking of has decent rainfall or good bore water,or else tempers could fray and armpits will smell.There are quite a few of these feral communities already ,with the major downfall being drug problems and laziness.Hope you can do it properly

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by 12voltz

No doubt it will take a lot of effort... I have no misconceptions about that.

The areas I am looking at have an annual rainfall of around 300mm.
The properties have several dams and some of them have spring fed dams.

All house designs provided will have water catchment in mind as well.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Sovaka

Originally posted by Sovaka

Project: Kindria

My dream is of a small community of friends and family that hold themselves 100% self sufficient. A community that collects all of its own pure rain water, produces 100% of their own fruit, vegetables, herbs and grains. This community will do everything in its power to be carbon neutral and completely off the grid.
In this ideal community, certain responsibilities will be shared with those who have the skills. If something needs to be done, then everyone pitches in and gets it done quickly and efficiently.
This community also shares a set of beliefs and ideals that will ensure its cohesion and integrity.

First I'll give you a mission statement I learned in the early 70s.


Our Mission is analyze the situation and through foresight and advanced planning, circumvent or avoid problems before they arise.

Should the unexpected occur, our aim is then to swiftly and efficiently arrive at a workable solution.

HOWEVER, when you're up to your ass in Alligators, it's difficult to remember that the essential objective was to drain the swamp.


I've seen this done in Australia and some still stand even today, from the 70s. Contrary to 12Voltz statement...

Originally posted by 12voltz
...There are quite a few of these feral communities already ,with the major downfall being drug problems and laziness.Hope you can do it properly

...I've seen no issues with "drugs" nor especially laziness.

There are many things to consider with "multi-occupancy" land. I've read through your OP twice and rather than take a point by point response, I'll just meander along the basic topic.

The ideals you mentioned are a start but need refinement. Experience usually renders that process! lol... Carbon Neutral sounds so..... ah.... Al Gore / Julia Gillard P R eh? You will find costs involved, such as "power grid hookup" to roads on property and council rules and regs.. all of which "costs" and are time consuming.

Will the project be organic? Certified organic? Has Sewage Sludge ( Biosolids ) been used on the land? Because if they have the land will NEVER be certified... it's compromised for hundreds of years... what's been done before on the land? Which chemicals are on it and what's been possibly buried on it... etc Will the mining / gas companies do fraccing on the land? ( a major issues these days ).. coal seam gas etc..

The idea of small families and young not over 65 is nonsense... You might consider reviewing that protocol. I know many ( especially rural ) elders that do more and better work than younger people. Families can support themselves... a garden on any families plot can feed a huge familly AND probably every other family involved... The size shouldn't be an issue.

When you buy, the land either is on the grid or can be hooked up.. I would suggest never pay the huge amount to hook up to it, as the cost of it can establish brilliant "alternative energy" models. For example from Rainbow in NSW, who have long been in the biz.

As for the idea cats kill all the birds... that is Aussie nonsense.. I remember that one. It was someone who extrapolated from a cat who had a lot of birds in it's stomach... He added up possible feral cats and attributed all such imaginary numbers to all possible feral cats to a huge nonsense number of affected 'wildlife".. it was and is the most shoddy logic.

What about rats? Going to use bait? DON'T!!!!!! have cats man... not only can kittens be trained to not eat birds ( with a water pistol and squirt ) when they are young and eying birds!, but they can be be great rat hunters.

I remember a documentary on such a multi-occupancy project on SBS or ABC.... Turns out these people had a rule that Bush Turkeys couldn't be messed with at all.. and it was a huge problem as the bush turkeys beat all ways and means to net or protect and garden.... it was outright ignorance and OUTRIGHT stupid! Aussie forefathers would have hung their heads in shame with such eejits.

Don't sweat the "no health issues" restrictions man... There are people who can't live near EMR ( electro-magnetic radiations ) etc.. they want a pure system lifestyle etc... And dis-ease and illness is part of life... anyone involved can get so... including you. Have mercy NOT sacrifice?

The loving rural / country living is nice lol... Do you? I can introduce you to people in their 70s that can show you how to live that way... as they DO LIVE THAT WAY, and I would bet do more work then most people. Want to be carbon neutral/ How about being environmentally minded instead? No chemicals.. and I mean in construction and products brought in and food even.... hell man! Australia made it law to buy "Fluro" light bulbs with the mercury in them... that is NOT environmentally funny man.. in fact it is as corrupt and sick a "Green" regulation as you can get. So learn about the REAL environmental concerns of old.. NOT the green party vague shallow environmental crap.. and certainly not the GOVERNMENT GREEN bull.... The government pushes sewage waste as GREEN and beneficial!

Choose where you will stand in this project of yours... Because you will find the councils are NOT on board with your growing ideals. You need reconsider many of your ideas here man... the IDEALS are cool... and people can have ONE and the SAME IDEALS.. but what of the ideas that point and work towards such ideals? The ideals can be one, but the IDEAS are as varied as each person is. People will learn one way or another to NOT be so restrictive and Ruling in such projects... That's what I've found was many an issue in such groups... the POLITICS and personal issues of people who have little talent ( or ability to learn quick enough )... people that have little talent for moderation or basic things like working together... Yes I'm sure it'll all be fine if they all WORK with you... but I'm speaking of YOU working with others... as in this is how you do it... This is how it's done.. and believe me ( if you will )... such things are NOT made by you, nor me... they have a life of their own... almost like magic, because of the likeminded-ness and ideals of all... and remember the ideas that work with these ideals are as varied as each individual....

Roto-loo's are cool things... but NO chemicals or dioxin laced "white" toilet paper etc... All such things can get minute and intricate... but are basic for many a "Hippie" that never had laziness or drug "problems" ... though have often got the P R crap from people calling hippies this that or the other....

It's all about love of course... and Love can certainly be 7 people in a family... rather then the Chinese / Eugenics 4 people only nonsense!

As far as the type and models of constructions and dwellings etc... look into ROGER DEAN HOUSES.... most excellent stuff... great ideas for decades now... I know some of us have a lot of experience and have been through these things before... but I can say to you... you can do this. But I can also say it will be very different to what you are thinking now and most the "work" will be choosing and changing your ideas and ideals... as in hey man! This is how you do it! This is how it's done!

Good Luck man! There's much more.. but even as you said... that's for another thread / phase....

Again.. Good Luck!


Post Scripture: almost forgot! There's an Aussie invention this guy came up with and has developed.. it's called "Biocube" and is very much worth looking up.... That will give your "family" a work that should help the whole ideal endeavor in very practical ways.... Especially if you can swing the 150,000 to buy one.... and grow oil-crops... and NOT Genetically Modified Canola!

edit on 2011/8/2 by Serafine because: spellin'

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Serafine

There is so much that I didn't convey in my OP because I didn't deem it necessary.

A lot of what you have said is basically my line of thinking except for a couple components.
I'd really love to talk to you in real time if you don't mind.

Send me a PM with IM details as I would love to pick your brain

The only things I would like to raise in response to your post is that these limitations I have listed are only in place for the very first wave of people.
As I want to ensure the strongest possible chance of survival for the community.
Same with the limitation of family sizes... So that we don't struggle with food production or storage.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Sovaka
reply to post by superman2012

So you didn't fit into the initial limiting criteria and thought it was worth replying to the thread?

Good stuff.

Thought it was obvious that I didn't fit in when I stated that...but alright, I was just seeing if you had any give in your criteria. Guess you don't. As a side note, a very serious good luck to all that decide to throw their beans in with this person.

As an afterthought, I was kind of hoping that you would have asked, " why? what can you bring to the table that would help me?" but, narrow thinking never got anyone anywhere did it?
edit on 2-8-2011 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by superman2012

There are reasons why there are limitations to begin with.
Trying to keep initial numbers down.

That isn't to say that a family of 5 wouldn't be of benefit if there were a couple singular people wanting to get involved or only just couples for example.
However, if the majority of interest was coming from 5 person families, then I feel there would be too many people to sustain from the very outset.

Again, that is still based on the property of choice and how much it costs.
If the property is $200,000AUD, then that is 20 members.

Can you see how the numbers of people can get quite large?

Again, this was a thread seeking interest on such a project.
As stated that if the member number wasn't met, then it would be a decision based on majority vote of whether or not to find more members, or to continue on but have the member fee increase.

So yes there is some give to the limitations.

However your first post didn't provide much more than a sarcastic remark on you having to choose between your wife or one of your children ;\

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:23 AM
You had me.

Untill i read the part that said no cats :|

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